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The Gravest Threat to World Peace

Member...OJ did 911?

Only one country on this planet gets rich from killing millions of human beings thousands of miles from its homeland. Maybe you should stop blaming the victims of US eternal war?
According to one account I've read, 20% of the dollars in circulation in some congressional districts come directly from "defense" spending. I've personally witnessed the destruction of one local economy when a large USAF closed during our "peace dividend."

If this economy CRASHES loudly enough to focus US attention spans the same way 911 did and the Pentagon can no longer borrow enough money to kill Muslims in Afghanistan, look for US drones over Mexico, killing thousands of Americans every year for Wall Street.
We are gearing up to leave Afghanistan, Georgie Boy, and I can just imagine what will happen to so many innocent people who live there, especially the women. You really are not interested in them; you just hate this country even though you had an opportunity to better yourself. All you want to do is bash America. Just look at your ridiculous statement that we are going to have drones over Mexico, thus killing thousands of Americans. It's a shame that you didn't join the Peace Corps and see how unfortunate people live around the world. Perhaps then you would appreciate this country.

It's a shame that you didn't join the Peace Corps and see how unfortunate people live around the world.

It is interesting that a people can live in a place for thousands of years without assistance.

Enter foreigners.

The next thing you see is food aid.
Or famine.

"In Ireland, the Great Famine was a period of mass starvation, disease and emigration between 1845 and 1852..."

"During the famine approximately 1 million people died and a million more emigrated from Ireland,[3] causing the island's population to fall by between 20% and 25%."

More than a few rich (royal) Brits padded their bottom lines at the expense of their colonial victims in Ireland. Proving once again the costs of Empire usually falls on those least able to pay them.

Great Famine (Ireland) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
^^^^^^ evidence that irosie forgot to take her meds this morning.......... :cuckoo: :lol:

But if you believe that emblem of yours is the future flag of America you might want to consider getting on some because you have surely lost your mind. America is not Europe ( or France to be more specific ) nor shall she ever be.

georgephillip, kull Pilot, et al,

There was a line in the Movie: The Right Stuff, that goes: "No Bucks, no Buck Rogers."

Joint Chief of Staff Chairman Admiral Mullen said:
“Our debt is the biggest national security threat we face.”
SOURCE:: Adm. Mike Mullen: Debt is still biggest threat to U.S. security - Fortune Management

The line referred to general revenue to pay for the program.

Is not Iran in spite of what the Wall Street Journal would like you to believe:

"Reporting on the final U.S. presidential campaign debate, on foreign policy, The Wall Street Journal observed that 'the only country mentioned more (than Israel) was Iran, which is seen by most nations in the Middle East as the gravest security threat to the region...'"

"The Journal article, like countless others on Iran, leaves critical questions unanswered, among them: Who exactly sees Iran as the gravest security threat? And what do Arabs (and most of the world) think can be done about the threat, whatever they take it to be?

"The first question is easily answered. The 'Iranian threat' is overwhelmingly a Western obsession, shared by Arab dictators, though not Arab populations.

"As numerous polls have shown, although citizens of Arab countries generally dislike Iran, they do not regard it as a very serious threat. Rather, they perceive the threat to be Israel and the United States; and many, sometimes considerable majorities, regard Iranian nuclear weapons as a counter to these threats.

"In high places in the U.S., some concur with the Arab populations' perception, among them Gen. Lee Butler, former head of the Strategic Command. In 1998 he said, 'It is dangerous in the extreme that in the cauldron of animosities that we call the Middle East,' one nation, Israel, should have a powerful nuclear weapons arsenal, which 'inspires other nations to do so.'"

Noam Chomsky: The Gravest Threat to World Peace

Well we've certainly invaded more countries without a formal declaration of war than any other country.

Let's face it Americans are addicted to war.
According to one account I've read, 20% of the dollars in circulation in some congressional districts come directly from "defense" spending. I've personally witnessed the destruction of one local economy when a large USAF closed during our "peace dividend."

