CDZ The Holocaust versus Slavery... Which one was worse?

Not taking away anything from the understanding of the Holocaust and its horror......but 6 million Jews were murdered......and the nazis will never be forgiven for it. The communists murdered 25 million in Russia, 70 million in China, 1/3 of the population of Cambodia.....and murdered people around the world long after the last nazi was hung ......and yet you still have people walking around with mao and che t-shirts, extolling the virtue of communism...openly supporting one political party in this country, marching in the open to do it....
I don't believe in quantifying evil, nor comparing two evils.

The hatred of Jews infects many hundreds of millions, if not billions of people. Jews, themselves, however have survived the Holocaust and other than an invigored drive towards self preservation, have not allowed the memories to prevent them from succeeding.

Slavery is not supported in any real way, but blacks in this country are still shackled by it. They have reacted to it by creating so many dysfunctional attitudes that they continue to enslave themselves.

It's like comparing apples to Oranges .Slavery has had a more lasting effect, but antisemitism is still thriving .

Two different types of evil? Hmmm
Interesting. The Auscwhitz killing factory has never seen an equal. Admittedly it's wasnt just jews who died there.


Yes, in Auschwitz & other Nazi camps contained many Jews, but also some Polish Catholics, Ukrainians, Soviet POWs, Gypsies, Homosexuals, Jehova Witnesses & mentally deficient.
Not taking away anything from the understanding of the Holocaust and its horror......but 6 million Jews were murdered......and the nazis will never be forgiven for it. The communists murdered 25 million in Russia, 70 million in China, 1/3 of the population of Cambodia.....and murdered people around the world long after the last nazi was hung ......and yet you still have people walking around with mao and che t-shirts, extolling the virtue of communism...openly supporting one political party in this country, marching in the open to do it....

A.) Nazis killed 10 - 14 million in the Holocaust.

B.) Nazis killed also some 23 - 28 million Russians.

C.) Nazis clearly killed more like 40 million...Give or take.

Most of them were White Christian Slavic peoples
& not Jews as much.
Holocaust: hands down.

While slavery was drawn out over
a longer period of time there is absolutely no comparison in the barbarity, the cruelty and the utter drive to extinguish a whole
Race of people from the planet.

Slavery, while abominable was not about

The Holocaust is most probably the worst
Event against a single people in human history.


One must keep in mind that in various forms, slavery was a common institution in all countries and empires since the dawn of time. All empires usually took the loser of wars and enslaved them. Since ancient man left Mesopotamia, the Carthaginians, the Greeks, the Romans, etc.... ...slavery has been around forever. Later there were things like indentured servants, people bound to certain lands.It was still slavery though.

When America was born, the founding fathers were men of their times, use to slavery as a common thing. We must give them great credit for their vision, that all men are created equal, and for creating the mechanism which they knew would one day end slavery once the people became enlightened enough.

But the holocaust? That was a single act, a policy, of extermination of an entire ethnic group, for no other reason than their extermination. It was a horror. It was nothing like slavery. They cannot even be compared.

Slavery killed people, destroyed families, promoted rape, bred human beings like dogs, sold off their children, allowed them to be mutilated, experimented on, and slaughtered at a whim, and in America it was a doctrine based solely on race, where one race was systemically dehumanized (or sub humanized) in order to perpetrate a way of life for a few.

Not comparable? In terms of what it did to an entire class of human beings in this country, it is very comparable.

And to attempt to marginalize it like that is disturbing. It was more than just a few who were products of their time. It was an entire segment of our culture (the Deep South) that was invested in that system for their way of life and what they perceived to be their rights over others. If you ever want an interesting read (if you haven't already) - read this: American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America by Colin Woodard. Slavery is only a small part of it, but it is very enlightening.
Slavery exterminated souls, a body without a soul is just a shell

Do you really believe that slaves have no souls? Or are you just repeating slogans without any understanding of what they mean?
Not taking away anything from the understanding of the Holocaust and its horror......but 6 million Jews were murdered......and the nazis will never be forgiven for it. The communists murdered 25 million in Russia, 70 million in China, 1/3 of the population of Cambodia.....and murdered people around the world long after the last nazi was hung ......and yet you still have people walking around with mao and che t-shirts, extolling the virtue of communism...openly supporting one political party in this country, marching in the open to do it....

A.) Nazis killed 10 - 14 million in the Holocaust.

B.) Nazis killed also some 23 - 28 million Russians.

