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The Gravest Threat to World Peace

You have got that completely wrong!
I know I've been wrong in the past, but not on this topic. They have not attacked another country in over 200 years.

You don't know what you're talking about. Over 70% of Iran's population is under 30 and they are just waiting for those old mullahs to die off before installing a secular government that will allow them to wear Levi's in public.

Do you remember when you were under 30 and how you felt towards men of the cloth in their 60's?

Israel started the last 6 wars its been in and is doing most of the sabre rattling in the ME. They're the big bully on the block.

Any government would respond militarily if Israel launched commando raids in their country. And Iran's trade agreements with Argentina are between them and Argentina.

To say that Iran is not a danger to the world is just ridiculous.
Oh stop it! I'm getting deja vu here. This is the same garbage that was being said back in 2003. Israel is the one making the threats and they need to shut their god-damn mouths!

Any attack on Iran will lead to the extinction of all life on planet earth. Are they worth that much?


Iran is just as much a threat to the world as is AL QUEIDA ---which is
INDEED very much a threat Hezbollah and Al Queida are world wide
terrorist organizations filled with characters who can give up their sunni/shiite hatred for their COMMON TERRORIST CAUSE-----the are both stationed in Yemen right now free of constraint
Comment from an Iranian citizen responding to an Israel loves Iran blogger:

“We also love you. Your words are reaching us despite the censorship,” wrote one Facebook user from Iran. “The Iranian people, apart from the regime, do not hold a grudge nor animosity against anyone, especially not the Israelis… We never saw Israelis as our enemies. As such, the regime cannot gain public support for war.”

“The hatred was invented by the propaganda of the regime, which will die soon”, continued the Iranian Facebook user. “The ayatollah will die soon. [Iranian President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad will disappear. He is nothing more than an opportunist, and more than anything – an idiot. Everyone hates him. We love you, love, peace. And thanks for your message.”
This is the truth about Iran.

Iran is just as much a threat to the world as is AL QUEIDA ---which is
INDEED very much a threat Hezbollah and Al Queida are world wide
terrorist organizations filled with characters who can give up their sunni/shiite hatred for their COMMON TERRORIST CAUSE-----the are both stationed in Yemen right now free of constraint
You're a bigger threat than Iran.
Comment from an Iranian citizen responding to an Israel loves Iran blogger:

“We also love you. Your words are reaching us despite the censorship,” wrote one Facebook user from Iran. “The Iranian people, apart from the regime, do not hold a grudge nor animosity against anyone, especially not the Israelis… We never saw Israelis as our enemies. As such, the regime cannot gain public support for war.”

“The hatred was invented by the propaganda of the regime, which will die soon”, continued the Iranian Facebook user. “The ayatollah will die soon. [Iranian President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad will disappear. He is nothing more than an opportunist, and more than anything – an idiot. Everyone hates him. We love you, love, peace. And thanks for your message.”
This is the truth about Iran.

So, we're to believe that this single Iranian blogger speaks on behalf of the entirety of the Iranian civilian population... because you say so?

My but aren't we pampered souls.
So, we're to believe that this single Iranian blogger speaks on behalf of the entirety of the Iranian civilian population... because you say so?

My but aren't we pampered souls.
It backs up what I said. That 70% of the population is under 30 and they're just waiting for the old mullahs to die off.

Just think back to when you were under 30 and how you felt about the over 60 crowd at that time?
Jeremiah...with all due respect, has it ever occurred to you that your "One True God" is simply another lie the rich tell?

That the moon god you are bowing down to and praying to 5 times a day is nothing more than a mere dead rock? Seriously science could have taught you people a thing or two.

For instance that the moon has no light of its own. It must have the reflection of the "sun" to have any light at all!

In the Book of the One True God ( yes, the bible, George ) The moon is a depiction of the church reflecting the glorious light of Jesus Christ, The Son of God. Wouldn't it be funny for you and your moon god worshiping brethren to learn at the end of the age you were bowing down to the Son of God & His Bride afterall? Seriously. Some things happening upon this earth are just downright "prophetic"!

