Zone1 The Great Delusion

There's been some recent evidence that Africans had mated with parahumans too. It's actually thrown the whole Out of African Hypothesis into doubt.
WTF are you? Are you trying to say Africans are only partially human?
WTF are you? Are you trying to say Africans are only partially human?
Parahumans would be groups like the Denisovans and Neanderthals. Well there was another such group that interbred with Africans. The important point is that this occurred BEFORE Europeans mated with Neanderthals and Asians with Denisovans, yet Europeans and Asians show no trace of this DNA.
Parahumans would be groups like the Denisovans and Neanderthals. Well there was another such group that interbred with Africans. The important point is that this occurred BEFORE Europeans mated with Neanderthals and Asians with Denisovans, yet Europeans and Asians show no trace of this DNA.
Yes, there was mating with Neanderthals, but surprisingly, having Neanderthal DNA does not mean less intelligent. Ashkenazi Jews, who have just about the highest average IQ of all groups, have about 2% Neanderthal DNA.
WTH? Aryans aren’t the only true whites. You sound like a descendant of a Nazi.

Im Jewish by birth, through the maternal line all the way back, and very light skinned, light eyes, light hair.
That means that you're Semitic, not Aryan. All Whites are Aryans, but not all Aryans are White. Not all people with light skin, light hair, and blue eyes are White, though they may pass for White. Forget Hitler's use of the word Aryan. It developed from a Germanized form of Theosophy and had more to do with politics than biology. Hitler considered Native Americans to be Aryans because it was politically convenient, for example. He considered Slavs to be non-Aryan because it was politically convenient. Some Jews were considered Honorary Aryan because it was politically convenient.

You claiming to be Aryan makes as much sense as me claiming to be Germanic for having about 2% Anglo-Saxon DNA.
That means that you're Semitic, not Aryan. All Whites are Aryans, but not all Aryans are White. Not all people with light skin, light hair, and blue eyes are White, though they may pass for White. Forget Hitler's use of the word Aryan. It developed from a Germanized form of Theosophy and had more to do with politics than biology. Hitler considered Native Americans to be Aryans because it was politically convenient, for example. He considered Slavs to be non-Aryan because it was politically convenient. Some Jews were considered Honorary Aryan because it was politically convenient.

You claiming to be Aryan makes as much sense as me claiming to be Germanic for having about 2% Anglo-Saxon DNA.
I never claimed to be an Aryan. I said I was white. Sorry it bothers you so much.
Semite is a language group.. Hebrew, Arabic, Amharic, Syriac.. Something else I've forgotten
Yes, but it's also used in a biological context. Similarly with the word Aryan. Aryan refers to the Persian and closely related languages. Biologically it includes far more than Persians and their close relatives. It's an unfortunate situation in linguistics and biology. I think of it kind of how the fact of evolution and the theory of evolution are both called evolution despite being to fundamentally different categories. One is an observed phenomena and the other is a theory to explain the observed phenomena.
I never claimed to be an Aryan. I said I was white. Sorry it bothers you so much.
If you're Jewish then you're not White. All Whites are Aryans and no Jew is Aryan.

My personal beef with Jews has nothing to do with race or religion. It's that the vast majority of them support political and social ideas that undermine White society (e.g. mass migration, sexual degeneracy, globalism, etc.) Maybe you're one of the rare exceptions. If so then I have no problem with you being Jewish. But you're not White, even if you pass for White.
If you're Jewish then you're not White. All Whites are Aryans and no Jew is Aryan.

My personal beef with Jews has nothing to do with race or religion. It's that the vast majority of them support political and social ideas that undermine White society (e.g. mass migration, sexual degeneracy, globalism, etc.) Maybe you're one of the rare exceptions. If so then I have no problem with you being Jewish. But you're not White, even if you pass for White.
I am both Jewish, and white. Sorry if it bothers the White Supremacists.
Jewish and White are mutually exclusive categories. Jews pretend to be White in order to infiltrate and undermine White societies.
Thanks, White Supremacist.

The truth is that Jews have contributed far more than their numbers would indicate in terms of scientific, technological, and medical advancements. If you’ve ever had a serious infection, you can thank a Jew for your life.
Thanks, White Supremacist.

The truth is that Jews have contributed far more than their numbers would indicate in terms of scientific, technological, and medical advancements. If you’ve ever had a serious infection, you can thank a Jew for your life.
Funny how everybody loses their minds when Whites want a a White ethnostate, but when Jews need welfare for their Jewish ethnostate politicians fall all over themselves in the rush to fork over the White man's money.

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