The Great 2020 Mystery...Where did Biden Get 10 million More Votes Than Obama?

Actually, what i suspect is that racists will use any excuse to disenfranchise people of color. Any. So we don't give them one. Ever.

Even though people of color mostly vote in Democrat strongholds.

We had no problem paying our Bills until Ronnie Raygun came along and decided the rich didn't have to pay their fair share. We paid for massive social programs, put men on the moon, had a huge military and massive infrastructure projects...

Yes, the problem is, the rich are buying our elections. Both parties used to get it, but one of them got bought out by the rich.

Then why are most of our billionaires Democrats?

What Reagan seen was companies jumping ship and moving out of the country which he wanted to slow down. Unions and taxation made it nearly impossible to survive. It didn't start with Regan, it started in the 60's, got stronger in the 70's As our leader, he felt it was incumbent on him to stop the bleeding. Unfortunately we are going to see a rebirth of that if Biden does make it to the White House. His idiotic idea of increasing the minimum wage will once again send all wages soaring. That and coupled with his tax increase on our job creators, you are going to be writing a lot less resumes.

We don't have chaos today. And the people whose money we vote to take away don't live in the neighborhoods we live in, so kind of fuck them. I don't now why a guy who LIVES IN A FUCKING SLUM is up at night worried that the rich don't have big enough mansions.

I'm not worried about them, I worry about what's going to happen to the country by attacking them. China is Biden's buddy, and our industry will find a comfortable home there with the blessing of the Chinese and Biden.

Uh, guy, being slightly better off than a third world country we've LOOTED his hardly anything to be proud of.

The thing is, our system is VERY BROKE. You know what they didn't have in Europe when Covid hit They didn't have a massive recession like we did. Theirs was mild. They didn't have riots in the streets like we did. Covid didn't kill our society, our "Co-morbidities" did. Racism, wealth inequality, the hollowing out of the middle class. Trump fucked it all up, now we have to fix it- AGAIN.

Yes, I know. Trump (only because he's a Republican) is responsible for the actions of the communist Chinese. The United States had the least GDP damage out of all the G7 countries. The United States (thanks to our great President Trump) not only has a vaccine coming out in a few weeks, but several vaccines. I don't have to tell you what's going on in Europe now. It's the same thing that's going on here, perhaps worse. I'm sure when we get done with our people, Europe will welcome the vaccines that Trump helped create, and like you, never give him any credit for it.
No, we have 240 million adults in the country. I posted my source for my claim.

Sure you did.

We have 239 million eligible voters. Of them, 67% participated this year in Ending Trump

About 160 million Americans are estimated to have cast their votes this year, bringing voter turnout to more than 66 percent of the nation's 239.2 million eligible voters, according to McDonald's data. This is a significant jump from the last few decades' worth of presidential elections: Turnout has only cracked 60 percent a handful of times since 1968—and just barely, with 2008 clocking the highest turnout in that time period, at 61.6 percent. In 2016, 60.1 percent of eligible voters headed to the ballot boxes.

Eligible voters are not registered voters. Nice try though.
Again, dope.
Show a single court filing that alleges any “fixing” of the election.

Counting ballots three days after the polls close against state election laws isn't fixing the election? Fixing ballots in certain locations while others were forbidden from fixing ballots is not fixing elections? Being instructed not to check signatures is not fixing elections? Using software that was not only rejected by Texas because of it's ability to cast votes for the opponent, but was used in many of the states is not fixing the election, especially when that's exactly what happened in one state that we know of?
Then why are most of our billionaires Democrats?

They aren't. We've been over this.

Eligible voters are not registered voters. Nice try though.

Depends on the state. You sign up for a DL or ID in IL, you are registered.

What Reagan seen was companies jumping ship and moving out of the country which he wanted to slow down. Unions and taxation made it nearly impossible to survive. It didn't start with Regan, it started in the 60's, got stronger in the 70's As our leader, he felt it was incumbent on him to stop the bleeding. Unfortunately we are going to see a rebirth of that if Biden does make it to the White House. His idiotic idea of increasing the minimum wage will once again send all wages soaring. That and coupled with his tax increase on our job creators, you are going to be writing a lot less resumes.

