The high cost of unintended pregnancy

The Party of Dead Elephants has been attempting to pass itself off as America's moral conscience for many years, which is laughable since they possess neither.

Too many people in America believe that if you are pro-choice that means pro-abortion. It doesn't. I don't want abortion. Abortion should be the rarest thing in the world. I am actually personally opposed to abortion. But I don't believe that I have a right to take what is an article of faith to me and legislate it to other people. That's not how it works in America." Senator Kerry

I found this quote from Senator Kerry, which IMO reflects the attitudes and opinions of millions of Americans who are Pro-Choice.

That the Anti-Abortion movement has managed to infuse its religious morals and beliefs into our political system should be an eye-opener as to how easily our personal freedoms can be compromised. The founders' clear intention was that there be a separation of church and state. Nor was it contemplated by them that at any time the purview of an elected representative would encompass the power to legislate personal moral codes or levy restrictive living standards on the citizens of this country.

** Speaking of Anti-Abortion fruitcakes - Sarah Palin to be specific, who when asked by Katie Couric if she could name a Supreme Court decision with which she disagreed just couldn't seem to come up with Roe v. Wade. Duh!

Not everyone believes as you pro-infanticide fruitcakes do... you prattle on and on about the "sanctity" of life and then promote ripping fetus' from the womb and then flushing them down a drain and then in the next sentence... drone on and on about the "poor little children".

Sorry, us "anti-abortion" fruitcakes kinda see that as wrong. Go figure.

Additionally, they prate about the "rights" of these women, who need to be able to kill their babies with no repercussions...and consistently REFUSE to address the fact that the abortion industry absolutely BRUTALIZES women, abortion causes all sorts of lingering, long-term, negative physical and emotional effects, and abortion is a cure-all for abusers, child molesters, incest perps, human traffickers, pimps of underaged girls...who aren't reported and can cover their crimes with the support and cooperation of the abortion industry.

Way to support and stand up for women!!!!:clap2::clap2::clap2:You guys really think highly of them!

Oh and don't even get me started on the mindset that if women aren't able to get LEGAL abortions, they will ALL get illegal ones...because you know, not only are they incapable of resisting their sexual urges, and not only should we never restrain ourselves (men or women, wahoo) when it comes to fucking, but they are all criminals at heart. The law means nothing to them, and will not stop them from killing those disgusting, worthless, awful babies growing inside of them...
The public cost of unintended pregnancy is estimated to be about 11 billion dollars per year in short term medical costs.[11] This includes costs of births, one year of infant medical care and costs of fetal loss.[11] Preventing unintended pregnancy would save the public over 5 billion dollars per year in short term medical costs.[11] Savings in long term costs and in other areas would be much larger.[11] By another estimate, the direct medical costs of unintended pregnancies, not including infant medical care, was $5 billion in 2002.[27]

Of the 800,000 teen pregnancies per year,[28] over 80% were unintended in 2001.[1] One-third of teen pregnancies result in abortion.[28] In 2002, about 9% of women at risk for unintended pregnancy were teenagers,[20] but about 20% of the unintended pregnancies in the United States are to teenagers.[29] A somewhat larger proportion of unintended births are reported as mistimed, rather than unwanted, for teens compared to women in general (79% mistimed for teens vs. 69% among all women in 1998).[30]

In the US it is estimated that 52% of unintended pregnancies result from couples not using contraception in the month the woman got pregnant, and 43% result from inconsistent or incorrect contraceptive use; only 5% result from contraceptive failure, according to a report from the Guttmacher Institute.[1] Contraceptive use saved an estimated $19 billion in direct medical costs from unintended pregnancies in 2002.[27]

In 2006, publicly funded family planning services (Title X, medicaid, and state funds) helped women avoid 1.94 million unintended pregnancies, thus preventing about 860,000 unintended births and 810,000 abortions.[31] Without publicly funded family planning services, the number of unintended pregnancies and abortions in the United States would be nearly two-thirds higher among women overall and among teens; the number of unintended pregnancies among poor women would nearly double[31] The services provided at publicly funded clinics saved the federal and state governments an estimated $5.1 billion in 2008 in short term medical costs.[31] Nationally, every $1.00 invested in helping women avoid unintended pregnancy saved $3.74 in Medicaid expenditures that otherwise would have been needed.[31]

Reducing unintended pregnancy in the United States would be particularly desirable since abortion is such a politically divisive issue.[3]


A longitudinal study in 1996 of over 4000 women in the United States followed for 3 years found that the rape-related pregnancy rate was 5.0% among victims aged 12–45 years. Applying that rate to rapes committed in the United States would indicate that there are over 32,000 pregnancies in the United States as a result of rape each year.[32]

Unintended pregnancy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I guess that 53+ million abortions since 1973 isn't enough for you? Are you even HUMAN?

