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The Gravest Threat to World Peace

Quote: Originally Posted by Sunni Man
What is launched from Gaza is basically home made "bottle rockets" much like those we Americans shoot in the air during the 4th of July celebrations.

sunni I am delighted that you would be perfectly willing
to allow kassam rockets to be tossed into places where
all your kith and kin happen to be I would laugh and
and sing "FORTH OF JULY" "sunni likes it too"

Kassam rockets have no actual military value---their
most efficient use is in killing children. The skulls of
children are SOFT --relative to those of adults---they are
not FULLY OSSIFIED until the late teens. The sunnis
use sharp bits of metal ---sometimes even nails --which
the sunnis soak on coumadin --an anti coagulant
easily obtained. The bits of metal easily penetrate
the skulls of chldren and to the delight of the sunnis----
the situation for the kids is generally hopeless----
the brain becomes liquefied The sunnis engage
in this activity for the pleasure of ALLAH who likes
to see children dead in the gutter with their brains
dripping out of a cracked skull like tomato juice

Of all people who SHOULD see all dear to them
in that condition----are those who trivialize nail bombs
They are the MOST disgusting people in the world
Interestingly enough ---lots of sunni children lie dead
from the same kind of bomb ----shiite sluts have
tied them to their whorish shiite asses and used
them to murder sunni children in mosques
Should someone tell the parents of those SUNNI
kids that the bombs were "just toys like fourth
of july bottle rockets"? Another use for the "toys:
that sunnis have found is the murder of hindu children.
Sunnis used them in New Dehli and in Gujarat
fairly recently to murder hindu children for the
entertainment of their sluts and whores at home.

Terrorism experts believe that it only a matter
of time before the nail bomb trivializing
sunnis use them in crowded places in the USA
for the entertainment of their sluts who like
to dance on the dead bodies of children

I have seen the autopsy videos -
may all who trivialize see among the
victims ----their own---up close
What is launched from Gaza is basically home made "bottle rockets" much like those we Americans shoot in the air during the 4th of July celebrations. :cool:

This is the kind of mindless drivel that haunts the wnnabe convert mindset.
The missiles are aimed at civilians, "the Palestinian organizations firing rockets and mortars openly state that one of their aims is to harm Israeli civilians", according to bstelem.
Their rockets cannot be aimed, that's what makes them war crimes.

"Palestinian armed groups in Gaza violated the laws of war during the November 2012 fighting by launching hundreds of rockets toward population centers in Israel", according to Human Rights Watch..

According to bstemel, "the Palestinian organizations firing rockets and mortars openly state that one of their aims is to harm Israeli civilians. Attacks aimed at civilians undermine all principles of morality and law. The intentional killing of civilians is classified as a grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention and therefore a war crime."
^^^^^^ evidence that irosie forgot to take her meds this morning.......... :cuckoo: :lol:

what is the evidence? that I have correctly described the mode of murder YOU
trivialize-----your comment regarding nail bombs which have rendered thousands
of children dead-----in fact more muslim kids than hindus and jews---because they
are also used for that purpose by BOTH shiite and sunni bomb on ass sluts--
in places like Iraq and Pakistan-----is extremely vile

An interesting fact is that the US homeland security is carefully monitoring
all of the elements of the nail bombs because they have been found
in the hands of SUNNIS in the USA ----Did I post something you prefer
to keep secret?
What is launched from Gaza is basically home made "bottle rockets" much like those we Americans shoot in the air during the 4th of July celebrations. :cool:

Bottle rockets don't kill people
Actually, there are a few accidental deaths from fire works somewhere in the U.S. every 4th of July.

That aside, just "one" guided missile launched from Israel into Gaza has more explosive power than a thousand home made bottle rockets targeting Israel. :cool:

That is more wannabe claptrap.
"Palestinian armed groups in Gaza violated the laws of war during the November 2012 fighting by launching hundreds of rockets toward population centers in Israel", according to Human Rights Watch..

According to bstemel, "the Palestinian organizations firing rockets and mortars openly state that one of their aims is to harm Israeli civilians. Attacks aimed at civilians undermine all principles of morality and law. The intentional killing of civilians is classified as a grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention and therefore a war crime."
That is absolutely true.

What is also true, is the Israeli's are not without sin themselves and have violated the laws of war, as well. Both sides are guilty of this.
I am amazed at how posters justify and normalize the insane actions of their terrorist heroes, even if it costs the lives of the terrorists own children and civilians.

Chomsky and his support of terrorism heads the list.
"Palestinian armed groups in Gaza violated the laws of war during the November 2012 fighting by launching hundreds of rockets toward population centers in Israel", according to Human Rights Watch..