If this economy CRASHES loudly enough to focus US attention spans the same way 911 did and the Pentagon can no longer borrow enough money to kill Muslims in Afghanistan, look for US drones over Mexico, killing thousands of Americans every year for Wall Street.

ADM Mullen was referring to the ability of the US to sustain our significant military advantage over other nations if the US economy and the debt weaken the funding stream.

If the general economy slows, and the middle class suffers a high level of unemployment and the financial system is propped-up by foreign banks --- the US will not be able to maintain the infrastructure necessary to create the necessary taxes to support US Foreign Policy.

This is more true today, as it has ever been. The US has already admitted that it cannot support the Afghan National Army at the level that will insure the security of the current government.

However, it may appear, the US economy is not totally dependent on the defense industries. Clearly the defense industries do contribute to selected local economies. And it is true that some local economies are almost totally dependent on the single industry for its revenue. But many of the economies would be better balanced if they were a mixture of several independent industries.

It would be much better for the US if the nation significantly reduced the level at which it support the defense industries and, instead, channeled that funding to domestic infrastructure programs (highways, railways, waterways, the electrical grid, education programs, scientific endeavors, medical research, and space exploration, etc). These types of programs circle the funding inside the domestic economy to a level 50% more than defense spending. There is no return on the US investment in Iraq or Afghanistan (as example). But each dollar spent the domestic programs has a much greater investment for a much longer term.

Most Respectfully,
Iran hasn't attacked another country in over 200 years.

Anyone who can't see this is the same bullshit rhetoric that was spewed leading up to the Iraq war 10 years ago, is one dumbass American.

Iran's war with Iraq caused over a million deaths.


Casualties and losses
320,000–720,000 soldiers and militia killed[2][3][4]:3[5]
Economic loss of more than US$500 billion[4]:3

150,000–375,000 soldiers and militia killed[6]
Economic loss of more than $500 billion[4]:3

100,000+ civilians killed on both sides[3]
"According to a previously undisclosed agreement between President Barack Obama and his Mexican counterpart, Felipe Calderon, the Pentagon is authorized to fly unmanned surveillance flights over Mexico, a big expansion of U.S.-Mexico information-sharing on counternarcotics.

"One of the drones used for the mission is the Air Force’s Global Hawk, reports The New York Times. The drone soars at up to 60,000 feet with a multitude of sensors. (Calm down, it’s unarmed.)"

If you're ignorant enough to believe US elites won't kill Mexicans for money at least as efficiently as Muslims, you probably haven't a clue about the number of US women raped while serving in their military.

Or maybe "you are not really interested in them?"

U.S. Drones Are Now Sniffing Mexican Drugs | Danger Room | Wired.com

a normal person would know that jihadis are the greatest threat to world peace and have been for a decade.

but you're not normal.
Mayhaps you've walked a few too many Brooklyn miles in those heels, Jillian?
Have we bumped our head recently?
So far, jihadis haven't acquired any nuclear weapons.
Apparently, the same can not be said for the Jewish State.

If it's true that there are currently nearly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea, what form of state do you see coming into existence?

What isn't normal here is your denial that the jihadist have not been reported to have acquired nuclear weapons. We have the State Dept. report that there are nuclear suitcase weapons in the hands of jihadists even now. We also have the missing weapons Russian scientists reported on, the highly unstable situation in Pakistan ( nuclear weapons a serious concern ) the nuclear weapon ambitions of the islamic jihadist in control of Iran at this writing and if that isn't enough we have people such as George who do not know their facts and try to silence those who do! What a something. Keep writing Jillian. Someone needs to warn the people and it obviously will not be George. Not today anyhow.

- Jeremiah
The illegal rouge state of Israel is the most aggressive and destabilizing nation is the middle east.

It is terrorist state ruled by zionist psychopaths with a racist apartheid agenda.

