The history of left-wing policies

You seem to think that a fertilized egg is a human child. You are wrong. Your thinking is based on a ridiculous Bible verse about "be fruitful and multiply" and don't try to pretend that it isn't. While you rant about "murder" of fertilized eggs, your Conservative right-wing dogma says, "Cut their food stamps and fuck them with some drug laws." You have no problem with murder if it's done against Muslims with a remote-controlled plane, but you'll start foaming at the mouth over a pill that sterilizes a fertilized egg.

You Republicans are too stupid to be ashamed of yourselves.

First of all, you have no idea what my positions are since you've clearly yet to see any of my posts.

Second, how exactly do you equate self-defense (muslim terrorists) to innocent and defenseless babies? Uh-oh, looks like someone was just exposed as the ignorant and unhinged asshole that they are...

Third, I don't ever recall seeing a single entry in the bible about eggs or fertilization. My position stems from the scientific fact that when a sperm fertilizes an egg, a baby is created. Not a Ford F-150. Not an iPhone. Not a leather football. A baby.

So now that you have exposed yourself as an asshole and uneducated, what now angry little boy?

You started out with "the truth" from and followed it with an op-ed bit from an anti-abortion website. That means that you don't know what the truth is.

So in your willfully ignorant mind, using multiple sources is an indication of not knowing "what the truth is"? :lmao:

The truth is that women have sex.

Typical asshole liberal waging a war on women. I would like to point out your sickening misogyny here. Like all Dumbocrats, you look at women as inferior objects for sex and place all the responsibility in them.

News flash asshat - "women" do not have sex. Couples have sex, you fuck'n moron. It takes two people - a man and a woman, for a pregnancy. Of course, after seeing what a major fuck'n asshole you are, it's no surprise you don't know this as there is no way a woman would actually sleep with you.

Some as young as 14 or 15

The fact that you are comfortable with that is really sick. Makes me wonder about you.... :eusa_whistle:

Sometimes they get pregnant. Sometimes they don't want to have a child that young. Sometimes they want a safe abortion. That's legal and you can go join the Taliban if you don't like it.

If someone doesn't want a baby they should be fuck'n responsible enough not to get pregnant. And if they are irresponsible and get pregnant, why is murder the only solution in your very tiny and limited mind? They have this thing called adoption, stupid.

There's nothing about footballs or F-150s. Just normal, everyday human life. Abortion is legal and if you don't like abortions, then you don't have to have one.

Ahhhhh! Look at you turn and run from your own words. You're realizing with every response I post just how stupid you really are. I've highlighted your very ignorant quote above in red. When I point out the obvious (that a fertilized egg is not a Ford-F150 or a football but in fact, a baby), you suddenly come up with a new narrative. :lol:

Don't say anything about "personal responsibility" because you Conservatives keep voting against living wages for single parents, education assistance, food assistance, housing assistance, etc.

My God, you've literally turned stupidity into an art form. If you believe in "personal responsibility" then of course you're going to vote down government assistance (such as living wages for single parents, education assistance, food assistance, housing assistance, etc.) because government assistance is not "personal responsibility".

Seriously, are you like 12 years old? You are really stupid and angry from your first post. In short, you're immature and ignorant (hence most likely about 12).

Why do you Republicans want so many young children born into poverty?

They don't. What they want is irresponsible, lazy, asshats (such as yourself) to get up off of their fuck'n ass and work. It's not my job to get you out of poverty like I'm your mommy and daddy.

Right now the USDA estimates that 49 million Americans have a difficult time being able to afford enough to eat.

And that would be because of the ignorant Dumbocrat policies you support!

1 out of 2 American children are on food assistance at some point in their life. You keep wanting to cut into their assistance programs and tell them to get jobs while the precious 1% job creators have moved all of the jobs to China to avoid paying living wages to American workers.

And that would be because of the ignorant Dumbocrat policies you support! Job creators didn't move jobs to China because they love oppression and Chinese food. They moved jobs to China because Dumbocrats have become so radicalized and unhinged, job creators are actually getting a better deal for their business in a communist nation than they get under Obama, Pelosi, and Reid :eek:. How fucked up is that?

Conservative Teabagger Republicans are too stupid to be ashamed of themselves.

Junior, the only shame (racism, eugenics, communism, etc.) and the only stupidity (your posts, Dumbocrat policies, etc.) is on your side of the aisle.
And you forget that those Southern Confederate racist redneck Democrat slave states who still sport their rebel flags all vote Republican now and hate the ******-in-Chief because he's a Marxist tyrant.

That's why the Republican party has degenerated from Lincoln to Limbaugh.


You're right.
We hate your "******" in chief because he's a marxist.

Not because he's black, since we swooned over Herman Cain until you bed wetters sabotaged him.
And you forget that those Southern Confederate racist redneck Democrat slave states who still sport their rebel flags all vote Republican now and hate the ******-in-Chief because he's a Marxist tyrant.