Hollie, georgephillip, loinboy, et al,

Americans can hardly be aware of how diplomacy has once again failed, for a simple reason: Virtually nothing is reported in the United States about the fate of the most obvious way to address – "the gravest threat" –
Establish a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East.​
Noam Chomsky


In any discussion on this topic (International World Threat), that involves Israel, it is probably better to forget Noam Chomsky. Not because of what Chomsky says is irrelevant, but because he has become so divisive himself; which derails and diminishes the importance of anything he has to say.

The topic itself, presupposes, that the "gravest threat" has anything at all to do with the Middle East and the "classic dispute" between the Muslim World and everyone/everything non-Muslim. And while no one can argue that this "classic dispute" is not one of the most important topics of the day, it is rather impetuous to believe it is the gravest of threats. The "classic dispute" between the inhabitants of the Middle East/Persian Gulf Region and the rest of the World has been around for more and three millenium. And if they survive, it will be around for another three millenium, popping in and out of the history of importance like a sine-wave through time. Today, they have a piece of the stage, with Iran wanting parity with Israel on nuclear weapons, and the Palestinians wanting the world to believe they are the owners of a piece of land that has been conquered so many times, that they forget that they are not a unified people.


Threat is a matter of perception.
  • What is a threat to you, may not be a threat to me.
  • What situations intimidate you, may not intimidate me.
  • What is perilous to you, may not be perilous to me.
The perception is affected by the level (very Maslow-ish) and proximity of the threat in time and space. [(A 122mm Rocket looks more impressive if it lands in your row of CHUs than if it lands across the river.)(A crash on Wall Street is more impressive to the upper 1% of the elite than it is to me in the lower quarter of the economy.)(Unemployment has an impact on the working class, but doesn't on the independently wealthy.)]

When we talk about the "World Threat," it means something much different than it does when we say a "Threat to America." Americans have a tendency to consider these interchangeable; that is, what threatens America, threatens the world. But this is not necessarily the case. The outcome of the Iraq and Afghan military adventures is not of the same level of importance to the Pacific nations or Africa, as it is to America. The same can be said, is true for the Persian Gulf.


So the questions remains: What is the Gravest Threat to World Peace? Is it (really) Middle Eastern/Persian Gulf centric? Has it anything to do with:
  • Israel
  • The Palestinian Issue
  • Iran
  • Nuclear Weapons
OR, is it based on the emerging political-economic hegemonies, and the distribution of energy?

While I respect the commentary of Noam Chomsky, and his perspective, I believe him to be wrong. His perspective, if tightened down to just the one (of several) regional issues, then --- there might be some validity to his thesis. But examining the threat on a global scale, I say he is (no disrespect intended to his academic prowess, or his youthful experiences as an undergrad in the HaZore'a Kibbutz) a bit naive.
Most Respectfully,

I may agree that the professor is an idealist...he probably read the same book as undergrad, as I did. I think title "Children of the dream." It describes the peaceful antecedents of Jews settling in Palestine and living in Harmony with the Arabs...unfortunately terrorists like PM Begin and onward right wingers shot up the idea of co-existence very early in Israeli thinking.
Take you own advice by answering this question:

Which country has maimed, murdered, displaced, and incarcerated millions of innocent Muslims in the last twenty years?

" Innocent Muslims?" lol The ones who want to see Israel destroyed and do not believe they should exist? Take your advice by answering this question; Looking back at the Anti Semitism of MUSLIMS towards Jews ( Centuries before 1948) how long has that been going on? :D
Take you own advice by answering this question:

Which country has maimed, murdered, displaced, and incarcerated millions of innocent Muslims in the last twenty years?

" Innocent Muslims?" lol The ones who want to see Israel destroyed and do not believe they should exist? Take your advice by answering this question; Looking back at the Anti Semitism of MUSLIMS towards Jews ( Centuries before 1948) how long has that been going on? :D

Well said, Proud Vet.

As always, Chumpsky takes the one-eyed shortcut. Debate mentions aside, it isn't Israel herself which is the greatest threat to world peace (that would be Russia with lots of nukes and little reason to secure them) but rather the fact that Israel exists in the tinderbox known as the Mideast and her "peaceful" Arab neighbors just can't seem to accept that fact. :D
Actually the greatest threat to world peace (almost by definition) would be the greatest purveyor of violence in the world. Only one among 194 countries has maimed, murdered, displaced, and incarcerated millions of innocent Muslims on the opposite side of the planet from its homeland in the last two decades.

