The Growing Sickness On The Left

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Your democrat hero had accusers, two in two separate in Erie a he sent his junk images to kids. That means y’all support a habitual sexual deviant. They stuck by their claims. Trumps bimbos didn’t. All of their stories fell apart.
More lies. The only “ witness “ trump had was a pimp who got young boys for British politicians. Look it up.
Are you just stupid or lying?
Probably both.

You mean like that one democrat who was pimping teenage boys out of his and his guys apartment?
Remember Dennis Hastert? Voted Speaker of the House by the GOP......

Yeah so? Remember Barny Frank?
How about Gerry Studds? He got a standing o from democrats.
He got a standing ovation from his home district.....Democrats stripped him of his committee leaderships. How about you get the facts right next time, eh?
They all sold their souls last year.

They sold their souls under O. Satan is cashing in now.
You’re so full of shit it’s coming out of wherever. Obama was/ is a decent man. No one has ever accused T of being a decent man.
You can’t make up for voting for a carnival barker and horrible human being by attacking Obama.

O was a stain on this country and hated it immensely. Good riddance.
"A stain".......I hear a precious little dog-whistle.

Its just your politically correct ears. A stain simply means something that needs to be cleaned up.
Sure......((((((((wink))))))) ((((((wink))))))
Lol, try again. Trump apologized for making locker room statements. And yes, he was wrong in what he said. Weinstein didn't and leftist comedians made jokes about how much fun rape and sexual assault is.
It’s the only time anyone has ever heard Trump apologize for anything because he was caught on film and couldn’t weasel his way out of it by lying like he always does.
Did he apologize to his 12 plus victims which included grandmothers, a journalist, housewives, businesswomen etc.

Cowardly deflection. No love for you democrat there. Y’all hold the record on perverts. You hear Carlos Danger got sent up for two years for sending a picture of his dick and infant child in the same frame to a 14 year old ? Funny shit.
Wiener got what he deserved. Trump didn’t.
He was the biggest slimeball ever to run for president, no experience and no desire to learn yet you still voted for the scumbag.
Wiener never sexually assaulted anyone. Trump has.
Anyone who voted for trump has no moral standing anymore.

And? Does the not distinguished hoodrat from Florida get a moral pass on voting to not pay our troop? Was that vote respectfull? Was it moral to vote against VA reform after huge scandals broke out during bush and obama ? If you defend a person who could do that, then you have no morals anywhere. I also find it shocking that a person who claims to have been a pilot in he US military could let that go.
Now she's a hoodrat. You trumpanzees really hate Congresspeople who go to personally be with grieving military families, don't you?
View attachment 155336
O was a stain on this country and hated it immensely. Good riddance.
Obama is rated in the middle of the pact as best presidents. He loved his job and the country.
History won’t be kind to the Russian operative sex offender.
But we understand you feel it’s your duty to lie as a deplorable.

All Obama’s will be remembered or is being half black. Nothing more then a token black.
Only to lying DEPLORABLES like you.
Any more lies you have for me to hit out of the park?

Really. You can not go point by point and show how each and every one were dismantled and tossed. Face it, half black jesus’s Legacy has Trumps nut sack presidentints all over it. Oh, and the FBI disagrees with the last one there about the violent crime.
Really. I already did.
Obama’s legacy is a great one which is why he’s highly regarded by historians... ya know the experts that study that sort of thing.
After 3 months Obama had close to a dozen legislative achievements. After 9 months, the whiny orange bitch has none.
Just another example of me slapping your dumb ass silly.

Not really. It’s hard for you to look good defending a woman who has a record of consistently opting against the US military. That’s why the whore is hiding back under her rock.
It’s the only time anyone has ever heard Trump apologize for anything because he was caught on film and couldn’t weasel his way out of it by lying like he always does.
Did he apologize to his 12 plus victims which included grandmothers, a journalist, housewives, businesswomen etc.

Cowardly deflection. No love for you democrat there. Y’all hold the record on perverts. You hear Carlos Danger got sent up for two years for sending a picture of his dick and infant child in the same frame to a 14 year old ? Funny shit.
Wiener got what he deserved. Trump didn’t.
He was the biggest slimeball ever to run for president, no experience and no desire to learn yet you still voted for the scumbag.
Wiener never sexually assaulted anyone. Trump has.
Anyone who voted for trump has no moral standing anymore.

And? Does the not distinguished hoodrat from Florida get a moral pass on voting to not pay our troop? Was that vote respectfull? Was it moral to vote against VA reform after huge scandals broke out during bush and obama ? If you defend a person who could do that, then you have no morals anywhere. I also find it shocking that a person who claims to have been a pilot in he US military could let that go.
Now she's a hoodrat. You trumpanzees really hate Congresspeople who go to personally be with grieving military families, don't you?