C.) Nazis clearly killed more like 40 million...Give or take.

Most of them were White Christian Slavic peoples
& not Jews as much.

This was about the Holocaust.....specifically targeted murder of Jewish people in Europe..... I don't doubt the national socialists in Germany murdered that many people......
Holocaust: hands down.

While slavery was drawn out over
a longer period of time there is absolutely no comparison in the barbarity, the cruelty and the utter drive to extinguish a whole
Race of people from the planet.

Slavery, while abominable was not about

The Holocaust is most probably the worst
Event against a single people in human history.


One must keep in mind that in various forms, slavery was a common institution in all countries and empires since the dawn of time. All empires usually took the loser of wars and enslaved them. Since ancient man left Mesopotamia, the Carthaginians, the Greeks, the Romans, etc.... ...slavery has been around forever. Later there were things like indentured servants, people bound to certain lands.It was still slavery though.

When America was born, the founding fathers were men of their times, use to slavery as a common thing. We must give them great credit for their vision, that all men are created equal, and for creating the mechanism which they knew would one day end slavery once the people became enlightened enough.

But the holocaust? That was a single act, a policy, of extermination of an entire ethnic group, for no other reason than their extermination. It was a horror. It was nothing like slavery. They cannot even be compared.

Slavery killed people, destroyed families, promoted rape, bred human beings like dogs, sold off their children, allowed them to be mutilated, experimented on, and slaughtered at a whim, and in America it was a doctrine based solely on race, where one race was systemically dehumanized (or sub humanized) in order to perpetrate a way of life for a few.

Not comparable? In terms of what it did to an entire class of human beings in this country, it is very comparable.

And to attempt to marginalize it like that is disturbing. It was more than just a few who were products of their time. It was an entire segment of our culture (the Deep South) that was invested in that system for their way of life and what they perceived to be their rights over others. If you ever want an interesting read (if you haven't already) - read this: American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America by Colin Woodard. Slavery is only a small part of it, but it is very enlightening.

On a smaller scale.

There's actually been a ton of injustices.

Americans have been spoon fed about 2 slavery & the Holocaust.

These aren't necessarily the worst.

The probably in India....First by Muslims & then by the British Empire.
Holocaust: hands down.

While slavery was drawn out over
a longer period of time there is absolutely no comparison in the barbarity, the cruelty and the utter drive to extinguish a whole
Race of people from the planet.

Slavery, while abominable was not about

The Holocaust is most probably the worst
Event against a single people in human history.


One must keep in mind that in various forms, slavery was a common institution in all countries and empires since the dawn of time. All empires usually took the loser of wars and enslaved them. Since ancient man left Mesopotamia, the Carthaginians, the Greeks, the Romans, etc.... ...slavery has been around forever. Later there were things like indentured servants, people bound to certain lands.It was still slavery though.

When America was born, the founding fathers were men of their times, use to slavery as a common thing. We must give them great credit for their vision, that all men are created equal, and for creating the mechanism which they knew would one day end slavery once the people became enlightened enough.

But the holocaust? That was a single act, a policy, of extermination of an entire ethnic group, for no other reason than their extermination. It was a horror. It was nothing like slavery. They cannot even be compared.

Slavery killed people, destroyed families, promoted rape, bred human beings like dogs, sold off their children, allowed them to be mutilated, experimented on, and slaughtered at a whim, and in America it was a doctrine based solely on race, where one race was systemically dehumanized (or sub humanized) in order to perpetrate a way of life for a few.

Not comparable? In terms of what it did to an entire class of human beings in this country, it is very comparable.

And to attempt to marginalize it like that is disturbing. It was more than just a few who were products of their time. It was an entire segment of our culture (the Deep South) that was invested in that system for their way of life and what they perceived to be their rights over others. If you ever want an interesting read (if you haven't already) - read this: American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America by Colin Woodard. Slavery is only a small part of it, but it is very enlightening.

On a smaller scale.

There's actually been a ton of injustices.

Americans have been spoon fed about 2 slavery & the Holocaust.

These aren't necessarily the worst.

The probably in India....First by Muslims & then by the British Empire.

That is why attempting to equate atrocities as "which is worse" is really impossible to do and shouldn't be done.

Human history is full of atrocities committed against our fellow people, most of which occurred under different cultures and time, or beyond cultural memory. To compare is impossible.

Slavery destroyed generations and damaged more afterwards with it's legacy of Jim Crowe. How do you measure that?

