The Great Covid-19 Hoax

Pretty big difference from the 5 percent they have been faking
I was a little confused by your earlier post. What mortality rate are you claiming?
The mortality rate is not a knowable number until every American has been tested. My belief is that the mortality rate is no more than the general flu although a greater range of people are getting sick for unknown reasons
The flu doesn't kill 20,000 people in NY in a month
Doctors are complaining and wondering where all the heart patients went

LOL they were put on ventilators and died of covid instead of getting the required heart operation


It's real not made up, a heart patient needs emergency care and their rate of incidence is 100 percent predictable

As real news is beginning to seep out, we are learning that Covid-19 pandemic is much more like those of recent years than the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918.

More than 200,000 people are hospitalized each year in the United States for the flu illness and its complications and between 3,000 and 49,000 people die each year from the flu. The number of flu deaths every year varies.

For example, the average number of flu deaths during the 1990s was 36,000.

  • Average number over a longer time frame from 1976 to 2007 was 23,607 deaths.
  • If you take the number of deaths year wise, you will find a vast variation with a low of 3,349 deaths during the flu season of 1986-87 to a high of 48,614 in 2003-04.
The above-mentioned figures are for adults only and are rough estimates. The CDC estimates that 60 percent of flu-related hospital admissions and 90 percent of flu-related deaths occur in people of this age group [>65}.

So why the hysteria over this new strain? Could it possibly have anything to do with the upcoming Presidential election? After recounts, Russian collusion, obstruction of justice, quid pro quo and impeachment have all failed to overturn the 2016 election, is there the slightest doubt that the Democrats will do anything to prevent Trump's reelection?

Doesn't crashing the economy, which was Trump's biggest reelection asset, fit right in with all of these other despicable actions? Why are Blue States the most opposed to reopening the economy? Why is the CDC so resistant to admitting the Covid-19 threat has been vastly overestimated? What do these people have in common?

Orange Man Bad.

Why do you people constantly lie?

I live in the reddest state in the union probably, and certainly totally pro-Trump (except for me). Our governor is staunchly resisting anything quick. Meanwhile there are Democrat Governors like Montana who are talking about a phased re-opening starting April 24th.

In fact - Republican governors may prove to be the biggest obstacle.
Wonder if Trump will ask his supporters to "liberate" these red states?
The link is pretty hard to follow. AT one point he uses one number and then at another point he uses another.. He does this several times but when he gets to hard numbers he claims that 3% will get infected by this disease resulting in 90,000 deaths.

Later that number becomes 30%....somehow

In matter what...he certainly is not supporting the assertion that this disease is a hoax. Far from it

But this clown had a cold during cold and flu season so the virus killing people in the tens of a hoax


I never said it was a hoax. He talks about the 3% of infections during this first wave as an IHME number, which is based on the known cases, then says

"But is that 3% infection ratio accurate, and if not, what is the real number?"

And then goes into his discussion. I had to read it a couple of times as well. It is worth the read, IMO, as is the paper he is referencing. These numbers are also in keeping with other studies I have seen, both here and in Europe that indicate far higher rates of infection and drastically lower mortality rates. YMMV, of course..
The more I learn about the whole thing, the more of a scam it's turning out to be.

This is kinda long, and it takes a while to get into the relevant stuff, but if anyone has time, listen to this podcast:

Oh look, the evolution deniers refuse to trust scientists. List of everyone in the world who is shocked by this:
Ahhh...200,000 dead is a joke...nice
Yup 200,000 over 7,5 billion is statistically inconsequential when 430,000 die of tobacco out of 329,000,000 in the USA every year. That being true why are you not bitching that tobacco be banned? Because you were not told to care and you are brainwashed

Look you may or may not know me, but I have been doing this since 1995 and am undefeated

Ask the FBI, they are aware
Pretty big difference from the 5 percent they have been faking
I was a little confused by your earlier post. What mortality rate are you claiming?
The mortality rate is not a knowable number until every American has been tested. My belief is that the mortality rate is no more than the general flu although a greater range of people are getting sick for unknown reasons
The flu doesn't kill 20,000 people in NY in a month
Doctors are complaining and wondering where all the heart patients went

LOL they were put on ventilators and died of covid instead of getting the required heart operation


It's real not made up, a heart patient needs emergency care and their rate of incidence is 100 percent predictable

Yea dumass and your link says people are too afraid to come to the hospital

What happens when someone that has heart disease doesn't get it treated.

I'll let you guess
Pretty big difference from the 5 percent they have been faking
I was a little confused by your earlier post. What mortality rate are you claiming?
The mortality rate is not a knowable number until every American has been tested. My belief is that the mortality rate is no more than the general flu although a greater range of people are getting sick for unknown reasons
The flu doesn't kill 20,000 people in NY in a month
Doctors are complaining and wondering where all the heart patients went

LOL they were put on ventilators and died of covid instead of getting the required heart operation


It's real not made up, a heart patient needs emergency care and their rate of incidence is 100 percent predictable

Yea dumass and your link says people are too afraid to come to the hospital

What happens when someone that has heart disease doesn't get it treated.

I'll let you guess
Heart patients have exactly 2 choices.

1. Go to the hospital
2. Skip the hospital and go straight to the morgue.

You can not lie and win, technically you may not be lying because you may believe the BS and are brainwashed
The flu kills an average of 4,700 New Yorkers every year.