The claim that Israel exists in a "tinderbox known as the Mideast" stems directly from carving a Jewish homeland out of Arab real estate. When 650,000 Jews inflicted Greater Israel on twice as many Arabs in 1948, the "peaceful" majority didn't require a "one-eyed shortcut" to perceive its future.

Chomsky is smart enough and honest enough to see and admit this.
You're not.

You're quite the apologist for those poor, oppressed arabs who had to endure "all them-there Jooooos" being imposed upon "moslem lands".

What you're not going to address, of course, was the interruption of the arab/moslem pogrom taking place that is ridding infidels from the islamist Middle East.

I always find claims such as yours to be hypocritical. On the issue of human rights, Israel has a far better record than any moslem Arab state. It's a simple matter to compare the realities of anti-Semitic and anti-Christian and anti-non-Muslim oppression within arab / moslem nations vs. Israel and Western nations simply because of the success of ethnic and minority religious cleansing within the moslem / Arab world. While Israeli Arabs have, per capita, one of the highest living standards among all moslems worldwide and their population in Israel is growing, the Jews (and Christians) of the moslem world are comparatively poor, marginalized, and will die out within the next half-century. The moslem majority nations will ultimately achieve what Hitler never did, their nations will be Judenrein (rid of Jews).
Currently there are about an equal number of Jews and Arabs living between the Jordan and the sea.
Jews seem to prefer keeping a boot firmly planted on the Arab majority's neck.
Is that another example of Israel's commitment to human rights or just another kosher result of "creeping annexation" and humanitarian transfer policies?
Maybe two wrongs make a right on your block but not on mine.
Take you own advice by answering this question:

Which country has maimed, murdered, displaced, and incarcerated millions of innocent Muslims in the last twenty years?

" Innocent Muslims?" lol The ones who want to see Israel destroyed and do not believe they should exist? Take your advice by answering this question; Looking back at the Anti Semitism of MUSLIMS towards Jews ( Centuries before 1948) how long has that been going on? :D

Islamo nazis make their points by IMPOSING INCREASINGLY TIGHT
PARAMETERS ----on the scope of the discussion ----CUSTOM MADE
PARAMETERS FOR THE ISLAMO NAZI CAUSE ----in all dimensions ---
time, place and person etc etc NOW JUST ANSWER THE
lionboy, et al,

Maybe I am misunderstanding something here. Is someone pulling my leg?


I think Oskar Schindler of the "Schindler's List" fame (saving Jewish Prisoners in WWII Germany) was Austria-Hungary born. He is not Iranian.
LINK TO SHORT BIO: Oskar Schindler

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
Actually the greatest threat to world peace (almost by definition) would be the greatest purveyor of violence in the world. Only one among 194 countries has maimed, murdered, displaced, and incarcerated millions of innocent Muslims on the opposite side of the planet from its homeland in the last two decades.

The claim that Israel exists in a "tinderbox known as the Mideast" stems directly from carving a Jewish homeland out of Arab real estate. When 650,000 Jews inflicted Greater Israel on twice as many Arabs in 1948, the "peaceful" majority didn't require a "one-eyed shortcut" to perceive its future.

Chomsky is smart enough and honest enough to see and admit this.
You're not.

You're quite the apologist for those poor, oppressed arabs who had to endure "all them-there Jooooos" being imposed upon "moslem lands".

What you're not going to address, of course, was the interruption of the arab/moslem pogrom taking place that is ridding infidels from the islamist Middle East.

I always find claims such as yours to be hypocritical. On the issue of human rights, Israel has a far better record than any moslem Arab state. It's a simple matter to compare the realities of anti-Semitic and anti-Christian and anti-non-Muslim oppression within arab / moslem nations vs. Israel and Western nations simply because of the success of ethnic and minority religious cleansing within the moslem / Arab world. While Israeli Arabs have, per capita, one of the highest living standards among all moslems worldwide and their population in Israel is growing, the Jews (and Christians) of the moslem world are comparatively poor, marginalized, and will die out within the next half-century. The moslem majority nations will ultimately achieve what Hitler never did, their nations will be Judenrein (rid of Jews).
Currently there are about an equal number of Jews and Arabs living between the Jordan and the sea.
Jews seem to prefer keeping a boot firmly planted on the Arab majority's neck.
Is that another example of Israel's commitment to human rights or just another kosher result of "creeping annexation" and humanitarian transfer policies?
Maybe two wrongs make a right on your block but not on mine.