And populated by 7 million people suffering from stockholm syndrome induced by obedience to their former Nazi masters/mentors. :cool:

I think Sunni Man's avatar clearly shows that he wants to make the United States a Muslim country. :mad:

It's because he thinks that sharia is cool, because he's never actually lived under sharia, just like the fake carpet kisser that he is.
Sunni thinks Islam is so great that he doesn't even have a beard... or real teeth. :lol:
Now let's see if Frau Sherri gives her newest bestest friend, Frau Ima, the business that Frau Ima hates Muslims the way Frau Sherri throws it out to anyone who says anything negative or derogatory about Islam or Muslims. Frau Sherri was very quiet when Frau Ima said such disgusting things to Sunni Man that even though I disagree with him on everything else, I can see why he was going to put the Frau Ima on Ignore.
Now let's see if Frau Sherri gives her newest bestest friend, Frau Ima, the business that Frau Ima hates Muslims the way Frau Sherri throws it out to anyone who says anything negative or derogatory about Islam or Muslims. Frau Sherri was very quiet when Frau Ima said such disgusting things to Sunni Man that even though I disagree with him on everything else, I can see why he was going to put the Frau Ima on Ignore.
Suck my cock, ya little dumbass jew!
Now let's see if Frau Sherri gives her newest bestest friend, Frau Ima, the business that Frau Ima hates Muslims the way Frau Sherri throws it out to anyone who says anything negative or derogatory about Islam or Muslims. Frau Sherri was very quiet when Frau Ima said such disgusting things to Sunni Man that even though I disagree with him on everything else, I can see why he was going to put the Frau Ima on Ignore.
Suck my cock, ya little dumbass jew!
Wrong nationality.
We are gearing up to leave Afghanistan, Georgie Boy, and I can just imagine what will happen to so many innocent people who live there, especially the women. You really are not interested in them; you just hate this country even though you had an opportunity to better yourself. All you want to do is bash America. Just look at your ridiculous statement that we are going to have drones over Mexico, thus killing thousands of Americans. It's a shame that you didn't join the Peace Corps and see how unfortunate people live around the world. Perhaps then you would appreciate this country.

It's a shame that you didn't join the Peace Corps and see how unfortunate people live around the world.

It is interesting that a people can live in a place for thousands of years without assistance.

Enter foreigners.

The next thing you see is food aid.
Or famine.

"In Ireland, the Great Famine was a period of mass starvation, disease and emigration between 1845 and 1852..."

"During the famine approximately 1 million people died and a million more emigrated from Ireland,[3] causing the island's population to fall by between 20% and 25%."

More than a few rich (royal) Brits padded their bottom lines at the expense of their colonial victims in Ireland. Proving once again the costs of Empire usually falls on those least able to pay them.

Great Famine (Ireland) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We all realize (at least those with common sense) that there have been famines and droughts since the beginning of time, Georgie Boy. However, why not give America kudos for helping out many of the starving people in this world? It is obvious that you get your jollies blaming America for everything (including your own situation), but would it kill you to give America credit for what it has done for unfortunate people around the globe once in a while? And, don't worry, because I think the good people of Los Angeles will see that your belly is never empty like those poor people in many Muslim countries. Have we ever seen Georgie Boy suggest that the oil-rich Muslim states step up to the plate and start helping their fellow Muslims who are hungry? It appears that it was more important for Georgie Boy to run to Wikipedia to tell us about Ireland.
Now let's see if Frau Sherri gives her newest bestest friend, Frau Ima, the business that Frau Ima hates Muslims the way Frau Sherri throws it out to anyone who says anything negative or derogatory about Islam or Muslims. Frau Sherri was very quiet when Frau Ima said such disgusting things to Sunni Man that even though I disagree with him on everything else, I can see why he was going to put the Frau Ima on Ignore.
Suck my cock, ya little dumbass jew!
Wrong nationality.
According to one account I've read, 20% of the dollars in circulation in some congressional districts come directly from "defense" spending. I've personally witnessed the destruction of one local economy when a large USAF closed during our "peace dividend."

