The hilarious difference between Republican "free stuff" and Democratic "free stuff"


So. . . . let me get this straight. You think keeping your own money is. . . . .free stuff? Is that your argument?

How about when you get to keep it and others don't?
How about when government protects your business interests?
How about when you are given subsidies to run your business?

So. . . . let me get this straight. You think keeping your own money is. . . . .free stuff? Is that your argument?
Lol is that how you feel about oil subsidies? Tell me, if you use government services like highways, shouldn't you pay the tax for them?

My company doesn't receive any oil subsidies. Could you point to where I could get some though? I would greatly appreciate it.

I have no idea why Republicans are in denial about oil subsidies.

How Big Oil clings to billions in government giveaways
Republicans are so in to corporations, for them to insist corporations don't get "free stuff" in the form of tax right offs and subsidies is ludicrous. Those loopholes that the Republican leadership is always talking about but doing nothing about. What do you think those are?
Have you noticed, when Democrats talk about helping the middle class and poor, they bring up education, daycare, school lunches, health care, infrastructure and so on? Typically revolving around learning and building. Republicans call all that "free stuff" in voices dripping with scorn and derision.

When Republicans talk about helping the middle class and poor, they talk about cutting food stamps and welfare for the poor, which will make them work. They talk about cutting corporate taxes re eliminating them altogether. They talk about tax cuts for the wealthy because they are the job creators and they want to block immigrants from coming here because immigrants will take their minimum wage, low skills job.

I wonder which actually costs the country more, helping the middle class rebuild the country or shoveling money to the wealthy? And I wonder why subsidies and not paying tax isn't "free stuff"? Seems what Republicans are doing costs even more.

Last Night’s GOP Presidential Debate Cracked Me Up

by Jacob G. Hornberger October 29, 2015

I didn’t watch the entire GOP presidential debate last night but the part I did watch really cracked me up. The candidates were criticizing the Democratic Party presidential candidates, especially Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, for being socialists. One Republican candidate even compared their Democratic Party counterparts to the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks, referring to the two factions in the Russia Socialist party in the early part of the 20th century.

Why was that cracking me up?

Because immediately after that, the GOP presidential candidates were tripping over themselves in an attempt to show the American people how committed they are to preserving Social Security and Medicare.

Is that funny or what?
No, actually the dems have been giving away free stuff since lbj's great society and fdr's sponge programs and our country has gotten progressively worse in terms of debt, education, homeless, poverty etc.

I can agree with you on debt.

Education--the availability expanded. The question is how to improve the quality.

Homelessness--I don't see how homelessness increased since the start of public housing. By an explosive population.

Poverty--Is this really due to offering welfare, or the deterioration of the American Job market plus raising cost of living?
No, actually the dems have been giving away free stuff since lbj's great society and fdr's sponge programs and our country has gotten progressively worse in terms of debt, education, homeless, poverty etc.

that's the TRUE difference right there. but to a progressive like redeani, if we aren't putting more dept on the backs of our Great Grandchildren then they'll post threads like this

Their only objective is class warfare. They could really care less about the downtrodden.

exactly, they only care about the poor when they can use them to beat up a Republican. If they cared about people they wouldn't support abortion, the killings of 58Million unborn human beings and counting.

Abortion doesn't cause poverty. It actually has the opposite affect .
Republicans are so in to corporations, for them to insist corporations don't get "free stuff" in the form of tax right offs and subsidies is ludicrous. Those loopholes that the Republican leadership is always talking about but doing nothing about. What do you think those are?

Most of the folks that know me here, know that I don't take any stock in partisan politics, it's all bullshit.

You are a fool if you are "cheering" for one party or another. It all has to do with power and influence. They really don't give a shit about the people or the nation.

Here, I'll use "liberal" media to prove your hyper partisan ass wrong. Stop it already.

Corporate welfare’s quiet enablers: How democrats pander to big business
Support on the left for Export-Import Bank shows GOP isn't the only party tailoring policy to business interests
Corporate welfare’s quiet enablers: How democrats pander to big business

The first lesson may be the most jarring because American politics is typically portrayed as a principled battle between two ideologically divided parties. But as the Export-Import Bank debate proves, money often trumps those purported principles to the point that parties will suddenly trade ideologies based on their perception of short-term interests.

In this case, the Republicans see an opportunity to humiliate Obama, and so they are momentarily ignoring their business benefactors who benefit from taxpayer subsidies. Meanwhile, Democrats are dropping their populist platitudes in favor of a chance to attract fundraising support from GOP-leaning business interests. As New York’s Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer told National Journal about his efforts to use the Export-Import debate to court cash from the Chamber of Commerce: “I’ve said this to [chamber President] Tom Donohue and others: In many ways mainstream Democrats are closer to you than many Republicans.”

