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The Gravest Threat to World Peace

The illegal rouge state of Israel is the most aggressive and destabilizing nation is the middle east.

It is terrorist state ruled by zionist psychopaths with a racist apartheid agenda.

And populated by 7 million people suffering from stockholm syndrome induced by obedience to their former Nazi masters/mentors. :cool:

I think Sunni Man's avatar clearly shows that he wants to make the United States a Muslim country. :mad:

And he calls *US* psychopaths...:lol:

Even worse----he accused Israel of being a

keep in mind---using rouge is immoral
if you are a QUAKER I never use
rouge---I am a natural blusher but
skipped "hot-flashes"
Jeremiah...with all due respect, has it ever occurred to you that your "One True God" is simply another lie the rich tell?

That the moon god you are bowing down to and praying to 5 times a day is nothing more than a mere dead rock? Seriously science could have taught you people a thing or two.

For instance that the moon has no light of its own. It must have the reflection of the "sun" to have any light at all!

In the Book of the One True God ( yes, the bible, George ) The moon is a depiction of the church reflecting the glorious light of Jesus Christ, The Son of God. Wouldn't it be funny for you and your moon god worshiping brethren to learn at the end of the age you were bowing down to the Son of God & His Bride afterall? Seriously. Some things happening upon this earth are just downright "prophetic"!

The moon is real.
Jesus is a myth.

"Part I questions religions as being god-given stories, arguing that the Christian religion specifically is mainly derived from other religions, astronomical assertions, astrological myths and traditions, which in turn were derived from or shared elements with other traditions.

"In furtherance of the Jesus myth hypothesis this part argues that the historical Jesus is a literary and astrological hybrid, nurtured politically."

Zeitgeist: The Movie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Take you own advice by answering this question:

Which country has maimed, murdered, displaced, and incarcerated millions of innocent Muslims in the last twenty years?

" Innocent Muslims?" lol The ones who want to see Israel destroyed and do not believe they should exist? Take your advice by answering this question; Looking back at the Anti Semitism of MUSLIMS towards Jews ( Centuries before 1948) how long has that been going on? :D
The innocent Muslims I'm referring to lived in Afghanistan and Iraq prior to the arrival of thousands of US troops. Those troops facilitated the murder, maiming, displacement, and incarceration of millions of innocent Muslims who couldn't find New York or Jerusalem on the closest map.

Are you Proud of the war crimes committed by US troops in the Middle East during the 21st Century, Vet?
Take you own advice by answering this question:

Which country has maimed, murdered, displaced, and incarcerated millions of innocent Muslims in the last twenty years?

" Innocent Muslims?" lol The ones who want to see Israel destroyed and do not believe they should exist? Take your advice by answering this question; Looking back at the Anti Semitism of MUSLIMS towards Jews ( Centuries before 1948) how long has that been going on? :D

Islamo nazis make their points by IMPOSING INCREASINGLY TIGHT
PARAMETERS ----on the scope of the discussion ----CUSTOM MADE
PARAMETERS FOR THE ISLAMO NAZI CAUSE ----in all dimensions ---
time, place and person etc etc NOW JUST ANSWER THE
Welcome to the revolution, rosie!

"In November, the ACLU and other organizations sent a letter to President Obama urging him to veto the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) if it impedes the closing of Guantánamo Bay prison by extending restrictions on transferring detainees from the facility.

"The current transfer restrictions are due to expire on March 27, 2013, but the pending NDAA bills in Congress would extend them until September 30, 2013.

"The letter tells the president that if the restrictions are extended, 'the prospects for Guantánamo being closed during your presidency will be severely diminished, if not gone altogether.' You can read the full letter here"

NDAA | American Civil Liberties Union
You're quite the apologist for those poor, oppressed arabs who had to endure "all them-there Jooooos" being imposed upon "moslem lands".

What you're not going to address, of course, was the interruption of the arab/moslem pogrom taking place that is ridding infidels from the islamist Middle East.

