The guy who let Terry Schindler die thinks he's going to be president

Does that make a difference to you???

I don't blame Jeb. He took the fight as far as he could, within the Law.
The premise of the Law was flawed. A Court backing up a prior decision from a Decade earlier, even though it did not necessarily agree with the basis of the ruling in the first place. Issues with corrupt officials, a Husband that may have been in more than one of her "Accidents", putting her in a coma, and an incident where more harm was done to her while under care. Jeb took it as far as he could.

Jeb had no business getting involved.

Obama had no business 'getting involved' with the police officer and the professor thing, the Trayvon Martin thing, etc... but he does it anyway.

Don't tell me... this is different, right?

The government had no business getting involved in what was otherwise a private, family matter. Yet another example of how those so called "Constitutional conservatives" actually love big government.

It was a private matter.
But when Schiavo's ex-husband who saw his $1 million award being diminished by the $80,000 a year in care.. he wanted the money for himself!

That simple! The courts went along with pulling the plug because idiots who make this stupid ass comment.." Well if she knew was was going to be in that state she would have wanted to have the plug pulled"
IDIOTS ! If she is in that state she has no memories of ever saying that much less anything else!
She was a plant! No one disputes that! But her parents wanted that plant to be alive and her ex-husband wanted her dead so he could keep the remainder of the $1 million award HE got for her accident!

That is as simple as it gets. He didn't want to lose and didn't care if Terry was murdered!

And that ^ was what the whole murder of her was really about.
Terry Schiavo was murdered in a most horrible way. But it did one thing, it cemented in the concept that water and food is medical care and can be withheld like another other form of medical care. Today starving and dehydrating someone to death is the most common form of execution when someone is just too useless to live any longer. Of course we are not so cruel that we would execute criminals and serial killers by such inhumane methods. No. That's just too cruel. We reserve that for the sick, the weak and the disabled.

Terry Schiavo was very healthy when she died. She lived for 13 days without food or water. That's a long time and it takes an excellent constitution to fight off death for that long. The authorities were prepared to go far longer than that. No matter how long it took, the woman was going to be starved and dehydrated to death. She needed a feeding tube. She needed a feeding tube because her greedy husband was successful in denying her swallowing therapy that would have retrained her muscles to swallow normally.

Let's use this method of execution on those on death row who really need it. Think of the money we would save on last meals.
I don't blame Jeb. He took the fight as far as he could, within the Law.
The premise of the Law was flawed. A Court backing up a prior decision from a Decade earlier, even though it did not necessarily agree with the basis of the ruling in the first place. Issues with corrupt officials, a Husband that may have been in more than one of her "Accidents", putting her in a coma, and an incident where more harm was done to her while under care. Jeb took it as far as he could.

Jeb had no business getting involved.

Obama had no business 'getting involved' with the police officer and the professor thing, the Trayvon Martin thing, etc... but he does it anyway.

Don't tell me... this is different, right?

So, you're agreeing with me that Jeb had no business getting involved?

Or don't you know?
Several years ago Terry Schindler/Schiavo fell into a mysterious coma.
our justice system failed , ...or had no interest in investigating the obvious, that her husband was a nurse and had access to all kinds of drugs.

The media made the case a nation-wide phenomenon to tell the public that our health care industry was going to support the death-panel system.
"The death panel says, the RULES state, the husband determines when she dies, and we have to follow the rules, ...that we made up"

The Schindler family produced medical experts who said they could help rehabilitate Terry Schindler.
Whether they could or not was irrelevant. Governor of Florida, ...all Jeb Bush had to do, was write his name on a piece of paper...and Terry would have been released to the care of her family.
Jeb Bush didn't do that. He supported status-quo and the death panel system.

The media chose not to highlight Bush's role in this incident.

Jeb Bush doesn't have enough leadership courage write his name on a piece of paper, and he thinks he's going to be President?

Jeb Bush was on TV yesterday talking about 2016, all i have to say is "nope!".
I don't know about the rest of you, but i make sure i don't vote for worthless people

That poor woman was a vegetable and her parents were tools of Tom Delay and the Republican party. Jeezus, do we have to bring that pathetic bunch up yet again?
Who's paying for her care?

Schiavo resides at a nonprofit hospice that has assumed part of the cost of her care. Medicaid pays for the rest. According to this AP story, keeping her alive costs about $80,000 per year, and at least $350,000 of the malpractice settlement awarded to Schiavo and her husband in 1992 has been spent on her care.
Florida Medicaid normally offers hospice coverage for those with a life expectancy of no more than six months, but Schiavo has received assistance from the state for the last two years.

The Terri Schiavo roundup. - Slate Magazine

Also, Schiavo's husband, Michael, won a $1 million medical malpractice award, part of which was spent on her care.
Who paid the medical bills for Terri Schiavo for the past 15 ... /
Do you suppose he didn't want the rest of the $1 million award to be spent on keeping a plant alive???

If the taxpayer was keeping her alive, they should have pulled the plug years before.

Really? What bout the infirm in general? They certainly are a drain on the insurance system. aren't they? What about those with IQs below 100? Aren't they a drain on society, too? What about people who need dialysis? Isn't that an ongoing medical expense for the insurance companies to absorb?

The extremely ignorant argument that individuals drive up insurance costs is based on the truly ignorant assumptions that insurance underwriters don't know what they are doing and total ignorance of how insurance functions.

Insurance cost is based on groups and projected expenses measured by actuaries who understand risk.

No, individuals are NOT driving up your insurance costs, you ignorant, penurious moron.

