Zone1 The Great Delusion

Opinions. It's a "construct" created by populations adjusting to the conditions found in their environments through good old natural selection.

We run away from talking about differences in human populations because we worry we look like racist assholes. Talking about the differences is different than basing world views on the differences.

Or worse, people mistake racial differences for species differences, even if they don't use those words.

All people are Homo Sapiens Sapiens. that doesn't mean race does not have a biological basis.

The social construct comes from how we TREAT the races, or at least how we used to treat the different races.
The post the science that supports your position. I did.
You posted studies, not science.

People need to stop waving the word "science" around like it's some talisman of instant point win.
genetics is science

And you have posted nothing that supports your opinion
Genetics is A science.

And I have my opinion, and you have someone else's opinion you are relying on instead of making your own.
"Race has no scientific biological basis."

This is not true. Sub Saharan Africans have the most pure Homo Sapiens DNA. Europeans are hybrids of Homo Sapiens and Neanderthal with as much as 4% Neanderthal dna. Moving east through Asia and into Indian Ocean and Pacific Islands the people are hybrids of Homo Sapiens, Neanderthal and Denisovan dna. This is clearly a biological difference.

Immigrants of S. Asian descent(India, Pakistan,etc.) Have fought to be white in America.

Today some, like Dinesh D'Souza, Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy still think they are.

Life: get one today!
What difference does it make? I am Jewish, and there is an antisemitic contingent that insist I’m not White.

There are others who insist Hispanics are not White, when they are.
That's because you're not White, unless, perhaps, you're a White convert to Judaism, e.g. Ivanka Trump. White is a subset of Aryan. Aryan is a subset of Caucasians. Jews are Caucasians, but not Aryans, so they can't be White, regardless of their skin color. Indians are Caucasians and Aryans, but not White. Spaniards are White, but Hispanics are a mix between Native Americans and Spaniards (and by some definitions, Portuguese). So Hispanics are not White, but are mixed race. Race ultimate exists on a spectrum since mixed races exist. So there will always be the question of how White one has to be to be considered White. Ultimately that's a legal question, not a scientific one.
"Race has no scientific biological basis."

This is not true. Sub Saharan Africans have the most pure Homo Sapiens DNA. Europeans are hybrids of Homo Sapiens and Neanderthal with as much as 4% Neanderthal dna. Moving east through Asia and into Indian Ocean and Pacific Islands the people are hybrids of Homo Sapiens, Neanderthal and Denisovan dna. This is clearly a biological difference.
There's been some recent evidence that Africans had mated with parahumans too. It's actually thrown the whole Out of African Hypothesis into doubt.
That's because you're not White, unless, perhaps, you're a White convert to Judaism, e.g. Ivanka Trump. White is a subset of Aryan. Aryan is a subset of Caucasians. Jews are Caucasians, but not Aryans, so they can't be White, regardless of their skin color. Indians are Caucasians and Aryans, but not White. Spaniards are White, but Hispanics are a mix between Native Americans and Spaniards (and by some definitions, Portuguese). So Hispanics are not White, but are mixed race. Race ultimate exists on a spectrum since mixed races exist. So there will always be the question of how White one has to be to be considered White. Ultimately that's a legal question, not a scientific one.
WTH? Aryans aren’t the only true whites. You sound like a descendant of a Nazi.

Im Jewish by birth, through the maternal line all the way back, and very light skinned, light eyes, light hair.

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