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The Gravest Threat to World Peace

There is a reason why Chomsky is a boorish ass; episodes of stupidity such as you posted.

What Chomsky conveniently chooses not to address is the dangerous mindset of the Iranian Mullocrats with regard to their the view of a cataclysmic Endtimes envisioned within the shia version of islam. The pre-fab “president” of Iran, Ahmadinijad, has a belief he is responsible for assisting shia islams mahdi in bringing forth those Endtmes.

History is replete with various Endtimers to include Jim Jones, Marshall Applewhite and others. Those religious fanatics had varying interpretations of the Endtimes. The damage to humanity that they could inflict was limited. It's a very different case with islamist ideologues who have a vision of the Endtimes which implementation can be assisted by nuclear weapons.

I have no desire to see a war started (by the Iranians), as fulfillment of some lurid religious fantasy regarding the return of a mythical figure.

Iran leader's U.N. finale reveals apocalyptic view

Ahmadinejad evokes return of messianic Islamic 'madhi'

Read more: Iran leader's U.N. finale reveals apocalyptic view Iran leader’s U.N. finale reveals apocalyptic view

Ahmadinejad is on record as stating he believes he is to have a personal role in ushering in the age of the Mahdi. In a Nov. 16, 2005, speech in Tehran, he said he sees his main mission in life as to "pave the path for the glorious reappearance of Imam Mahdi, may Allah hasten his reappearance."

Please feel free to email your pal Chomsky and tell him I said he's an asshole.

Iran hasn't attacked another country in over 200 years.

Anyone who can't see this is the same bullshit rhetoric that was spewed leading up to the Iraq war 10 years ago, is one dumbass American.

They have by proxy. "A supply line of rockets from Iran that have for the first time given Hamas the ability to strike as far as Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. The rockets are assembled locally after being shipped from Iran to Sudan, trucked across the desert through Egypt, broken down into parts and moved through Sinai tunnels into Gaza, according to senior Israeli security officials. The smuggling route involves salaried employees from Hamas along the way, Iranian technical experts traveling on forged passports and government approval in Sudan"


Very true and let us not forget that the trade between Iran and Sudan has been oil for weapons, similar set up with Russian scientists assisting in the repair of the nuclear reactor in Bushehr which happened during the Iran - Iraq war. (reported cost - 10 billion dollars ) Remember the oil embaro of the 70's and OPEC blackmailing the world into putting boycott on Israel? That all came out of a meeting called by Iran. That was the first official "57 Islamic nation pow wow" although they are now holding them over in Malaysia for obvious reasons. The birthplace of the terrorist group Nasrallah heads up ( Hezbollah ) is Iran. It all started there which is why Iran has so much in Syria ( their ally ) and is getting backup from Russia at the UN table concerning how that all goes down.

Not to mention the Grand Design Treaty Russia and Iran have concerning America. Try finding that Treaty on Google! It has all been erased! Neverthless it exists to this very day. It guarantees that if America attacks Iran Russia will in turn strike America. So Iran is terrorist headquarters international truth be known. Of course they hold their 57 islamic nations meetings in Malaysia to hide that fact but Iran has always been the one behind all of this and anyone who doesn't believe so doesn't understand how these folks operate. They are using the Philipines for headquarters to Al Qaeda but they too are tied into Malaysia which is tied back to Iran. It always goes back to Iran.

- Jeremiah
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They have by proxy. "A supply line of rockets from Iran that have for the first time given Hamas the ability to strike as far as Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. The rockets are assembled locally after being shipped from Iran to Sudan, trucked across the desert through Egypt, broken down into parts and moved through Sinai tunnels into Gaza, according to senior Israeli security officials. The smuggling route involves salaried employees from Hamas along the way, Iranian technical experts traveling on forged passports and government approval in Sudan"

Gazan's don't have a right to defend themselves?

