the guy who claims to be an Amerindian offended by the name 'Redskin' isa fraud!


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Check this out....

The American Indian leader spearheading the campaign to change the name of the Washington Redskins is not a legitimate member of the tribe he leads, according to a New York State Assemblywoman, but rather an Obama crony who is raking in casino money and paying back only small stipends to his tribe members.

Oneida Nation Representative Ray Halbritter, who is also the CEO of Oneida Nation Enterprises, is not recognized in his position by the Grand Council of Chiefs governing the Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy. Halbritter is not a legitimate member of the Oneida tribe, Assemblywoman Claudia Tenney told The Daily Caller.

“He is not even technically an Oneida. There is not a drop of Oneida in him,” Tenney said.
Obama Supporter and Anti-Redskins Activist Not A Legitimate Member Of His Tribe |

This is so typical of the idiotlogue left and their fascist media. The left lies and the press covers it up with more lies.
I wonder if the people who are offended by the teams name of Redskins are also offended by the State of Oklahoma's name which means red people in chocktaw?
This is so typical of the idiotlogue left and their fascist media. The left lies and the press covers it up with more lies.


as always and in all directions
I wonder if the people who are offended by the teams name of Redskins are also offended by the State of Oklahoma's name which means red people in chocktaw?

This has ZERO-ZIP-NADA to do with genuine offense or reason of any shade.

This is just another case of the radical left shaking down legitimate business people for cash to go away.

This crap has been around since Biblical times when a person could hire a 'prophet' to go and publicly curse or read a fatal future for a rival. Then the two rival go into a pay off war to see if the 'prophet' goes away or keeps tell his ill fortune or maybe even reverses it entirely.

What the left does is the modern equivalent of that, but it is PC and bases everything on lies and speaking for those who cant speak for themselves whether it be the gods, spirits, the stars, defenseless animals, Polar Bears, the climate, or some group not paying attention and only later find out tons of people are mad at them for causing a brew-hahah that they had nothing to do with.

But the shake-down criminals will walk away with a whole lot more cash in their pocket.

Size of Texaco Discrimination Settlement Could Encourage More Lawsuits -

Wet Seal Pays Millions to Settle Racial Discrimination Lawsuit - Business - Norristown, PA Patch


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