The Great 2020 Mystery...Where did Biden Get 10 million More Votes Than Obama?

Trump gained among all demographic groups, especially Hispanics, but also among blacks. he lost a few percent in white males (cucks, who cares?).
So from what ETHNIC demographic did Biden pull all those extra ten million votes he gained over Obama?

Obviously, lots of fraud, but many states instituted mail-in voting for the first time due to the plandemic...

This list at the link is not even complete. In VA, anyone could vote absentee for no reason, and signature witnesses were not required.

If you think about it, there are plenty of people who would not bother to vote if they had to go catch a bus in the cold, then stand in line for a couple of hours, then catch a bus back home. But if you send them a ballot that does not even require a stamp, they'll be glad to check some boxes that CNN tells them to check.

The problems, though, are these, among others...


McGovern might have won in 1972 had they been allowed to mail-in and harvest ballots. The newly reduced voting age of 18 was supposed to attract the counter-culture voters. Problem is that very few bothered to show up at the polls. They were too busy getting high and fucking each other.
The result was a Nixon 49-state landslide.
Soros, Gates, Bezos, Buffet, Zukerberg, Bloomberg, Page, Brin, Jobs........ Where do you think Democrats get those billions come election time, from the homeless people?

The Koch Brothers, Adelson, Freiss, Singer, Mercer... where do you think Republicans get those billions come election, the Trailer Park?

Why do you think they leave--nicer weather? I've talked to supervisors and even company owners while they were packing up to leave. Their two main reasons were unions and taxation. You act like I wasn't around during the Reagan years. During and after the recession, Americans got cheap with their money. They didn't care about quality, just as long as they got X at the lowest price.

Uh, somehow, I don't think company execs are discussing their corporate strategy with the Truck Driver who doesn't work for them.

I was around in the 1980's... People bought Japanese products because American products were shit. My brother bought one of the last American Made televisions in the 1980's, because he has some bizarre hatred of Asian people. About a week after he got it, it developed a glitch and had the Channel Number stuck on the screen.

You people on the left live in your own little world. When you tax the big guy, he passes his losses to us--the little guy. He never loses out. When he can't sell his products to Americans any longer, he moves out of state or out of country and continues making the money he's always made. He's not going to bring home less because his taxes went up, unions demanded more, or costly regulations. I know that's what you'd like to think what happens, but that's only in the movies, not real life.

You know what, guy, you keep saying that, but this funny thing happens. When we've made the rich pay their fair share, inflation has remained flat. Inflation didn't just in 2011 when Obama let the Bush Tax Giveaways lapse, it didn't in 1993 when Clinton made the rich pay their fair share.

I'd post facts for you, but you will never look at facts because facts destroy your argument. The United States has the third largest population on the planet.

Um, Okay. So the two biggest populations on the planet. India has had 137,000 deaths even though they have four times as many people. China - where it first broke out - has had 4634 deaths.

We are currently at 266,000 deaths.

Now, if you look at the other heavy hitters, the countries that are more like us. Japan- 133 million people, 2042 deaths.

Germany - 80 million people - 16,161 deaths.

Nope. Trump fucked this up. Deal with it.

The WHO had nothing to do with our success in getting the vaccine, and no, Europe does not have a vaccine ready yet either, or they would be using it.

The Pfizer vaccine was developed in Europe.

Astrazeneca is a British company. They have the second vaccine.

WHO did a fine job of getting global efforts focused despite Trump's incompetence.
McGovern might have won in 1972 had they been allowed to mail-in and harvest ballots. The newly reduced voting age of 18 was supposed to attract the counter-culture voters. Problem is that very few bothered to show up at the polls. They were too busy getting high and fucking each other.
The result was a Nixon 49-state landslide.

Wow... you have no idea what went on in 1972, do you?

The problem was, McGovern didn't have the support of most Democrats. that's why he lost. He also ran a fairly incompetent campaign...

Which is why it was amazing that Nixon even BOTHERED to do watergate, the Democrats were doing a good job blowing themselves up.
No you don't. You want to scare people and nothing more. You are not a informed voter. You use buzzwords like communism and socialism. You know nothing about our country. You do not decide who is worthless.