So you want to see the votes where your hero tried to cut funds to grieving families? Or you to much of a coward?
Meanwhile it will be mid December before Puerto Rico has power back.
Millions still don’t have drinking water.
Liar in chief: I’m doing a great job.
Crixus: whatever you say Mr. President, I believe you.
They sold their souls under O. Satan is cashing in now.
You’re so full of shit it’s coming out of wherever. Obama was/ is a decent man. No one has ever accused T of being a decent man.
You can’t make up for voting for a carnival barker and horrible human being by attacking Obama.

O was a stain on this country and hated it immensely. Good riddance.
"A stain".......I hear a precious little dog-whistle.

Its just your politically correct ears. A stain simply means something that needs to be cleaned up.
Sure......((((((((wink))))))) ((((((wink))))))

Lol, you're the one winking.....not I. I didn't think you were racist, bod. I've got a lot of respect for you. This surprises me.
View attachment 155336
Obama is rated in the middle of the pact as best presidents. He loved his job and the country.
History won’t be kind to the Russian operative sex offender.
But we understand you feel it’s your duty to lie as a deplorable.

All Obama’s will be remembered or is being half black. Nothing more then a token black.
Only to lying DEPLORABLES like you.
Any more lies you have for me to hit out of the park?

Really. You can not go point by point and show how each and every one were dismantled and tossed. Face it, half black jesus’s Legacy has Trumps nut sack presidentints all over it. Oh, and the FBI disagrees with the last one there about the violent crime.
Really. I already did.
Obama’s legacy is a great one which is why he’s highly regarded by historians... ya know the experts that study that sort of thing.
After 3 months Obama had close to a dozen legislative achievements. After 9 months, the whiny orange bitch has none.
Just another example of me slapping your dumb ass silly.

Not really. It’s hard for you to look good defending a woman who has a record of consistently opting against the US military. That’s why the whore is hiding back under her rock.
We were talking about Obama
And his legacy you stupid putz. Try to keep up.
Hillary totally supported the military as SOS and as a prez candidate.
The fact you have to lie about it shows how deeply disturbed you are.
They sold their souls under O. Satan is cashing in now.
You’re so full of shit it’s coming out of wherever. Obama was/ is a decent man. No one has ever accused T of being a decent man.
You can’t make up for voting for a carnival barker and horrible human being by attacking Obama.

O was a stain on this country and hated it immensely. Good riddance.
Obama is rated in the middle of the pact as best presidents. He loved his job and the country.
History won’t be kind to the Russian operative sex offender.
But we understand you feel it’s your duty to lie as a deplorable.

Again, it will take years for america to remove the stain on this country that o was.
You just use your racism and stupidity to form your opinions.

I want to look back over the last 8 years and ask you a few questions. Since much of the rhetoric before Obama was elected was that he would impose Sharia Law, Take Away Your Guns, Create Death Panels, Destroy the Economy, Impose Socialism and, since you will agree that NONE of this came to pass, I was wondering: Why have you suffered so?

So let me ask: Gays and Lesbians can now marry and enjoy the benefits they had been deprived of. Has this caused your suffering?

When Obama took office, the Dow was 6,626. Now it is 19,875. Has this caused your suffering?

We had 82 straight months of private sector job growth – the longest streak in the history of the United States. Has this caused your suffering?

Especially considering where the economy was when he took over, an amazing 11.3 million new jobs were created under President Obama (far more than President Bush). Has this caused your suffering?

Obama has taken Unemployment from 10% down to 4.7%. Has this caused your suffering?

Homelessness among US Veterans has dropped by half. Has this caused your suffering?

Obama shut down the US secret overseas prisons. Has this caused your suffering?

President Obama has created a policy for the families of fallen soldiers to have their travel paid for to be there when remains are flown home. Has this caused your suffering?

We landed a rover on Mars. Has this caused your suffering?

He passed the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act. Has this caused your suffering?

Uninsured adults has decreased to below 10%: 90% of adults are insured – an increase of 20 Million Adults. Has this caused your suffering?

People are now covered for pre-existing conditions. Has this caused your suffering?

Insurance Premiums increased an average of $4,677 from 2002-2008, an increase of 58% under Bush. The growth of these insurance premiums has gone up $4,145 – a slower rate of increase. Has this caused your suffering?

Obama added Billions of dollars to mental health care for our Veterans. Has this caused your suffering?

Consumer confidence has gone from 37.7 to 98.1 during Obama's tenure. Has this caused your suffering?

He passed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. Has this caused your suffering?

