The Hamas Charter

I am glad Hamas did this… more reason to the Franksteinians do f#ck and the Jews should do whatever they can to dispel the Muslim invaders from their lands.

More settlements and retake Gaza!

They should go ahead and take Hebron back, for sure.
None of which has anything to do with the Covenants; Ezra's racist cult would of course gaurantee a genetic line to the exclusion of most other Jewish tribes, that was the whole point of setting up the Babylonians as the 'only pure Jews' and excluding the rest. All that does is add more proof to my point. Many inter-married over centuries; this isn't news, it is exactly what would happen. Over a third of Jeremia's book is about their 'racial purity' laws in Jesus's day, quite detailed and elaborate. Jesus's genealogy was important, so was Mary's, in the NT.

Part Four outline of Joachim Jeremia's Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus

Part Four




A. Legitimacy of ancestry
B. Historical value of lay genealogies
C. Civil rights of full Israelites

A. Despised trades
B. Jewish slaves


A. Israelites with slight blemish
1.Illegitimate descendants of priests


3.Freed Gentile slaves
B. Israelites with grave blemish
Temple slaves, fatherless, foundlings,eunuchs




OT sources

The list of exiles in Ezra 2.2-63, par. Neh. 7.7-65. gives the following order:

(a) Families of pure descent:

Lay people: Ezra 2.2- 35. par. Neh. 7.7-38.
Priests: Ezra 2.36-39, par. Neh. 7.39-42.
Levites: Ezra 2.40-42, par. Neh. 7.43-45.
(b) Temple servants: Ezra 2.43-54, par. Neh. 7.46-56
royal slaves: Ezra 2.55-58, par. Neh. 7.57-60.

Appendix - Israelites and priests with no genealogy. Ezra 2.59-63, par. Neh, 7.61-65.

Birth and family determined everything from economic standing to where you could go in the Temple. These are only some highlights; it's a very elaborate social hierarchy. Compare this to Moses and the earlier Hebrews and their universalist approach: universalism is implicit in monotheism.

So, of course there will be genetic links. Germans like Hitler thought so, too, in the case of their tribal past. Think there are genetic markers for Germans? Yes, there is. Same for Italians, Irish, Poles, Han Chinese, etc., etc.
The land of Israel belongs to the Children of Israel. Get used to it.
The land of Israel belongs to the Children of Israel. Get used to it.

Do tell me where I said they don't belong there. Get used to the fact that the Baptists are more Jewish theologically than Orthodox Jews.
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Do tell me where I said they don't belong there. Get used to the fact that the Baptists are more Jewish theologically than Orthodox Jews.

King David danced.

Even radios were rare. The vast majority of Arabs opposed Hitler. Hitler considered Arabs mud people.
Yea, right
He rounded them up, tortured them, put them in Gas Chambers, and did live experiments on them. How can History be so distorted?
Yea, right
He rounded them up, tortured them, put them in Gas Chambers, and did live experiments on them. How can History be so distorted?

Hitler also considered Jews mud people, but Arabs didn't live in Germany. They weren't German citizens or Austrian citizens. Hitler stripped European Jews of their citizenship.

Hitler had Plan Orient to take control of all the oil fields from the Caspian to the Persian Gulf. He despised Arabs and Spaniards...
Hitler also considered Jews mud people, but Arabs didn't live in Germany. They weren't German citizens or Austrian citizens. Hitler stripped European Jews of their citizenship.

Hitler had Plan Orient to take control of all the oil fields from the Caspian to the Persian Gulf. He despised Arabs and Spaniards...
I understand now! He massacred, tortured, did live experiments on, gas people and make those who were going to their death eventually ONLY in Germany and Austria . He didn’t. Kill them all throughout Europe. Nor did he have talks with the Grand Mufti THANK YOU for setting the record straight 👍
I understand now! He massacred, tortured, did live experiments on, gas people and make those who were going to their death eventually ONLY in Germany and Austria . He didn’t. Kill them all throughout Europe. Nor did he have talks with the Grand Mufti THANK YOU for setting the record straight 👍

Don't be an ass. Of course Hitler killed people all over Europe including gypsies. The Grand Mufti arranged for Jews to escape to Spain. Over 600,000 Jews had already settled in Palestine by 1930. He was trying to avoid turning 700,000 Palestinians into refugees. Imagine if 100 million illegals foreigners who despised Americans suddenly moved to the US. Mufti was trying to avoid a tragedy for his people. He met with Hitler for 10 minutes and Hitler wouldn't shake his hand.
Don't be an ass. Of course Hitler killed people all over Europe including gypsies. The Grand Mufti arranged for Jews to escape to Spain. Over 600,000 Jews had already settled in Palestine by 1930. He was trying to avoid turning 700,000 Palestinians into refugees. Imagine if 100 million illegals foreigners who despised Americans suddenly moved to the US. Mufti was trying to avoid a tragedy for his people. He met with Hitler for 10 minutes and Hitler wouldn't shake his hand.
Don't be an ass. Of course Hitler killed people all over Europe including gypsies. The Grand Mufti arranged for Jews to escape to Spain. Over 600,000 Jews had already settled in Palestine by 1930. He was trying to avoid turning 700,000 Palestinians into refugees. Imagine if 100 million illegals foreigners who despised Americans suddenly moved to the US. Mufti was trying to avoid a tragedy for his people. He met with Hitler for 10 minutes and Hitler wouldn't shake his hand.
You should start your own Comedy show! If Jackie Mason were alive I’d suggest you join him. Spain has a LONG history of Antisemitism. The Grand Mufti was trying to SAVE Jews?? 😂. How do you know how long he was there for or of hands were shaken; were you there??
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait.. The aquifers in Israel are full of heavy metals and ecoli. Reverse osmosis doesn't clean that up. The Arabs use distillation for desalination. They have built a hundred facilities since 1950.