I always find claims such as yours to be hypocritical. On the issue of human rights, Israel has a far better record than any moslem Arab state. It's a simple matter to compare the realities of anti-Semitic and anti-Christian and anti-non-Muslim oppression within arab / moslem nations vs. Israel and Western nations simply because of the success of ethnic and minority religious cleansing within the moslem / Arab world. While Israeli Arabs have, per capita, one of the highest living standards among all moslems worldwide and their population in Israel is growing, the Jews (and Christians) of the moslem world are comparatively poor, marginalized, and will die out within the next half-century. The moslem majority nations will ultimately achieve what Hitler never did, their nations will be Judenrein (rid of Jews).
Currently there are about an equal number of Jews and Arabs living between the Jordan and the sea.
Jews seem to prefer keeping a boot firmly planted on the Arab majority's neck.
Is that another example of Israel's commitment to human rights or just another kosher result of "creeping annexation" and humanitarian transfer policies?
Maybe two wrongs make a right on your block but not on mine.

There is only one group that is wrong and that is the Arab group! Do not accuse the Jews to justify the CRIMES of your own people! That dog won't hunt around here! - Jeremiah
Free dogs hunt wherever they want.
Stop thinking like a slave.

In Mandate Palestine of 1948, 650,000 Jews inflicted a Jewish state by force of arms upon a Palestinians population of nearly 2,000,000 citizens.

That was wrong at the time, and it's still wrong today.
Dead wrong.
Is not Iran in spite of what the Wall Street Journal would like you to believe:

"Reporting on the final U.S. presidential campaign debate, on foreign policy, The Wall Street Journal observed that 'the only country mentioned more (than Israel) was Iran, which is seen by most nations in the Middle East as the gravest security threat to the region...'"

"The Journal article, like countless others on Iran, leaves critical questions unanswered, among them: Who exactly sees Iran as the gravest security threat? And what do Arabs (and most of the world) think can be done about the threat, whatever they take it to be?

"The first question is easily answered. The 'Iranian threat' is overwhelmingly a Western obsession, shared by Arab dictators, though not Arab populations.

"As numerous polls have shown, although citizens of Arab countries generally dislike Iran, they do not regard it as a very serious threat. Rather, they perceive the threat to be Israel and the United States; and many, sometimes considerable majorities, regard Iranian nuclear weapons as a counter to these threats.

"In high places in the U.S., some concur with the Arab populations' perception, among them Gen. Lee Butler, former head of the Strategic Command. In 1998 he said, 'It is dangerous in the extreme that in the cauldron of animosities that we call the Middle East,' one nation, Israel, should have a powerful nuclear weapons arsenal, which 'inspires other nations to do so.'"

Noam Chomsky: The Gravest Threat to World Peace

Well we've certainly invaded more countries without a formal declaration of war than any other country.

Let's face it Americans are addicted to war.
According to one account I've read, 20% of the dollars in circulation in some congressional districts come directly from "defense" spending. I've personally witnessed the destruction of one local economy when a large USAF closed during our "peace dividend."

If this economy CRASHES loudly enough to focus US attention spans the same way 911 did and the Pentagon can no longer borrow enough money to kill Muslims in Afghanistan, look for US drones over Mexico, killing thousands of Americans every year for Wall Street.
The illegal rouge state of Israel is the most aggressive and destabilizing nation is the middle east.

It is terrorist state ruled by zionist psychopaths with a racist apartheid agenda.

And populated by 7 million people suffering from stockholm syndrome induced by obedience to their former Nazi masters/mentors. :cool:

I think Sunni Man's avatar clearly shows that he wants to make the United States a Muslim country. :mad:

It's because he thinks that sharia is cool, because he's never actually lived under sharia, just like the fake carpet kisser that he is.
Sunni thinks Islam is so great that he doesn't even have a beard... or real teeth. :lol:
Is not Iran in spite of what the Wall Street Journal would like you to believe:

"Reporting on the final U.S. presidential campaign debate, on foreign policy, The Wall Street Journal observed that 'the only country mentioned more (than Israel) was Iran, which is seen by most nations in the Middle East as the gravest security threat to the region...'"

"The Journal article, like countless others on Iran, leaves critical questions unanswered, among them: Who exactly sees Iran as the gravest security threat? And what do Arabs (and most of the world) think can be done about the threat, whatever they take it to be?

"The first question is easily answered. The 'Iranian threat' is overwhelmingly a Western obsession, shared by Arab dictators, though not Arab populations.

