The guy who let Terry Schindler die thinks he's going to be president

Who was paying for her medical treatment? Her parents must have millions of dollars if they were able to pay for her treatment.

Does that make a difference to you???
if they were using health insurance to feed and water a plant - thus driving up insurance rates for everyine else - then yes, it does.

AH... so glad you brought that point up!!!
So you do believe in Obamacare's DEATH PANELS???

And again.. it was her parents payments of health insurance premiums that kept her covered under health insurance.. I don't know but for the sake of your argument.. SO f...king WHAT is that of your concern???

YOU have NO problem letting $200 billion a year in legal fees DRIVE up the $850 billion a year proven by physicians surveys that come from their doing DEFENSIVE MEDICINE!!
Yet where are you on that???

YOU have NO problem believing the LIE that helped pass Obamacare i.e. 50 million "uninsured" where there are less then 8 million that truly need insurance.. WHERE ARE YOU on that LIE???

Insurance costs being driven up because of Terry's parents wanting to keep their plant alive is such a stupid observation!
Especially when you obviously have never seen Medicare payments to hospitals that are 6,000% above costs!
Again... you really should do more investigation of insurance, Terry, etc. before making such a stupid comment!
Who's paying for her care?

Schiavo resides at a nonprofit hospice that has assumed part of the cost of her care. Medicaid pays for the rest. According to this AP story, keeping her alive costs about $80,000 per year, and at least $350,000 of the malpractice settlement awarded to Schiavo and her husband in 1992 has been spent on her care.
Florida Medicaid normally offers hospice coverage for those with a life expectancy of no more than six months, but Schiavo has received assistance from the state for the last two years.

The Terri Schiavo roundup. - Slate Magazine

Also, Schiavo's husband, Michael, won a $1 million medical malpractice award, part of which was spent on her care.
Who paid the medical bills for Terri Schiavo for the past 15 ... /
Do you suppose he didn't want the rest of the $1 million award to be spent on keeping a plant alive???
You are right. She was a vegetable! She was a dumb plant!
Do you think she knew that? Or do you think she was no where near capable of thinking?

If so and her parents loved that plant. Wanted to water and feed that plant for as long as the plant lived who are you and others to tell them differently?
That was the point! I lived through that in Tampa bay with the media blaring how "why would anyone like to live like that?"

So what is the problem with letting Terry the plant live! Who are you and others to say her parents were allowed to keep potted plants alive but NOT THEIR DAUGHTER???

Who was paying for her medical treatment? Her parents must have millions of dollars if they were able to pay for her treatment.

Does that make a difference to you???

I don't blame Jeb. He took the fight as far as he could, within the Law.
The premise of the Law was flawed. A Court backing up a prior decision from a Decade earlier, even though it did not necessarily agree with the basis of the ruling in the first place. Issues with corrupt officials, a Husband that may have been in more than one of her "Accidents", putting her in a coma, and an incident where more harm was done to her while under care. Jeb took it as far as he could.

Who's paying for her care?

Schiavo resides at a nonprofit hospice that has assumed part of the cost of her care. Medicaid pays for the rest. According to this AP story, keeping her alive costs about $80,000 per year, and at least $350,000 of the malpractice settlement awarded to Schiavo and her husband in 1992 has been spent on her care.
Florida Medicaid normally offers hospice coverage for those with a life expectancy of no more than six months, but Schiavo has received assistance from the state for the last two years.

The Terri Schiavo roundup. - Slate Magazine

Also, Schiavo's husband, Michael, won a $1 million medical malpractice award, part of which was spent on her care.
Who paid the medical bills for Terri Schiavo for the past 15 ... /
Do you suppose he didn't want the rest of the $1 million award to be spent on keeping a plant alive???

If the taxpayer was keeping her alive, they should have pulled the plug years before.
The government had no business getting involved in what was otherwise a private, family matter. Yet another example of how those so called "Constitutional conservatives" actually love big government.
The government had no business getting involved in what was otherwise a private, family matter. Yet another example of how those so called "Constitutional conservatives" actually love big government.

It was a private matter.
But when Schiavo's ex-husband who saw his $1 million award being diminished by the $80,000 a year in care.. he wanted the money for himself!

That simple! The courts went along with pulling the plug because idiots who make this stupid ass comment.." Well if she knew was was going to be in that state she would have wanted to have the plug pulled"
IDIOTS ! If she is in that state she has no memories of ever saying that much less anything else!
She was a plant! No one disputes that! But her parents wanted that plant to be alive and her ex-husband wanted her dead so he could keep the remainder of the $1 million award HE got for her accident!

That is as simple as it gets. He didn't want to lose and didn't care if Terry was murdered!
The government had no business getting involved in what was otherwise a private, family matter. Yet another example of how those so called "Constitutional conservatives" actually love big government.

It was a private matter.
But when Schiavo's ex-husband who saw his $1 million award being diminished by the $80,000 a year in care.. he wanted the money for himself!