Sure I do. All those heavily Democrat cities where most of the welfare people live are worthless. Apparently not very intelligent living in the ghettos. I would support a measure to have people tested before being allowed to vote. A very simple multiple choice test that proves you have at least the minimal knowledge of our country, politics and current policies. You would have to pass that before getting a ballot, and no using your smart phone either. Democrats would have a shit fit if Republicans ever tried to make that a law.

You are the one who is worthless. You have not denonstrated that you are smart enough to vote. You sound like the brainwashed member of the cult of Trump. Any such law would be unconstitutional.
What you are using is codesword for big tax cuts for the rich. We should repeal the special tax breaks for real estate trusts that were created in the Republican tax bill. Taxes will have to go up on the rich. The fact is that main street does not benefit when Wall Street does well. Yes people should be required to have health insurance or pay a fine. Why should I pay for my healthcare insurance every month when a freeloader can refuse to buy insurance, gets sick, and gets insurance. My premiums go to pay for that sickness. Then when they are well, they drop insurance and leave me stuck paying their hospital bills. The requirement was created by the CONSERVATIVE Heritage Foundation. There is no evidence that a $15.00 minimum wage would cause massive inflation. Companies are making out like bandits. Whether you can eliminate fracking is questionable. Obama refused to use federal land for fracking but it still went on. We should be moving towards green energy as much as possible.

And we will if Biden keeps this win and we also lose the Senate. Don't come to USMB in two years from now crying because gasoline costs $5.25 a gallon, or it's costing you $400..00 a month to heat your home during the winter, and your electric bill doubled. Remember you brought that on yourself. As for Commie Care, their plans are not only unaffordable, they don't cover anything. Some people simply can't afford those plans. Government should never put us in a position of buying food, prescriptions or healthcare coverage.

"If you want more of something, subsidize it. If you want less of something, tax it."
Ronald Reagan

When Biden destroys the jobs in this country, you'll be the first one here blaming Trump for it. Watch.

You are a lying little weasel. The fact is that the economy grew under Obama and Trump.
Oh I see your problem... you are believing the stuff that Trumps saying! You really shouldnt do that. He lies. Try looking up facts instead. 66.7% : Here you go:

It has nothing to do with what Trump said. To my knowledge, Trump never addressed this. I wanted to know how so many people came out is all. Trump I can understand. Brought us a great economy before the virus, doing wonders on the border, could have a vaccine for this in record time thanks to operation Warp Speed. But WTF would vote for Biden? Yes, the Democrats will of course, but it doesn't explain how he got 10 million more voters than DumBama. He's been in politics for nearly a half-century, didn't accomplish one thing in all that time, associated with an FBI investigation, and his platform will more than double our fuel costs, stop job creation, and create inflation like we've never seen before. Why would anybody vote for that? I just don't buy that we have that many stupid voters in this country.

So I looked up the statistics myself, and this is what I found. Your statistics are meaningless because your 66.7% figure is of all adults in this country-not registered voters. Only registered voters count because you can't vote unless you are registered.

The economy was improving before Trump took office. The unemployment rate was a whopping 5.5%. Trump was proving his racism on the border. Doctors are creating a vaccine not Trump.

How did he get more votes than Obama? Because there are more people in this country which means there are more potential voters. Suburban voters have abandoned the GOP. In 2016, Clinton won suburban Gwinnet and Cobb counties by single digits. Biden won by double digits. You would never pass a math test to vote.
Again, dope.
Show a single court filing that alleges any “fixing” of the election.

Counting ballots three days after the polls close against state election laws isn't fixing the election? Fixing ballots in certain locations while others were forbidden from fixing ballots is not fixing elections? Being instructed not to check signatures is not fixing elections? Using software that was not only rejected by Texas because of it's ability to cast votes for the opponent, but was used in many of the states is not fixing the election, especially when that's exactly what happened in one state that we know of?
Again, dope.
Show a single court filing that alleges any “fixing” of the election.

Counting ballots three days after the polls close against state election laws isn't fixing the election? Fixing ballots in certain locations while others were forbidden from fixing ballots is not fixing elections? Being instructed not to check signatures is not fixing elections? Using software that was not only rejected by Texas because of it's ability to cast votes for the opponent, but was used in many of the states is not fixing the election, especially when that's exactly what happened in one state that we know of?

Counting ballots that are postmarked the day of the election 3 days later is not fixing anything. Both Republicans and Democrats could do it. There is no evidence anyone was told not to check signatures. More crazy conspiracy theories. The fact is that nothing happened in any state we know of.