His bi-annual Nuclear Summit convinced 16 countries to give up and destroy all their loose nuclear material so it could not be stolen. Has this caused your suffering?

He saved the US Auto industry. American cars sold at the beginning of his term were 10.4M and upon his exit 17.5M. Has this caused your suffering?

The deficit as a percentage of the GDP has gone from 9.8% to 3.2%. Has this caused your suffering?

The deficit itself was cut by $800 Billion Dollars. Has this caused your suffering?

Obama preserved the middle class tax cuts. Has this caused your suffering?

Obama banned solitary confinement for juveniles in federal prisons. Has this caused your suffering?

He signed Credit Card reform so that rates could not be raised without you being notified. Has this caused your suffering?

He outlawed Government contractors from discriminating against LGBT persons. Has this caused your suffering?

He doubled Pell Grants. Has this caused your suffering?

Abortion is down. Has this caused your suffering?

Violent crime is down. Has this caused your suffering?

He overturned the scientific ban on stem cell research. Has this caused your suffering?

He protected Net Neutrality. Has this caused your suffering?

Obamacare has extended the life of the Medicare insurance trust fund (will be solvent until 2030). Has this caused your suffering?

President Obama repealed Don't Ask Don't Tell. Has this caused your suffering?

He banned torture. Has this caused your suffering?

He negotiated with Syria to give up its chemical weapons and they were destroyed. Has this caused your suffering?

Solar and Wind Power are at an all time high. Has this caused your suffering?

High School Graduation rates hit 83% – an all time high. Has this caused your suffering?

Corporate profits are up by 144%. Has this caused your suffering?

He normalized relations with Cuba. Has this caused your suffering?

Reliance on foreign oil is at a 40 year low. Has this caused your suffering?

US Exports are up 28%. Has this caused your suffering?

He appointed the most diverse cabinet ever. Has this caused your suffering?

He reduced the number of troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Has this caused your suffering?

Yes, he killed Osama Bin Laden and retrieved all the documents in his possession for analysis. Perhaps THIS caused your suffering?

From an objective standpoint it would appear that the last eight years have seen some great progress and we were saved from a financial collapse. Things are not perfect. Things can always be better. We are on much better footing now than we were in 2008.

I look forward to understanding what caused you to suffer so much under Obama these last eight years."

Sigh, silly kunt. You need to pull your nose off of Plywood Pete’s asshole. I’ll make a dual bet with both of you. I’ll show you this whores votes, when you see them and after she don’t come out after Kelly saying she did a disgusting thing using a dead soldier as a political football? Wanna make a bet with me ?
View attachment 155336
All Obama’s will be remembered or is being half black. Nothing more then a token black.
Only to lying DEPLORABLES like you.
Any more lies you have for me to hit out of the park?

Really. You can not go point by point and show how each and every one were dismantled and tossed. Face it, half black jesus’s Legacy has Trumps nut sack presidentints all over it. Oh, and the FBI disagrees with the last one there about the violent crime.
Really. I already did.
Obama’s legacy is a great one which is why he’s highly regarded by historians... ya know the experts that study that sort of thing.
After 3 months Obama had close to a dozen legislative achievements. After 9 months, the whiny orange bitch has none.
Just another example of me slapping your dumb ass silly.

Not really. It’s hard for you to look good defending a woman who has a record of consistently opting against the US military. That’s why the whore is hiding back under her rock.
We were talking about Obama
And his legacy you stupid putz. Try to keep up.
Hillary totally supported the military as SOS and as a prez candidate.
The fact you have to lie about it shows how deeply disturbed you are.

You are deflecting coward. If I’m so stupid how is it you can’t keep uprwtard? I said nothing about Clinton. She is washed up and a nonissue. We are talking about the Florida congress hoodrat.
View attachment 155336
Obama is rated in the middle of the pact as best presidents. He loved his job and the country.
History won’t be kind to the Russian operative sex offender.
But we understand you feel it’s your duty to lie as a deplorable.

All Obama’s will be remembered or is being half black. Nothing more then a token black.
Only to lying DEPLORABLES like you.
Any more lies you have for me to hit out of the park?

Really. You can not go point by point and show how each and every one were dismantled and tossed. Face it, half black jesus’s Legacy has Trumps nut sack presidentints all over it. Oh, and the FBI disagrees with the last one there about the violent crime.
Really. I already did.
Obama’s legacy is a great one which is why he’s highly regarded by historians... ya know the experts that study that sort of thing.
After 3 months Obama had close to a dozen legislative achievements. After 9 months, the whiny orange bitch has none.
Just another example of me slapping your dumb ass silly.