The Holocaust attempted to destroy an entire people and their culture. And almost succeeded. How do you measure that?
Not taking away anything from the understanding of the Holocaust and its horror......but 6 million Jews were murdered......and the nazis will never be forgiven for it. The communists murdered 25 million in Russia, 70 million in China, 1/3 of the population of Cambodia.....and murdered people around the world long after the last nazi was hung ......and yet you still have people walking around with mao and che t-shirts, extolling the virtue of communism...openly supporting one political party in this country, marching in the open to do it....

A.) Nazis killed 10 - 14 million in the Holocaust.

B.) Nazis killed also some 23 - 28 million Russians.

C.) Nazis clearly killed more like 40 million...Give or take.

Most of them were White Christian Slavic peoples
& not Jews as much.

This was about the Holocaust.....specifically targeted murder of Jewish people in Europe..... I don't doubt the national socialists in Germany murdered that many people......

The Death camps AKA Holocaust targeted a number of groups..

There's a reason why Eastern Europe tends to resent & even despise Jews.

Simple they have hijacked the WW2 narrative.

Worse they blame victims like Poles for the Holocaust.
Not taking away anything from the understanding of the Holocaust and its horror......but 6 million Jews were murdered......and the nazis will never be forgiven for it. The communists murdered 25 million in Russia, 70 million in China, 1/3 of the population of Cambodia.....and murdered people around the world long after the last nazi was hung ......and yet you still have people walking around with mao and che t-shirts, extolling the virtue of communism...openly supporting one political party in this country, marching in the open to do it....

Most of those don't have a clue about history - whether it's communism and marching in support of Party A or white supremacy and marching in support of Party B.

I see kids wearing Mao shirts and they don't even really know who he was.
Holocaust: hands down.

While slavery was drawn out over
a longer period of time there is absolutely no comparison in the barbarity, the cruelty and the utter drive to extinguish a whole
Race of people from the planet.

Slavery, while abominable was not about

The Holocaust is most probably the worst
Event against a single people in human history.


One must keep in mind that in various forms, slavery was a common institution in all countries and empires since the dawn of time. All empires usually took the loser of wars and enslaved them. Since ancient man left Mesopotamia, the Carthaginians, the Greeks, the Romans, etc.... ...slavery has been around forever. Later there were things like indentured servants, people bound to certain lands.It was still slavery though.

When America was born, the founding fathers were men of their times, use to slavery as a common thing. We must give them great credit for their vision, that all men are created equal, and for creating the mechanism which they knew would one day end slavery once the people became enlightened enough.

But the holocaust? That was a single act, a policy, of extermination of an entire ethnic group, for no other reason than their extermination. It was a horror. It was nothing like slavery. They cannot even be compared.

Slavery killed people, destroyed families, promoted rape, bred human beings like dogs, sold off their children, allowed them to be mutilated, experimented on, and slaughtered at a whim, and in America it was a doctrine based solely on race, where one race was systemically dehumanized (or sub humanized) in order to perpetrate a way of life for a few.

Not comparable? In terms of what it did to an entire class of human beings in this country, it is very comparable.

And to attempt to marginalize it like that is disturbing. It was more than just a few who were products of their time. It was an entire segment of our culture (the Deep South) that was invested in that system for their way of life and what they perceived to be their rights over others. If you ever want an interesting read (if you haven't already) - read this: American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America by Colin Woodard. Slavery is only a small part of it, but it is very enlightening.

On a smaller scale.

There's actually been a ton of injustices.

Americans have been spoon fed about 2 slavery & the Holocaust.

These aren't necessarily the worst.

The probably in India....First by Muslims & then by the British Empire.

That is why attempting to equate atrocities as "which is worse" is really impossible to do and shouldn't be done.

Human history is full of atrocities committed against our fellow people, most of which occurred under different cultures and time, or beyond cultural memory. To compare is impossible.

Slavery destroyed generations and damaged more afterwards with it's legacy of Jim Crowe. How do you measure that?

The Holocaust attempted to destroy an entire people and their culture. And almost succeeded. How do you measure that?

All atrocities are all wrong...but not necessarily on the same magnitude.

Equality is a silly aspect...I doubt anything is equal outside of manufactured items.