If this economy CRASHES loudly enough to focus US attention spans the same way 911 did and the Pentagon can no longer borrow enough money to kill Muslims in Afghanistan, look for US drones over Mexico, killing thousands of Americans every year for Wall Street.
We are gearing up to leave Afghanistan, Georgie Boy, and I can just imagine what will happen to so many innocent people who live there, especially the women. You really are not interested in them; you just hate this country even though you had an opportunity to better yourself. All you want to do is bash America. Just look at your ridiculous statement that we are going to have drones over Mexico, thus killing thousands of Americans. It's a shame that you didn't join the Peace Corps and see how unfortunate people live around the world. Perhaps then you would appreciate this country.

It's a shame that you didn't join the Peace Corps and see how unfortunate people live around the world.

It is interesting that a people can live in a place for thousands of years without assistance.

Enter foreigners.

The next thing you see is food aid.
Of course, Tinnie conveniently closes his eyes to places where no foreigners went where the people were starving and had no help against infectious diseases and death was just around the corner, So tell us are foreigners responsible for the floods in Pakistan or the drought in Somali, Tinnie? Weren't many of these people able to get on with their lives with the help of "foreigners." I think Tinnie wouldn't care at all if millions of Muslim Somalis dropped dead in the roads because of starvation as long as his beloved Hamas doesn't miss a meal.
"According to a previously undisclosed agreement between President Barack Obama and his Mexican counterpart, Felipe Calderon, the Pentagon is authorized to fly unmanned surveillance flights over Mexico, a big expansion of U.S.-Mexico information-sharing on counternarcotics.

"One of the drones used for the mission is the Air Force’s Global Hawk, reports The New York Times. The drone soars at up to 60,000 feet with a multitude of sensors. (Calm down, it’s unarmed.)"

If you're ignorant enough to believe US elites won't kill Mexicans for money at least as efficiently as Muslims, you probably haven't a clue about the number of US women raped while serving in their military.

Or maybe "you are not really interested in them?"

U.S. Drones Are Now Sniffing Mexican Drugs | Danger Room | Wired.com
It sure looks like Georgie Boy doesn't want the drug cartels taken out. Since he doesn't plan to take a trip down to Tijuana or beyond, he is not worried about being caught up in their wars and being killed. Other innocent Americans can be killed by members of the drug cartels and little Georgie Boy will be safely ensconced in front of his computer bashing America as per usual. We all are aware that there have been rapes of women in the military, but how come when it comes to rapes you have been so silent about the Muslim men raping their way across Europe? Or doesn't this interest you because you can't blame this on America, Georgie Boy?
a normal person would know that jihadis are the greatest threat to world peace and have been for a decade.

but you're not normal.
Mayhaps you've walked a few too many Brooklyn miles in those heels, Jillian?
Have we bumped our head recently?
So far, jihadis haven't acquired any nuclear weapons.
Apparently, the same can not be said for the Jewish State.

If it's true that there are currently nearly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea, what form of state do you see coming into existence?

What isn't normal here is your denial that the jihadist have not been reported to have acquired nuclear weapons. We have the State Dept. report that there are nuclear suitcase weapons in the hands of jihadists even now. We also have the missing weapons Russian scientists reported on, the highly unstable situation in Pakistan ( nuclear weapons a serious concern ) the nuclear weapon ambitions of the islamic jihadist in control of Iran at this writing and if that isn't enough we have people such as George who do not know their facts and try to silence those who do! What a something. Keep writing Jillian. Someone needs to warn the people and it obviously will not be George. Not today anyhow.

