The guy who let Terry Schindler die thinks he's going to be president

That poor woman was a vegetable and her parents were tools of Tom Delay and the Republican party. Jeezus, do we have to bring that pathetic bunch up yet again?

Most vegetables don't move around or respond to people. Also, you don't have to starve a vegetable to death.

The government ordered a woman starved because her legal husband wanted to marry the woman he already had several children with. Doesn't seem like a really good idea to empower the government to allow a man to starve his wife to death when he has a conflict of interest. But then we already let parents legallly kill their children. Why would we expect the government to protect a woman from her cheating husband?

What a great step forward for the women's movement... And it's the Republicans who are supposedly at war with women.

She was not responding, they were moving her around.

And her 'smiles' were simply reflexes.
and it will not be the reason he cant be elected

His brother and his own flip flipping willbe the reason
it's irrelevant what condition Terry was in.
the guardianship of her husband was in question so she should have been left in the care of her family.
the family decides, no one else.

According to law that would be her husband. Who would know her wishes better than him? When was the last time anyone's said that they would want to be maintained indefinitely in that state? I feel sorry for her and the way her husband was treated, after doing everything he could for years to do something for her. The fault didn't lie with him, but with a family that was unwilling to face facts and let go. Moral of the story: make a living will.

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