The hilarious difference between Republican "free stuff" and Democratic "free stuff"


So. . . . let me get this straight. You think keeping your own money is. . . . .free stuff? Is that your argument?

Awesome spin job there...
No, actually the dems have been giving away free stuff since lbj's great society and fdr's sponge programs and our country has gotten progressively worse in terms of debt, education, homeless, poverty etc.

that's the TRUE difference right there. but to a progressive like redeani, if we aren't putting more dept on the backs of our Great Grandchildren then they'll post threads like this

Their only objective is class warfare. They could really care less about the downtrodden.

exactly, they only care about the poor when they can use them to beat up a Republican. If they cared about people they wouldn't support abortion, the killings of 58Million unborn human beings and counting.

They care about the poor and republicans dont. Of course since that is the difference Staph says they want to help for bad reasons like a vote.

So helping someone out of the quicksand is bad. Letting them sink is better...for someone. But not the guy sinking.

You can't ignore him sinking and then ask for his support. He'll remember you didnt care
Have you noticed, when Democrats talk about helping the middle class and poor, they bring up education, daycare, school lunches, health care, infrastructure and so on? Typically revolving around learning and building. Republicans call all that "free stuff" in voices dripping with scorn and derision.

When Republicans talk about helping the middle class and poor, they talk about cutting food stamps and welfare for the poor, which will make them work. They talk about cutting corporate taxes re eliminating them altogether. They talk about tax cuts for the wealthy because they are the job creators and they want to block immigrants from coming here because immigrants will take their minimum wage, low skills job.

I wonder which actually costs the country more, helping the middle class rebuild the country or shoveling money to the wealthy? And I wonder why subsidies and not paying tax isn't "free stuff"? Seems what Republicans are doing costs even more.
The country is broke...
That's ridiculous.
Yes, I would say it is we are paying debt with more debt... Rotten economics.
Have you noticed, when Democrats talk about helping the middle class and poor, they bring up education, daycare, school lunches, health care, infrastructure and so on? Typically revolving around learning and building. Republicans call all that "free stuff" in voices dripping with scorn and derision.

When Republicans talk about helping the middle class and poor, they talk about cutting food stamps and welfare for the poor, which will make them work. They talk about cutting corporate taxes re eliminating them altogether. They talk about tax cuts for the wealthy because they are the job creators and they want to block immigrants from coming here because immigrants will take their minimum wage, low skills job.

I wonder which actually costs the country more, helping the middle class rebuild the country or shoveling money to the wealthy? And I wonder why subsidies and not paying tax isn't "free stuff"? Seems what Republicans are doing costs even more.
Since most of the righties on this site are "conservatives" rather than Republicans your post is moot. Stop ALL the free shit.


Left wingers are democrats but right wingers aren't Republicans. What?
Did I say that? Nope, YOU did.

Learn to read stupidfuck

Basically, what you're doing you "stupidfuck", is you're implying that right wingers don't have to stand by Republican policies, because somehow, unknown to anyone, the right wing and Republicans are extremely different (let's forget most right wingers vote Republican shall we?), but when it suits you, all left wingers are Democrats. Funny isn't it?

I didn't say you said it, but I was summing up what is essentially the point, you "stupidfuck".
All wrong but that's to be expected from the party of non logical thinkers.
Not to mention you fucktards have been saying for years that the conservative base & congressmen are fracturing the Republican party.
Conservative =/= Republican
Liberal =/= Democrat

Now STFU ya moron
Have you noticed, when Democrats talk about helping the middle class and poor, they bring up education, daycare, school lunches, health care, infrastructure and so on? Typically revolving around learning and building. Republicans call all that "free stuff" in voices dripping with scorn and derision.

When Republicans talk about helping the middle class and poor, they talk about cutting food stamps and welfare for the poor, which will make them work. They talk about cutting corporate taxes re eliminating them altogether. They talk about tax cuts for the wealthy because they are the job creators and they want to block immigrants from coming here because immigrants will take their minimum wage, low skills job.

I wonder which actually costs the country more, helping the middle class rebuild the country or shoveling money to the wealthy? And I wonder why subsidies and not paying tax isn't "free stuff"? Seems what Republicans are doing costs even more.
Since most of the righties on this site are "conservatives" rather than Republicans your post is moot. Stop ALL the free shit.


Left wingers are democrats but right wingers aren't Republicans. What?
Did I say that? Nope, YOU did.