Nature is inequality.
Not taking away anything from the understanding of the Holocaust and its horror......but 6 million Jews were murdered......and the nazis will never be forgiven for it. The communists murdered 25 million in Russia, 70 million in China, 1/3 of the population of Cambodia.....and murdered people around the world long after the last nazi was hung ......and yet you still have people walking around with mao and che t-shirts, extolling the virtue of communism...openly supporting one political party in this country, marching in the open to do it....

A.) Nazis killed 10 - 14 million in the Holocaust.

B.) Nazis killed also some 23 - 28 million Russians.

C.) Nazis clearly killed more like 40 million...Give or take.

Most of them were White Christian Slavic peoples
& not Jews as much.

This was about the Holocaust.....specifically targeted murder of Jewish people in Europe..... I don't doubt the national socialists in Germany murdered that many people......

The Death camps AKA Holocaust targeted a number of groups..

There's a reason why Eastern Europe tends to resent & even despise Jews.

Simple they have hijacked the WW2 narrative.

Worse they blame victims like Poles for the Holocaust.

To be accurate, they lost a far far large proportion of their population than did the other groups. That's not hijacking a narrative, that's looking down the barrel of extermination.
Not taking away anything from the understanding of the Holocaust and its horror......but 6 million Jews were murdered......and the nazis will never be forgiven for it. The communists murdered 25 million in Russia, 70 million in China, 1/3 of the population of Cambodia.....and murdered people around the world long after the last nazi was hung ......and yet you still have people walking around with mao and che t-shirts, extolling the virtue of communism...openly supporting one political party in this country, marching in the open to do it....

A.) Nazis killed 10 - 14 million in the Holocaust.

B.) Nazis killed also some 23 - 28 million Russians.

C.) Nazis clearly killed more like 40 million...Give or take.

Most of them were White Christian Slavic peoples
& not Jews as much.

This was about the Holocaust.....specifically targeted murder of Jewish people in Europe..... I don't doubt the national socialists in Germany murdered that many people......

The Death camps AKA Holocaust targeted a number of groups..

There's a reason why Eastern Europe tends to resent & even despise Jews.

Simple they have hijacked the WW2 narrative.

Worse they blame victims like Poles for the Holocaust.

To be accurate, they lost a far far large proportion of their population than did the other groups. That's not hijacking a narrative, that's looking down the barrel of extermination.

First you say oh well theres just atrocities all wrong & equal.

Now you admit the truth...There is inequality in atrocities.

Was that so hard?
Holocaust: hands down.

While slavery was drawn out over
a longer period of time there is absolutely no comparison in the barbarity, the cruelty and the utter drive to extinguish a whole
Race of people from the planet.

Slavery, while abominable was not about

The Holocaust is most probably the worst
Event against a single people in human history.


One must keep in mind that in various forms, slavery was a common institution in all countries and empires since the dawn of time. All empires usually took the loser of wars and enslaved them. Since ancient man left Mesopotamia, the Carthaginians, the Greeks, the Romans, etc.... ...slavery has been around forever. Later there were things like indentured servants, people bound to certain lands.It was still slavery though.

When America was born, the founding fathers were men of their times, use to slavery as a common thing. We must give them great credit for their vision, that all men are created equal, and for creating the mechanism which they knew would one day end slavery once the people became enlightened enough.

But the holocaust? That was a single act, a policy, of extermination of an entire ethnic group, for no other reason than their extermination. It was a horror. It was nothing like slavery. They cannot even be compared.

Slavery killed people, destroyed families, promoted rape, bred human beings like dogs, sold off their children, allowed them to be mutilated, experimented on, and slaughtered at a whim, and in America it was a doctrine based solely on race, where one race was systemically dehumanized (or sub humanized) in order to perpetrate a way of life for a few.

Not comparable? In terms of what it did to an entire class of human beings in this country, it is very comparable.

And to attempt to marginalize it like that is disturbing. It was more than just a few who were products of their time. It was an entire segment of our culture (the Deep South) that was invested in that system for their way of life and what they perceived to be their rights over others. If you ever want an interesting read (if you haven't already) - read this: American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America by Colin Woodard. Slavery is only a small part of it, but it is very enlightening.

On a smaller scale.

There's actually been a ton of injustices.

Americans have been spoon fed about 2 slavery & the Holocaust.

These aren't necessarily the worst.

The probably in India....First by Muslims & then by the British Empire.

That is why attempting to equate atrocities as "which is worse" is really impossible to do and shouldn't be done.

Human history is full of atrocities committed against our fellow people, most of which occurred under different cultures and time, or beyond cultural memory. To compare is impossible.