That's why the Republican party has degenerated from Lincoln to Limbaugh.


You're right.
We hate your "******" in chief because he's a marxist.

Not because he's black, since we swooned over Herman Cain until you bed wetters sabotaged him.
LOL!! DERP!! 95% of financial gains have gone to the 1% job creators. That's Marxism according to Teabaggers who think that Herman Cain and Sarah Palin are smart.
Fine. Conservatives founded the United States. Then that means that Conservatives guaranteed slavery and Liberals detested it.

Really? That's interesting. I seem to recall that REPUBLICAN President Abraham Lincoln lead the effort to end slavery and the Demcorats vehemently opposed it (as they did again during the Civil Rights movement in the 1960's).

You are obviously illiterate regarding the history of political parties in the United States. It must be a concerted effort on your part to be ignorant.

"During the 1860s, Republicans, who dominated northern states, orchestrated an ambitious expansion of federal power, helping to fund the transcontinental railroad, the state university system and the settlement of the West by homesteaders, and instating a national currency and protective tariff. Democrats, who dominated the South, opposed these measures. After the Civil War, Republicans passed laws that granted protections for African Americans and advanced social justice; again, Democrats largely opposed these expansions of power"

"Sound like an alternate universe? Fast forward to 1936. Democratic president Franklin Roosevelt won reelection that year on the strength of the New Deal, a set of Depression-remedying reforms including regulation of financial institutions, founding of welfare and pension programs, infrastructure development and more. Roosevelt won in a landslide against Republican Alf Landon, who opposed these exercises of federal power."

"Abraham Lincoln, the 16th U.S. President and a Republican (left), and Franklin Roosevelt, the 32nd U.S. President and a Democrat. The Republican and Democratic parties effectively switched platforms between their presidencies"

Why Did the Democratic and Republican Parties Switch Platforms? | Democrats & Republicans | LiveScience

I'm no history buff, but at least I know this one.

The problem you are having is the inability to distinguish the thing from the terminology. "Democrat" and "Republican" are terms that name a group of people. There is no inherent behaviors that are ascribed to those terms. They are simply the name of political parties which can have any platform they wish at any time they wish. There is no firm connection between the terms "Democrat/Republican" and the terms "conservative/liberal". Historically, Republicans were liberal and Democrats were conservative. Then they slowly switched platforms.

Exactly junior. You are no history buff. I, in fact, am. And this whole "switch parties" thing is called Dumbocrat propaganda. They are so desperate to cover up their ugly and evil history - but too dumb to come up with a good excuse - that they are trying to convince the world that millions of members on each side just suddenly agreed one day to trade the name of their parties... :lmao:

Tell me junior, if everyone "switched" parties, how do you explain that the Dumbocrats still vehemently opposed the Civil Rights movement in the 1960's? Oh wait - that's right - you're "not a history buff". Well allow me to educate you junior:

  • West Virginia Dumbocrat Senator Robert Byrd was a proud member of the KKK

  • And lets not forget your presidents quote. Despite heavy opposition against the Civil Rights Act of 1957 by Democrats, including John F. Kennedy, Johnson was convinced that if his party could steal the 'thunder' from the Republican lead Civil Rights efforts, support among black voters would shift:
"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don't move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there'll be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there'll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It'll be Reconstruction all over again." --Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson (D., Texas), 1957

The Democrat Plantation: Top Racist Quotes by Notable Left Wingers
Yeah, it's just left-wing propaganda. Modern-day Republicans really do care about black people. The Southern slave states vote Republican out of respect for Abraham Lincoln. That makes sense.
Watching libtards on USMB lose their fucking minds over their party's history being exposed is fall down hilarious.

Hey moron's - if you're this ashamed of something, then you shouldn't be a part of it.

If you're not that ashamed of it, then be big boys and girls and own it. Own the ugly history of your party. Change it. But don't lie about it.
Lee Atwater. Southern Strategy. Look it up and then go fuck yourself.
Yeah, it's just left-wing propaganda. Modern-day Republicans really do care about black people. The Southern slave states vote Republican out of respect for Abraham Lincoln. That makes sense.

So let me get this straight - you think the two parties magically and secretly switched - but you find it impossible that over the generations, people have moved to different states for various reasons (jobs, climate, taxes, regulations, etc.)?!? :eusa_doh:

Many Republicans have moved to Florida since Abe was president genius. Many Democrats have moved out of Alabama since Abe was president genius. But very few suddenly switched ideology and then traded party name... :lol:
Lee Atwater. Southern Strategy. Look it up and then go fuck yourself.