You usually need weapons for that.
They have by proxy. "A supply line of rockets from Iran that have for the first time given Hamas the ability to strike as far as Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. The rockets are assembled locally after being shipped from Iran to Sudan, trucked across the desert through Egypt, broken down into parts and moved through Sinai tunnels into Gaza, according to senior Israeli security officials. The smuggling route involves salaried employees from Hamas along the way, Iranian technical experts traveling on forged passports and government approval in Sudan"

Gazan's don't have a right to defend themselves?

You usually need weapons for that.

They are using their missiles to attack civilians while using their own civilians as human shields.
They have by proxy. "A supply line of rockets from Iran that have for the first time given Hamas the ability to strike as far as Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. The rockets are assembled locally after being shipped from Iran to Sudan, trucked across the desert through Egypt, broken down into parts and moved through Sinai tunnels into Gaza, according to senior Israeli security officials. The smuggling route involves salaried employees from Hamas along the way, Iranian technical experts traveling on forged passports and government approval in Sudan"

Gazan's don't have a right to defend themselves?

You usually need weapons for that.

Defend themselves from what ? the existence of people who do not lick the filth of islam?
or wish to tolerate the muslimah whores with the bombs on their stinking worn out
OVER USED asses? Everyone has rights and the right to EQUITY---Muslims
are ENTITLED to the same rights in India that Hindus have in the shariah cesspit
Saudi arabia and muslims are also entitled in Israel to have the
same rights jews have in the shariah cesspits of the rapist pig of arabia
As to THROAT SLITTING-----muslims owe the non muslim world several
MILLION throats
They are using their missiles to attack civilians while using their own civilians as human shields.
Their missles are indescriminate weapons, they have no control where they land. And there is no proof they've used human shields. But there is a lot of evidence of the IDF using Palestinian's as human shields.

They're called "johnnies".
Defend themselves from what ? the existence of people who do not lick the filth of islam?
or wish to tolerate the muslimah whores with the bombs on their stinking worn out
OVER USED asses? Everyone has rights and the right to EQUITY---Muslims
are ENTITLED to the same rights in India that Hindus have in the shariah cesspit
Saudi arabia and muslims are also entitled in Israel to have the
same rights jews have in the shariah cesspits of the rapist pig of arabia
As to THROAT SLITTING-----muslims owe the non muslim world several
MILLION throats
Defend themselves from the belligerent occupation of their land by the Israeli's, defend themselves from Israeli air strikes and commando raids, drone attacks, having their fishermen and farmers being shot at on a regular basis, the list is long.
loinboy, et al,

The Gazians have the right to defend themselves. The question is, against what are they defending.

They have by proxy. "A supply line of rockets from Iran that have for the first time given Hamas the ability to strike as far as Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. The rockets are assembled locally after being shipped from Iran to Sudan, trucked across the desert through Egypt, broken down into parts and moved through Sinai tunnels into Gaza, according to senior Israeli security officials. The smuggling route involves salaried employees from Hamas along the way, Iranian technical experts traveling on forged passports and government approval in Sudan"

Gazan's don't have a right to defend themselves?

You usually need weapons for that.
  • What brought the IDF to Gaza?
  • Why was it necessary for the IDF to take any action in Gaza?
  • Was there a threat emanating from Gaza?

Gaza can defend itself, if and when, it can demonstrate that it can live peacefully among other nations, including Israel. If Gaza cannot contain the radical element from within, that represents a deadly threat to Israel, then it is a Gaza that needs constraint by a force that can restrain the radical element.

Gaza needs to concentrate on building a nation, an economy which supports the reincarnation of the infrastructure necessary to bring prosperity. It must do this in cooperation and partnership with Israel. Not as a combat adversary.

Most Respectfully,
  • What brought the IDF to Gaza?
  • Why was it necessary for the IDF to take any action in Gaza?
  • Was there a threat emanating from Gaza?

Gaza can defend itself, if and when, it can demonstrate that it can live peacefully among other nations, including Israel. If Gaza cannot contain the radical element from within, that represents a deadly threat to Israel, then it is a Gaza that needs constraint by a force that can restrain the radical element.

Gaza needs to concentrate on building a nation, an economy which supports the reincarnation of the infrastructure necessary to bring prosperity. It must do this in cooperation and partnership with Israel. Not as a combat adversary.