Not really. It’s hard for you to look good defending a woman who has a record of consistently opting against the US military. That’s why the whore is hiding back under her rock.
You know Crixus. If people give you times when she voted for the military, and you go right back to claiming she consistently votes against the military, you are being dishonest.
View attachment 155336
All Obama’s will be remembered or is being half black. Nothing more then a token black.
Only to lying DEPLORABLES like you.
Any more lies you have for me to hit out of the park?

Really. You can not go point by point and show how each and every one were dismantled and tossed. Face it, half black jesus’s Legacy has Trumps nut sack presidentints all over it. Oh, and the FBI disagrees with the last one there about the violent crime.
Really. I already did.
Obama’s legacy is a great one which is why he’s highly regarded by historians... ya know the experts that study that sort of thing.
After 3 months Obama had close to a dozen legislative achievements. After 9 months, the whiny orange bitch has none.
Just another example of me slapping your dumb ass silly.

Not really. It’s hard for you to look good defending a woman who has a record of consistently opting against the US military. That’s why the whore is hiding back under her rock.
We were talking about Obama
And his legacy you stupid putz. Try to keep up.
Hillary totally supported the military as SOS and as a prez candidate.
The fact you have to lie about it shows how deeply disturbed you are.

She did nothing as she let stephens, who she appointed, get drug through the streets and murdered. She hated the military.
The country and world is talking about the growing sickness of the White House.
DEPLORABLES can’t handle the truth so they try to reverse it.
There’s growing talk of not only Trump’s fitness for office but also if he’s suffering from early dementia like his father had. This illness is hereditary.
Aides in the WH report he screams,”
I hate everyone in the WH.”
He forgets frequently what the hell hes doing. More than a few times Pence had to lead him back into a room to complete what he came there for.
There are dozens of examples of this guy losing it but the dumbass DEPLORABLES think it’s “ morning in America again.”
View attachment 155336
All Obama’s will be remembered or is being half black. Nothing more then a token black.
Only to lying DEPLORABLES like you.
Any more lies you have for me to hit out of the park?

Really. You can not go point by point and show how each and every one were dismantled and tossed. Face it, half black jesus’s Legacy has Trumps nut sack presidentints all over it. Oh, and the FBI disagrees with the last one there about the violent crime.
Really. I already did.
Obama’s legacy is a great one which is why he’s highly regarded by historians... ya know the experts that study that sort of thing.
After 3 months Obama had close to a dozen legislative achievements. After 9 months, the whiny orange bitch has none.
Just another example of me slapping your dumb ass silly.

Not really. It’s hard for you to look good defending a woman who has a record of consistently opting against the US military. That’s why the whore is hiding back under her rock.
You know Crixus. If people give you times when she voted for the military, and you go right back to claiming she consistently votes against the military, you are being dishonest.

Folks the thread fucktard. We ain’t talking about Hillary. We are talking about the Florida congress woman.
View attachment 155336 Only to lying DEPLORABLES like you.
Any more lies you have for me to hit out of the park?

Really. You can not go point by point and show how each and every one were dismantled and tossed. Face it, half black jesus’s Legacy has Trumps nut sack presidentints all over it. Oh, and the FBI disagrees with the last one there about the violent crime.
Really. I already did.
Obama’s legacy is a great one which is why he’s highly regarded by historians... ya know the experts that study that sort of thing.
After 3 months Obama had close to a dozen legislative achievements. After 9 months, the whiny orange bitch has none.
Just another example of me slapping your dumb ass silly.

Not really. It’s hard for you to look good defending a woman who has a record of consistently opting against the US military. That’s why the whore is hiding back under her rock.
We were talking about Obama
And his legacy you stupid putz. Try to keep up.
Hillary totally supported the military as SOS and as a prez candidate.
The fact you have to lie about it shows how deeply disturbed you are.

She did nothing as she let stephens, who she appointed, get drug through the streets and murdered. She hated the military.
Still pushing those same Benghazi lies. Hilarious.
Facts mean nothing to you.
It’s a prerequisite for being a deplorable.

House Benghazi Report Finds No New Evidence of Wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton
The country and world is talking about the growing sickness of the White House.
DEPLORABLES can’t handle the truth so they try to reverse it.
There’s growing talk of not only Trump’s fitness for office but also if he’s suffering from early dementia like his father had. This illness is hereditary.
Aides in the WH report he screams,”
I hate everyone in the WH.”
He forgets frequently what the hell hes doing. More than a few times Pence had to lead him back into a room to complete what he came there for.
There are dozens of examples of this guy losing it but the dumbass DEPLORABLES think it’s “ morning in America again.”