Oh - you didn't know KNB? Yeah, back then Lee Atwater was a liberal. Republicans were all left-wing in the 1970's and 1980's. Then the two parties "switched"... :lmao:

(Do you see how fuck'n stupid you people sound now? :lol:)
Republicans were all left-wing in the 70s and 80s. So Reagan was left-wing?
Liberals seem to assume that, if you don't believe in their particular political solutions, then you don't really care about the people that they claim to want to help. They like being generous with our freedom, security, and especially tax-payer dollars. Quite frankly, when it comes to the issues and debating them, they always cling to the Race card, then they run and hide. They are absolutely obsessed with race, while we promote a color-blind society. They believe that politics can change a culture and save it from itself. They are always talking about income inequality and believe that everyone should have the same exact outcome and make the same amount of money, regardless of the risks, education, talent, marketability, and work ethic of the person. They love allowing the death of innocent babies, due to population control reasons I might add, even though the baby never had a chance of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They like taxing the tax-payer to death to supply the non-tax-payer their "fair share" in exchange for their vote on election day. Name calling starts when they know they can't win a debate, then they leap to another idiotic point before they lose.
And you forget that those Southern Confederate racist redneck Democrat slave states who still sport their rebel flags all vote Republican now and hate the ******-in-Chief because he's a Marxist tyrant.

That's why the Republican party has degenerated from Lincoln to Limbaugh.


You're right.
We hate your "******" in chief because he's a marxist.

Not because he's black, since we swooned over Herman Cain until you bed wetters sabotaged him.
LOL!! DERP!! 95% of financial gains have gone to the 1% job creators. That's Marxism according to Teabaggers who think that Herman Cain and Sarah Palin are smart.

This is my last response to you. You're too stupid for any further effort.

Your moonbat messiah has promoted class envy, demonized the "rich" while taking their money in campaign contributions, and actively used his power to thwart the efforts of "rich" people who opposed his endeavors.

The "rich" who have embezzled billions of dollars through fraudulent "loans" to create "green jobs" are of no concern to you.

That's not capitalism, it's just the same sort of bullshit fascism is founded in. It's basic marxism. That's where fascism came from.

You're just too stupid to see it.
Republicans lied to the world to start a war and tortured POWs to death.

For someone named "history", you have a terrible grasp of information.

You're right.
We hate your "******" in chief because he's a marxist.

Not because he's black, since we swooned over Herman Cain until you bed wetters sabotaged him.
LOL!! DERP!! 95% of financial gains have gone to the 1% job creators. That's Marxism according to Teabaggers who think that Herman Cain and Sarah Palin are smart.

This is my last response to you. You're too stupid for any further effort.

Your moonbat messiah has promoted class envy, demonized the "rich" while taking their money in campaign contributions, and actively used his power to thwart the efforts of "rich" people who opposed his endeavors.

The "rich" who have embezzled billions of dollars through fraudulent "loans" to create "green jobs" are of no concern to you.

That's not capitalism, it's just the same sort of bullshit fascism is founded in. It's basic marxism. That's where fascism came from.

You're just too stupid to see it.
I didn't vote for Obama, Teabagger. You just assume that because I said Republicans are full of shit.

It's not class envy to wonder why record corporate profits are sitting in offshore bank accounts instead of paying living wages to the employees who make these companies so rich.
-The left passed Jim Crow laws
-They formed the KKK and the White Knights
-They were behind assassinations of Abraham Lincoln, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr., Attempted to take a jab at Reagan
-They were for slavery and still enslave the blacks today with "free stuff" in exchange for votes so that they may not gain higher ground in society today.
-They founded abortion for the sole purpose of eliminating the black community.
-The left passed Jim Crow laws
-They formed the KKK and the White Knights
-They were behind assassinations of Abraham Lincoln, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr., Attempted to take a jab at Reagan
-They were for slavery and still enslave the blacks today with "free stuff" in exchange for votes so that they may not gain higher ground in society today.
-They founded abortion for the sole purpose of eliminating the black community.
Yeah, you're entirely wrong. Good choice of a screen name, by the way.
LOL!! DERP!! 95% of financial gains have gone to the 1% job creators. That's Marxism according to Teabaggers who think that Herman Cain and Sarah Palin are smart.

This is my last response to you. You're too stupid for any further effort.

Your moonbat messiah has promoted class envy, demonized the "rich" while taking their money in campaign contributions, and actively used his power to thwart the efforts of "rich" people who opposed his endeavors.

The "rich" who have embezzled billions of dollars through fraudulent "loans" to create "green jobs" are of no concern to you.

That's not capitalism, it's just the same sort of bullshit fascism is founded in. It's basic marxism. That's where fascism came from.

You're just too stupid to see it.
I didn't vote for Obama, Teabagger. You just assume that because I said Republicans are full of shit.

It's not class envy to wonder why record corporate profits are sitting in offshore bank accounts instead of paying living wages to the employees who make these companies so rich.

Yes, basically this liberal says:

Everyone should be entitled to earn the same amount of money regardless of:
Work Ethic
Communicates Well
Action Oriented
Risks taken
The ability to strive to succeed, regardless of obstacles

You see, liberals really do believe in the equal sharing of misery.. Incredible

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