Wow, I'm imagining this conversation in a board room.

"Mr. Moneybags, we just got a big tax cut from the government. That means we can cancel our plans to shut down the factory in Happytown OH and move it to Zingbang in China."
"Fuck that, we're going to save a shitload of money moving that factory, and we're getting the tax cut regardless."

On a serious note, most of the losses in the 1980's were not so much factories moving, but foreign brands made by unionized Europeans and Japanese crowding out our markets due to better pricing and higher quality. While our fat, greedy executives were making Pintos that blew up when hit, their executives were focused on making quality product. Again, we've been over this...

I'm not worried about them, I worry about what's going to happen to the country by attacking them. China is Biden's buddy, and our industry will find a comfortable home there with the blessing of the Chinese and Biden.

Actually, if you knew anything about manufacturing (It's what I've done for 25 years before I started a resume business) you'd know that China isn't really the problem. Most of these companies are opening factories in Vietnam and India now, because labor is cheaper than it is in China. So Trump unnecessary Trade War did fuck up existing supply chain, but it's not doing anything to stop the bleed.

Yes, I know. Trump (only because he's a Republican) is responsible for the actions of the communist Chinese. The United States had the least GDP damage out of all the G7 countries. The United States (thanks to our great President Trump) not only has a vaccine coming out in a few weeks, but several vaccines. I don't have to tell you what's going on in Europe now. It's the same thing that's going on here, perhaps worse. I'm sure when we get done with our people, Europe will welcome the vaccines that Trump helped create, and like you, never give him any credit for it.

Holy shit, Ray, I think we have a new AVI for you.


The US had the worst GDP Damage of all the G7 Countries. We had the most deaths, the most cases, the most infections, the most business losses. The Vaccine is being made in Europe because they didn't tell the WHO to go pound sand. No, I don't give Trump credit for what international pharma companies did on other countries.
Trump gained among all demographic groups, especially Hispanics, but also among blacks. he lost a few percent in white males (cucks, who cares?).
So from what ETHNIC demographic did Biden pull all those extra ten million votes he gained over Obama?

Actually what they’re saying is 20 million more democrats voted. 10 million went to Trump. The numbers don’t add up

When you find out how many republican's didn't vote for Trump you'll have part of your answer.

When the prog masters shove their dicks down your throat, do you have a gag reflex or have you trained yourself to accept it as the new normal?

When the prog masters shove their dicks down your throat, do you have a gag reflex or have you trained yourself to accept it as the new normal?

GDP Growth never got over 3% with Trump either, before he crashed the economy with TRUMP PLAGUE.
They aren't. We've been over this.

Soros, Gates, Bezos, Buffet, Zukerberg, Bloomberg, Page, Brin, Jobs........ Where do you think Democrats get those billions come election time, from the homeless people?

Depends on the state. You sign up for a DL or ID in IL, you are registered.

Then you are a registered voter, not an eligible voter.

Wow, I'm imagining this conversation in a board room.

"Mr. Moneybags, we just got a big tax cut from the government. That means we can cancel our plans to shut down the factory in Happytown OH and move it to Zingbang in China."
"Fuck that, we're going to save a shitload of money moving that factory, and we're getting the tax cut regardless."

On a serious note, most of the losses in the 1980's were not so much factories moving, but foreign brands made by unionized Europeans and Japanese crowding out our markets due to better pricing and higher quality. While our fat, greedy executives were making Pintos that blew up when hit, their executives were focused on making quality product. Again, we've been over this...

Why do you think they leave--nicer weather? I've talked to supervisors and even company owners while they were packing up to leave. Their two main reasons were unions and taxation. You act like I wasn't around during the Reagan years. During and after the recession, Americans got cheap with their money. They didn't care about quality, just as long as they got X at the lowest price.

You people on the left live in your own little world. When you tax the big guy, he passes his losses to us--the little guy. He never loses out. When he can't sell his products to Americans any longer, he moves out of state or out of country and continues making the money he's always made. He's not going to bring home less because his taxes went up, unions demanded more, or costly regulations. I know that's what you'd like to think what happens, but that's only in the movies, not real life.