You have proven that you should not be allowed to vote again Your feeble brain will believe anything.
The Koch Brothers, Adelson, Freiss, Singer, Mercer... where do you think Republicans get those billions come election, the Trailer Park?

The difference is we never denied it, nor do we constantly make claims that all the rich people are in bed with the Democrats like you people do. The richest people in the country are Democrats.

Uh, somehow, I don't think company execs are discussing their corporate strategy with the Truck Driver who doesn't work for them.

I was around in the 1980's... People bought Japanese products because American products were shit. My brother bought one of the last American Made televisions in the 1980's, because he has some bizarre hatred of Asian people. About a week after he got it, it developed a glitch and had the Channel Number stuck on the screen.

You might not believe it but company owners are just regular people and have no problem discussing their issues with an interested party.

In 1980 I got my first apartment. My goal was to have the nicest television set I could buy. It was a 25" Curtis Mathis. I paid $1,500 for that television. The picture never rolled once. Never seen a repairman. I moved that television to three different apartments afterwards. Around 1995 big screens were starting to come down in price, so I gave my Curtis Mathis to the daughter of a friend of mine. She kept it for several years; again, never seen a repairman. I wouldn't doubt if somebody still has it today.

You know what, guy, you keep saying that, but this funny thing happens. When we've made the rich pay their fair share, inflation has remained flat. Inflation didn't just in 2011 when Obama let the Bush Tax Giveaways lapse, it didn't in 1993 when Clinton made the rich pay their fair share.

Clinton presided during the tech bubble, and Clinton also took advice from Newt Gingrich and lowered capital gains taxes. Now let's take a look at inflation when the rich were paying their so-called fair share:


Um, Okay. So the two biggest populations on the planet. India has had 137,000 deaths even though they have four times as many people. China - where it first broke out - has had 4634 deaths.

We are currently at 266,000 deaths.

Now, if you look at the other heavy hitters, the countries that are more like us. Japan- 133 million people, 2042 deaths.

Germany - 80 million people - 16,161 deaths.

Nope. Trump fucked this up. Deal with it.

China can order their people in the house and never leave. Did you want Trump to do that? Again, per capita tells what the results are.


The Pfizer vaccine was developed in Europe.

Astrazeneca is a British company. They have the second vaccine.

WHO did a fine job of getting global efforts focused despite Trump's incompetence.

What's the plan and what's happened so far?

To accelerate development while maintaining standards for safety and efficacy, OWS has been selecting the most promising countermeasure candidates and providing coordinated government support.

Protocols for the demonstration of safety and efficacy are being aligned, which will allow the trials to proceed more quickly, and the protocols for the trials will be overseen by the federal government, as opposed to traditional public-private partnerships, in which pharmaceutical companies decide on their own protocols. Rather than eliminating steps from traditional development timelines, steps will proceed simultaneously, such as starting manufacturing of the vaccine at industrial scale well before the demonstration of vaccine efficacy and safety as happens normally. This increases the financial risk, but not the product risk.

Now if you have the guts to go to the link, it shows you how much money per month President Trump allocated during Operation Warp Speed (OWS).
Counting ballots that are postmarked the day of the election 3 days later is not fixing anything. Both Republicans and Democrats could do it. There is no evidence anyone was told not to check signatures. More crazy conspiracy theories. The fact is that nothing happened in any state we know of.

You have proven that you should not be allowed to vote again Your feeble brain will believe anything.

Yes it is fixing anything because it goes against the law of their state. Again, all ballots have to be turned in by 8:00 election day, no if's, and's, or but's about it. Yes, one the over 250 signed affidavits was from a poll worker who testified to being told not to check signatures.
Trump gained among all demographic groups, especially Hispanics, but also among blacks. he lost a few percent in white males (cucks, who cares?).
So from what ETHNIC demographic did Biden pull all those extra ten million votes he gained over Obama?

Those Biden votes were quickly penned in by election workers in those law-abiding cities such as Philadelphia & Atlanta.
Check this out too.

I heard Trump was in the Eisenhower building on election night which seemed odd, but was he in the SCIF room?

Very very interesting--
I covered this by pointing out the different numbers on population and registered voters found at different sites.