"As numerous polls have shown, although citizens of Arab countries generally dislike Iran, they do not regard it as a very serious threat. Rather, they perceive the threat to be Israel and the United States; and many, sometimes considerable majorities, regard Iranian nuclear weapons as a counter to these threats.

"In high places in the U.S., some concur with the Arab populations' perception, among them Gen. Lee Butler, former head of the Strategic Command. In 1998 he said, 'It is dangerous in the extreme that in the cauldron of animosities that we call the Middle East,' one nation, Israel, should have a powerful nuclear weapons arsenal, which 'inspires other nations to do so.'"

Noam Chomsky: The Gravest Threat to World Peace

Well we've certainly invaded more countries without a formal declaration of war than any other country.

Let's face it Americans are addicted to war.
According to one account I've read, 20% of the dollars in circulation in some congressional districts come directly from "defense" spending. I've personally witnessed the destruction of one local economy when a large USAF closed during our "peace dividend."

If this economy CRASHES loudly enough to focus US attention spans the same way 911 did and the Pentagon can no longer borrow enough money to kill Muslims in Afghanistan, look for US drones over Mexico, killing thousands of Americans every year for Wall Street.
We are gearing up to leave Afghanistan, Georgie Boy, and I can just imagine what will happen to so many innocent people who live there, especially the women. You really are not interested in them; you just hate this country even though you had an opportunity to better yourself. All you want to do is bash America. Just look at your ridiculous statement that we are going to have drones over Mexico, thus killing thousands of Americans. It's a shame that you didn't join the Peace Corps and see how unfortunate people live around the world. Perhaps then you would appreciate this country.
"According to a previously undisclosed agreement between President Barack Obama and his Mexican counterpart, Felipe Calderon, the Pentagon is authorized to fly unmanned surveillance flights over Mexico, a big expansion of U.S.-Mexico information-sharing on counternarcotics.

"One of the drones used for the mission is the Air Force’s Global Hawk, reports The New York Times. The drone soars at up to 60,000 feet with a multitude of sensors. (Calm down, it’s unarmed.)"

If you're ignorant enough to believe US elites won't kill Mexicans for money at least as efficiently as Muslims, you probably haven't a clue about the number of US women raped while serving in their military.

Or maybe "you are not really interested in them?"

U.S. Drones Are Now Sniffing Mexican Drugs | Danger Room | Wired.com
"According to a previously undisclosed agreement between President Barack Obama and his Mexican counterpart, Felipe Calderon, the Pentagon is authorized to fly unmanned surveillance flights over Mexico, a big expansion of U.S.-Mexico information-sharing on counternarcotics.

"One of the drones used for the mission is the Air Force’s Global Hawk, reports The New York Times. The drone soars at up to 60,000 feet with a multitude of sensors. (Calm down, it’s unarmed.)"

If you're ignorant enough to believe US elites won't kill Mexicans for money at least as efficiently as Muslims, you probably haven't a clue about the number of US women raped while serving in their military.

Or maybe "you are not really interested in them?"

U.S. Drones Are Now Sniffing Mexican Drugs | Danger Room | Wired.com

a normal person would know that jihadis are the greatest threat to world peace and have been for a decade.

but you're not normal.
And populated by 7 million people suffering from stockholm syndrome induced by obedience to their former Nazi masters/mentors. :cool:

I think Sunni Man's avatar clearly shows that he wants to make the United States a Muslim country. :mad:

Sunni is demonstrating that he is a well educated muslim----just parroted
one of those ASS UP SALAT things ---there are lots of them and
he is doing well with memorizing the crap

Sunni your handlers misinformed regarding Israeli past trauma ---
in fact very few Israelis are suvivors of your uncle Adolf abu ali---
a far larger number are suffering from a family legacy of having
endured the SHIT OF SHARIAH for centuries The shit of
Shariah does have a far more profound effect
There is a reason why Chomsky is a boorish ass; episodes of stupidity such as you posted.

What Chomsky conveniently chooses not to address is the dangerous mindset of the Iranian Mullocrats with regard to their the view of a cataclysmic Endtimes envisioned within the shia version of islam. The pre-fab “president” of Iran, Ahmadinijad, has a belief he is responsible for assisting shia islams mahdi in bringing forth those Endtmes.