The US had the worst GDP Damage of all the G7 Countries. We had the most deaths, the most cases, the most infections, the most business losses. The Vaccine is being made in Europe because they didn't tell the WHO to go pound sand. No, I don't give Trump credit for what international pharma companies did on other countries.

I'd post facts for you, but you will never look at facts because facts destroy your argument. The United States has the third largest population on the planet. Of course we had more losses than most everybody else. This is a "duh!" argument on your part. But we did not have the most deaths per capita, which is the only metric anybody can use to determine success or failure. Plus the fact many of our deaths are phony because in other countries, you die from Covid. In the US you are listed as a Covid death whether you die from Covid or die with Covid. It happened in my very own family.

The WHO had nothing to do with our success in getting the vaccine, and no, Europe does not have a vaccine ready yet either, or they would be using it. President Trump sent funds for those companies to work 24/7 to create that vaccine, and bought tens of millions of doses before it was ever manufacturered. His military leaders devised a plan to get these vaccines out ASAP to our senior citizens and healthcare providers.
Again, dope.
Show a single court filing that alleges any “fixing” of the election.

Counting ballots three days after the polls close against state election laws isn't fixing the election? Fixing ballots in certain locations while others were forbidden from fixing ballots is not fixing elections? Being instructed not to check signatures is not fixing elections? Using software that was not only rejected by Texas because of it's ability to cast votes for the opponent, but was used in many of the states is not fixing the election, especially when that's exactly what happened in one state that we know of?
They weren't counted. You can stop lying now.
our stats are 2018... here are 2020. Click and read this time.

I did read it. It's stating the percentage of the population that voted, not the percentage of registered voters. It's meaningless because only registered voters count.

I posted this earlier in the thread, but here it is again: Number Of Registered Voters by State 2020

That adds up to quite a bit more than the 153 million number you're using. It's just under 214 million, in fact. The site provides sources for where the data comes from.

It still makes for very high voter turnout, but far from 100%.
I posted this earlier in the thread, but here it is again: Number Of Registered Voters by State 2020

That adds up to quite a bit more than the 153 million number you're using. It's just under 214 million, in fact. The site provides sources for where the data comes from.

It still makes for very high voter turnout, but far from 100%.

It only gives you voters by state which means I'd have to add them all up. These are the number of registered voters according to Statista:

According to this graph, the highest amount of voters we had was 156 million in the previous presidential election. Even DumBama's races were in that area. You expect me to believe that we went from the high of 156 million to now 214 million? Remember, we only grew in population by 2 million people between 2018 and today.

Also in 2018, we had 253 million adults living in this country.

Do you really believe the United States only has 39 million people that are not registered to vote? We have over 2.3 million prisoners in our prisons alone. Then the millions of felons that most states don't allow to vote.

The numbers simply don't add up.
It only gives you voters by state which means I'd have to add them all up. These are the number of registered voters according to Statista:

I added them all up. For the second time (first time in post #242). The total is just under 214 million. It was 213,799,467.

According to this graph, the highest amount of voters we had was 156 million in the previous presidential election. Even DumBama's races were in that area. You expect me to believe that we went from the high of 156 million to now 214 million? Remember, we only grew in population by 2 million people between 2018 and today.

Also in 2018, we had 253 million adults living in this country.

Statista doesn't show its sources unless you register, so I don't know where they get the data from. It's entirely possible they would provide a different number when it comes to registered voters in 2020.

That said, the chart does show that the number of registered voters has increased every presidential election year. There's no reason I'm aware of to think that 2020 would have changed from that trend; in fact, there are a few reasons to think that voter registration would have increased more than normal.

According to US Census information, there were 330,533,255 people in the US on Nov. 2. I used the latest age percentages they gave, from 2019, to determine that 11.36% of the population was below voting age. That would leave 292,984,677 voting age adults in the US on November 2, 2020 (I figured I'd go a day before the election).

The Census also puts the number of people in the US on Nov. 2, 2018 at 327,314,352. In 2018 it lists the voting age population as 88.54%, rather than the 88.64% of 2019. 88.54% of 327,314,352 is 289.804,127 voting age adults in the US. I don't know where you got your 253 million number from (maybe Statista again?) but it is quite different from the Census. Additionally, the Census numbers do not count "members of the Armed Forces overseas, their dependents, or other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States." On the other hand, it may count residents who are ineligible to vote.

