The Great Covid-19 Hoax

What a fucking moron you are, and all who think like you.

Influenza season runs September to April; 48,000 deaths over 8 months is just a little bit fucking different than 43,000 deaths in six weeks.

You really don’t deserve the resources your fat stupid worthless fucking lump of flesh consumes every day. I hope you get covid19 and die.
Ouch and some think I’m mean and nasty.
Every day I am learning new stories of wonderful people dying from this horrible illness - and many of them are doctors and nurses and other essential workers keeping life going for the rest of us.

I have no more sympathy or understanding or tolerance for scum like the scum that populates much of this board. I understand that there are some good people here and it’s the only reason I’ve stayed over the years - but I will no longer bite my tongue when it comes to the scum. I don’t care if this kind of person dies. I care more about actual pond scum than I do about these kinds of people. They destroy the environment and civic discourse and I have laughed at all of the stories of covid19 deniers dying of covid19; there is little pleasure to be found in a pandemic, but at least there is THAT.

But how do you REALLY feel? ;)
Like I’m trapped in a Camus novel.
No, you're just trapped in the idiot box.
Many are. We have a few friends and family members scared shitless.

Yep, sad but true. Many people still don't understand that we're lied to constantly, by the PTSB and controlled MSM. They don't understand the deceptive tactics they use, like Problem - Reaction - Solution. As my signature says, fear/panic and "emergencies" has been their best tool for getting people to surrender more rights and achieve their globalist agendas. Everything going on reminds me of the book 1984.

Some media sources claim it’s really bad and others claim it’s similar to the flu. There is a great deal of conflicting information. So, it’s anyone’s guess.
I know several people who have gotten it.

One had what amounts to a three day cold (age 67). Two ended up with pneumonia(late 40s and early 50s) and some really weird symptoms not normally associated with the flu. They are still VERY sick...three weeks in

One is in his 20s and has a bad flu like course

The last was over 70. He just came off a ventilator is expected to survive. It was close

All but the first said it had a way of turning on a dime. Near recovery to pneumonia in like an hour
Some media sources claim it’s really bad and others claim it’s similar to the flu. There is a great deal of conflicting information. So, it’s anyone’s guess.
I know several people who have gotten it.

One had what amounts to a three day cold (age 67). Two ended up with pneumonia(late 40s and early 50s) and some really weird symptoms not normally associated with the flu. They are still VERY sick...three weeks in

One is in his 20s and has a bad flu like course

The last was over 70. He just came off a ventilator is expected to survive. It was close

All but the first said it had a way of turning on a dime. Near recovery to pneumonia in like an hour
I had it, my wife had it and my son had it. My son was the sickest as he had to stop pumping iron for three days, my wife lost her hearing for several days and I had minor off and on sweats for 2 days. No one needed medical treatment

We are better off with less sick people anyway, shit half this country weighs over 500lbs

Not normal
You people can't possibly be this stupid. These comparisons are meaningless. No one knows how long this virus will last. So, no one knows how many will eventually die from it.

Well, we know that the mortality rate for the disease is probably far less than 1%, so we can estimate.

Infection Mortality Rate is estimated at 0.1-0.26% according to Oxford University Center for Evidence Based Medicine, or .0001-.00026 or 1 in 10,000 to 2.6 in 10,000 infections.

Some media sources claim it’s really bad and others claim it’s similar to the flu. There is a great deal of conflicting information. So, it’s anyone’s guess.
I know several people who have gotten it.

One had what amounts to a three day cold (age 67). Two ended up with pneumonia(late 40s and early 50s) and some really weird symptoms not normally associated with the flu. They are still VERY sick...three weeks in

One is in his 20s and has a bad flu like course

The last was over 70. He just came off a ventilator is expected to survive. It was close

All but the first said it had a way of turning on a dime. Near recovery to pneumonia in like an hour
I had it, my wife had it and my son had it. My son was the sickest as he had to stop pumping iron for three days, my wife lost her hearing for several days and I had minor off and on sweats for 2 days. No one needed medical treatment

We are better off with less sick people anyway, shit half this country weighs over 500lbs

Not normal
Were you tested and confirmed?

Because if so you represent a large cohort of the only 75,000 listed as recovered.

Most likely you had a friggin cold and convinced yourself it was the virus
Whether its all a hoax or not....Trump and his team had to respond the way they did...think back to when people were dropping like flies in Italy and NYC.....and infections in a state like Washington way up in the north west also freaked people out...and when children began to catch it....