Most Respectfully,
Gaza can only do what the Israeli's allow them to do. The Israeli's control 80% of what goes in to (and out of) Gaza. You cannot grow an economy when a foreign force has an "economic blockade" of all goods and services going in and out of that area. And how can they have an infrastructure when the Israeli's keep killing their government officials? A debt of Hamas went and installed street lights along a Gaza street and the IDF came in later and shot out all the lamps at the top.

Basically, Israel is trying to make life so unbearable for Palestinian's, that they'll leave the area. Israel is the aggressor, not Gazan's.
They are using their missiles to attack civilians while using their own civilians as human shields.
Their missles are indescriminate weapons, they have no control where they land. And there is no proof they've used human shields. But there is a lot of evidence of the IDF using Palestinian's as human shields.

They're called "johnnies".

The missiles are aimed at civilians, "the Palestinian organizations firing rockets and mortars openly state that one of their aims is to harm Israeli civilians", according to bstelem.
  • What brought the IDF to Gaza?
  • Why was it necessary for the IDF to take any action in Gaza?
  • Was there a threat emanating from Gaza?

Gaza can defend itself, if and when, it can demonstrate that it can live peacefully among other nations, including Israel. If Gaza cannot contain the radical element from within, that represents a deadly threat to Israel, then it is a Gaza that needs constraint by a force that can restrain the radical element.

Gaza needs to concentrate on building a nation, an economy which supports the reincarnation of the infrastructure necessary to bring prosperity. It must do this in cooperation and partnership with Israel. Not as a combat adversary.

Most Respectfully,
Gaza can only do what the Israeli's allow them to do. The Israeli's control 80% of

what goes in to (and out of) Gaza. You cannot grow an economy when a foreign force has an "economic blockade" of all goods and services going in and out of that area. And how can they have an infrastructure when the Israeli's keep killing their government officials? A debt of Hamas went and installed street lights along a Gaza street and the IDF came in later and shot out all the lamps at the top.

Basically, Israel is trying to make life so unbearable for Palestinian's, that they'll leave the area. Israel is the aggressor, not Gazan's.

crotchboy makes a point worth considering The point is its treatment
of the people who now call themselves "palestinians" It is unfair---whereas
and impose a kind of REVERSE SHARIAH ----rendering all muslims in the controlled
areas "DHIMMIS" under the same laws that muslims impose on Non muslims---
I agree with crotch boy----the gazans should be declared DHIMMIS ---as well as the
arab muslims in the west bank and even the arab muslims in Israel and afforded
the SAME rights that DHIMMIS enjoy in classical shariah adherent societies Thus
they will be DELIGHTED and have no reason to go anywhere
The missiles are aimed at civilians, "the Palestinian organizations firing rockets and mortars openly state that one of their aims is to harm Israeli civilians", according to bstelem.
Their rockets cannot be aimed, that's what makes them war crimes.

That is what the human rights groups keep saying, that the rockets are too unsophisticated of weapons to be capable of targeting either civilians or military targets, so they are indiscriminate attacks that violate intl law. So Connery is full of Zionist shit, and lies, as always! He is incapable of speaking truth about anything.
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Is not Iran in spite of what the Wall Street Journal would like you to believe:

"Reporting on the final U.S. presidential campaign debate, on foreign policy, The Wall Street Journal observed that 'the only country mentioned more (than Israel) was Iran, which is seen by most nations in the Middle East as the gravest security threat to the region...'"

"The Journal article, like countless others on Iran, leaves critical questions unanswered, among them: Who exactly sees Iran as the gravest security threat? And what do Arabs (and most of the world) think can be done about the threat, whatever they take it to be?

"The first question is easily answered. The 'Iranian threat' is overwhelmingly a Western obsession, shared by Arab dictators, though not Arab populations.

"As numerous polls have shown, although citizens of Arab countries generally dislike Iran, they do not regard it as a very serious threat. Rather, they perceive the threat to be Israel and the United States; and many, sometimes considerable majorities, regard Iranian nuclear weapons as a counter to these threats.