According to bstemel, "the Palestinian organizations firing rockets and mortars openly state that one of their aims is to harm Israeli civilians. Attacks aimed at civilians undermine all principles of morality and law. The intentional killing of civilians is classified as a grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention and therefore a war crime."
That is absolutely true.

What is also true, is the Israeli's are not without sin themselves and have violated the laws of war, as well. Both sides are guilty of this.

It would be nice if you start using reference material.
"Palestinian armed groups in Gaza violated the laws of war during the November 2012 fighting by launching hundreds of rockets toward population centers in Israel", according to Human Rights Watch..

According to bstemel, "the Palestinian organizations firing rockets and mortars openly state that one of their aims is to harm Israeli civilians. Attacks aimed at civilians undermine all principles of morality and law. The intentional killing of civilians is classified as a grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention and therefore a war crime."
That is absolutely true.

What is also true, is the Israeli's are not without sin themselves and have violated the laws of war, as well. Both sides are guilty of this.

Nobody is "without sin" in a war-----however a very important element
of evaluation of crime is INTENT. Decisions and actions in THE HEAT
of BATTLE ----and even by persons ---who by nature of simply being an
average person who happens to be an inductee----cannot be compared
to ONGOING POLICY-----Terrorism is so much a policy of the
UMMAH that its top religious organizations of scholars
have endorsed it. Decades ago Al Azhar scholars ----the recognized
authorities in koranic law for sunnis world wide----declared ---the killing
of any Israel at any time of any age or gender is legal to muslims---more
recently the geniuses of Al Azhar---have extended that edict to "all jews"
For the record----the person SHAYKH ABDEL RAHMAN---who Morsi of Egypt
now demands be released from Prison----was a TOP TOP koranic scholar
professor at Al Azhar before he came to the USA. He bombed
the World Trade Center in 1993 ---murdering seven americans and injuring
hundreds ----I have no doubt that the same slut who cries for a terrorist
who refuses to eat would support that release demand. I am surprised
that you consider nail bombings a crime-----when so many of your
collleagues defend them as "harmless" despite the thousands
of children who benefited from their "harmlessness" with a youthful
death----or in lesser cases a life in a wheel chair.
Nobody is "without sin" in a war-----
This isn't a war! A war infers to opposing army's of reletively equal strength doing battle. That's not what we have here. This is a belligerent occupation by the most militaristic country on the planet, over a population of people that are not even allowed to have weapons to defend themselves.
The missiles are aimed at civilians, "the Palestinian organizations firing rockets and mortars openly state that one of their aims is to harm Israeli civilians", according to bstelem.
Their rockets cannot be aimed, that's what makes them war crimes.
"I shot a missile into the air;
And where it fell................"

Stupid thing to do.
What is launched from Gaza is basically home made "bottle rockets" much like those we Americans shoot in the air during the 4th of July celebrations. :cool:

Bottle rockets don't kill people
Actually, there are a few accidental deaths from fire works somewhere in the U.S. every 4th of July.

That aside, just "one" guided missile launched from Israel into Gaza has more explosive power than a thousand home made bottle rockets targeting Israel. :cool:
Rules For Retaliation

1. A head for an eye.

2. See rule #1

So, go ahead with the "bottle rockets."
Nobody is "without sin" in a war-----
This isn't a war! A war infers to opposing army's of reletively equal strength doing battle. That's not what we have here. This is a belligerent occupation by the most militaristic country on the planet, over a population of people that are not even allowed to have weapons to defend themselves.

Hamas says now in 'open war' with Israel, promises 'gates of hell'

Hamas says now in 'open war' with Israel, promises 'gates of hell' — RT

You might want to consider applying for the position of Field Marshall General / Fuehrer of the Hamas army.
Nobody is "without sin" in a war-----
This isn't a war! A war infers to opposing army's of reletively equal strength doing battle. That's not what we have here. This is a belligerent occupation by the most militaristic country on the planet, over a population of people that are not even allowed to have weapons to defend themselves.

Hamas says now in 'open war' with Israel, promises 'gates of hell'

Hamas says now in 'open war' with Israel, promises 'gates of hell' — RT

You might want to consider applying for the position of Field Marshall General / Fuehrer of the Hamas army.

lol, Do you believe in the tooth fairy today just because your mommy told you once she existed?
It would be nice if you start using reference material.
Okay, everything starts from the "occupation" and Israel's responsibilities as the "occupying power"....

Occupation law - as a branch of IHL - regulates the partial or total occupation of a territory by a hostile army. Provisions regulating occupation can be found in The Hague Regulations of 1907, the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 and Additional Protocol I of 1977.

