The gun used by the most recent leftist loon was "similar" to an AR-15!!

Takes AR type Mags/Ammo and has AR type Bolt Parts not what he was asking about
Perhaps not. I‘m not sure why the rifle isn’t named by the police.

Perhaps the object is to blame AR-15 rifles so they can be banned and confiscated. Or perhaps the authorities do not want the public to know about all the AR-15 clones available.
Not Gas operated or totally different Breech /Lock /Bolt Systems
They're all gas operated.
They are all semi-automatic
They all feed from a detachable magazine
The differ only in details, and not in effect - which mean they are all inherently similar.
They're all gas operated.
They are all semi-automatic
They all feed from a detachable magazine
The differ only in details, and not in effect - which mean they are all inherently similar.
Some are Direct Impingement or (not Gas Operated ) love this country the way millenials love their long as the parent allows them to live in the basement and provides all their needs...they love them...

Britain is protected by American gets it's technological innovation from the U.S....and since we protect Britain, you can spend your money on your welfare state....without us....your welfare state would have collapsed decades ago....

That is how you love us..
I do strongly feel that we should never again pull Britain's chestnuts out of the fire. If they want to go to war with someone YET AGAIN, let them do it completely on their own.
I heard the police spokesman say live that it was a type similar to the AR-15. So what did he mean, I wonder?
The implication is that it isn't an AR15 but just as evil and deadly and should also be taken away from we the people.
The Sub-2K does not take AR mags.....Of course it does fire 9mm (and .40 F&S) so many lungs could have been blown out. ;)

9mm... Yep.. I bet that was it. That explains why the police kept calling it a high-powered rifle. And why the MSM said that some of the bodies were blown apart.

The 9mm blew their lungs out.

Edit to add: When I first heard it was an AR-15 like rifle, I thought maybe an AR-10 or something. That would be an AR-15 like rifle that is a high powered rifle that could blow someone apart...

But I had no idea that it was something so very powerful like a 9mm... It would have been better for the crowd had the shooter used a .50 BMG and shot it 60 times into the crowd. I had no idea that it was a high-powered 9mm rifle.. Scary shit.

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