If I could be sure that the Statista numbers are accurate, and if they provided numbers for 2020, it would probably be easier to support your argument. Unfortunately, I have found differing numbers from other locations, and Statista does not provide numbers for 2020, so while I'm not dismissing your argument, it isn't entirely convincing, either.

I'm sure the reason Statista doesn't have 2020 numbers out yet is because we are still in 2020. I could not find a reliable source for 2020 registered voters, so I went with 2018 assuming (according to their chart) it would not be that much different in 2020. Could they be wrong? Possibly. But they've been around a long time and I don't think they'd risk their reputation by providing false numbers. We're not talking a few million difference here, we are talking tens of millions so either your source is inaccurate or mine is.

There are a couple of problems with your reasoning. First, according to your chart, there should be about 15-16 million more registered voters than in 2018, if earlier trends continue. Voter registration went up about 16 million from 2010 to 2012, and around 15 million from 2014 to 2016. Second, following that chart assumes that circumstances and voter registration trends did continue as before without increasing. As I've mentioned a few times, there were reasons to expect a greater than usual increase in voter registration (and voter turnout) this election cycle.

As to sources, if you look back at my link to registered voters (Number Of Registered Voters by State 2020) you will see that they cite various state websites for their numbers, for example for Washington, and for Delaware. The other source I used, for total population and voter-age population, was the US Census.

To go back to Statista, according to them, overall voter turnout in the 2020 election was 66.7% So if you are going to use Statista to claim near 100% turnout, you should probably check to see what they actually have to say about voter turnout.

Finally, as best as I can determine in a quick check, Statista has been around since 2008 while World Population Review has been around since 2011. The US Census has obviously been around longer. So the argument that Statista would not risk their reputation can apply equally to the sources I've used. Additionally, Statista appears to be a German owned site, which is pretty funny considering the rumors that have been going around about a raid in Germany to get servers holding evidence of election fraud. :p

Again, none of this disproves your claims, but it does make your argument a lot less compelling. It doesn't help that Statista keeps its sources behind a paywall.
Trump gained among all demographic groups, especially Hispanics, but also among blacks. he lost a few percent in white males (cucks, who cares?).
So from what ETHNIC demographic did Biden pull all those extra ten million votes he gained over Obama?

Umm. That would be the chinese drop in votes, Alex!
Read the whole way Biden won
Reasons why the 2020 presidential election is deeply puzzling | Spectator USA
We are told that Biden won more votes nationally than any presidential candidate in history. But he won a record low of 17 percent of counties; he only won 524 counties, as opposed to the 873 counties Obama won in 2008. Yet, Biden somehow outdid Obama in total votes.
Read the whole way Biden won
Reasons why the 2020 presidential election is deeply puzzling | Spectator USA
We are told that Biden won more votes nationally than any presidential candidate in history. But he won a record low of 17 percent of counties; he only won 524 counties, as opposed to the 873 counties Obama won in 2008. Yet, Biden somehow outdid Obama in total votes.

What the heck is this? From the article: "With 60 percent or less of the national Hispanic vote, it is arithmetically impossible for a Democratic presidential candidate to win Florida, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico." That is an odd and entirely inaccurate statement.

As to the article, the author unfortunately does not provide any evidence for his claims. Nor does he give much context: for example, how many counties flipped to Trump in 2016 that flipped back in 2020? How many people live in the counties Biden lost compared to those he won? How are the non-polling metrics like candidate enthusiasm determined?

Too many of the arguments for voter fraud seem to be based on little more than speculation, or at least any evidence the arguments may be based on doesn't seem to be provided. :dunno:
Soros, Gates, Bezos, Buffet, Zukerberg, Bloomberg, Page, Brin, Jobs........ Where do you think Democrats get those billions come election time, from the homeless people?

The Koch Brothers, Adelson, Freiss, Singer, Mercer... where do you think Republicans get those billions come election, the Trailer Park?

Why do you think they leave--nicer weather? I've talked to supervisors and even company owners while they were packing up to leave. Their two main reasons were unions and taxation. You act like I wasn't around during the Reagan years. During and after the recession, Americans got cheap with their money. They didn't care about quality, just as long as they got X at the lowest price.

Uh, somehow, I don't think company execs are discussing their corporate strategy with the Truck Driver who doesn't work for them.