History is replete with various Endtimers to include Jim Jones, Marshall Applewhite and others. Those religious fanatics had varying interpretations of the Endtimes. The damage to humanity that they could inflict was limited. It's a very different case with islamist ideologues who have a vision of the Endtimes which implementation can be assisted by nuclear weapons.

I have no desire to see a war started (by the Iranians), as fulfillment of some lurid religious fantasy regarding the return of a mythical figure.

Iran leader's U.N. finale reveals apocalyptic view

Ahmadinejad evokes return of messianic Islamic 'madhi'

Read more: Iran leader's U.N. finale reveals apocalyptic view Iran leader’s U.N. finale reveals apocalyptic view

Ahmadinejad is on record as stating he believes he is to have a personal role in ushering in the age of the Mahdi. In a Nov. 16, 2005, speech in Tehran, he said he sees his main mission in life as to "pave the path for the glorious reappearance of Imam Mahdi, may Allah hasten his reappearance."

Please feel free to email your pal Chomsky and tell him I said he's an asshole.

Iran hasn't attacked another country in over 200 years.

Anyone who can't see this is the same bullshit rhetoric that was spewed leading up to the Iraq war 10 years ago, is one dumbass American.

Iran's war with Iraq caused over a million deaths.

Well we've certainly invaded more countries without a formal declaration of war than any other country.

Let's face it Americans are addicted to war.
According to one account I've read, 20% of the dollars in circulation in some congressional districts come directly from "defense" spending. I've personally witnessed the destruction of one local economy when a large USAF closed during our "peace dividend."

If this economy CRASHES loudly enough to focus US attention spans the same way 911 did and the Pentagon can no longer borrow enough money to kill Muslims in Afghanistan, look for US drones over Mexico, killing thousands of Americans every year for Wall Street.
We are gearing up to leave Afghanistan, Georgie Boy, and I can just imagine what will happen to so many innocent people who live there, especially the women. You really are not interested in them; you just hate this country even though you had an opportunity to better yourself. All you want to do is bash America. Just look at your ridiculous statement that we are going to have drones over Mexico, thus killing thousands of Americans. It's a shame that you didn't join the Peace Corps and see how unfortunate people live around the world. Perhaps then you would appreciate this country.

It's a shame that you didn't join the Peace Corps and see how unfortunate people live around the world.

It is interesting that a people can live in a place for thousands of years without assistance.

Enter foreigners.

The next thing you see is food aid.
"According to a previously undisclosed agreement between President Barack Obama and his Mexican counterpart, Felipe Calderon, the Pentagon is authorized to fly unmanned surveillance flights over Mexico, a big expansion of U.S.-Mexico information-sharing on counternarcotics.

"One of the drones used for the mission is the Air Force’s Global Hawk, reports The New York Times. The drone soars at up to 60,000 feet with a multitude of sensors. (Calm down, it’s unarmed.)"

If you're ignorant enough to believe US elites won't kill Mexicans for money at least as efficiently as Muslims, you probably haven't a clue about the number of US women raped while serving in their military.

Or maybe "you are not really interested in them?"

U.S. Drones Are Now Sniffing Mexican Drugs | Danger Room | Wired.com

a normal person would know that jihadis are the greatest threat to world peace and have been for a decade.

but you're not normal.
Mayhaps you've walked a few too many Brooklyn miles in those heels, Jillian?
Have we bumped our head recently?
So far, jihadis haven't acquired any nuclear weapons.
Apparently, the same can not be said for the Jewish State.

If it's true that there are currently nearly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea, what form of state do you see coming into existence?
  • Thanks
Reactions: Jos
GEORGEPHILLIP: “(The gravest threat to world peace) --- Is not (just) Iran in spite of what the Wall Street Journal would like you to believe: The first question is easily answered. The 'Iranian threat' is overwhelmingly a Western obsession, shared by Arab dictators, though not Arab populations. As numerous polls have shown. . . “



”Is not (just) Iran.”

. . .it's all of them. . .













Saudi Arabia

The west Bank

The gaza strip

The Ramallah Refugee camp

The horn of Africa

"OTHER" = majority black/Islamic




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