The ham sandwich indictment

Her father was a nasty Black Panther. Imagine all the hateful rhetoric that girl grew up with.

You know, being taught all about the unjust justice system. The one Trump and his supporters are now crying over.
It's all about the 2024 presidential election. Yet another Dem scheme to RIG the election. They fear letting voters decide if they want a 2nd Trump term.
Voter's sent mango tinted ape's sorry ass packing in 2020, mouth breather. Too bad that motherfucker wasen't & still isn't MAN enough to admit that he got his ass whipped.

Keep wailing if that makes you feel better.
In a county that is evenly divided between whites and blacks, why is the jury all black? It looks like a reverse lynching.

Democrats dont attack our Capitol

They attacked the white House, they just happened to get stopped at the barriers. But if you want to be honest.... both cases you could say were protests that got way out of hand. To say this is what Republicans as a party DO, and Democrats as a part DO, is actually just more grandstanding.
Dems rigged and cheated, they are illegitimate office occupiers.
Rule of law prevails.

How is that? did you catch the Jury instructions? Jurors were not required to have unanimous decision on any charge. Rules were BENT to go after Trump on a case about business filings.

The Judge allowed a woman to come up on stage and go on and on... with irrlevant testimony claiming sexual assault...when that was not even an accusation ... and while a Legal non disclosure agreement had been made. of course that was allowed by the JUDGE.. in order to influence the Jury against Trump..
Oh yes and the Judge had previously donated to Anti Trump causes...

Then this same judge tells the defense Trump was not allowed to use as part of his defense that he had taken counsel from his attorney. The judge also Limited the testimony of Trumps Defense expert on Election Finance... to the point that the Defense couldnt use him. Why was that? The Judge didnt want the witness to influence the Jury.

And why was that? because the Biased judge wanted Trump guilty. That same judge has now pushed out the penalty phase for July.. perfect timing to interfere with the election process when the process is ramping up.

The rule of Law has just been dragged through the mud.

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