I still stand by my belief that this is worse than the last two flues that hit us but the more we learn the more we know...I guess we can look at it like one hell of a good dress rehearsal for when something really bad breaks out from China.....
Infection Mortality Rate is estimated at 0.1-0.26% according to Oxford University Center for Evidence Based Medicine, or .0001-.00026 or 1 in 10,000 to 2.6 in 10,000 infections.
I looked for that sentence in your link twice and didn't find it. What are you trying to say?
You are to be given information from Rachel Maddow or Rush Limbaugh that will save your life, who do you choose?

Blinky Maddow has been lying every broadcast for years. How in the fuck would you even watch Blinky's madness in this day and age. :p
Some media sources claim it’s really bad and others claim it’s similar to the flu. There is a great deal of conflicting information. So, it’s anyone’s guess.
I know several people who have gotten it.

One had what amounts to a three day cold (age 67). Two ended up with pneumonia(late 40s and early 50s) and some really weird symptoms not normally associated with the flu. They are still VERY sick...three weeks in

One is in his 20s and has a bad flu like course

The last was over 70. He just came off a ventilator is expected to survive. It was close

All but the first said it had a way of turning on a dime. Near recovery to pneumonia in like an hour
I had it, my wife had it and my son had it. My son was the sickest as he had to stop pumping iron for three days, my wife lost her hearing for several days and I had minor off and on sweats for 2 days. No one needed medical treatment

We are better off with less sick people anyway, shit half this country weighs over 500lbs

Not normal
Were you tested and confirmed?

Because if so you represent a large cohort of the only 75,000 listed as recovered.

Most likely you had a friggin cold and convinced yourself it was the virus
No one gets tested unless they are almost dying and we were not sick enough. I have a man in my crew who was sick he went to the doctor twice and a testing center twice and he could not get tested. Face it they do not want anyone tested who is not in danger of dying because that is how they faked the epidemic.

We were all sick here right at or before the time they shut everything down and no we were not important enough to be tested. Shame on them not us
Infection Mortality Rate is estimated at 0.1-0.26% according to Oxford University Center for Evidence Based Medicine, or .0001-.00026 or 1 in 10,000 to 2.6 in 10,000 infections.
I looked for that sentence in your link twice and didn't find it. What are you trying to say?

Here it is

"CEBM estimates the IFR at 0.1% to 0.26%, with even more caveats pertaining thereto."

They are referring to the Infection Fatality Rate, or IFM (which I referred to by mistake as the Infection Mortality Rate) which would appear to be based on their estimate of actual infections and deaths.

Infection Mortality Rate is estimated at 0.1-0.26% according to Oxford University Center for Evidence Based Medicine, or .0001-.00026 or 1 in 10,000 to 2.6 in 10,000 infections.
I looked for that sentence in your link twice and didn't find it. What are you trying to say?

Here it is

"CEBM estimates the IFR at 0.1% to 0.26%, with even more caveats pertaining thereto."

They are referring to the Infection Fatality Rate, or IFM (which I referred to by mistake as the Infection Mortality Rate) which would appear to be based on their estimate of actual infections and deaths.

Pretty big difference from the 5 percent they have been faking
Pretty big difference from the 5 percent they have been faking
I was a little confused by your earlier post. What mortality rate are you claiming?
The mortality rate is not a knowable number until every American has been tested. My belief is that the mortality rate is no more than the general flu although a greater range of people are getting sick for unknown reasons
The link is pretty hard to follow. AT one point he uses one number and then at another point he uses another.. He does this several times but when he gets to hard numbers he claims that 3% will get infected by this disease resulting in 90,000 deaths.

Later that number becomes 30%....somehow

In matter what...he certainly is not supporting the assertion that this disease is a hoax. Far from it

But this clown had a cold during cold and flu season so the virus killing people in the tens of a hoax

Pretty big difference from the 5 percent they have been faking
I was a little confused by your earlier post. What mortality rate are you claiming?
The mortality rate is not a knowable number until every American has been tested. My belief is that the mortality rate is no more than the general flu although a greater range of people are getting sick for unknown reasons
The flu doesn't kill 20,000 people in NY in a month
The link is pretty hard to follow. AT one point he uses one number and then at another point he uses another.. He does this several times but when he gets to hard numbers he claims that 3% will get infected by this disease resulting in 90,000 deaths.

Later that number becomes 30%....somehow

In matter what...he certainly is not supporting the assertion that this disease is a hoax. Far from it

But this clown had a cold during cold and flu season so the virus killing people in the tens of a hoax

The disease is certainly not a hoax, the pandemic is as the national and world death rates are either unchanged or down.

Clearly in 1918 the world death rate was way up as 50 to 100 million died. When you spread 200 thousand over 7.5 billion it's a joke or hoax

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