The Hidden Tragedy of Entitlements: What a 12-Year Welfare Abuser Says About Finding a Job


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
This is a 30 year old woman who has been on welfare since the age of 18. She has 4 children and she says she is comfortable on the doles and there is no need to work since she gets a check from the government each month. Just another teen who became pregnant, then realized that having more kids meant a bigger check each month. She will likely be one that will have more children as her youngest ones near the age of 18 just to keep the checks coming. When we encourage dependency, we take away incentive for young people to work harder to better their future. Is that really compassion? It reminds me of the parents who spoil their children by doing everything for them only to discover that the children are never ready to fly on their own because they haven't developed the skills to do so.

Of course, for young people to build their own future, they need to complete their education so there has to be encouragement from parents to work hard and stay on track. There also needs to be available jobs for them to jump into the workforce. Used to be plenty of minimum wage jobs to serve as the first stepping block. Those jobs build resumes and show a willingness to work and prove reliability. It was those first jobs that helped impress employers later on when applying for better paying jobs.

Now we see bread winners of the family vying for those jobs because so many middle class jobs have disappeared. Businesses are being regulated and taxed out of business. More and more people look to welfare as a financial plan.

Too many young people have grown up with no positive role models. The woman in this video has 4 children who will learn nothing about life from their mother except surviving on the backs of the workers. And they, like she, will be comfortable with that. While no one should be ashamed of accepting help if they need it, it's sad to see so many who feel entitled to a life of dependency and want nothing more than that. They don't realize what they are missing out on. They vote for those who keep promising them more for nothing and they harbor ill feelings for those who have managed to succeed in life. They blame those who live better and buy into the hype that somehow they are being kept from the American dream.

Illegal aliens have taken so many of the jobs that used to pay well. Construction and even working in meat plants used to be good paying jobs. Companies now pay illegals small wages while able-bodied American citizens turn to government aid.

A life on the doles is a life wasted. People will always want for more and too many just turn to crime to obtain things they want since they don't seem to understand any other means of achieving that. It's sad for them and it's unfair to those who do work.

When politicians say stupid things, like how they intend to take money from the wealthy and return it to it's rightful owners, they insinuate that somehow those at the bottom have been robbed and deserve to have their money back. Never mind that they never had it to begin with.

When minorities become successful, they are viciously attacked as if they cheated or joined another race, forsaking their own, in order to make it in this world. They are called traitors and Uncle Toms, as if they sold out by breaking the chains of dependence and striking out on their own. The answer to the welfare problem is for more people to follow them and reach their full potential. You can't do that while living on the liberal plantation. And it's not cruel to suggest that people should try a hell of a lot harder than they are doing. A gentle, but firm, kick in the butt is probably the most benevolent thing you can give to an able-bodied person living in poverty. No one can lift you from poverty, they can only show you the path out of it. It's up to you to take the steps necessary to get to the other side.

The woman's attitude is atrocious. She doesn't even want to try to make a better life for herself and her children.

It is not compassionate for people to be in the welfare system for years at a time. America is about people bettering themselves and attaining dignity and self-respect through supporting themselves and achieving things.

That is why the story of Kiara, a 30-year-old woman with four children, is disturbing on multiple levels. Not only should taxpayers be upset with her blase attitude about abusing the welfare system, they should feel bad for the thousands of Americans like her who are spending their lives wasting their time, instead of living life to the fullest and achieving things.

YoungCons points out a great quote by Ronald Reagan, "Welfare’s purpose should be to eliminate, as far as possible, the need for its own existence."

This follows a sage quote by Benjamin Franklin: "I am for doing good to the poor, but…I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed…that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer."
The Hidden Tragedy of Entitlements: What a 12-Year Welfare Abuser Says About Finding a Job
My favorite group...the generational welfare recipient, who smugly state they are "stay at home moms"...that they have chosen to stay at home.

And be on welfare.

They completely fail to recognize what losers they are. It's one thing to choose to stay at home when you or your significant other supports your children.

It's entirely a different matter when you stay at home and the state foots the bills.

Freaking idiots. But that's what we teach them in school. Thanks, progressives.
Freaking idiots. But that's what we teach them in school. Thanks, progressives."

What a stupid thing to say. Like schools are teaching kids to not work. Not where I Live. Perhaps south of the mason Dixon line this is the belief.
She's on welfare, food stamps, WIC,, etc... yet this stupid bitch has the disposable income to get a butt-ugly tattoo across her entire upper chest ? ...she probably has liquor, cigarettes, and weekly lottery tickets too. With her side income from whoring and dealing drugs, this bitch be livin' large!!

She should be thrown onto the streets to fend for herself.
My favorite group...the generational welfare recipient, who smugly state they are "stay at home moms"...that they have chosen to stay at home.

And be on welfare.

They completely fail to recognize what losers they are. It's one thing to choose to stay at home when you or your significant other supports your children.

It's entirely a different matter when you stay at home and the state foots the bills.

Freaking idiots. But that's what we teach them in school. Thanks, progressives.
They have been told that they are heroines, not losers.
My favorite group...the generational welfare recipient, who smugly state they are "stay at home moms"...that they have chosen to stay at home.

And be on welfare.

They completely fail to recognize what losers they are. It's one thing to choose to stay at home when you or your significant other supports your children.

It's entirely a different matter when you stay at home and the state foots the bills.

Freaking idiots. But that's what we teach them in school. Thanks, progressives.
What school is this taught in?
She's on welfare, food stamps, WIC,, etc... yet this stupid bitch has the disposable income to get a butt-ugly tattoo across her entire upper chest ? ...she probably has liquor, cigarettes, and weekly lottery tickets too. With her side income from whoring and dealing drugs, this bitch be livin' large!!

She should be thrown onto the streets to fend for herself.
What's her shoe size since you know so much about her?

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