- Jeremiah
When did I deny the State Department's report that jihadists do not have nuclear suitcases?
There''s no doubt that Israel has many nuclear weapons and the ability to deliver them from air, land, and sea.
Pakistan and India developed their nukes with the help of the US scientific and intelligence communities.
Finally, only one country has actually used nuclear weapons on civilians.
It's the same country with 700 military bases outside its continental homeland today and tomorrow.
It's normal doctrine is "what we say, goes."
or else.
It is interesting that a people can live in a place for thousands of years without assistance.

Enter foreigners.

The next thing you see is food aid.
Or famine.

"In Ireland, the Great Famine was a period of mass starvation, disease and emigration between 1845 and 1852..."

"During the famine approximately 1 million people died and a million more emigrated from Ireland,[3] causing the island's population to fall by between 20% and 25%."

More than a few rich (royal) Brits padded their bottom lines at the expense of their colonial victims in Ireland. Proving once again the costs of Empire usually falls on those least able to pay them.

Great Famine (Ireland) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We all realize (at least those with common sense) that there have been famines and droughts since the beginning of time, Georgie Boy. However, why not give America kudos for helping out many of the starving people in this world? It is obvious that you get your jollies blaming America for everything (including your own situation), but would it kill you to give America credit for what it has done for unfortunate people around the globe once in a while? And, don't worry, because I think the good people of Los Angeles will see that your belly is never empty like those poor people in many Muslim countries. Have we ever seen Georgie Boy suggest that the oil-rich Muslim states step up to the plate and start helping their fellow Muslims who are hungry? It appears that it was more important for Georgie Boy to run to Wikipedia to tell us about Ireland.
"Weary men, what reap ye? Golden corn for the stranger.

"What sow ye? Human corpses that wait for the avenger.
Fainting forms, Hunger-stricken, what see you in the offing
Stately ships to bear our food away, amid the stranger's scoffing.
There's a proud array of soldiers—what do they round your door?
They guard our master's granaries from the thin hands of the poor.
Pale mothers, wherefore weeping? 'Would to God that we were dead—
Our children swoon before us, and we cannot give them bread.[68]

Speranza[fn 5]"

Why do conservatives instinctively support the masters, Hossie?

Great Famine (Ireland) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Last edited:
Or famine.

"In Ireland, the Great Famine was a period of mass starvation, disease and emigration between 1845 and 1852..."

"During the famine approximately 1 million people died and a million more emigrated from Ireland,[3] causing the island's population to fall by between 20% and 25%."

More than a few rich (royal) Brits padded their bottom lines at the expense of their colonial victims in Ireland. Proving once again the costs of Empire usually falls on those least able to pay them.

Great Famine (Ireland) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We all realize (at least those with common sense) that there have been famines and droughts since the beginning of time, Georgie Boy. However, why not give America kudos for helping out many of the starving people in this world? It is obvious that you get your jollies blaming America for everything (including your own situation), but would it kill you to give America credit for what it has done for unfortunate people around the globe once in a while? And, don't worry, because I think the good people of Los Angeles will see that your belly is never empty like those poor people in many Muslim countries. Have we ever seen Georgie Boy suggest that the oil-rich Muslim states step up to the plate and start helping their fellow Muslims who are hungry? It appears that it was more important for Georgie Boy to run to Wikipedia to tell us about Ireland.
"Weary men, what reap ye? Golden corn for the stranger.

"What sow ye? Human corpses that wait for the avenger.
Fainting forms, Hunger-stricken, what see you in the offing
Stately ships to bear our food away, amid the stranger's scoffing.
There's a proud array of soldiers—what do they round your door?
They guard our master's granaries from the thin hands of the poor.
Pale mothers, wherefore weeping? 'Would to God that we were dead—
Our children swoon before us, and we cannot give them bread.[68]

Speranza[fn 5]"

Why do conservatives instinctively support the masters, Hossie?

Great Famine (Ireland) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Conservatives abhor Socialists, Communists, Fascists and Dickheads.

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