The high cost of unintended pregnancy

Those plans include forcing single women to abort their babies or put them up for adoption; implanting sterilizing capsules in people when they reach puberty; and spiking water reserves and staple foods with a chemical that would make people sterile.
To help achieve those goals, they formulate a "world government scheme" they call the Planetary Regime, which would administer the world's resources and human growth, and they discuss the development of an "armed international organization, a global analogue of a police force" to which nations would surrender part of their sovereignty.

Read more: Obama's Science Czar Considered Forced Abortions, Sterilization As Population Growth Solutions | Fox News
Increasing contraceptive use isn't going to decrease abortions.

This is quite untrue. If more people are using them, then less women will get pregnant. This does not take much brainpower to understand.

More chances of failure to use it, etc.

This is simply astonishing illogic. If more people have access to birth control, then more people will have success in using it.

Look at it this way. Imagine 20 women who are using no birth control, and 20 women who are using birth control.

Which group of 20 is going to have the higher pregnancy rate?

If you think they will have equal pregnancy rates, you are truly off the deep end and there is nothing anyone can do for you but write you off.

But if you can plainly see that the group of 20 on birth control will have a lower pregnancy rate, then imagine all 40 women on birth control.

Will the total pregnancy rate go up or down?

It will obviously go down.

According to studies 99% of sexually active women have used birth control in their lives. Do you really think that less than 800,000 women are responsible for over 1 million abortions a year?

Talk about astonishing logic.

Yes, your logic is atrocious, all right.

People have made a lot of shit up lately, but stipulating your unproduced studies claim is accurate, that 99 percent of women have used birth control sometime in their lives does not mean they use it all the time. A woman who used birth control once would be in that 99% figure.

I'm sure an identical study would show that 99% of all women have not used birth control sometime in their lives.

The facts don't lie. Half of all abortions are due to the non-use of birth control. Another significant portion are the result of improper use of birth control.

Clearly, increased birth control usage and education would greatly reduce the number of abortions.
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A longitudinal study in 1996 of over 4000 women in the United States followed for 3 years found that the rape-related pregnancy rate was 5.0% among victims aged 12–45 years. Applying that rate to rapes committed in the United States would indicate that there are over 32,000 pregnancies in the United States as a result of rape each year.[32]

Unintended pregnancy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your statistics are all fucked up, too. You are trying to make everybody believe that fully one-third of rapes in the USA result in pregnancies? Yeah, right.

Uh. Read it again. The 1996 study said five percent of rapes result in pregnancies.
Again.....I respect the fact that you don't believe those things are right and I would never take issue with you over your beliefs.

But the minute you start pushing your beliefs on others and ask for "big gubmint" to step in and enforce your beliefs on others I WILL take issue with you and quite forceful at that.

Because unless you are God, the woman or her doctor you have absolutely no right to stick your nose in.

Bullshit. Violation of human rights is a violation of human rights REGARDLESS OF THE LAW. And we have a right and an obligation to defend those who cannot defend themselves.

I agree. And forcing women to conform to your morals and beliefs is wrong and a violation of their human rights.

And I will continue to defend them against Fascists who believe that they are somehow morally superior to everyone else.

Yet you seem to have no problem forcing others to conform to your morals.
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The high cost of unintended pregnancy
.....Is quite-obviously something (about which) women shouldn't.....

.....worry their pretty, little heads!!!

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Actually, Mr. Shaman, the bodies of their unborn children are in the good hands of pro-lifers. So when you zoom in on women's vaginas, you are off by several inches. Get your mind out of the gutter.
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[ame=]Pelosi On GOP's All-Male Hearing On Women's Health - YouTube[/ame]​
Eventually the Prolifers will outbreed the ProAbortion crowd so it is a self solving problem!
Well, if you can post coffins, then i guess i can post the reality of pictures of aborted fetuses and babies? Yes?
Religious wars..cuz if you determine ANYTHING is worth fighting for, or ANYBODY needs to be protected, then obviously, you're a religious nutjob and WRONG.

What pigs you are.
Robert Creamer–Democrat strategist, Obama 2008 campaign aide, and political architect of ObamaCare–argues that the new contraceptive mandate for Catholic institutions isn’t really about equality for women, or religious liberty.

Rather, it is about population control.

Creamer–like his wife, the pro-abortion Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL)–embraces the left-wing fallacy that children are a burden on the planet, which the state should encourage the church–and everyone else–to limit.

» ObamaCare Architect: Catholic Institutions Should Provide Birth Control as

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