I guess my point is that the number of people eligible to register and vote is a bit of a guesstimate.

Even if we go strictly from the chart you linked to, I think it's reasonable to think that the increase in registered voters would at least equal the increases seen between 2004 and 2008, or between 2008 and 2012. That would put the number of registered voters at at least 170 million. Given the circumstances - highly polarized political climate, large-scale issues facing the country, greater ease of voting, big pushes to register voters by both major parties - do you think it would be surprising to see a greater increase in both voter registration and voter turnout than other recent elections?

Do you really believe the United States only has 39 million people that are not registered to vote? We have over 2.3 million prisoners in our prisons alone. Then the millions of felons that most states don't allow to vote.

The numbers simply don't add up.

I covered this by pointing out the different numbers on population and registered voters found at different sites.

If I could be sure that the Statista numbers are accurate, and if they provided numbers for 2020, it would probably be easier to support your argument. Unfortunately, I have found differing numbers from other locations, and Statista does not provide numbers for 2020, so while I'm not dismissing your argument, it isn't entirely convincing, either. :dunno:
I posted this earlier in the thread, but here it is again: Number Of Registered Voters by State 2020

That adds up to quite a bit more than the 153 million number you're using. It's just under 214 million, in fact. The site provides sources for where the data comes from.

It still makes for very high voter turnout, but far from 100%.

It only gives you voters by state which means I'd have to add them all up. These are the number of registered voters according to Statista:

According to this graph, the highest amount of voters we had was 156 million in the previous presidential election. Even DumBama's races were in that area. You expect me to believe that we went from the high of 156 million to now 214 million? Remember, we only grew in population by 2 million people between 2018 and today.

Also in 2018, we had 253 million adults living in this country.

Do you really believe the United States only has 39 million people that are not registered to vote? We have over 2.3 million prisoners in our prisons alone. Then the millions of felons that most states don't allow to vote.

The numbers simply don't add up.
Ray!!! You keep posting numbers from 2018 and a page that was written in 2019. Ive posted the 2020 numbers twice now and you have failed to respond. What kind of game are you playing?
Ray!!! You keep posting numbers from 2018 and a page that was written in 2019. Ive posted the 2020 numbers twice now and you have failed to respond. What kind of game are you playing?

George Carlin: When two people are in an elevator and one of you farts, you both know who did it!

I responded to your post. What is your problem with reading already? Before you make new comments, why don't you go back to the comments you haven't read yet?
I covered this by pointing out the different numbers on population and registered voters found at different sites.

If I could be sure that the Statista numbers are accurate, and if they provided numbers for 2020, it would probably be easier to support your argument. Unfortunately, I have found differing numbers from other locations, and Statista does not provide numbers for 2020, so while I'm not dismissing your argument, it isn't entirely convincing, either.

I'm sure the reason Statista doesn't have 2020 numbers out yet is because we are still in 2020. I could not find a reliable source for 2020 registered voters, so I went with 2018 assuming (according to their chart) it would not be that much different in 2020. Could they be wrong? Possibly. But they've been around a long time and I don't think they'd risk their reputation by providing false numbers. We're not talking a few million difference here, we are talking tens of millions so either your source is inaccurate or mine is.
If you count the pre-midnight votes you’ll likely see Biden’s total closer to or below Obama numbers.
Trump gained 17% more votes. You don’t gain 17% in a repudiation.
Trump gained among all demographic groups, especially Hispanics, but also among blacks. he lost a few percent in white males (cucks, who cares?).
So from what ETHNIC demographic did Biden pull all those extra ten million votes he gained over Obama?

Obviously, lots of fraud, but many states instituted mail-in voting for the first time due to the plandemic...

This list at the link is not even complete. In VA, anyone could vote absentee for no reason, and signature witnesses were not required.

If you think about it, there are plenty of people who would not bother to vote if they had to go catch a bus in the cold, then stand in line for a couple of hours, then catch a bus back home. But if you send them a ballot that does not even require a stamp, they'll be glad to check some boxes that CNN tells them to check.

The problems, though, are these, among others...


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