The Hamas Charter

By closing the Strait, Egypt was not attacking Israel directly. Why? Because Israel does not own the Strait. Gazans own Gaza. The Blockade is a direct attack against Gazan land.

As for Syria, Israel wouldn't let UN inspectors into the country, because they would see the IDF bulldozing their way through Syrian territory to get to their water wells.

By closing the Strait, Egypt was not attacking Israel directly.

They were attacking indirectly?

As for Syria, Israel wouldn't let UN inspectors into the country,

Why did Egypt kick out the UN peacekeepers in the Sinai?
By closing the Strait, Egypt was not attacking Israel directly.

They were attacking indirectly?

As for Syria, Israel wouldn't let UN inspectors into the country,

Why did Egypt kick out the UN peacekeepers in the Sinai?
I can see your point they were attacking indirectly.

Egypt was just chest-thumping and the Mossad knew this.
RE: The HAMAS Charter
SUBTOPIC: To the Question: Right of Self-Defense
⁜→ Billo_really, et al,

By closing the Strait, Egypt was not attacking Israel directly. Why? Because Israel does not own the Strait. Gazans own Gaza. The Blockade is a direct attack against Gazan land.

As for Syria, Israel wouldn't let UN inspectors into the country, because they would see the IDF bulldozing their way through Syrian territory to get to their water wells.

Act of War •
The expression ‘act of war’ acquired a quasi-technical significance primarily by reason of the stipulation of art. 16(1) of the League of Nations Covenant that ‘should any Member of the League resort to war in disregard of its covenants under Articles 12, 13 or 15, it shall ipso facto be deemed to have committed an act of war (
un acte de guerre)
against all other Members of the League….’

Parry & Grant Encyclopaedic Dictionary of International Law, by John P. Grant and J. Craig Barker. -- 3rd ed. Copyright ˝ 2009 • Oxford University Press, Inc. pp 7-8

RE: ICRC Reference Library
San Remo Manual on International Law Applicable to Armed Conflicts at Sea, 12 June 1994 • SECTION II: METHODS OF WARFARE • Blockade Paragraphs 93-104


Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews. Posting #3801
There are two, very interesting sentences that you should be able to address:
  1. "Palestine was not identified as a State or Country" (prior to A/RES/67/19 2012)
  2. "nor could its authorities be identified as a government"
The Gaza Strip has no common border with Syria; not back then and not now. And Syria does NOT have any common access to the Mediterranean shore. The blockade is NOT an act of war. Nor does the blockade have any other critical commercial sea traffic.

Israel DID NOT establish the blockade for the
sole purpose of starving the civilian population or denying it other objects essential for its survival. Nor did Israel inflict such damage to the civilian population that the blockade inflicted such damage that is considered excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated from the blockade. The blockade was established in the interest of national security.

To cut the flow of illegal contraband.​
To protect highly vulnerable drilling platforms.​
To prevent the ability of the designated terrorist from launching seaborne infiltration into Israel.​
To prevent the ability of the designated terrorist from conducting hostile jihadist seaborne operations against Israel.​

Most Respectfully,
By closing the Strait, Egypt was not attacking Israel directly. Why? Because Israel does not own the Strait. Gazans own Gaza. The Blockade is a direct attack against Gazan land.

As for Syria, Israel wouldn't let UN inspectors into the country, because they would see the IDF bulldozing their way through Syrian territory to get to their water wells.
Nice try but no cigar. Egypt was INTENTIONALLY blocking Israel’s right to INTERNATIONAL WATERS . The BLOCKADE is a direct attack against Israel’s economy, ability to send, receive goods. Etc Please tell us WHY Nasser closed the Straits and what Israel should have done
IDF bulldozing their way through Syria?
Where’s the link? You don’t have one
By closing the Strait, Egypt was not attacking Israel directly.

They were attacking indirectly?

As for Syria, Israel wouldn't let UN inspectors into the country,

Why did Egypt kick out the UN peacekeepers in the Sinai?
Not going to get a response. Ask why UN Inspectors wanted to enter israel there willl be SILENCE
Blocking the Strait was not an act of war on Israel. However, for the sake of argument, we go on the notion it was. Then, that war started when Israel continued to invade Syria over water rights. So again, Israel started the war.

Syrians attacked first,
they joined the 6-day war
following false Egyptian broadcasts.

So no, the initial act of war was by the Egyptian army,
and the excuses were made up later to justify their mistake.
Syrians attacked first,
they joined the 6-day war
following false Egyptian broadcasts.

So no, the initial act of war was by the Egyptian army,
and the excuses were made up later to justify their mistake.
He s so stupid he denies the Syrians were shooting at the Israelis from the Golan Heights
I can see your point they were attacking indirectly.

Egypt was just chest-thumping and the Mossad knew this.
They were “ chest thumping “ and the Mossad knew this? Were you there? Was it “ chest thumping “ closing the Straits? You’re a ASSHOLE 🇮🇱👍✡️
RE: The HAMAS Charter
SUBTOPIC: To the Question: Right of Self-Defense
⁜→ Billo_really, et al,


Act of War •
The expression ‘act of war’ acquired a quasi-technical significance primarily by reason of the stipulation of art. 16(1) of the League of Nations Covenant that ‘should any Member of the League resort to war in disregard of its covenants under Articles 12, 13 or 15, it shall ipso facto be deemed to have committed an act of war (
un acte de guerre)
against all other Members of the League….’

Parry & Grant Encyclopaedic Dictionary of International Law, by John P. Grant and J. Craig Barker. -- 3rd ed. Copyright ˝ 2009 • Oxford University Press, Inc. pp 7-8

RE: ICRC Reference Library
San Remo Manual on International Law Applicable to Armed Conflicts at Sea, 12 June 1994 • SECTION II: METHODS OF WARFARE • Blockade Paragraphs 93-104


Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews. Posting #3801
There are two, very interesting sentences that you should be able to address:
  1. "Palestine was not identified as a State or Country" (prior to A/RES/67/19 2012)
  2. "nor could its authorities be identified as a government"
The Gaza Strip has no common border with Syria; not back then and not now. And Syria does NOT have any common access to the Mediterranean shore. The blockade is NOT an act of war. Nor does the blockade have any other critical commercial sea traffic.

Israel DID NOT establish the blockade for the
sole purpose of starving the civilian population or denying it other objects essential for its survival. Nor did Israel inflict such damage to the civilian population that the blockade inflicted such damage that is considered excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated from the blockade. The blockade was established in the interest of national security.

To cut the flow of illegal contraband.​
To protect highly vulnerable drilling platforms.​
To prevent the ability of the designated terrorist from launching seaborne infiltration into Israel.​
To prevent the ability of the designated terrorist from conducting hostile jihadist seaborne operations against Israel.​

Most Respectfully,
The Blockade is collective punishment against the entire population of Gaza and that is a war crime. You are punishing people who have done nothing wrong except electing representatives Israel doesn't care for.
Nice try but no cigar. Egypt was INTENTIONALLY blocking Israel’s right to INTERNATIONAL WATERS . The BLOCKADE is a direct attack against Israel’s economy, ability to send, receive goods. Etc Please tell us WHY Nasser closed the Straits and what Israel should have done
IDF bulldozing their way through Syria?
Where’s the link? You don’t have one
I explained all this in a previous post. As far as a Syrian link, if I knew how to provide links on my phone, I would.

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