"In high places in the U.S., some concur with the Arab populations' perception, among them Gen. Lee Butler, former head of the Strategic Command. In 1998 he said, 'It is dangerous in the extreme that in the cauldron of animosities that we call the Middle East,' one nation, Israel, should have a powerful nuclear weapons arsenal, which 'inspires other nations to do so.'"

Noam Chomsky: The Gravest Threat to World Peace

Well we've certainly invaded more countries without a formal declaration of war than any other country.

Let's face it Americans are addicted to war.
What is launched from Gaza is basically home made "bottle rockets" much like those we Americans shoot in the air during the 4th of July celebrations. :cool:

Bottle rockets don't kill people

They have not killed many people.. Are you aware that in the past 5 years Israel has killed over 522 Palestinian children and Hamas has killed 1 Israeli child in that same time period? Those are the facts Zionists would like noone to know about.
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What is launched from Gaza is basically home made "bottle rockets" much like those we Americans shoot in the air during the 4th of July celebrations. :cool:

Bottle rockets don't kill people

They have not killed many people.. Are you aware that in the past 5 years Israel has killed over 522 Palestinian children and Hamas has killed 1 Palestinian child in that same time period? Those are the facts Zionists woulf like noone to know about.

If one of those not many was your wife or kid you might fell differently

I'm not supporting either side here I'm just commenting on the killing. It's about time it stopped don't you think?
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Bottle rockets don't kill people

They have not killed many people.. Are you aware that in the past 5 years Israel has killed over 522 Palestinian children and Hamas has killed 1 Palestinian child in that same time period? Those are the facts Zionists woulf like noone to know about.

If one of those not many was your wife or kid you might fell differently

I'm not supporting either side here I'm just commenting on the killing. It's about time it stopped don't you think?

Of course, I would like it to stop. It would help if my country, the US, would stop sending
Israel the equivalent of millions of dollars every single day to fund the illegal Israeli Occupation of Palestine and its daily crimes against humanity. And I also point out my post you replied to is supposed to say Hamas killed 1 Israeli child in the past 5 years, I edited the post to correct it. Posting from my phone and just making stupid errors I keep having to correct, the screen is too small and its too early in the morning, I guess.
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What is launched from Gaza is basically home made "bottle rockets" much like those we Americans shoot in the air during the 4th of July celebrations. :cool:

Bottle rockets don't kill people
Actually, there are a few accidental deaths from fire works somewhere in the U.S. every 4th of July.

That aside, just "one" guided missile launched from Israel into Gaza has more explosive power than a thousand home made bottle rockets targeting Israel. :cool:
The missiles are aimed at civilians, "the Palestinian organizations firing rockets and mortars openly state that one of their aims is to harm Israeli civilians", according to bstelem.
Their rockets cannot be aimed, that's what makes them war crimes.

That is what the human rights groups keep saying, that the rockets are too unsophisticated of weapons to be capable of targeting either civilians or military targets, so they are indiscriminate attacks that violate intl law. So Connery is full of Zionist shit, and lies, as always! He is incapable of speaking truth about anything.

disgusting jihadist dogs and sluts play word games
they tie bombs 14 year old kids and cry foul
when the kids end up in jail ----"-THEY ARE CHILDREN"

Any launched missile can be AIMED---the baby brain
smashing nail bombs that so entertain the filthy
isa respecting sluts cannot be ACCURATELY AIMED
----they are tossed in the general direction of highly
populated residential areas of Israel for the pleasue
of ULULATING isa respecting sluts who get a thrill
when one blows the brains out of a jewish child. The
sluts then lick the shit off the asses of the persons
who shoot the bombs and cry if the murderers get

more macabre comedy----the murderers REFUSE TO
EAT in an effort to get out of jail free----the whores
weep and wail in ORGIASTIC PIETY -----
"THEY ARE LIKE JESUS" oh gee----poor jesus --
He would probably get nauseated knowing his name
was spoken by SHIT MOUTH SHERRI

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