Learn to read stupidfuck

Basically, what you're doing you "stupidfuck", is you're implying that right wingers don't have to stand by Republican policies, because somehow, unknown to anyone, the right wing and Republicans are extremely different (let's forget most right wingers vote Republican shall we?), but when it suits you, all left wingers are Democrats. Funny isn't it?

I didn't say you said it, but I was summing up what is essentially the point, you "stupidfuck".
All wrong but that's to be expected from the party of non logical thinkers.
Not to mention you fucktards have been saying for years that the conservative base & congressmen are fracturing the Republican party.
Conservative =/= Republican
Liberal =/= Democrat

Now STFU ya moron

Wow, insults, what a waste of time.
Since most of the righties on this site are "conservatives" rather than Republicans your post is moot. Stop ALL the free shit.


Left wingers are democrats but right wingers aren't Republicans. What?
Did I say that? Nope, YOU did.

Learn to read stupidfuck

Basically, what you're doing you "stupidfuck", is you're implying that right wingers don't have to stand by Republican policies, because somehow, unknown to anyone, the right wing and Republicans are extremely different (let's forget most right wingers vote Republican shall we?), but when it suits you, all left wingers are Democrats. Funny isn't it?

I didn't say you said it, but I was summing up what is essentially the point, you "stupidfuck".
All wrong but that's to be expected from the party of non logical thinkers.
Not to mention you fucktards have been saying for years that the conservative base & congressmen are fracturing the Republican party.
Conservative =/= Republican
Liberal =/= Democrat

Now STFU ya moron

Wow, insults, what a waste of time.
Left ya empty handed. Waste of time indeed
Have you noticed, when Democrats talk about helping the middle class and poor, they bring up education, daycare, school lunches, health care, infrastructure and so on? Typically revolving around learning and building. Republicans call all that "free stuff" in voices dripping with scorn and derision.

When Republicans talk about helping the middle class and poor, they talk about cutting food stamps and welfare for the poor, which will make them work. They talk about cutting corporate taxes re eliminating them altogether. They talk about tax cuts for the wealthy because they are the job creators and they want to block immigrants from coming here because immigrants will take their minimum wage, low skills job.

I wonder which actually costs the country more, helping the middle class rebuild the country or shoveling money to the wealthy? And I wonder why subsidies and not paying tax isn't "free stuff"? Seems what Republicans are doing costs even more.

I think you get dumber and dumber as time goes by.
No, actually the dems have been giving away free stuff since lbj's great society and fdr's sponge programs and our country has gotten progressively worse in terms of debt, education, homeless, poverty etc.

that's the TRUE difference right there. but to a progressive like redeani, if we aren't putting more dept on the backs of our Great Grandchildren then they'll post threads like this

Their only objective is class warfare. They could really care less about the downtrodden.

exactly, they only care about the poor when they can use them to beat up a Republican. If they cared about people they wouldn't support abortion, the killings of 58Million unborn human beings and counting.
Do Republicans spend more on the fetus or the born?
LBJ's "great society" is still being funded and it is regarded as a gigantic billion dollar failure that only produces votes for democrats through the poverty pimp system. Is that a good thing? More people are on food stamps than when Barry Hussein was elected. Can radical lefties concede that the liberal solution of throwing money at the problem isn't working and we need to take a different look at the gigantic bureaucracy which is eating the taxpayer dollars before the people ever see a way out?
Have you noticed, when Democrats talk about helping the middle class and poor, they bring up education, daycare, school lunches, health care, infrastructure and so on? Typically revolving around learning and building. Republicans call all that "free stuff" in voices dripping with scorn and derision.

When Republicans talk about helping the middle class and poor, they talk about cutting food stamps and welfare for the poor, which will make them work. They talk about cutting corporate taxes re eliminating them altogether. They talk about tax cuts for the wealthy because they are the job creators and they want to block immigrants from coming here because immigrants will take their minimum wage, low skills job.

I wonder which actually costs the country more, helping the middle class rebuild the country or shoveling money to the wealthy? And I wonder why subsidies and not paying tax isn't "free stuff"? Seems what Republicans are doing costs even more.
Have you noticed, when Democrats talk about helping the middle class and poor, they bring up education, daycare, school lunches, health care, infrastructure and so on? Typically revolving around learning and building. Republicans call all that "free stuff" in voices dripping with scorn and derision.

When Republicans talk about helping the middle class and poor, they talk about cutting food stamps and welfare for the poor, which will make them work. They talk about cutting corporate taxes re eliminating them altogether. They talk about tax cuts for the wealthy because they are the job creators and they want to block immigrants from coming here because immigrants will take their minimum wage, low skills job.