Stop beating that long dead horse.
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She showed response to her family, and there was brain activity. Don't you just love how these "compassionate" liberals think they can judge a person's quality of life better than their own family? For people who don't believe in God, they sure do like to PLAY God.
Several years ago Terry Schindler/Schiavo fell into a mysterious coma.
our justice system failed , ...or had no interest in investigating the obvious, that her husband was a nurse and had access to all kinds of drugs.

The media made the case a nation-wide phenomenon to tell the public that our health care industry was going to support the death-panel system.
"The death panel says, the RULES state, the husband determines when she dies, and we have to follow the rules, ...that we made up"

The Schindler family produced medical experts who said they could help rehabilitate Terry Schindler.
Whether they could or not was irrelevant. Governor of Florida, ...all Jeb Bush had to do, was write his name on a piece of paper...and Terry would have been released to the care of her family.
Jeb Bush didn't do that. He supported status-quo and the death panel system.

The media chose not to highlight Bush's role in this incident.

Jeb Bush doesn't have enough leadership courage write his name on a piece of paper, and he thinks he's going to be President?

Jeb Bush was on TV yesterday talking about 2016, all i have to say is "nope!".
I don't know about the rest of you, but i make sure i don't vote for worthless people

That poor woman was a vegetable and her parents were tools of Tom Delay and the Republican party. Jeezus, do we have to bring that pathetic bunch up yet again?

No, that poor woman was a human being who had a loving family who wanted to care for her.

It is not, and certainly shouldn't be, for morons like you to determine who lives and who dies based on your understanding of science. The idea makes me shudder.
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If the taxpayer was keeping her alive, they should have pulled the plug years before.
So, are you saying taxpayers shouldn't be responsible for anyone's care, or just certain people, like say the president?
She died because she was a vegetable and nothing anyone did was going to make her even remotely normal again.

You are right. She was a vegetable! She was a dumb plant!
Do you think she knew that? Or do you think she was no where near capable of thinking?

If so and her parents loved that plant. Wanted to water and feed that plant for as long as the plant lived who are you and others to tell them differently?
That was the point! I lived through that in Tampa bay with the media blaring how "why would anyone like to live like that?"

So what is the problem with letting Terry the plant live! Who are you and others to say her parents were allowed to keep potted plants alive but NOT THEIR DAUGHTER???

The problem is that they would have been doing it against her wishes. When have you ever heard someone say, "if I'm a vegetable, keep me going indefinitely"? It was sad to see them so unable to let go and infuriating the way they treated her husband, when he was only doing what she asked. The moral of the story: draw up a living will.
She showed response to her family, and there was brain activity. Don't you just love how these "compassionate" liberals think they can judge a person's quality of life better than their own family? For people who don't believe in God, they sure do like to PLAY God.
BS, the autopsy showed her brain was liquified.
If the taxpayer was keeping her alive, they should have pulled the plug years before.
So, are you saying taxpayers shouldn't be responsible for anyone's care, or just certain people, like say the president?

If someone has no hope at all of recovery, and there is no point in keeping them alive, then why should the taxpayer pay for that person? Why should my taxes pay for a woman to lay in a bed 24/7, a woman who is incapable of forming a single thought?
Its a waste of taxpayer money, that's what it is.
After a seven-year legal struggle, Ms. Schiavo's feeding tube was removed for the last time on March 18. Three days later, in a bid to bring her case into federal court, Congress held its emergency session and passed the Terri Schiavo bill, which allowed her case to be considered by a federal judge. President Bush flew back from his Texas ranch on Palm Sunday to sign it into law.

More: Schiavo Autopsy Renews Debate on G.O.P. Actions

I remember it well...
If the taxpayer was keeping her alive, they should have pulled the plug years before.
So, are you saying taxpayers shouldn't be responsible for anyone's care, or just certain people, like say the president?

If someone has no hope at all of recovery, and there is no point in keeping them alive, then why should the taxpayer pay for that person? Why should my taxes pay for a woman to lay in a bed 24/7, a woman who is incapable of forming a single thought?
Its a waste of taxpayer money, that's what it is.
If the president has a stroke or a hear attack and suffers brain damage, you're in favor of starving him out?
The only ones who should have been involved in that were the parents, the husband, and the courts the media, politicians, and special interest groups should have stayed the hell out of it.

The bolded IS what was involved until the courts ruled. The parents didn't like the ruling so they got the media, politicians, and special interest groups involved.

When the courts order a woman starved to death so her husband can take her cash settlement and finally marry the woman he has several children with, there is a problem.

If our government isn't going to fight to preserve the live of it's citizens, especially when someone which a huge conflict of interest wants them dead, then corruption is running rampant.

And the fact that you are complicit with starving another human being makes you a murderer.
That poor woman was a vegetable and her parents were tools of Tom Delay and the Republican party. Jeezus, do we have to bring that pathetic bunch up yet again?

Most vegetables don't move around or respond to people. Also, you don't have to starve a vegetable to death.

The government ordered a woman starved because her legal husband wanted to marry the woman he already had several children with. Doesn't seem like a really good idea to empower the government to allow a man to starve his wife to death when he has a conflict of interest. But then we already let parents legallly kill their children. Why would we expect the government to protect a woman from her cheating husband?

What a great step forward for the women's movement... And it's the Republicans who are supposedly at war with women.
The problem is that they would have been doing it against her wishes. When have you ever heard someone say, "if I'm a vegetable, keep me going indefinitely"? It was sad to see them so unable to let go and infuriating the way they treated her husband, when he was only doing what she asked. The moral of the story: draw up a living will.

According to her husband, who had been cheating on her and already had several children. And conveniently only decides that she needs to starve to death AFTER he wins a court settlement.

No. What's infuriating is you and countless others assisted a man in murdering his wife and think HE is the victim.

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