4,700 New Yorkers died of the coronavirus in the last week.

This isn't the flu.
LOL how come there are no heart patients in NY kid?

I don't know, but it's not worth subscribing to find out.
The flu kills an average of 4,700 New Yorkers every year.

4,700 New Yorkers died of the coronavirus in the last week.

This isn't the flu.
LOL how come there are no heart patients in NY kid?

I don't know, but it's not worth subscribing to find out.
Everything opens for me, not sure why you need to subscribe?
What is the inflated count at now?
The undercount is now 45,172

Since about 40% of the cases/fatalities are in NYC with that moronic Big Bird as a mayor -- I THINK many NY'ers would prefer the name "Deblaiso plague". But that's not helpful either. Less than 2% of Americans have been infected (using CDC guess at %infected)... TEN TIMES more than most states in the Big Apple alone..

Think the disconnect here is ASSUMING people's risks based on NATIONWIDE statistics. Be a lot less death threats in this thread if you big city, efficiency dwelling, urban canyon living, subway riding lefties would look at a map and see where more pain is being caused by arrogant arbitrary dictators than by COvid 19....
As real news is beginning to seep out, we are learning that Covid-19 pandemic is much more like those of recent years than the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918.

More than 200,000 people are hospitalized each year in the United States for the flu illness and its complications and between 3,000 and 49,000 people die each year from the flu. The number of flu deaths every year varies.

For example, the average number of flu deaths during the 1990s was 36,000.

  • Average number over a longer time frame from 1976 to 2007 was 23,607 deaths.
  • If you take the number of deaths year wise, you will find a vast variation with a low of 3,349 deaths during the flu season of 1986-87 to a high of 48,614 in 2003-04.
The above-mentioned figures are for adults only and are rough estimates. The CDC estimates that 60 percent of flu-related hospital admissions and 90 percent of flu-related deaths occur in people of this age group [>65}.

So why the hysteria over this new strain? Could it possibly have anything to do with the upcoming Presidential election? After recounts, Russian collusion, obstruction of justice, quid pro quo and impeachment have all failed to overturn the 2016 election, is there the slightest doubt that the Democrats will do anything to prevent Trump's reelection?

Doesn't crashing the economy, which was Trump's biggest reelection asset, fit right in with all of these other despicable actions? Why are Blue States the most opposed to reopening the economy? Why is the CDC so resistant to admitting the Covid-19 threat has been vastly overestimated? What do these people have in common?

Orange Man Bad.

The blob’s CDC said that there may be an outbreak in The winter as well today.

So yeah, your theory is in tact. The blob’s hand picked CDC Director is sabotaging him. a fox.

<sarcasm off>
You people can't possibly be this stupid. These comparisons are meaningless. No one knows how long this virus will last. So, no one knows how many will eventually die from it.

Well, we know that the mortality rate for the disease is probably far less than 1%, so we can estimate.
Yep, it's far, far less than the mortality rate for these who catch the regular seasonal flu.
So head on over to the local ER and get infected. Show us how much less lethal that the flu it is.
He-he, old CC (Clueless Crepitus) at it AGAIN. Hilarious!
I'm waiting, back your shit up. Show us how much less lethal it is than the flu.
What a fucking moron you are, and all who think like you.

Influenza season runs September to April; 48,000 deaths over 8 months is just a little bit fucking different than 43,000 deaths in six weeks.

You really don’t deserve the resources your fat stupid worthless fucking lump of flesh consumes every day. I hope you get covid19 and die.
Ouch and some think I’m mean and nasty.
Every day I am learning new stories of wonderful people dying from this horrible illness - and many of them are doctors and nurses and other essential workers keeping life going for the rest of us.

I have no more sympathy or understanding or tolerance for scum like the scum that populates much of this board. I understand that there are some good people here and it’s the only reason I’ve stayed over the years - but I will no longer bite my tongue when it comes to the scum. I don’t care if this kind of person dies. I care more about actual pond scum than I do about these kinds of people. They destroy the environment and civic discourse and I have laughed at all of the stories of covid19 deniers dying of covid19; there is little pleasure to be found in a pandemic, but at least there is THAT.

I think COVID downplayers/deniers are flat out wrong.And I believe in the face of all these deaths their behavior is reprehensible, but wishing death on them is worse.
The flu kills an average of 4,700 New Yorkers every year.

4,700 New Yorkers died of the coronavirus in the last week.

This isn't the flu.
LOL how come there are no heart patients in NY kid?

I don't know, but it's not worth subscribing to find out.
Everything opens for me, not sure why you need to subscribe?

This is what I'm looking at.

. I hope you get covid19 and die.

Unless you're really old with an underlying chronic respiratory condition, your chances of dying from COVID, even if you get infected, is less than getting hit by a bus.

So, not much of a curse.
Tell that to the two emergency responders whose 5 year old daughter just died of the virus. I’m sure they’ll be very comforted by the statistics.

The world celebrated when the Berlin Wall came down, unless a chunk of it hit your grandma in the head.

Statistics are rarely comforting to someone personally affected.

They are, however, a much better measure of risk than panic and emotion.

Fair enough. But you didn’t provide statistical evidence. There are healthy and young people dying from the virus. What you said is pure bullshit.

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