The Height of Democrat Stupidity


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Dems Re-Elect Pelosi to Lead Them in the Next Congress

They clearly love the Baroness of Botox. It makes one scratch one's head. Read @ Dems Re-Elect Pelosi to Lead Them in the Next Congress and from House Dems again tap Nancy Pelosi as their leader
LOL Strong women scare the pants off the right wing children. You guys are too funny, you blame Pelosi for the mid-term elections when so few voted. If you want to blame anyone check a mirror and check the power corporate money has on politics in America today. Recently that useless Speaker, Bonehead, was put in his place by Nancy, and you wingnuts don't worry, mommy will protect you. Seems some women comfort you huh?

"So Leader Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) office has been putting out fact sheets on the Boehner jobs bills, and lo and behold, it’s true. They aren’t jobs bills, which is sort of a duh moment because if Republicans wanted jobs they would have passed President Obama’s fully paid for American Jobs Act after making adjustments to it."

"...Ideology makes men fight for their servitude as stubbornly as though it were their salvation." Deleuze / Guattari

Repost: Americans puzzle over their low wages, they wonder at the inequality of our now economic third world nation as they vote in the very people who are the corporate tools. Most of these tools are republicans and so called conservatives. Until liberals, democrats, leftists, and freedom loving folk learn people are not rational and that those who have the best slogans win - Idiots will always win if their message is simple enough. Look only at Joni Ernst as an example, she may make Michelle Bachmann look reasonable. Seems simple but the democrats and progressives don't get it. Say taxes, welfare, dog whistles, UN-American, socialism and voila instant vote. The puppet ideology of the right wins. Of course the history of republican rule is a failure, but does any American know any history? As I've asked many times has any republican conservative done anything for all Americans, of course not. Is it any wonder the red states depend more on government and rank so low in education? And on a more personal level I laugh today as republicans and conservatives in my age category worry about social security and medicare, not that they are funded, but that they can benefit from these liberal policies.

"Before 1950 the political designation of “conservative” was disavowed, if not altogether disliked, by most Americans, including Republicans. Yet very soon after, and for the first time in American history, ideological “conservatism” became a more than acceptable political designation. By the 1980s, more Americans called themselves “conservatives” than “liberals.” Much of this was ambiguous, since many Americans were not truly conservative at all, except for their opposition to liberals." John Lukacs 'American Nationalism'
LOL Strong women scare the pants off the right wing children. You guys are too funny, you blame Pelosi for the mid-term elections when so few voted. If you want to blame anyone check a mirror and check the power corporate money has on politics in America today. Recently that useless Speaker, Bonehead, was put in his place by Nancy, and you wingnuts don't worry, mommy will protect you. Seems some women comfort you huh?

"So Leader Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) office has been putting out fact sheets on the Boehner jobs bills, and lo and behold, it’s true. They aren’t jobs bills, which is sort of a duh moment because if Republicans wanted jobs they would have passed President Obama’s fully paid for American Jobs Act after making adjustments to it."

"...Ideology makes men fight for their servitude as stubbornly as though it were their salvation." Deleuze / Guattari

Repost: Americans puzzle over their low wages, they wonder at the inequality of our now economic third world nation as they vote in the very people who are the corporate tools. Most of these tools are republicans and so called conservatives. Until liberals, democrats, leftists, and freedom loving folk learn people are not rational and that those who have the best slogans win - Idiots will always win if their message is simple enough. Look only at Joni Ernst as an example, she may make Michelle Bachmann look reasonable. Seems simple but the democrats and progressives don't get it. Say taxes, welfare, dog whistles, UN-American, socialism and voila instant vote. The puppet ideology of the right wins. Of course the history of republican rule is a failure, but does any American know any history? As I've asked many times has any republican conservative done anything for all Americans, of course not. Is it any wonder the red states depend more on government and rank so low in education? And on a more personal level I laugh today as republicans and conservatives in my age category worry about social security and medicare, not that they are funded, but that they can benefit from these liberal policies.

"Before 1950 the political designation of “conservative” was disavowed, if not altogether disliked, by most Americans, including Republicans. Yet very soon after, and for the first time in American history, ideological “conservatism” became a more than acceptable political designation. By the 1980s, more Americans called themselves “conservatives” than “liberals.” Much of this was ambiguous, since many Americans were not truly conservative at all, except for their opposition to liberals." John Lukacs 'American Nationalism'

You tell 'em, Macaca Joe!"
Pelosi are Reid aren't Left enough, they should have went with Sanders and Raoul Castro
I would like to nominate Sen. Mary Landrieu regarding the Keystone XL vote:

"I brought this bill to the floor knowing in my heart that we have 60 votes."
I don't know about stupidity, but isn't one definition of insanity continuing to do the same thing over and over hoping for different results? Both parties seem to do this, so there is no reason to ridicule the Democrats for it.
They knew most Voters are stupid the day after Obama was elected. You libs are so stupid and your gods know it so well that they are now telling you how stupid you are all over the Media. The Obomacare folks really have a lot of balls, to bad there voters do not.
Real democrats believe as JFK said ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country. Holly sh-- has that changed. People nothing is free but you libs like to think so VISIT MICKEY LATELY.
LOL Strong women scare the pants off the right wing children. You guys are too funny, you blame Pelosi for the mid-term elections when so few voted. If you want to blame anyone check a mirror and check the power corporate money has on politics in America today. Recently that useless Speaker, Bonehead, was put in his place by Nancy, and you wingnuts don't worry, mommy will protect you. Seems some women comfort you huh?

"So Leader Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) office has been putting out fact sheets on the Boehner jobs bills, and lo and behold, it’s true. They aren’t jobs bills, which is sort of a duh moment because if Republicans wanted jobs they would have passed President Obama’s fully paid for American Jobs Act after making adjustments to it."

"...Ideology makes men fight for their servitude as stubbornly as though it were their salvation." Deleuze / Guattari

Repost: Americans puzzle over their low wages, they wonder at the inequality of our now economic third world nation as they vote in the very people who are the corporate tools. Most of these tools are republicans and so called conservatives. Until liberals, democrats, leftists, and freedom loving folk learn people are not rational and that those who have the best slogans win - Idiots will always win if their message is simple enough. Look only at Joni Ernst as an example, she may make Michelle Bachmann look reasonable. Seems simple but the democrats and progressives don't get it. Say taxes, welfare, dog whistles, UN-American, socialism and voila instant vote. The puppet ideology of the right wins. Of course the history of republican rule is a failure, but does any American know any history? As I've asked many times has any republican conservative done anything for all Americans, of course not. Is it any wonder the red states depend more on government and rank so low in education? And on a more personal level I laugh today as republicans and conservatives in my age category worry about social security and medicare, not that they are funded, but that they can benefit from these liberal policies.

"Before 1950 the political designation of “conservative” was disavowed, if not altogether disliked, by most Americans, including Republicans. Yet very soon after, and for the first time in American history, ideological “conservatism” became a more than acceptable political designation. By the 1980s, more Americans called themselves “conservatives” than “liberals.” Much of this was ambiguous, since many Americans were not truly conservative at all, except for their opposition to liberals." John Lukacs 'American Nationalism'

Bet you think the affirmative action First "lady" is a strong woman. No one would give a shit about what she had to say if she didnt' hold a title solely because she's married to the President. Even now, only your liberal morons care. Those of us that matter don't give a damn what she has to say.

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