That simple! The courts went along with pulling the plug because idiots who make this stupid ass comment.." Well if she knew was was going to be in that state she would have wanted to have the plug pulled"
IDIOTS ! If she is in that state she has no memories of ever saying that much less anything else!
She was a plant! No one disputes that! But her parents wanted that plant to be alive and her ex-husband wanted her dead so he could keep the remainder of the $1 million award HE got for her accident!

That is as simple as it gets. He didn't want to lose and didn't care if Terry was murdered!

Tough shit
Who's paying for her care?

Schiavo resides at a nonprofit hospice that has assumed part of the cost of her care. Medicaid pays for the rest. According to this AP story, keeping her alive costs about $80,000 per year, and at least $350,000 of the malpractice settlement awarded to Schiavo and her husband in 1992 has been spent on her care.
Florida Medicaid normally offers hospice coverage for those with a life expectancy of no more than six months, but Schiavo has received assistance from the state for the last two years.

The Terri Schiavo roundup. - Slate Magazine

Also, Schiavo's husband, Michael, won a $1 million medical malpractice award, part of which was spent on her care.
Who paid the medical bills for Terri Schiavo for the past 15 ... /
Do you suppose he didn't want the rest of the $1 million award to be spent on keeping a plant alive???

If the taxpayer was keeping her alive, they should have pulled the plug years before.
God forbid we should spend any taxpayer money to keep someone alive, when that money could be so much better spent on subsidizing drug dealers and deadbeat baby machines with welfare checks.
Does that make a difference to you???
if they were using health insurance to feed and water a plant - thus driving up insurance rates for everyine else - then yes, it does.

AH... so glad you brought that point up!!!
So you do believe in Obamacare's DEATH PANELS???

And again.. it was her parents payments of health insurance premiums that kept her covered under health insurance.. I don't know but for the sake of your argument.. SO f...king WHAT is that of your concern???

YOU have NO problem letting $200 billion a year in legal fees DRIVE up the $850 billion a year proven by physicians surveys that come from their doing DEFENSIVE MEDICINE!!
Yet where are you on that???

YOU have NO problem believing the LIE that helped pass Obamacare i.e. 50 million "uninsured" where there are less then 8 million that truly need insurance.. WHERE ARE YOU on that LIE???

Insurance costs being driven up because of Terry's parents wanting to keep their plant alive is such a stupid observation!
Especially when you obviously have never seen Medicare payments to hospitals that are 6,000% above costs!
Again... you really should do more investigation of insurance, Terry, etc. before making such a stupid comment!
Jump to conclusions much?

Let me try: Ah... So you're a pimply faced redhead and you eat your own boogers.

Two can play THAT game. :lol:

And health insurance PREMIUMS do not come close to footing the bill for feeding and watering a plant like that. Everybody's premiums rise when that happens.
You even showed where Medicaid paid part of the cost. If the parents want to feed and water the plant on their own nickel, I personally wouldn't have had a problem wth that. The courts ruled, as I can recall, that the decision was not legally up to her parents, however, so too fucking bad for them.

It would seem - but please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong here - that you would have been all for keeping her alive as a plant regardless of the cost. Is that correct? Even if it banrupted the insurance company... even if it bankrupted the state's medicaid coffers... you would have been completely supportive of allowing the parents to feed and water the plant for as long as they wanted to. Is that correct? Would there have been any daily dollar amount that you would have had balked at? If it had cost ten thousand dollars a day to feed and water her, would that have been an acceptable use of scarce resources in your opinion? What if it were ten times that amount, and that cost was being covered by YOUR insurance company or by YOUR state goverment?
The only ones who should have been involved in that were the parents, the husband, and the courts the media, politicians, and special interest groups should have stayed the hell out of it.

The bolded IS what was involved until the courts ruled. The parents didn't like the ruling so they got the media, politicians, and special interest groups involved.

And why not? They loved that dumb plant known as Terry!

Tell me she knew she was in a vegetative state and if SHE knew, she shouldn't have been murdered!

Her parents wanted to keep the plant known as Terry alive. Just as most parents do!

So if it took getting the media involved so be it!

Since there was NO document stating her wishes to be terminated.. ONLY the words of her ex-husband who got a divorce when
she first went into the vegetative state...(very thoughtful of him to get on with his life...)again why kill this plant known as Terry?
The court ruled. You lost. Don't like it? Move to Somalia.
Who was paying for her medical treatment? Her parents must have millions of dollars if they were able to pay for her treatment.

Does that make a difference to you???

I don't blame Jeb. He took the fight as far as he could, within the Law.
The premise of the Law was flawed. A Court backing up a prior decision from a Decade earlier, even though it did not necessarily agree with the basis of the ruling in the first place. Issues with corrupt officials, a Husband that may have been in more than one of her "Accidents", putting her in a coma, and an incident where more harm was done to her while under care. Jeb took it as far as he could.

Jeb had no business getting involved.
The government had no business getting involved in what was otherwise a private, family matter. Yet another example of how those so called "Constitutional conservatives" actually love big government.

It was a private matter.
But when Schiavo's ex-husband who saw his $1 million award being diminished by the $80,000 a year in care.. he wanted the money for himself!

