The guy who let Terry Schindler die thinks he's going to be president

If the taxpayer was keeping her alive, they should have pulled the plug years before.
So, are you saying taxpayers shouldn't be responsible for anyone's care, or just certain people, like say the president?

If someone has no hope at all of recovery, and there is no point in keeping them alive, then why should the taxpayer pay for that person? Why should my taxes pay for a woman to lay in a bed 24/7, a woman who is incapable of forming a single thought?
Its a waste of taxpayer money, that's what it is.

1) Tax payer money had nothing to do with it. The Parents were going to pay. Not to mention the husband had just won a law suit over her. Not at all odd that he wants her starved only after the law suit is over, is it?
2) That line of thinking starts a people dangerously down the same path that lead to the Holocaust.
3) She wasn't laying in bed 24/7. She wasn't a vegetable. She was moving and responsive to people who visited her.

You guys keep claiming she was brain dead. Brain dead people don't need to be starved. When people who are brain dead are being kept alive only by machines, then all you have to do is take the machines off lines and they are dead. In order for them to starve, they have to still be able to live off any machines long enough to starve.

People who are brain dead don't move around on their own. Terri did. There were videos, heck they still may be online. She was responsive to visitors.

The fact that there are so many of you still trying to justify supporting court ordered execution is disturbing.
That poor woman was a vegetable and her parents were tools of Tom Delay and the Republican party. Jeezus, do we have to bring that pathetic bunch up yet again?

Most vegetables don't move around or respond to people. Also, you don't have to starve a vegetable to death.

The government ordered a woman starved because her legal husband wanted to marry the woman he already had several children with. Doesn't seem like a really good idea to empower the government to allow a man to starve his wife to death when he has a conflict of interest. But then we already let parents legallly kill their children. Why would we expect the government to protect a woman from her cheating husband?

What a great step forward for the women's movement... And it's the Republicans who are supposedly at war with women.

She was not responding, they were moving her around.
If the Schiavo case comes back to haunt Jeb at all, it will be that he stuck his nose in to start with... not that he didn't do enough to stick it in there really good.
So, are you saying taxpayers shouldn't be responsible for anyone's care, or just certain people, like say the president?

If someone has no hope at all of recovery, and there is no point in keeping them alive, then why should the taxpayer pay for that person? Why should my taxes pay for a woman to lay in a bed 24/7, a woman who is incapable of forming a single thought?
Its a waste of taxpayer money, that's what it is.

1) Tax payer money had nothing to do with it. The Parents were going to pay. Not to mention the husband had just won a law suit over her. Not at all odd that he wants her starved only after the law suit is over, is it?
2) That line of thinking starts a people dangerously down the same path that lead to the Holocaust.
3) She wasn't laying in bed 24/7. She wasn't a vegetable. She was moving and responsive to people who visited her.

You guys keep claiming she was brain dead. Brain dead people don't need to be starved. When people who are brain dead are being kept alive only by machines, then all you have to do is take the machines off lines and they are dead. In order for them to starve, they have to still be able to live off any machines long enough to starve.

People who are brain dead don't move around on their own. Terri did. There were videos, heck they still may be online. She was responsive to visitors.

The fact that there are so many of you still trying to justify supporting court ordered execution is disturbing.

There's a big difference between being alive and just functioning biologically. The fact was, she had no sentience at that point. She was unaware of who she was and her brain had atrophied down to the size of an orange.

Now, frankly, I think her husband was kind of a douchebag. He should have just signed her off to her parents if they wanted to take the responsibility. I think both sides let themselves get swept up by groups with agendas, and that was sad.
That poor woman was a vegetable and her parents were tools of Tom Delay and the Republican party. Jeezus, do we have to bring that pathetic bunch up yet again?

Most vegetables don't move around or respond to people. Also, you don't have to starve a vegetable to death.

