The Heroes Gregory and Travis McMichael.

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Gold Member
Apr 19, 2020
These are the two people who have been all over the news recently for killing a negro in self defense. And were recently unjustly jailed for it. What a bunch of BS! On TV they showed a video of the negro ahamud arbery casing a construction site. No doubt looking for something to steal. Then later he was chased down in a pickup truck by Gregory and Travis McMichale.

Both Gregory and Travis McMichael were legally armed. And under Georgia law, they had a right to make a citizens arrest. I saw the video of what happened a number of times. That moronic negro deserved to die! Now if it was me and somebody had a gun pointed at me to make a citizens arrest, not being a complete idiot, I would know that they had the upper hand. (And then some) That would leave me with two alternatives. Either let them detain me until the cops showed up to sort the whole thing out, or RUN AWAY!!!

That dumb ass did neither. He decided to go after the person with the gun. (Most likely because he actually was guilty of something) At which point what Travis McMichael did was self defense. With nothing else to go on, the negro prosecutor they hired is trying to accuse Gregory and Travis McMichael of a hate crime. You should hear my views on hate crimes. But being justified, I would never be allowed to discuss them here.
There are some very limited circumstances when one is permitted to - shall we say - KILL SOMEONE.

When you are in your home, someone has broken in, blah, blah, blah.

When you are confronted by someone who is threatening the use of lethal force against you, and you have to available opportunity to withdraw...

One is NOT permitted to kill someone who is suspected of having stolen a $10 hammer (which they no longer have in their possession), whether you call it a "citizen's arrest," target shooting, open season on coons, or a peasant hunt. Not permitted.

These fukkers are "toast." (Pardon my use of legal jargon). Even if the Georgia Authorities do the unthinkable and decline to hang their racist asses, the U.S. Justice Department will weigh in and do so on behalf of the Federal taxpayers.

Toast. Don't be delusional.
These are the two people who have been all over the news recently for killing a negro in self defense. And were recently unjustly jailed for it. What a bunch of BS! On TV they showed a video of the negro ahamud arbery casing a construction site. No doubt looking for something to steal. Then later he was chased down in a pickup truck by Gregory and Travis McMichale.

Both Gregory and Travis McMichael were legally armed. And under Georgia law, they had a right to make a citizens arrest. I saw the video of what happened a number of times. That moronic negro deserved to die! Now if it was me and somebody had a gun pointed at me to make a citizens arrest, not being a complete idiot, I would know that they had the upper hand. (And then some) That would leave me with two alternatives. Either let them detain me until the cops showed up to sort the whole thing out, or RUN AWAY!!!

That dumb ass did neither. He decided to go after the person with the gun. (Most likely because he actually was guilty of something) At which point what Travis McMichael did was self defense. With nothing else to go on, the negro prosecutor they hired is trying to accuse Gregory and Travis McMichael of a hate crime. You should hear my views on hate crimes. But being justified, I would never be allowed to discuss them here.

Don't you mean cowards with guns? Neither one of them are police officers. No right to do anything. The video shows no property being taken. If they were that bent out of shape about it, they should have filed a report with the real police. Instead they ran him down and pointed a gun at him and ended up murdering him. Pretty open and shut. With them not being police officers, I'd have probably had the same reaction. Worse, the original prosecutors attempted to bury it. Now I won't say that the two bubbas are going to prison for the rest of their lives (it is rural Georgia after all), but they'll do time. Hopefully, it's a lesson to all the vigilantes...errr....patriots....err citizens that the second amendment does not give you the right to murder indiscriminately.
Those redneck fucks lived the white supremacist wet dream. They got to hunt and kill a black guy. No wonder they are your heroes. Now they are going to try to live the other half of the dream, getting off scot-free.
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