The Growing list of Biden's failures

And a little more about the baby formula shortage.

Reinsch: Thinking more recently about this baby formula shortage, what’s behind that? I mean, I read a lot of heartbreaking stories, people traveling 30, 40 miles to try and find baby formula. What did the government do specifically to cause this crisis? And it would seem to me that the solution is to find ways to incentivize production and distribution of that good. What’s the Republican approach and solution on that?

Yes. What happened was Abbott has a plant that makes a little above 40% of all the baby formula that is on the shelves in the country. And there was an accusation that came at them that the formula had been tainted and caused the deaths of a couple of children, which is tragic and it had to be investigated.

So the [Food and Drug Administration] had shut down the plant. Then once it was shown that the formula was not what had caused this, they did not open the plant back up.

So this administration knew back in February that they were already running at a 25% shortage in the marketplace, but they didn’t do anything. So having the FDA not deal with the issue is what has caused this shortage.

Now, also back in February, they could have said, “We’re going to put some waivers in place for Canada, the EU, U.K., get the formula in.” They didn’t do it then, they waited until it was a crisis. And Tennessee, 54% of the bestselling formulas were totally out of stock in the state.

And at that point, the administration is going, “We’ve got a crisis on our hands. We have to do for us. Cheer for us, planes are landing now to import this formula.” They should have waived those restrictions in February. This would never have happened.
My girlfriend wants me to move to oh fuck, California. Sac area to be exact. There's nothing there I like short of her, in fact, otherwise I avoid Ca. like the plague. Taxes, oh shit, it would cost me another 1K per month to live in that shithole, just in taxes. Insurance is higher too, I'll bet 30% more without looking. Dems. fuck everything up.
And fuck Brandon, I'm on a fixed income, only because I don't feel like working. I got an entire 2% raise on that fixed income this year, oh boy, that's only a 10% loss. Realistically it's more like a 25 or even 40 percent loss. When so much shit is $1.5 what was $1 last year, I don't know, that doesn't sound like an 8.5% increase to me.
I retired from CA--just south of Sacto. I got a 12% raise just in income tax that I don't have to pay in my new state. Add to that the cost of automobile registrations--$400 to $700+ annually per car, increased fuel prices, and government edicts (no small ICE equipment, solar mandates on new construction, and restrictions on water usage) which far exceed the ONE good point with the Prop. 13/Jarvis-Gann property tax benefits and it was a no brainer to move. The only thing that I miss are the friends that I made in 40+ years and readily available, wonderful fruits and veggies.

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