The Great Independent UK Media


Platinum Member
Jul 13, 2023
Lancashire England
The Workers party of Great Britain have a elected MP and five councillors, Reform under Farage have no MPs and two Councillors, Farage is never off TV while George Galloway has been cancelled out by the scumbags in the Media, free Media my arse.
At least they get a mention, Farage is never off the bloody TV, it's clear whats going on, the media are part of the problem.
The most egregious example is the BBC. How do all of these "thinktanks" get a seat at the table.
None of them reveal their funding.But they are all fossil and probably American.
Is it politics or just lazy producers, It stinks whatever..Of course the BBC needs detorying like the whole UK.
The most egregious example is the BBC. How do all of these "thinktanks" get a seat at the table.
None of them reveal their funding.But they are all fossil and probably American.
Is it politics or just lazy producers, It stinks whatever..Of course the BBC needs detorying like the whole UK.
Yes there are quite a few of them, can't remember her name but there is a young American Woman from a so called think tank at times she is never off the tv,these people are no more qualified to talk about events than we are, as for the BBC they have always been in the main an organ of State propaganda, i remember back in the 80s a scandal came to light that the British intelligence services were screening any potential employee at the BBC, although one exception a programme the BBC did in the 80s a Time Watch on GLADIO the Western NATO so called stay behind forces in Europe that descended into State terrorism against their own citizens in Europe with attacks onsupermarkets and the bombing of Bolgna railway station in Italy, all done to get the public onside with further Government security restrictions, these people are capable of anything if they can murder their own people.
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Yes there are quite a few of them, can't remember her name but there is a young American Woman from a so called think tank at times she is never off the tv,these people are no more qualified to talk about events than we are, as for the BBC they have always been in the main an organ of State propaganda, i remember back in the 80s a scandal came to light that the British intelligence services were screening any potential employee at the BBC, although one exception a programme the BBC did in the 80s a Time Watch on GLADIO the Western NATO so called stay behind forces in Europe that descended into State terrorism against their own citizens in Europe with attacks onsupermarkets and the bombing of Bolgna railway station in Italy, all done to get the public onside with further Government security restrictions, these people are capable of anything if they can murder their own people.
I know you mean. She has a proper job now I think. I remember the stupid cow on question time telling us that the NHS was unaffordable. Dont know who she worked for.. IEF - they gives us the truss budget.
Taxpayers Alliance- Thats a training ground for the other groupings. They aint taxpayers like us. Just rich people. They are taxpayers who dont pay taxes.
I know you mean. She has a proper job now I think. I remember the stupid cow on question time telling us that the NHS was unaffordable. Dont know who she worked for.. IEF - they gives us the truss budget.
Taxpayers Alliance- Thats a training ground for the other groupings. They aint taxpayers like us. Just rich people. They are taxpayers who dont pay taxes.
That's the one, always on question time, i believe she lives here now, the so called tax payers alliance i read are working for or connected to the Trump outfit, although the two clowns standing for office in the US are just about as bad as each other, having said that i don't think Trump is as big a war pig as that senile clown Biden.
I know you mean. She has a proper job now I think. I remember the stupid cow on question time telling us that the NHS was unaffordable. Dont know who she worked for.. IEF - they gives us the truss budget.
Taxpayers Alliance- Thats a training ground for the other groupings. They aint taxpayers like us. Just rich people. They are taxpayers who dont pay taxes.

That's the one, always on question time, i believe she lives here now, the so called tax payers alliance i read are working for or connected to the Trump outfit, although the two clowns standing for office in the US are just about as bad as each other, having said that i don't think Trump is as big a war pig as that senile clown Biden.
Trump needs a war to prove hes got a cock.
Trump needs a war to prove hes got a cock.
Only time will tell about that, all i know is there is a warmongering geriatric President at the moment who seems to be further from reality by the day, doesn't appear to know where he is half of the time or find his way out of a room, i am expecting Biden turning up one day for an event in his dressing gown and pyjamas after that grotesque performance in Normandy.
No, they are socialists like the Labour party were once, it's no excuse for the Media to block them, George Galloway is a member of Parliament unlike Farage.
Ideology Is a Spitball Fight at a Prep School

In the British novel, The Collector, the snobbish abductee takes it for granted that intelligent and artistic idealists from her upper class clique are, naturally, in favor of Socialism. It is a scheme for spoiled brats to take over the working-class movement and then betray it.

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