I know how you can avoid unintended pregnancy WITHOUT depending on government handouts. Go buy your own contraception or DON'T HAVE SEX.

Your statistics are all fucked up, too. You are trying to make everybody believe that fully one-third of rapes in the USA result in pregnancies? Yeah, right.
The public cost of unintended pregnancy is estimated to be about 11 billion dollars per year in short term medical costs.[11] This includes costs of births, one year of infant medical care and costs of fetal loss.[11] Preventing unintended pregnancy would save the public over 5 billion dollars per year in short term medical costs.[11] Savings in long term costs and in other areas would be much larger.[11] By another estimate, the direct medical costs of unintended pregnancies, not including infant medical care, was $5 billion in 2002.[27]

Of the 800,000 teen pregnancies per year,[28] over 80% were unintended in 2001.[1] One-third of teen pregnancies result in abortion.[28] In 2002, about 9% of women at risk for unintended pregnancy were teenagers,[20] but about 20% of the unintended pregnancies in the United States are to teenagers.[29] A somewhat larger proportion of unintended births are reported as mistimed, rather than unwanted, for teens compared to women in general (79% mistimed for teens vs. 69% among all women in 1998).[30]

In the US it is estimated that 52% of unintended pregnancies result from couples not using contraception in the month the woman got pregnant, and 43% result from inconsistent or incorrect contraceptive use; only 5% result from contraceptive failure, according to a report from the Guttmacher Institute.[1] Contraceptive use saved an estimated $19 billion in direct medical costs from unintended pregnancies in 2002.[27]

In 2006, publicly funded family planning services (Title X, medicaid, and state funds) helped women avoid 1.94 million unintended pregnancies, thus preventing about 860,000 unintended births and 810,000 abortions.[31] Without publicly funded family planning services, the number of unintended pregnancies and abortions in the United States would be nearly two-thirds higher among women overall and among teens; the number of unintended pregnancies among poor women would nearly double[31] The services provided at publicly funded clinics saved the federal and state governments an estimated $5.1 billion in 2008 in short term medical costs.[31] Nationally, every $1.00 invested in helping women avoid unintended pregnancy saved $3.74 in Medicaid expenditures that otherwise would have been needed.[31]

Reducing unintended pregnancy in the United States would be particularly desirable since abortion is such a politically divisive issue.[3]


A longitudinal study in 1996 of over 4000 women in the United States followed for 3 years found that the rape-related pregnancy rate was 5.0% among victims aged 12–45 years. Applying that rate to rapes committed in the United States would indicate that there are over 32,000 pregnancies in the United States as a result of rape each year.[32]

Unintended pregnancy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

why yes, kids are friggin resource hogs, heck lets just strip out religious freedom so we can make sure no one anywhere at anytime has to be inconvenienced by kids they didn't plan on.

Like Obama said;

" if they [his daughters] make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby. "

heck , you have the black race on board, abortion kills more blacks than the top 7 diseases plus dats gettin' sumweres!!!!

ghouls. :rolleyes:
ALL pregnancies cost money.

Abortions cost money, too.

But more to the point...abortions bring in LOTS of moolah.

And that moolah pays for a LOT of political pull....
Thank god women will all soon have free birth control so abortion will really become rarer. How ignorant and deluded can brainwashed conservatives get? Not to mention hateful and selfish....

I will make a bet with you right now that the abortion rate won't change even if everything goes exactly as Obama wants.
Abortion rates will go up because he and his henchmen want to impose breeding restrictions on women.
Increasing contraceptive use isn't going to decrease abortions.

This is quite untrue. If more people are using them, then less women will get pregnant. This does not take much brainpower to understand.

More chances of failure to use it, etc.

This is simply astonishing illogic. If more people have access to birth control, then more people will have success in using it.

Look at it this way. Imagine 20 women who are using no birth control, and 20 women who are using birth control.

Which group of 20 is going to have the higher pregnancy rate?

If you think they will have equal pregnancy rates, you are truly off the deep end and there is nothing anyone can do for you but write you off.

But if you can plainly see that the group of 20 on birth control will have a lower pregnancy rate, then imagine all 40 women on birth control.

Will the total pregnancy rate go up or down?

It will obviously go down.

According to studies 99% of sexually active women have used birth control in their lives. Do you really think that less than 800,000 women are responsible for over 1 million abortions a year?

Talk about astonishing logic.
Again.....I respect the fact that you don't believe those things are right and I would never take issue with you over your beliefs.

