The Growing list of Biden's failures

Biden, "I remember the time I drove a truck and I drove it so so so good. Look here's the deal, I drove a truck, and worked in a coal mine, and sank a German U-boat with my shotgun. "
Was all of this before he got nominated to the Naval Academy? Or was this all post the great Cornpop fight?
War in Europe. Really, name something Biden's done right., please, we need the material.

Hiring genders of sorts and blacks because they're gender of sorts and black don't count, it just means he's a turnip.
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Let's go into the future a bit and show one of his greatest advisors. Biden to save the planet.

Did she happen to mention it was Trump who negotiated our withdrawal with the Taliban and he did not include the Afghan gov't? Did she talk about the fact Trump left all the equipment we gave the Afghan army. Did she mention the fact that very few Afghans were able to leave the country while Trump was still in power?

ILMAO blaming Trump for Biden's FAILED execution. You fucking leftists make NO sense, critical thought beyond you.
Keep in mind it’s all Trumps fault the border wall wasn’t finished, and the XL pipeline etc.

Oh, new add to the list. Nothing Bidumb does is bidumbs fault. He not really in charge after all.
Keep em coming. Pretty easy actually. He's a miserable failure. The trolls can't figure out how to attack this thread yet.

Lmao. Probably in a meeting about it.
When I ordered my new truck last year, which finally arrived six months later, I didn’t expect a tank of fuel to be 100 bucks.
It's costing me $92 to $100 a week in gas now. On top of that my insurance premiums went up $52 a week this year.

YIPPIE.........I did get a $3.50 raise this year's GONE.

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