The Great Russian Collusion Media Hoax


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
The following OP sums up the facts.
Looking back the whole LIB wet dream reads like a child's fairy tale book.
The 'plot' is so fucking obvious anyone with a brain knows the ending after the first few pages.
CNN/MSNBC are the wicked witches who end up getting what they deserve.
'Prince Trump' and his beautiful bride are the conquering heroes.
The Late, Great Russian Collusion Myth - American Greatness
The Russia Hoax Must Be Investigated.


We are now living in an imperio mendacium, Latin for a government of lies.

A troubling question, now crucial for the Justice Department and the Republicans in the Senate to answer, is whether, indeed, the accusation of collusion with the Russians on the part of the Trump administration — now thoroughly exploded by that same Mueller Report — was itself a product of the grossest and most nefarious fraud ever perpetrated in American politics.

Many years ago, in an extraordinary purportedly fictional political thriller, "Primary Colors" (1996), written by veteran reporter Joseph Klein, and based on the campaign of William Jefferson Clinton, Klein compellingly revealed how his protagonist used mendacity and dirty tricks to achieve success, and eliminate opponents.

This was the pattern, we are now learning, employed by Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign, in cooperation with consultants, lawyers, and the Obama administration, to plant fabrications implicating Donald Trump and his associates with clandestine activities in cooperation with Russian officials wrongly and corruptly to steal the election from Mrs. Clinton. That Mrs. Clinton and her associates would engage in such chicanery should have been no surprise given her pattern of outright lying about the purpose of her “home-brew” server, and her failure to use her official state department e-mail account, the better to conceal the activities of her and her family to leverage her official position to acquire extraordinary wealth. The fact that Mrs. Clinton was permitted to escape criminal liability for her cavalier treatment of classified information ought to be recognized as a far greater travesty than anything Mr. Trump may have done.

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