The government ordered a woman starved because her legal husband wanted to marry the woman he already had several children with. Doesn't seem like a really good idea to empower the government to allow a man to starve his wife to death when he has a conflict of interest. But then we already let parents legallly kill their children. Why would we expect the government to protect a woman from her cheating husband?What a great step forward for the women's movement... And it's the Republicans who are supposedly at war with women.

That poor woman was a vegetable and her parents were tools of Tom Delay and the Republican party. Jeezus, do we have to bring that pathetic bunch up yet again?

Most vegetables don't move around or respond to people. Also, you don't have to starve a vegetable to death.

The government ordered a woman starved because her legal husband wanted to marry the woman he already had several children with. Doesn't seem like a really good idea to empower the government to allow a man to starve his wife to death when he has a conflict of interest. But then we already let parents legallly kill their children. Why would we expect the government to protect a woman from her cheating husband?

What a great step forward for the women's movement... And it's the Republicans who are supposedly at war with women.

No, what they had to do was cut a hole into her abdomen and insert a tube into her stomach because she was unable to drink, eat, chew or otherwise acquire food. She was being kept alive by artificial means.

Frankly, if I were in that position, I would hope that my loved ones wouldn't wait for me to starve, they'd just smother me with a pillow and get it over with.

All that said- yes, if Mikey had been less of a douchebag, he would have signed her over to her parents and let them deal with all that upset. But on some level, he really felt he was complying with her wishes, and, sorry, spouses have priority over blood.

If it were the family trying to pull the plug and a spouse trying to keep her alive, how would you feel?
Jebbie has a lot more immediate things to worry about than Terry Schiavo. His recent epic flip flopping on Immigration comes to mind first and foremost.
People say that God doesn't exist. But there are a number of Gods on this thread alone stating the Terry Shivo was nothing more than a piece of broccoli. There is hope for religion yet.
People say that God doesn't exist. But there are a number of Gods on this thread alone stating the Terry Shivo was nothing more than a piece of broccoli. There is hope for religion yet.

The autopsy proved the vegetative state Doctors had already determined. Religion had nothing to do with it.
The problem is that they would have been doing it against her wishes. When have you ever heard someone say, "if I'm a vegetable, keep me going indefinitely"? It was sad to see them so unable to let go and infuriating the way they treated her husband, when he was only doing what she asked. The moral of the story: draw up a living will.

According to her husband, who had been cheating on her and already had several children. And conveniently only decides that she needs to starve to death AFTER he wins a court settlement.

No. What's infuriating is you and countless others assisted a man in murdering his wife and think HE is the victim.

You are only listening to the family's propaganda. I can't understand that you believe living the way she did could possibly be what she wanted.
it's irrelevant what condition Terry was in.
the guardianship of her husband was in question so she should have been left in the care of her family.
the family decides, no one else.
mercy killing is illegal, and stated so in Florida law.
the courts and the health care industry want to give death panels more authority to free-up beds regarding the general population.
Jeb Bush didn't do enough, he was only concerned about his political reputation.
He CHOSE listen to BS from the court, to NOT follow the law, and avoid a showdown
it's irrelevant what condition Terry was in.
the guardianship of her husband was in question so she should have been left in the care of her family.
the family decides, no one else.
mercy killing is illegal, and stated so in Florida law.
the courts and the health care industry want to give death panels more authority to free-up beds regarding the general population.
Jeb Bush didn't do enough, he was only concerned about his political reputation.
He CHOSE listen to BS from the court, to NOT follow the law, and avoid a showdown

False. Stick to the facts.
Aww...the true feelings for the handicapped by the compassionate left on display. :clap2:

She was slightly more than handicapped.

Oh, pardon me...disabled. :cuckoo:
Pardon me.. A totally and utterly and completely brain-dead vegetable with no more "humanity" than a stalk of celery. Would you really want our precious Medicaid dollars being spent feeding and watering a vegetable?
Autopsy reports showed that what was left of her brain had turned to jell-o. I feel sorry for her parents, but Mrs. Schaivo had been dead for years.

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