Tell you what, I’ll post the votes Florida Rep. Frederica Wilson made against funding the troops during the shut down as well as reforming the VA. Leave a pinto out of this. It only makes you look worse.
Really. You can not go point by point and show how each and every one were dismantled and tossed. Face it, half black jesus’s Legacy has Trumps nut sack presidentints all over it. Oh, and the FBI disagrees with the last one there about the violent crime.
Really. I already did.
Obama’s legacy is a great one which is why he’s highly regarded by historians... ya know the experts that study that sort of thing.
After 3 months Obama had close to a dozen legislative achievements. After 9 months, the whiny orange bitch has none.
Just another example of me slapping your dumb ass silly.

Not really. It’s hard for you to look good defending a woman who has a record of consistently opting against the US military. That’s why the whore is hiding back under her rock.
We were talking about Obama
And his legacy you stupid putz. Try to keep up.
Hillary totally supported the military as SOS and as a prez candidate.
The fact you have to lie about it shows how deeply disturbed you are.

She did nothing as she let stephens, who she appointed, get drug through the streets and murdered. She hated the military.
Still pushing those same Benghazi lies. Hilarious.
Facts mean nothing to you.
It’s a prerequisite for being a deplorable.

House Benghazi Report Finds No New Evidence of Wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton

We know. It was just a grainy video that caused all this.
Really. You can not go point by point and show how each and every one were dismantled and tossed. Face it, half black jesus’s Legacy has Trumps nut sack presidentints all over it. Oh, and the FBI disagrees with the last one there about the violent crime.
Really. I already did.
Obama’s legacy is a great one which is why he’s highly regarded by historians... ya know the experts that study that sort of thing.
After 3 months Obama had close to a dozen legislative achievements. After 9 months, the whiny orange bitch has none.
Just another example of me slapping your dumb ass silly.

Not really. It’s hard for you to look good defending a woman who has a record of consistently opting against the US military. That’s why the whore is hiding back under her rock.
We were talking about Obama
And his legacy you stupid putz. Try to keep up.
Hillary totally supported the military as SOS and as a prez candidate.
The fact you have to lie about it shows how deeply disturbed you are.

She did nothing as she let stephens, who she appointed, get drug through the streets and murdered. She hated the military.
Still pushing those same Benghazi lies. Hilarious.
Facts mean nothing to you.
It’s a prerequisite for being a deplorable.

House Benghazi Report Finds No New Evidence of Wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton

You the only one telling lies though. And running around deflecting.
View attachment 155336 Only to lying DEPLORABLES like you.
Any more lies you have for me to hit out of the park?

Really. You can not go point by point and show how each and every one were dismantled and tossed. Face it, half black jesus’s Legacy has Trumps nut sack presidentints all over it. Oh, and the FBI disagrees with the last one there about the violent crime.
Really. I already did.
Obama’s legacy is a great one which is why he’s highly regarded by historians... ya know the experts that study that sort of thing.
After 3 months Obama had close to a dozen legislative achievements. After 9 months, the whiny orange bitch has none.
Just another example of me slapping your dumb ass silly.

Not really. It’s hard for you to look good defending a woman who has a record of consistently opting against the US military. That’s why the whore is hiding back under her rock.
You know Crixus. If people give you times when she voted for the military, and you go right back to claiming she consistently votes against the military, you are being dishonest.

Folks the thread fucktard. We ain’t talking about Hillary. We are talking about the Florida congress woman.
Rep Wilson asked to speak to the president. They wouldn’t let her. ( he was probably hard at work watching Faux news)
They asked her what did she want to talk about with him?
She said, “ I want to cuss him out.”
I heard that live last night.
Really. I already did.
Obama’s legacy is a great one which is why he’s highly regarded by historians... ya know the experts that study that sort of thing.
After 3 months Obama had close to a dozen legislative achievements. After 9 months, the whiny orange bitch has none.
Just another example of me slapping your dumb ass silly.

Not really. It’s hard for you to look good defending a woman who has a record of consistently opting against the US military. That’s why the whore is hiding back under her rock.
We were talking about Obama
And his legacy you stupid putz. Try to keep up.
Hillary totally supported the military as SOS and as a prez candidate.
The fact you have to lie about it shows how deeply disturbed you are.

She did nothing as she let stephens, who she appointed, get drug through the streets and murdered. She hated the military.
Still pushing those same Benghazi lies. Hilarious.
Facts mean nothing to you.
It’s a prerequisite for being a deplorable.

House Benghazi Report Finds No New Evidence of Wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton

You the only one telling lies though. And running around deflecting.
Hilarious as I just provided attribution of YOU lying and me telling the truth.
You need a psychiatric examination.
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