Slavery destroyed generations and damaged more afterwards with it's legacy of Jim Crowe. How do you measure that?

The Holocaust attempted to destroy an entire people and their culture. And almost succeeded. How do you measure that?
Holocaust: hands down.

While slavery was drawn out over
a longer period of time there is absolutely no comparison in the barbarity, the cruelty and the utter drive to extinguish a whole
Race of people from the planet.

Slavery, while abominable was not about

The Holocaust is most probably the worst
Event against a single people in human history.


One must keep in mind that in various forms, slavery was a common institution in all countries and empires since the dawn of time. All empires usually took the loser of wars and enslaved them. Since ancient man left Mesopotamia, the Carthaginians, the Greeks, the Romans, etc.... ...slavery has been around forever. Later there were things like indentured servants, people bound to certain lands.It was still slavery though.

When America was born, the founding fathers were men of their times, use to slavery as a common thing. We must give them great credit for their vision, that all men are created equal, and for creating the mechanism which they knew would one day end slavery once the people became enlightened enough.

But the holocaust? That was a single act, a policy, of extermination of an entire ethnic group, for no other reason than their extermination. It was a horror. It was nothing like slavery. They cannot even be compared.

Slavery killed people, destroyed families, promoted rape, bred human beings like dogs, sold off their children, allowed them to be mutilated, experimented on, and slaughtered at a whim, and in America it was a doctrine based solely on race, where one race was systemically dehumanized (or sub humanized) in order to perpetrate a way of life for a few.

Not comparable? In terms of what it did to an entire class of human beings in this country, it is very comparable.

And to attempt to marginalize it like that is disturbing. It was more than just a few who were products of their time. It was an entire segment of our culture (the Deep South) that was invested in that system for their way of life and what they perceived to be their rights over others. If you ever want an interesting read (if you haven't already) - read this: American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America by Colin Woodard. Slavery is only a small part of it, but it is very enlightening.

On a smaller scale.

There's actually been a ton of injustices.

Americans have been spoon fed about 2 slavery & the Holocaust.

These aren't necessarily the worst.

The probably in India....First by Muslims & then by the British Empire.

That is why attempting to equate atrocities as "which is worse" is really impossible to do and shouldn't be done.

Human history is full of atrocities committed against our fellow people, most of which occurred under different cultures and time, or beyond cultural memory. To compare is impossible.

Slavery destroyed generations and damaged more afterwards with it's legacy of Jim Crowe. How do you measure that?

The Holocaust attempted to destroy an entire people and their culture. And almost succeeded. How do you measure that?

Good post I agree with most of it. Yet the question remains as an experiment within our political atmosphere. Whereas you would expect to see an even return on positions it is far from being even.
I find that fascinating.

Not taking away anything from the understanding of the Holocaust and its horror......but 6 million Jews were murdered......and the nazis will never be forgiven for it. The communists murdered 25 million in Russia, 70 million in China, 1/3 of the population of Cambodia.....and murdered people around the world long after the last nazi was hung ......and yet you still have people walking around with mao and che t-shirts, extolling the virtue of communism...openly supporting one political party in this country, marching in the open to do it....

A.) Nazis killed 10 - 14 million in the Holocaust.

B.) Nazis killed also some 23 - 28 million Russians.

C.) Nazis clearly killed more like 40 million...Give or take.

Most of them were White Christian Slavic peoples
& not Jews as much.

This was about the Holocaust.....specifically targeted murder of Jewish people in Europe..... I don't doubt the national socialists in Germany murdered that many people......

The Death camps AKA Holocaust targeted a number of groups..

There's a reason why Eastern Europe tends to resent & even despise Jews.

Simple they have hijacked the WW2 narrative.

Worse they blame victims like Poles for the Holocaust.

To be accurate, they lost a far far large proportion of their population than did the other groups. That's not hijacking a narrative, that's looking down the barrel of extermination.

First you say oh well theres just atrocities all wrong & equal.

Now you admit the truth...There is inequaloty in atroticies.

Was that so hard?

I'm not saying they are all equal, I'm saying how can you make comparisons? Not sure you can. And if you make comparisons by marginalizing one or the other, then I wonder why?

Slavery and the Holocaust who are very different atrocities - in what happened, in how it affected a people, in the legacy they spawned. It is like comparing apples and oranges and trying to determine which is better or worse.
Holocaust: hands down.