But, then, as dizzying as all these opportunistic partisan shifts may be, what hasn’t yet changed is the power dynamic. If in fact the Export-Import Bank debate ends up with the same results as years past (read: no reform), then it will be a reminder that the corporate lobby still calls the shots in a principle-free legislative arena.

It's all bullshit man. If you don't get that, you don't understand how the beltway works.

So. . . . let me get this straight. You think keeping your own money is. . . . .free stuff? Is that your argument?
Lol is that how you feel about oil subsidies? Tell me, if you use government services like highways, shouldn't you pay the tax for them?

My company doesn't receive any oil subsidies. Could you point to where I could get some though? I would greatly appreciate it.

Um. . . . See, subsidies are tax breaks on TAXES that the nation feels you should otherwise be paying. I'm sure you receive them, you just aren't aware that you are receiving them, because, well, you aren't taxed. That is what a subsidy usually is, it's a TAX BREAK.

Secondly, if you aren't receiving much of a tax break, or any, then it is because you are producing the WRONG KIND of energy. Oil, gas, and coal receive very little subsidy any more compared to wind and solar. I found one chart, though it is very dated. However, I'm sure that things haven't gotten much better.



This is one of the reasons why, when ever I here the loons crow about how wind and solar are giving oil and coal a run for their money, I have to roll my eyes. The government has SO manipulated the market, it is a complete sham.
Have you noticed, when Democrats talk about helping the middle class and poor, they bring up education, daycare, school lunches, health care, infrastructure and so on? Typically revolving around learning and building. Republicans call all that "free stuff" in voices dripping with scorn and derision.

When Republicans talk about helping the middle class and poor, they talk about cutting food stamps and welfare for the poor, which will make them work. They talk about cutting corporate taxes re eliminating them altogether. They talk about tax cuts for the wealthy because they are the job creators and they want to block immigrants from coming here because immigrants will take their minimum wage, low skills job.

I wonder which actually costs the country more, helping the middle class rebuild the country or shoveling money to the wealthy? And I wonder why subsidies and not paying tax isn't "free stuff"? Seems what Republicans are doing costs even more.
The right Only has a problem with Socialism, when least wealthy may benefit.
The ironic thing is, now we have a liberal, in this thread, lobbying for the end of subsidies to wind and solar energy generation, in essence, killing those industries.

Isn't that the height of ignorance?
No, actually the dems have been giving away free stuff since lbj's great society and fdr's sponge programs and our country has gotten progressively worse in terms of debt, education, homeless, poverty etc.

I can agree with you on debt.

Education--the availability expanded. The question is how to improve the quality.

Homelessness--I don't see how homelessness increased since the start of public housing. By an explosive population.

Poverty--Is this really due to offering welfare, or the deterioration of the American Job market plus raising cost of living?
The quality of education depends on the state you are in. Education in Blue States is considered, by the rest of the world to be the best in the world.
Republicans attempt to block birth control and abortion and then complain about too many people? Where does that come from?
Welfare reform under Clinton makes work mandatory for people collecting welfare. I see them all the time here. Picking up garbage, planting flowers and trees all over the city, cleaning public places and so on.
There are over 5 million jobs unfilled because people don't have the skills. Republicans cut college, Jr. College and Technical schools. Business wants immigrants with because Republicans abhor education. Business needs the workers.
You know I'm right. I can prove everything I say.
The ironic thing is, now we have a liberal, in this thread, lobbying for the end of subsidies to wind and solar energy generation, in essence, killing those industries.

Isn't that the height of ignorance?
Who are you talking about?

So. . . . let me get this straight. You think keeping your own money is. . . . .free stuff? Is that your argument?
Lol is that how you feel about oil subsidies? Tell me, if you use government services like highways, shouldn't you pay the tax for them?

My company doesn't receive any oil subsidies. Could you point to where I could get some though? I would greatly appreciate it.

Um. . . . See, subsidies are tax breaks on TAXES that the nation feels you should otherwise be paying. I'm sure you receive them, you just aren't aware that you are receiving them, because, well, you aren't taxed. That is what a subsidy usually is, it's a TAX BREAK.

Secondly, if you aren't receiving much of a tax break, or any, then it is because you are producing the WRONG KIND of energy. Oil, gas, and coal receive very little subsidy any more compared to wind and solar. I found one chart, though it is very dated. However, I'm sure that things haven't gotten much better.



This is one of the reasons why, when ever I here the loons crow about how wind and solar are giving oil and coal a run for their money, I have to roll my eyes. The government has SO manipulated the market, it is a complete sham.
Sorry, but you don't really know all that much. The government helped oil, gas and coal when those industries were just beginning. You don't think Oil companies figured out how to drill a mile below the ocean on their own do you? Just like everything else, government, especially government organizations like NASA, foot the most of the bill in new technologies before it's able to stand on it's own. What I want to know is why subsidies for oil, coal and gas are higher now than in 1999.

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