I wonder which actually costs the country more, helping the middle class rebuild the country or shoveling money to the wealthy? And I wonder why subsidies and not paying tax isn't "free stuff"? Seems what Republicans are doing costs even more.

I wonder which actually costs the country more, helping the middle class rebuild the country or shoveling money to the illegals and welfare frauds?
Have you noticed, when Democrats talk about helping the middle class and poor, they bring up education, daycare, school lunches, health care, infrastructure and so on? Typically revolving around learning and building. Republicans call all that "free stuff" in voices dripping with scorn and derision.

When Republicans talk about helping the middle class and poor, they talk about cutting food stamps and welfare for the poor, which will make them work. They talk about cutting corporate taxes re eliminating them altogether. They talk about tax cuts for the wealthy because they are the job creators and they want to block immigrants from coming here because immigrants will take their minimum wage, low skills job.

I wonder which actually costs the country more, helping the middle class rebuild the country or shoveling money to the wealthy? And I wonder why subsidies and not paying tax isn't "free stuff"? Seems what Republicans are doing costs even more.

I think you get dumber and dumber as time goes by.
Because I believe in education and how it helps the country? Don't worry, you lost me when you said you "think".
Have you noticed, when Democrats talk about helping the middle class and poor, they bring up education, daycare, school lunches, health care, infrastructure and so on? Typically revolving around learning and building. Republicans call all that "free stuff" in voices dripping with scorn and derision.

When Republicans talk about helping the middle class and poor, they talk about cutting food stamps and welfare for the poor, which will make them work. They talk about cutting corporate taxes re eliminating them altogether. They talk about tax cuts for the wealthy because they are the job creators and they want to block immigrants from coming here because immigrants will take their minimum wage, low skills job.

I wonder which actually costs the country more, helping the middle class rebuild the country or shoveling money to the wealthy? And I wonder why subsidies and not paying tax isn't "free stuff"? Seems what Republicans are doing costs even more.

I wonder which actually costs the country more, helping the middle class rebuild the country or shoveling money to the illegals and welfare frauds?
That doesn't make any sense. Illegals don't get government help and there doesn't seem much on welfare fraud. Oh, wait, I get it. You are making shit up to prove an imaginary point. You think it proves something. Everyone else thinks it's stupid.
Have you noticed, when Democrats talk about helping the middle class and poor, they bring up education, daycare, school lunches, health care, infrastructure and so on? Typically revolving around learning and building. Republicans call all that "free stuff" in voices dripping with scorn and derision.

When Republicans talk about helping the middle class and poor, they talk about cutting food stamps and welfare for the poor, which will make them work. They talk about cutting corporate taxes re eliminating them altogether. They talk about tax cuts for the wealthy because they are the job creators and they want to block immigrants from coming here because immigrants will take their minimum wage, low skills job.

I wonder which actually costs the country more, helping the middle class rebuild the country or shoveling money to the wealthy? And I wonder why subsidies and not paying tax isn't "free stuff"? Seems what Republicans are doing costs even more.

I think you get dumber and dumber as time goes by.
Because I believe in education and how it helps the country? Don't worry, you lost me when you said you "think".

Lol, stop moron, you're breaking the Irony Meter.
Have you noticed, when Democrats talk about helping the middle class and poor, they bring up education, daycare, school lunches, health care, infrastructure and so on? Typically revolving around learning and building. Republicans call all that "free stuff" in voices dripping with scorn and derision.

When Republicans talk about helping the middle class and poor, they talk about cutting food stamps and welfare for the poor, which will make them work. They talk about cutting corporate taxes re eliminating them altogether. They talk about tax cuts for the wealthy because they are the job creators and they want to block immigrants from coming here because immigrants will take their minimum wage, low skills job.

I wonder which actually costs the country more, helping the middle class rebuild the country or shoveling money to the wealthy? And I wonder why subsidies and not paying tax isn't "free stuff"? Seems what Republicans are doing costs even more.

I think you get dumber and dumber as time goes by.
Because I believe in education and how it helps the country? Don't worry, you lost me when you said you "think".

Lol, stop moron, you're breaking the Irony Meter.

Ever heard of a straw man argument? Of course you haven't. You're an uneducated nit wit. Here's a clue, you're idiotic OP is a prime example of one. You misrepresent your opponent's argument, then you point out the faults in it. The very same faults that YOU created.

No charge for the education.

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