The gun nutters are losing control

Armed Protesters Might Be Coming To Your Neighborhood To Pass Out Candy To Children | ThinkProgress

The group Gun Rights Across America issued a nationwide call for gun owners to stand outside their homes with firearms in their hands on October 19. The event urges the armed protesters to “pass out candy or lemonade to the kids riding their bikes, and playing in the neighborhoods.” As of this Wednesday, 2,000 people have RSVPed for the event, “Guns Next Door,” on Facebook.

“We want you to strap on a holstered handgun to your hip, and give one hour of your day to making our presence as law abiding gun owners known. This is a family event too. Feel free to strap on a plastic red gun onto your children as well,” the group wrote for its Facebook event.

What could possibly go wrong?

At gun shows earlier this year, five people ended up being accidentally shot. And more recently, patrons of a Starbucks were furious when armed advocates descended on the Newtown location.

Typically, the nutters take no responsibility for their own actions.

“Gun Rights Across America is not responsible for any laws that are broken as a result of this event.”

Keep your kids inside.

Funny... you actually believe ThinkProgress to be a viable news outlet? Wow, no wonder Republicans accuse you of being biased. You really are! But you take no responsibility for spreading disinformation do you? Typical.
Oh, and this one almost slipped my mind. You speak of accidental shootings at a protest, but ignore the nationwide violence that went on because of your failed OWS movement. Clashes with police, closing down harbors, inciting riots in Europe..

And you have the gall to call gun rights protesters down for this? What a clueless idiot you are.
Armed Protesters Might Be Coming To Your Neighborhood To Pass Out Candy To Children | ThinkProgress

The group Gun Rights Across America issued a nationwide call for gun owners to stand outside their homes with firearms in their hands on October 19. The event urges the armed protesters to “pass out candy or lemonade to the kids riding their bikes, and playing in the neighborhoods.” As of this Wednesday, 2,000 people have RSVPed for the event, “Guns Next Door,” on Facebook.

“We want you to strap on a holstered handgun to your hip, and give one hour of your day to making our presence as law abiding gun owners known. This is a family event too. Feel free to strap on a plastic red gun onto your children as well,” the group wrote for its Facebook event.

What could possibly go wrong?

Typically, the nutters take no responsibility for their own actions.

“Gun Rights Across America is not responsible for any laws that are broken as a result of this event.”

Keep your kids inside.

Funny... you actually believe ThinkProgress to be a viable news outlet? Wow, no wonder Republicans accuse you of being biased. You really are! But you take no responsibility for spreading disinformation do you? Typical.

Unlike the lying rw's, I have never NEVER ever said I am "unbiased". Even you should be able to figure out that there is no one here who is UNbiased. There is no such thing as an unbiased source.

Go watch the "muslin"-controlled not-news fux network. Then, lay on some of your phony christian crap and tell me how "unbiased" you are.

You're no different and no better than the Westboro scum.
Oh, and this one almost slipped my mind. You speak of accidental shootings at a protest, but ignore the nationwide violence that went on because of your failed OWS movement. Clashes with police, closing down harbors, inciting riots in Europe..

And you have the gall to call gun rights protesters down for this? What a clueless idiot you are.

And you're comparing gun nutters who can't control their own guns with police brutality?

Armed Protesters Might Be Coming To Your Neighborhood To Pass Out Candy To Children | ThinkProgress

The group Gun Rights Across America issued a nationwide call for gun owners to stand outside their homes with firearms in their hands on October 19. The event urges the armed protesters to “pass out candy or lemonade to the kids riding their bikes, and playing in the neighborhoods.” As of this Wednesday, 2,000 people have RSVPed for the event, “Guns Next Door,” on Facebook.

“We want you to strap on a holstered handgun to your hip, and give one hour of your day to making our presence as law abiding gun owners known. This is a family event too. Feel free to strap on a plastic red gun onto your children as well,” the group wrote for its Facebook event.

What could possibly go wrong?

Since 99.99% of all gun owners will never shoot anyone I would say that there's less of a chance of a gun mishap than of your kid getting raped by a family member teacher or priest.
At gun shows earlier this year, five people ended up being accidentally shot. And more recently, patrons of a Starbucks were furious when armed advocates descended on the Newtown location.

Typically, the nutters take no responsibility for their own actions.

Typically gun grabbers want to blame all gun owners for every gun crime.
“Gun Rights Across America is not responsible for any laws that are broken as a result of this event.”

Keep your kids inside.

Yeah it's best to teach your kids to be afraid of anyone with a gun

Especially the cops since they are more likely to shoot innocent people than your average gun owner.
Anybody who wants a peek into the pronounced level of k00k in people like Nuddly need to check out this vid >>>

classic stuff .........

[ame=]Debating A Gun Control Fanatic - YouTube[/ame]
So people are supposed to hang out on their doorsteps with their guns and hand out candy to kids who pass by?

that is just a weird idea.

Not scary, not illegal, not bad...just plain old weird.
So people are supposed to hang out on their doorsteps with their guns and hand out candy to kids who pass by?

that is just a weird idea.

Not scary, not illegal, not bad...just plain old weird.

It's a little weird but I can see people wanting to show kids that a gun in itself is not some scary thing that only bad people use as the current indoctrination would have them believe.
So people are supposed to hang out on their doorsteps with their guns and hand out candy to kids who pass by?

that is just a weird idea.

Not scary, not illegal, not bad...just plain old weird.

It's a little weird but I can see people wanting to show kids that a gun in itself is not some scary thing that only bad people use as the current indoctrination would have them believe.

Every responsible gun owner should educate their children about guns. Basic rule that everyone must remember is to treat every gun as if it's loaded.

I've raised five kids in a house full of guns and have never had any problems, my four daughters as well as my son were and still are avid hunters and excellent shooters.
So people are supposed to hang out on their doorsteps with their guns and hand out candy to kids who pass by?

that is just a weird idea.

Not scary, not illegal, not bad...just plain old weird.

It's a little weird but I can see people wanting to show kids that a gun in itself is not some scary thing that only bad people use as the current indoctrination would have them believe.

Every responsible gun owner should educate their children about guns. Basic rule that everyone must remember is to treat every gun as if it's loaded.

I've raised five kids in a house full of guns and have never had any problems, my four daughters as well as my son were and still are avid hunters and excellent shooters.

The current government and education system are hell bent on demonizing guns and making children afraid of them.

Why else would a kid get suspended for merely drawing a picture of a gun?

I wonder what would happen if a teacher told kids they should own a gun when they're old enough because it is their right.

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