Under occupation law, the occupying power does not acquire sovereignty over the occupied territory and is required to respect the existing laws and institutions of the occupied territory as far as possible. It is presumed that occupation will be temporary and that the occupying power shall preserve the status quo ante in the occupied territory.
In regards to Gaza, the "occupation" still exists because Israel retains "effective control" of that area due to their economic blockade...

The laws of occupation apply if a state has "effective control" over the territory in question. The High Court has held contrary to Israel 's claim, stating that the creation and continuation of an occupation does not depend on the existence of an institution administering the lives of the local population, but only on the extent of its military control in the area. Furthermore, a certain area may be deemed occupied even if the army does not have a fixed presence throughout the whole area. Leading experts in humanitarian law maintain that effective control may also exist when the army controls key points in a particular area, reflecting its power over the entire area and preventing an alternative central government from formulating and carrying out its powers. The broad scope of Israeli control in the Gaza Strip, which exists despite the lack of a physical presence of IDF soldiers in the territory, creates a reasonable basis for the assumption that this control amounts to "effective control," such that the laws of occupation continue to apply.
Civilians living under the belligerent occupation of a foreign power are "protected persons" and are not to be treated as military targets. Israel is obligated to protect and maintain civilian infrastructure within the territories it occupy's. But it's done just the opposite. The Gaza seige punishes the entire population of 1.5 million people.

Restrictions on food supplies

Since the beginning of the siege, in 2007, Israel has prohibited the entry of many basic foodstuffs into the strip, according to a list that changes from time to time. The ease in restrictions announced in July 2010 applies mostly to household goods. Therefore, Gazan markets now offer a much greater variety of products, yet these are unattainable for many families due to the high poverty rate.

No-go zones – agriculture and fishing

Israel permits Gazan fishermen to reach only up to a certain distance from the shoreline. As part of the siege, it has reduced this distance from twelve nautical miles to a mere three, denying fishermen access to the richest fishing areas. This restriction impairs the ability of thousands of persons who depend on the fishing industry to gain a livelihood, as well as denying Gazans a vital food source.

In addition, in May 2009, the army expanded the no-go zone along the Israel-Gaza border that Palestinians cannot enter. The zone was set at 150 meters after Israel’s 2005 disengagement from Gaza, and is now more than 300 meters wide. This causes further harm to Gazan farmers, who comprise about a quarter of the strip’s population, as some 35 percent of the strip’s farming land is located in areas close to the border.
That no-go zone is on the Palestinian side of the fence where Israel has no legal jurisdiction. As for protecting civilian infrastructure....

Operation Cast Lead

In Operation Cast Lead (27 December 2008 to 18 January 2009), Israel not only killed and wounded thousands of persons but also caused extensive damage to homes, to factories and to agricultural structures, as well as to the electricity, sanitation, water, and health infrastructures in the strip, which were already on the verge of collapse due to the siege. During the operation, only 25 percent of the electricity demand was met. Half a million residents did not receive running water, and sewage flowed in the streets.
As for "johnnies"....

Testimony 1 – Human Shield

People are called “Johnnie. They’re Palestinian civilians” in Gaza neighborhoods. In checking out houses, “we send the neighbor in, the ‘Johnnie,’ and if there are armed men inside, we (use) ‘pressure cooker’ procedures….to get them out alive….to catch the armed men.” When necessary, combat helicopters are called in to fire anti-tank missiles at civilian homes. Then send a “Johnnie” in to check for dead and wounded.

Human shields were also used to check for booby-traps and perform other services. “Sometimes the force would enter while placing rifle barrels on a civilian’s shoulder, advancing into the house and using him as a human shield. Commanders said these were the instructions and we had to do it.”
How's that for referenced material?
This isn't a war! A war infers to opposing army's of reletively equal strength doing battle. That's not what we have here. This is a belligerent occupation by the most militaristic country on the planet, over a population of people that are not even allowed to have weapons to defend themselves.

Hamas says now in 'open war' with Israel, promises 'gates of hell'

Hamas says now in 'open war' with Israel, promises 'gates of hell' — RT

You might want to consider applying for the position of Field Marshall General / Fuehrer of the Hamas army.

lol, Do you believe in the tooth fairy today just because your mommy told you once she existed?

lol, do you believe your mindless prattle?
Hamas says now in 'open war' with Israel, promises 'gates of hell'

Hamas says now in 'open war' with Israel, promises 'gates of hell' — RT

You might want to consider applying for the position of Field Marshall General / Fuehrer of the Hamas army.
But when Hamas say's it will accept a two-state solution on the basis of the '67 borders, you automatically dismiss it as bullshit.

It seems that you only accept Hamas statements when they fit your agenda and argument.

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