The Growing Hypocrisy of the Gay Rights Movement

Is there this much outrage when a company publicly supports gay marriage?

25 Companies And Products Boycotted For Supporting LGBT Rights

Disney, Oreo, Betty Crocker, Levi's, Starbucks, etc. You can't tell me you haven't heard of the homophobic uproar over Disney's pro-gay position!

What would happen if a mayor vowed to block a restaurant from opening in his city because the company was pro-gay marriage?

The wailing and gnashing of teeth on MSNBC, CNN, and other media outlets would blister every eardrum within listening range.

But then again, being mad at someone for being pro-slavery is not the same as being mad at them for being against it. Discrimination is discrimination. Oppression does not occupy the same moral ground as non-oppression.
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Do you believe that it is unacceptable for me to be against gay marriage?

Hey, you can also believe interracial marriages are unacceptable. Whatever!

All that matters it that they receive equal protection under the law.

They already enjoy the equal protection of the law. Gays are not entitled to the financial benefits of marriage because those laws were created to protect and benefit mothers and children. They were never intended to benefit a couple of fuck buddies just because they decide to shack-up together. I don't care what their gender is.
Do you believe that it is unacceptable for me to be against gay marriage?

Hey, you can also believe interracial marriages are unacceptable. Whatever!

All that matters it that they receive equal protection under the law.

They already enjoy the equal protection of the law. Gays are not entitled to the financial benefits of marriage because those laws were created to protect and benefit mothers and children. They were never intended to benefit a couple of fuck buddies just because they decide to shack-up together. I don't care what their gender is.

So...marriages don't protect men and childless couples. Who knew? You might want to inform the government of that.

Oh...and I'm gay, I'm a mother, and I have a child...........and I'm legally married. :D
Hey, you can also believe interracial marriages are unacceptable. Whatever!

All that matters it that they receive equal protection under the law.

They already enjoy the equal protection of the law. Gays are not entitled to the financial benefits of marriage because those laws were created to protect and benefit mothers and children. They were never intended to benefit a couple of fuck buddies just because they decide to shack-up together. I don't care what their gender is.

So...marriages don't protect men and childless couples. Who knew? You might want to inform the government of that.

Oh...and I'm gay, I'm a mother, and I have a child...........and I'm legally married. :D

So...marriages don't protect men and childless couples. Who knew? You might want to inform the government of that.

Oh...and I'm gay, I'm a mother, and I have a child...........and I'm legally married. :D

My condolences to the man and child whose lives you helped to screw up - doesn't matter though does it ? So long as YOU'RE happy
So...marriages don't protect men and childless couples. Who knew? You might want to inform the government of that.

Oh...and I'm gay, I'm a mother, and I have a child...........and I'm legally married. :D

My condolences to the man and child whose lives you helped to screw up - doesn't matter though does it ? So long as YOU'RE happy

Yes, as Bod said, what are you talking about? Now, I can't speak for Bod, but no men or children were harmed in the making of my family. We're ALL quite happy thank you.
Hey, you can also believe interracial marriages are unacceptable. Whatever!

All that matters it that they receive equal protection under the law.

They already enjoy the equal protection of the law. Gays are not entitled to the financial benefits of marriage because those laws were created to protect and benefit mothers and children. They were never intended to benefit a couple of fuck buddies just because they decide to shack-up together. I don't care what their gender is.

So...marriages don't protect men and childless couples. Who knew? You might want to inform the government of that.

Oh...and I'm gay, I'm a mother, and I have a child...........and I'm legally married. :D

..................... and you're a pervert!
They already enjoy the equal protection of the law. Gays are not entitled to the financial benefits of marriage because those laws were created to protect and benefit mothers and children. They were never intended to benefit a couple of fuck buddies just because they decide to shack-up together. I don't care what their gender is.

So...marriages don't protect men and childless couples. Who knew? You might want to inform the government of that.

Oh...and I'm gay, I'm a mother, and I have a child...........and I'm legally married. :D

..................... and you're a pervert!

You are a pervert too. :D
So...marriages don't protect men and childless couples. Who knew? You might want to inform the government of that.

Oh...and I'm gay, I'm a mother, and I have a child...........and I'm legally married. :D

..................... and you're a pervert!

You are a pervert too. :D
I'm always amazed by these folks who think that children don't count unless their parents are hetero.
The Gay Agenda is an assault on reality, and morality .
The "gay agenda" is for there to be equal treatment under the law. Period. And, that is something you might recognize as being a root principle explicitly supported in our constitution.

Once we agree on that, it seems like your kvetching about political methodology is pretty lame.

and this is where gay marriage leads:

Polygamy advocates hail judge's ruling in Utah

Nope...looks like an offshoot of straight marriage.
The Gay Agenda is an assault on reality, and morality .
The "gay agenda" is for there to be equal treatment under the law. Period. And, that is something you might recognize as being a root principle explicitly supported in our constitution.

Once we agree on that, it seems like your kvetching about political methodology is pretty lame.

and this is where gay marriage leads:

Polygamy advocates hail judge's ruling in Utah
Leads?? Where this came from is fundamentalist Mormonism. This is where Mormonism leads.

And, the ruling is about cohabitation. How is that related to marriage between two people??

Same sex marriage leads AWAY from cohabitation, not toward it. Before same sex marriage and civil unions we were offering cohabitation as the only alternative available to those who are same sex oriented. Today in my state cohabitation is no longer the only option.

This idea that same sex marriage is an opening for polygamy is just more nonsense.
Yes, as Bod said, what are you talking about? Now, I can't speak for Bod, but no men or children were harmed in the making of my family. We're ALL quite happy thank you.

Yes, I'm sure you are happy. Regards... have a nice Holiday :eusa_angel:

So are the wife and kids. Kids are excited about Christmas and their birthdays, the weather is beautiful and we live in paradise. What's not to be happy about?

I wish that kind of happiness for all families.

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