The Hillary Scandals


Zionist, proud to be
Oct 25, 2009
I think we need a reminder of the Hillary scandals

1) The private server. Hillary put the countries most sensitive secrets on a private email server which didn't have as must security as google. Is there any doubt that America's enemies got this information by just easily hacking into it. And the irony is now they are making a big stink about hacking. Crime-gross negligence under the espionage act.

2) The Clinton foundation. Hillary and Bill got exorbitant speaking fees and donations to their foundation while she was secretary of state. She sold out the government so she can get rich. Crime-bribery, racketeering, conspiracy

3) Hillary deleted 33,000 subpoenaed emails. Crime-contempt of court. Destroying government records

4) Hillary lied under oath to congress. Crime- lying under oath

Plain scuminess
1) Hillary lied that she was under sniper attack
2) Her husband Bill Clinton raped, sexually assaulted, and harassed, women. Hillary attacked her husband's victims.
3) Travel gate. Last time the Clinton's where in the WH. Hillary tried to smear the travel office people to put in her cronies
4) White water. Insider trading.
5) Benghazi. Hillary ignored countless requests from the ambassador for more security. She didn't did not aid them when they were being attacked, and lied to the public that it was about a video, instead of a pre planned attack.

They are just corrupt to the bone.
1. The MSM is always silent on this issue, who needs FOIA anyway?
2. Her foundation is still under active investigation, lets hope she still does time...
3 & 4 no contest

Add her whining about "fake news" (actually the MSM's constant propaganda for her) , her whining about "Russian interference" (actually exposing DNC cheating), her whining about Comey (who should have indicted her the 1st time)

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