While slavery was drawn out over
a longer period of time there is absolutely no comparison in the barbarity, the cruelty and the utter drive to extinguish a whole
Race of people from the planet.

Slavery, while abominable was not about

The Holocaust is most probably the worst
Event against a single people in human history.

Slavery exterminated souls, a body without a soul is just a shell

The USA population of slaves grew faster than any population in Europe in the same time frame.

Just kind of proves the gross exaggerations of slavery.

Yes, it was bad overall by today's did just about everybody else back then...That is it.... Peasants starving had it bad if not worse...
Idiots are everywhere. Think you could find one?
A.) Nazis killed 10 - 14 million in the Holocaust.

B.) Nazis killed also some 23 - 28 million Russians.

C.) Nazis clearly killed more like 40 million...Give or take.

Most of them were White Christian Slavic peoples
& not Jews as much.

This was about the Holocaust.....specifically targeted murder of Jewish people in Europe..... I don't doubt the national socialists in Germany murdered that many people......

The Death camps AKA Holocaust targeted a number of groups..

There's a reason why Eastern Europe tends to resent & even despise Jews.

Simple they have hijacked the WW2 narrative.

Worse they blame victims like Poles for the Holocaust.

To be accurate, they lost a far far large proportion of their population than did the other groups. That's not hijacking a narrative, that's looking down the barrel of extermination.

First you say oh well theres just atrocities all wrong & equal.

Now you admit the truth...There is inequaloty in atroticies.

Was that so hard?

I'm not saying they are all equal, I'm saying how can you make comparisons? Not sure you can. And if you make comparisons by marginalizing one or the other, then I wonder why?

Slavery and the Holocaust who are very different atrocities - in what happened, in how it affected a people, in the legacy they spawned. It is like comparing apples and oranges and trying to determine which is better or worse.

I think you're just being a Liberal... AKA programmed to think Blacks & then Jews sufferred more inherently.

About 90-95% of victims of WW2 were non- Jews.

Who get neglected & even disrespected.

That's a problem & will continue to make they the Chosen look selfish.
This was about the Holocaust.....specifically targeted murder of Jewish people in Europe..... I don't doubt the national socialists in Germany murdered that many people......

The Death camps AKA Holocaust targeted a number of groups..

There's a reason why Eastern Europe tends to resent & even despise Jews.

Simple they have hijacked the WW2 narrative.

Worse they blame victims like Poles for the Holocaust.

To be accurate, they lost a far far large proportion of their population than did the other groups. That's not hijacking a narrative, that's looking down the barrel of extermination.

First you say oh well theres just atrocities all wrong & equal.

Now you admit the truth...There is inequaloty in atroticies.

Was that so hard?

I'm not saying they are all equal, I'm saying how can you make comparisons? Not sure you can. And if you make comparisons by marginalizing one or the other, then I wonder why?

Slavery and the Holocaust who are very different atrocities - in what happened, in how it affected a people, in the legacy they spawned. It is like comparing apples and oranges and trying to determine which is better or worse.

I think you're just being a Liberal... AKA programmed to think Blacks & then Jews sufferred more inherently.

About 95% of victims of WW2 were non- Jews.

Who get neglected & even disrespected.

That's a problem & will continue to make they the Chosen look selfish.

120 million?

120 million what?

The Death camps AKA Holocaust targeted a number of groups..

There's a reason why Eastern Europe tends to resent & even despise Jews.

Simple they have hijacked the WW2 narrative.

Worse they blame victims like Poles for the Holocaust.

To be accurate, they lost a far far large proportion of their population than did the other groups. That's not hijacking a narrative, that's looking down the barrel of extermination.

First you say oh well theres just atrocities all wrong & equal.

Now you admit the truth...There is inequaloty in atroticies.

Was that so hard?

I'm not saying they are all equal, I'm saying how can you make comparisons? Not sure you can. And if you make comparisons by marginalizing one or the other, then I wonder why?

Slavery and the Holocaust who are very different atrocities - in what happened, in how it affected a people, in the legacy they spawned. It is like comparing apples and oranges and trying to determine which is better or worse.

I think you're just being a Liberal... AKA programmed to think Blacks & then Jews sufferred more inherently.

About 95% of victims of WW2 were non- Jews.

Who get neglected & even disrespected.

That's a problem & will continue to make they the Chosen look selfish.

120 million?

120 million what?


The data says something like 85 million died in WW2 , Give or take.

5- 6 million Jews died.

That's less than 10% of deaths in WW2.

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