There is only one group that is wrong and that is the Arab group! Do not accuse the Jews to justify the CRIMES of your own people! That dog won't hunt around here! - Jeremiah
the idea is that some Iranian official did pull some strings for some
jews during world war II-----MR R.. have a cup of coffee
lionboy, et al,

Maybe I am misunderstanding something here. Is someone pulling my leg?


I think Oskar Schindler of the "Schindler's List" fame (saving Jewish Prisoners in WWII Germany) was Austria-Hungary born. He is not Iranian.
LINK TO SHORT BIO: Oskar Schindler

Most Respectfully,
It wasn't saying he was Oskar Schindler, it was saying he was the Oskar Schindler equivalent as an Iranian diplomat at an embassy in Paris during WWII helping over 2000 jews escape the country.
lionboy, irosie91, et al,

I apologize. I did misunderstand the intent.

the idea is that some Iranian official did pull some strings for some
jews during world war II-----MR R.. have a cup of coffee

Wiki said:
Abdol Hossein Sardari (1914 - 1981) was an Iranian statesman and diplomat who saved the lives of many Jews during the Holocaust. He is known as the "Schindler of Iran" and was the uncle of Fereydoun Hoveyda.
SOURCE: Abdol Hossein Sardari - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I stand corrected. I'm having a latte.

Most Respectfully,
There is a reason why Chomsky is a boorish ass; episodes of stupidity such as you posted.

What Chomsky conveniently chooses not to address is the dangerous mindset of the Iranian Mullocrats with regard to their the view of a cataclysmic Endtimes envisioned within the shia version of islam. The pre-fab “president” of Iran, Ahmadinijad, has a belief he is responsible for assisting shia islams mahdi in bringing forth those Endtmes.

History is replete with various Endtimers to include Jim Jones, Marshall Applewhite and others. Those religious fanatics had varying interpretations of the Endtimes. The damage to humanity that they could inflict was limited. It's a very different case with islamist ideologues who have a vision of the Endtimes which implementation can be assisted by nuclear weapons.

I have no desire to see a war started (by the Iranians), as fulfillment of some lurid religious fantasy regarding the return of a mythical figure.

Iran leader's U.N. finale reveals apocalyptic view

Ahmadinejad evokes return of messianic Islamic 'madhi'

Read more: Iran leader's U.N. finale reveals apocalyptic view Iran leader’s U.N. finale reveals apocalyptic view

I emphatically declare that today's world, more than ever before, longs for just and righteous people with love for all humanity; and above all longs for the perfect righteous human being and the real savior who has been promised to all peoples and who will establish justice, peace and brotherhood on the planet," Ahmadinejad said. "Oh, Almighty God, all men and women are your creatures and you have ordained their guidance and salvation. Bestow upon humanity that thirsts for justice, the perfect human being promised to all by you, and make us among his followers and among those who strive for his return and his cause.

With Iran on the verge of producing nuclear weapons and already in possession of medium-range missiles, mystical pre-occupation with the coming of a Shiite Islamic messiah is of particular concern because of Iran's potential for triggering the kind of global conflagration Ahmadinejad envisions will set the stage for the end of the world.

Ahmadinejad is on record as stating he believes he is to have a personal role in ushering in the age of the Mahdi. In a Nov. 16, 2005, speech in Tehran, he said he sees his main mission in life as to "pave the path for the glorious reappearance of Imam Mahdi, may Allah hasten his reappearance."

Please feel free to email your pal Chomsky and tell him I said he's an asshole.

Iran hasn't attacked another country in over 200 years.

Anyone who can't see this is the same bullshit rhetoric that was spewed leading up to the Iraq war 10 years ago, is one dumbass American.

They have by proxy. "A supply line of rockets from Iran that have for the first time given Hamas the ability to strike as far as Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. The rockets are assembled locally after being shipped from Iran to Sudan, trucked across the desert through Egypt, broken down into parts and moved through Sinai tunnels into Gaza, according to senior Israeli security officials. The smuggling route involves salaried employees from Hamas along the way, Iranian technical experts traveling on forged passports and government approval in Sudan"


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