But the minute you start pushing your beliefs on others and ask for "big gubmint" to step in and enforce your beliefs on others I WILL take issue with you and quite forceful at that.

Because unless you are God, the woman or her doctor you have absolutely no right to stick your nose in.
You could at least be genuine with your response. You know that this is not about anyone stepping in to enforce their beliefs. It is a matter of when a fetus gets protections and rights. You can rail all you want about how a fetus has no rights but you would be dead wrong. That is where bans on late term abortions come from. You have a right to control your body but your growing child also deserves certain protections. The real debate is where that line belongs. The vast majority of people realize that the asinine arguments of at birth or at conception are just that - asinine. That line belongs neither at the beginning or the end but rather somewhere in the middle. As was pointed out earlier, I think you will find that the vast majority of people see that line as somewhere in the first trimester.

And you would be more genuine with YOUR response if the anti-choice crowd cared half as much for the fetus after it was born.

But as it is you continue to try and force others to conform to what you think is right.

And with the anti-choice crowd there are no "lines" to be drawn anywhere. They simply want to force women to conform to their beliefs and morals.
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What "truth"? That you think that the number of abortions wouldn't drop...hence you think, most women who obtain abortions are criminal? That the law means nothing to them? There's absolutely no evidence that the number of abortions wouldn't drop if we shut down the industry. Of course they would drop. Just as they rose exponentially with the advent of legalized abortion.

And there's no doubt that people who promote and believe in abortion call themselves "pro-life". They do it on this messageboard all the time. Just listen to the loons say "I'm not pro-abortion, I'm pro-life because abortions SAVE LIVES". It's insane, and absolutely untrue. Legalized abortion doesn't save lives. It takes lives, women and children, it trivializes life, it establishes a precedent that children are abhorrent and worthless.

Again.....I respect the fact that you don't believe those things are right and I would never take issue with you over your beliefs.

But the minute you start pushing your beliefs on others and ask for "big gubmint" to step in and enforce your beliefs on others I WILL take issue with you and quite forceful at that.

Because unless you are God, the woman or her doctor you have absolutely no right to stick your nose in.

Bullshit. Violation of human rights is a violation of human rights REGARDLESS OF THE LAW. And we have a right and an obligation to defend those who cannot defend themselves.

I agree. And forcing women to conform to your morals and beliefs is wrong and a violation of their human rights.

And I will continue to defend them against Fascists who believe that they are somehow morally superior to everyone else.
If FORCING people to conform to a particular set of beliefs is wrong, then certainly those who don't believe in abortion or birth control should not have to foot the bill for those who do. That's why we have a First Amendment.
If FORCING people to conform to a particular set of beliefs is wrong, then certainly those who don't believe in abortion or birth control should not have to foot the bill for those who do. That's why we have a First Amendment.

Which is why nobody is forced to "foot the bill" for abortions, right?

So that is a moot point.
One of the unintended consequences of propagandizing babies as dangerous health risks and their lives worthless is the rise of incidents of parents killing their children.

Then again, maybe this is what liberal democrats had in mind all along.
If FORCING people to conform to a particular set of beliefs is wrong, then certainly those who don't believe in abortion or birth control should not have to foot the bill for those who do. That's why we have a First Amendment.

Which is why nobody is forced to "foot the bill" for abortions, right?

So that is a moot point.

So they really are FREE. The doctor's all donate their time, the clinics donate the space and no one pays.
If FORCING people to conform to a particular set of beliefs is wrong, then certainly those who don't believe in abortion or birth control should not have to foot the bill for those who do. That's why we have a First Amendment.

Which is why nobody is forced to "foot the bill" for abortions, right?

So that is a moot point.

So they really are FREE. The doctor's all donate their time, the clinics donate the space and no one pays.

No. They are paid for through private donations. It's against federal law to use public money to pay for abortions.

Class dismissed.
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One of the unintended consequences of propagandizing babies as dangerous health risks and their lives worthless is the rise of incidents of parents killing their children.

Then again, maybe this is what liberal democrats had in mind all along.

That is about as rational as saying that neo-cons are pro child abuse because the poor are more likely to abuse children and they want to force poor women to bear children.
President Obama's "science czar," John Holdren, once floated the idea of forced abortions, "compulsory sterilization," and the creation of a "Planetary Regime" that would oversee human population levels and control all natural resources as a means of protecting the planet -- controversial ideas his critics say should have been brought up in his Senate confirmation hearings.

Read more: Obama's Science Czar Considered Forced Abortions, Sterilization As Population Growth Solutions | Fox News

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