Like a toddler with a full diaper blames others for the stink...
Only toddlers don't murder for sexual fetishes in Janna.

So the example you're bragging about
is the most over-stressed aquifer,
in the world?

Worse than in Pakistan?

The research team -- which included co-authors from NASA, the National Center for Atmospheric Research, National Taiwan University and UC Santa Barbara -- found that the Arabian Aquifer System, an important water source for more than 60 million people, is the most overstressed in the world.

Let me sum it up for you very simply - the quality of water Arab states provide
to their citizens as drinking water, wouldn't pass for the industrial sector in Israel.

Exactly the reason Arab states loose legitimacy, instead of solving their problems
they brainwash 60 million illiterates to point fingers and accept whatever nonesense, especially when saying 'Israel' at the end of the sentence, to feel better about themselves.


How does it feel to be the worst at everything Israel excel?
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Hitler also considered Jews mud people, but Arabs didn't live in Germany. They weren't German citizens or Austrian citizens. Hitler stripped European Jews of their citizenship.

Hitler had Plan Orient to take control of all the oil fields from the Caspian to the Persian Gulf. He despised Arabs and Spaniards...

Islamists and Nazis found what they were missing in each other.
Today the methods are hardly distinguishable.
Both share their imperialist greed.

Hitler and Mufti's plan - extermination
of Jews allover the entire Middle East.
Both needed each other for that.

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Islamists and Nazis found what they were missing in each other.
Today the methods are hardly distinguishable.
Both share their imperialist greed.

Hitler and Mufti's plan - extermination
of Jews allover the entire Middle East.
Both needed each other for that.

Palestinians blame Israelites for their problems. The land never belonged to them. Most of it was owned by Turkish landlords. Nothing stops the Palestinians from moving elsewhere in the Arab world, getting jobs, and making something of their lives. Nothing but their personal shortcomings, that is. Most would be failures anywhere.

Palestinians are like poor blacks who blame whites for problems caused by their low IQ's and their felony convictions.
Don't be an ass. Of course Hitler killed people all over Europe including gypsies. The Grand Mufti arranged for Jews to escape to Spain. Over 600,000 Jews had already settled in Palestine by 1930. He was trying to avoid turning 700,000 Palestinians into refugees. Imagine if 100 million illegals foreigners who despised Americans suddenly moved to the US. Mufti was trying to avoid a tragedy for his people. He met with Hitler for 10 minutes and Hitler wouldn't shake his hand.

Bunch of Islami-Nazi dogshit.

If there were 600,000 Jews by 1930,
then Israel's independence was achieved by then.
And if not for the Jewish refugees, there weren't 700,000 Arab work migrants
in the land to begin with - but remain abandoned to swamps ridden with malaria.

The Mufti planned, with Hitler,
to exterminate Jews allover the Middle East.

In fact the Mufti used that Islamo-Nazi xenophobia,
calling Egyptians to arms against the Jewish minority -
before Rommel and his Nazi troops even reached Egypt.

The Mufti was a greedy imperialist bigot,
he would sell land he doesn't own, then murder
his "own people" when Jews gave them a better bargain.

"You must kill the Jews, before they open fire on you. Kill the Jews, who have appropriated your wealth and who are plotting against your security. Arabs of Syria, Iraq and Palestine, what are you waiting for? The Jews are planning to violate your women, to kill your children and to destroy you. According to the Muslim religion, the defense of your life is a duty which can only be fulfilled by annihilating the Jews. This is your best opportunity to get rid of this dirty race, which has usurped your rights and brought misfortune and destruction on your countries. Kill the Jews, burn their property, destroy their stores, annihilate these base supporters of British imperialism. Your sole hope of salvation lies in annihilating the Jews before they annihilate you.”
Arab Nazi Propaganda - University of Maryland, College Park
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Bunch of Islami-Nazi dogshit.

If there were 600,000 Jews by 1930,
then Israel's independence was achieved by then.
And if not for the Jewish refugees, there weren't 700,000 Arab work migrants
in the land to begin with - but remain abandoned to swamps ridden with malaria.

The Mufti planned, with Hitler,
to exterminate Jews allover the Middle East.

In fact the Mufti used that Islamo-Nazi xenophobia,
calling Egyptians to arms against the Jewish minority -
before Rommel and his Nazi troops even reached Egypt.

The Mufti was a greedy imperialist bigot,
he would sell land he doesn't own, then murder
his "own people" when Jews gave them a better bargain.

Arab Nazi Propaganda - University of Maryland, College Park
Hey, Listen!
According to HER they ONLY spent 10 minutes together and the Grand Mufti refused to shake Hitler’s hand!
I do wish you would learn your history! ( only kidding)
One More thing
Nasser did NOT close the Straits of Tiran
Egypt NEVER started to multiply troops at Israel’s border
Nasser did NOT brag to the world he was going to destroy the “ Zionist Entity “
The UN peacekeeping force did NOT leave just prior to the war breaking out prior to the 67 War

Hamas executes 5 in Gaza – two for ‘collaboration’

Hamas executes five Gazans Sunday morning –
two for allegedly “collaborating” with Israel (20 and 30 years ago respectively).

Saudi Arabia, Kuwait.. The aquifers in Israel are full of heavy metals and ecoli. Reverse osmosis doesn't clean that up. The Arabs use distillation for desalination. They have built a hundred facilities since 1950.
Guess who pays Israel to help them clean their water?
Guess who pays Israel to help them clean their water?

Lol. Not Israel. The Saudis have been building desalination plants since I was a kid.. long before Israel had even one.. and they didn't use reverse osmosis.

Is Israel trying to take credit for that? The Saudis also have some 500 recharge dams to capture groundwater.

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