The Growing list of Biden's failures

Biden was nominated to the Naval Academy after single handedly digging a coal mine and driving a truck all the way to Hawaii. Even Chuck Norris was impressed.
He kicked Chuck Norris’s ass and made him drive to Hawaii. Joe was busy piloting the space shuttle after just winning the Top Gun award, in a fucking Cessna! When he was accepted as an astronaut he didn’t have the time for shit like driving.
When I ordered my new truck last year, which finally arrived six months later, I didn’t expect a tank of fuel to be 100 bucks.

Shit, I had 3/8s of a tank in my Subaru yesterday, filled it up for $56. A fucking Suburu sitting empty runs $100 to fill it up now. A fucking Subaru.

Let's Go Brandon!
Shit, I had 3/8s of a tank in my Subaru yesterday, filled it up for $56. A fucking Suburu sitting empty runs $100 to fill it up now. A fucking Subaru.

Let's Go Brandon!
My truck holds 30 gallons........on 4 10s now so it's about 22 to 23 gallons a week.
Unless you got a 10% raise you lost a lot of money if you voted for this retard.
Alabama sure as hell didn't vote blue. We were plus 1 last election on the Senate. Made sure Sessions didn't get back in.

Southern Border--Illegal immigration, putting Kameltoe in charge of restoring security. Ya know this thread would take up much less band width if it was name Bidens successes. There would be only one "single handedly doomed the population of the earth"
Breaking: Biden fixes high gas prices, proposes limiting people to 10 gallons of gas a month.
I wonder how many on this board are old enough to remember the Carter gas rationing. Having to go fill up when you’re license plate was an odd or even number. I remember the news people and their “experts” said the world was out of oil and this was the new normal. And lefties still fall for this shit.
My girlfriend wants me to move to oh fuck, California. Sac area to be exact. There's nothing there I like short of her, in fact, otherwise I avoid Ca. like the plague. Taxes, oh shit, it would cost me another 1K per month to live in that shithole, just in taxes. Insurance is higher too, I'll bet 30% more without looking. Dems. fuck everything up.

And fuck Brandon, I'm on a fixed income, only because I don't feel like working. I got an entire 2% raise on that fixed income this year, oh boy, that's only a 10% loss. Realistically it's more like a 25 or even 40 percent loss. When so much shit is $1.5 what was $1 last year, I don't know, that doesn't sound like an 8.5% increase to me.
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My girlfriend wants me to move to oh fuck, California. Sac area to be exact. There's nothing there I like short of her, in fact, otherwise I avoid Ca. like the plague. Taxes, oh shit, it would cost me another 1K per month to live in that shithole, just in taxes. Insurance is higher too, I'll bet 30% more without looking. Dems. fuck everything up.

And fuck Brandon, I'm on a fixed income, only because I don't feel like working. I got an entire 2% raise on that fixed income this year, oh boy, that's only a 10% loss. Realistically it's more like a 25 or even 40 percent loss. When so much shit is $1.5 what was $1 last year, I don't know, that doesn't sound like an 8.5% increase to me.

5. Crime Surge

American cities have experienced an explosion of violent crime since the summer of 2020.

It’s a trend that shows no sign of abating. In December, ABC News reported that a dozen U.S. cities had set homicide records in 2021.

This trend coincided with—and almost certainly was exacerbated by—the “defund the police” movement. In fact, many Democrat-run cities made good on this slogan by defunding their police departments and stemming the use of proactive policing.

7. War on Parents

Violent crime is spinning out of control, but the Justice Department clearly doesn’t see that as the real threat to this country.

No, the real threat is parents who disagree with what’s happening in their local schools.

In October, Attorney General Merrick Garland sent out a memo calling on the FBI to investigate “violent threats against school officials and teachers,” despite a lack of evidence of such threats.

The Biden administration actually moved to treat parents as if they were domestic terrorists.

It appears that Garland’s memo was urged on by the National School Boards Association, which represents many local school boards. The association also receives a huge amount of money from teachers unions.
And the new and already failed Ministry of Truth. Got such Blowback that it had to end very quickly.


Here they are in traiing.
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