Zone1 The Great Delusion

Immigrants of S. Asian descent(India, Pakistan,etc.) Have fought to be white in America.

Today some, like Dinesh D'Souza, Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy still think they are.

What difference does it make? I am Jewish, and there is an antisemitic contingent that insist I’m not White.

There are others who insist Hispanics are not White, when they are.
What difference does it make? I am Jewish, and there is an antisemitic contingent that insist I’m not White.

There are others who insist Hispanics are not White, when they are.

Arabs are considered white.
lololololol i've worked with "conservatives," but never if i wanted something done properly.
What a bigot. I’m a conservative, and I was told by my boss that my reputation was that if you wanted something done right, ask Lisa to do it.
Arabs are considered white.
So are Israelis.

There seems to be an effort underfoot to redefine “white” so as to exclude all sorts of ethnicities and nationalities. It is related to the Left’s hostility toward Whites so as to pat themselves on the back that there are so few of us.

There are only three races: Caucasian (white), Negroid (black), and Mongoloid (Asian).
So are Israelis.

There seems to be an effort underfoot to redefine “white” so as to exclude all sorts of ethnicities and nationalities. It is related to the Left’s hostility toward Whites so as to pat themselves on the back that there are so few of us.

There are only three races: Caucasian (white), Negroid (black), and Mongoloid (Asian).

Hasn't changed in my lifetime.
Hasn't changed in my lifetime.
It’s changed in mine (and I’m younger than you). It is MUCH worse since the left started it’s anti-white racism agenda.

You should see the article that just appeared in my local paper: “Percentage of Whites Drops in County” - followed by an article celebrating diversity. They were celebrating that there are relatively fewer Whites! yay!! If the Left weren’t so anti-white, the headline would have read ”Diversity Increases in County”.
thanks, white. i think i can confine the snark to the less formal boards.

i will "endeavor to persevere." chief dan george.
Thanks. I loved that character.:D
What a bigot. I’m a conservative, and I was told by my boss that my reputation was that if you wanted something done right, ask Lisa to do it.
good for you. do you do roofing? the old white guy in the red ball cap seemed to know what he was talking about, but his illegal crew (no habla and no skill.) botched the job.
that name change from "piush" to "bobby" propelled my (blissfully) former governor to 1% of the vote in new hampshire. last i heard jindal was chasing ambulances, wonder why trump didn't consider him among "the best people?"

have these "conservative" subcontinentals brought their caste structured society to america? (not that we don't already have our own. )

Poles, Italians and Greeks used to change their names as well to "fit in" back in the early 20th century. It's not limited to non white minorities.

Hell immigrant Asian parents often give their kids american nicknames to be used in school. So Xi becomes Bobby, but is still Xi on the books.
What difference does it make? I am Jewish, and there is an antisemitic contingent that insist I’m not White.

There are others who insist Hispanics are not White, when they are.

Or Hispanics ARE white when it suits the narrative.
good for you. do you do roofing? the old white guy in the red ball cap seemed to know what he was talking about, but his illegal crew (no habla and no skill.) botched the job.
No, but you’re playing to another stereotype: that conservatives are high school grads in working class jobs.

My work was intellectually-based, and I have a grad degree. (Undergrad, Phi Beta Kappa.) My friends consist of a pharmacist, a lawyer, a dentist, a microbiologist, and an MBA. Please don’t try to make yourself feel superior by imagining educated, intelligent professionals did not vote for Trump.
Race has no scientific biological basis.

Not entirely true. There are DNA trends that are limited to specific races. It's simply like breeds of dogs. We used to group by things like skin color, but modern DNA analysis has shown race specific traits, with skin color just being one of them.
Was he? I thought his mother was mixed race.

Hispanic is one of those things that once you have some Spanish/south American native blood, you are Hispanic.

It resulted from the fact the Spanish bred with the south and central American natives far more than the more northern European colonists. Which is why you see some Hispanics that look like they are from Barcelona, and some that look like shorter versions of native Americans.
Not entirely true. There are DNA trends that are limited to specific races. It's simply like breeds of dogs. We used to group by things like skin color, but modern DNA analysis has shown race specific traits, with skin color just being one of them.

Opinions. It's a "construct" created by populations adjusting to the conditions found in their environments through good old natural selection.

We run away from talking about differences in human populations because we worry we look like racist assholes. Talking about the differences is different than basing world views on the differences.

Or worse, people mistake racial differences for species differences, even if they don't use those words.

All people are Homo Sapiens Sapiens. that doesn't mean race does not have a biological basis.

The social construct comes from how we TREAT the races, or at least how we used to treat the different races.

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