I was around in the 1980's... People bought Japanese products because American products were shit. My brother bought one of the last American Made televisions in the 1980's, because he has some bizarre hatred of Asian people. About a week after he got it, it developed a glitch and had the Channel Number stuck on the screen.

You people on the left live in your own little world. When you tax the big guy, he passes his losses to us--the little guy. He never loses out. When he can't sell his products to Americans any longer, he moves out of state or out of country and continues making the money he's always made. He's not going to bring home less because his taxes went up, unions demanded more, or costly regulations. I know that's what you'd like to think what happens, but that's only in the movies, not real life.

You know what, guy, you keep saying that, but this funny thing happens. When we've made the rich pay their fair share, inflation has remained flat. Inflation didn't just in 2011 when Obama let the Bush Tax Giveaways lapse, it didn't in 1993 when Clinton made the rich pay their fair share.

I'd post facts for you, but you will never look at facts because facts destroy your argument. The United States has the third largest population on the planet.

Um, Okay. So the two biggest populations on the planet. India has had 137,000 deaths even though they have four times as many people. China - where it first broke out - has had 4634 deaths.

We are currently at 266,000 deaths.

Now, if you look at the other heavy hitters, the countries that are more like us. Japan- 133 million people, 2042 deaths.

Germany - 80 million people - 16,161 deaths.

Nope. Trump fucked this up. Deal with it.

The WHO had nothing to do with our success in getting the vaccine, and no, Europe does not have a vaccine ready yet either, or they would be using it.

The Pfizer vaccine was developed in Europe.

Astrazeneca is a British company. They have the second vaccine.

WHO did a fine job of getting global efforts focused despite Trump's incompetence.

right wingers dont usually realize they lost their jobs because an asian dude living 10k miles away did their jobs for much less and probably much better... and soon a robot will make it even for lesser and miles better...

they think they are entitled to make those wages that will give them all that comfort they have been around in a capitalist country, generated by their grand fathers...

and they say they hate communism but wants communism to save their comfort bubble for them by forcing manufacturers back into an expensive to manufacture country against their will, like their beloved red... ahh sorry... orange communist leader did...

typical ignorance of the right wing...
There are a couple of problems with your reasoning. First, according to your chart, there should be about 15-16 million more registered voters than in 2018, if earlier trends continue. Voter registration went up about 16 million from 2010 to 2012, and around 15 million from 2014 to 2016. Second, following that chart assumes that circumstances and voter registration trends did continue as before without increasing. As I've mentioned a few times, there were reasons to expect a greater than usual increase in voter registration (and voter turnout) this election cycle.

As to sources, if you look back at my link to registered voters (Number Of Registered Voters by State 2020) you will see that they cite various state websites for their numbers, for example for Washington, and for Delaware. The other source I used, for total population and voter-age population, was the US Census.

To go back to Statista, according to them, overall voter turnout in the 2020 election was 66.7% 2020 Presidential Election: voter turnout rate U.S. 2020 | Statista So if you are going to use Statista to claim near 100% turnout, you should probably check to see what they actually have to say about voter turnout.

Finally, as best as I can determine in a quick check, Statista has been around since 2008 while World Population Review has been around since 2011. The US Census has obviously been around longer. So the argument that Statista would not risk their reputation can apply equally to the sources I've used. Additionally, Statista appears to be a German owned site, which is pretty funny considering the rumors that have been going around about a raid in Germany to get servers holding evidence of election fraud. :p

Again, none of this disproves your claims, but it does make your argument a lot less compelling. It doesn't help that Statista keeps its sources behind a paywall.

It could be that Statista is wrong, I don't know. It's why I threw it out there. Rounding up the numbers from the link you posted state by state, I came up with about 206 registered voters. CNBC is making claim that nearly 160 million voted. If the turnout was that high, the question is why? We've seen his pathetic crowds at his town halls and rallies compared to Trump. We seen he put little energy into his campaign. The man has not one excitable policy. In fact most of his platform will kill this country. A majority of voters (Democrat and Republican) believe the guy has dementia.

Trump I can understand given his record. Obama I can understand as the first Mulatto President that got a lot more blacks to register to vote along with the white guilt crowd. But Biden? A guy who spent nearly a half-century in federal politics and accomplished nothing? It doesn't make sense. The man is more confused than a baby at a topless bar.

When you consider Trump's increased voter turnout among blacks and Hispanics, there is no way he could have lost this election legitimately.

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