That simple! The courts went along with pulling the plug because idiots who make this stupid ass comment.." Well if she knew was was going to be in that state she would have wanted to have the plug pulled"
IDIOTS ! If she is in that state she has no memories of ever saying that much less anything else!
She was a plant! No one disputes that! But her parents wanted that plant to be alive and her ex-husband wanted her dead so he could keep the remainder of the $1 million award HE got for her accident!

That is as simple as it gets. He didn't want to lose and didn't care if Terry was murdered!
What happens when the money runs out?
Several years ago Terry Schindler/Schiavo fell into a mysterious coma.
our justice system failed , ...or had no interest in investigating the obvious, that her husband was a nurse and had access to all kinds of drugs.

The media made the case a nation-wide phenomenon to tell the public that our health care industry was going to support the death-panel system.
"The death panel says, the RULES state, the husband determines when she dies, and we have to follow the rules, ...that we made up"

The Schindler family produced medical experts who said they could help rehabilitate Terry Schindler.
Whether they could or not was irrelevant. Governor of Florida, ...all Jeb Bush had to do, was write his name on a piece of paper...and Terry would have been released to the care of her family.
Jeb Bush didn't do that. He supported status-quo and the death panel system.

The media chose not to highlight Bush's role in this incident.

Jeb Bush doesn't have enough leadership courage write his name on a piece of paper, and he thinks he's going to be President?

Jeb Bush was on TV yesterday talking about 2016, all i have to say is "nope!".
I don't know about the rest of you, but i make sure i don't vote for worthless people
Uh-huh. This was all litigated years ago and your side lost out in favor of the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America. So stop your whining.

You Schiavo nuts are almost as bad as the Waco crybabies.

Liberals really do enjoy killing people, don't they?

Of course, they want to have the government do it for them. It's just another government benefit. Just one of many they want to bring us.
The government had no business getting involved in what was otherwise a private, family matter. Yet another example of how those so called "Constitutional conservatives" actually love big government.

It was a private matter.
But when Schiavo's ex-husband who saw his $1 million award being diminished by the $80,000 a year in care.. he wanted the money for himself!

That simple! The courts went along with pulling the plug because idiots who make this stupid ass comment.." Well if she knew was was going to be in that state she would have wanted to have the plug pulled"
IDIOTS ! If she is in that state she has no memories of ever saying that much less anything else!
She was a plant! No one disputes that! But her parents wanted that plant to be alive and her ex-husband wanted her dead so he could keep the remainder of the $1 million award HE got for her accident!

That is as simple as it gets. He didn't want to lose and didn't care if Terry was murdered!
What happens when the money runs out?

If I remember correctly, Schiavo's parents were going to assume financial responsiblity for her.
The bolded IS what was involved until the courts ruled. The parents didn't like the ruling so they got the media, politicians, and special interest groups involved.

And why not? They loved that dumb plant known as Terry!

Tell me she knew she was in a vegetative state and if SHE knew, she shouldn't have been murdered!

Her parents wanted to keep the plant known as Terry alive. Just as most parents do!

So if it took getting the media involved so be it!

Since there was NO document stating her wishes to be terminated.. ONLY the words of her ex-husband who got a divorce when
she first went into the vegetative state...(very thoughtful of him to get on with his life...)again why kill this plant known as Terry?
The court ruled. You lost. Don't like it? Move to Somalia.

He would love Somalia.

It has hunting...



And nothing like unwinding with some friends at the shooting range...
Several years ago Terry Schindler/Schiavo fell into a mysterious coma.
our justice system failed , ...or had no interest in investigating the obvious, that her husband was a nurse and had access to all kinds of drugs.

The media made the case a nation-wide phenomenon to tell the public that our health care industry was going to support the death-panel system.
"The death panel says, the RULES state, the husband determines when she dies, and we have to follow the rules, ...that we made up"

The Schindler family produced medical experts who said they could help rehabilitate Terry Schindler.
Whether they could or not was irrelevant. Governor of Florida, ...all Jeb Bush had to do, was write his name on a piece of paper...and Terry would have been released to the care of her family.
Jeb Bush didn't do that. He supported status-quo and the death panel system.

The media chose not to highlight Bush's role in this incident.

Jeb Bush doesn't have enough leadership courage write his name on a piece of paper, and he thinks he's going to be President?

Jeb Bush was on TV yesterday talking about 2016, all i have to say is "nope!".
I don't know about the rest of you, but i make sure i don't vote for worthless people

All of us who wanted Terri to be given over to the custody of her parents were disappointed. But the governor of a state cannot unilaterally overturn state legislation regarding guardianship laws- Terri's Law, which would have given him such authority, was quickly struck down as unconstitutional.. Terri was not on death row where a governor has the power to stay an execution.

I don't know much about Jeb Bush- that said, I vote a traditionally republican ticket- so it is likely, barring any serious ethical circumstance, that if Jeb were the nominee he'd get my vote... There are others that I'd like to see in the 2016 line-up.

Bush had the power to make her a ward of the state. He chose not to and let her die.

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