The Holy Bible vs. so-called 'Hate Speech'


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
The forces of Satan destroyed our societies through weakening of Christian Church within.The Fundament of our Great Christian Civilization stays without its foundation: The Holy Bible.
It is difficult to imagine, but condemned by God sinners demand from us to follow their schizophrenic ideas, otherwise we will became 'Nazis', 'Bigots' and 'Hatemongers'
Why is the recitation and following the Word of God hate and thought crime now?
What we have received from so-called 'progressives' now?
24/7 murders of Christians, LGBT propaganda to toddlers, annihilation of Moral, believe, Values, and now death by Gates' 'vaccine'
It's something wrong in our societies after 1968.
To change something we shall recognize the authority of the Holy Bible and completely change our political system.
Right wing hypocrites have done more to destroy Christianity in America than anyone. You are supposed to be an example of God's love and mercy for humanity but all anyone sees is hatred for the weak, the meek, the downtrodden and everyone else Jesus spent his life ministering to. Right wingers are the modern Pharisees and your temple and it's corrupt priesthood must be torn down.
The forces of Satan destroyed our societies through weakening of Christian Church within.The Fundament of our Great Christian Civilization stays without its foundation: The Holy Bible.
It is difficult to imagine, but condemned by God sinners demand from us to follow their schizophrenic ideas, otherwise we will became 'Nazis', 'Bigots' and 'Hatemongers'
Why is the recitation and following the Word of God hate and thought crime now?
What we have received from so-called 'progressives' now?
24/7 murders of Christians, LGBT propaganda to toddlers, annihilation of Moral, believe, Values, and now death by Gates' 'vaccine'
It's something wrong in our societies after 1968.
To change something we shall recognize the authority of the Holy Bible and completely change our political system.
I don't think I've ever met any two Christians who agreed completely on exactly what the Bible says and means. Christians have fought wars against each other over theology. I for one don't want to go through that, keep your Bible to yourself but please don't force it onto others.
When it comes to spewing hate, look no further than the Abrahamic religions. In their teachings, their deity is definitely a prick. He interestingly has all the failing qualities of humans, jealousy, insecurity, anger and violence, yet...."he loves you."
For, if you refuse to believe he exists, he will simply throw your soul into a lake of fire....for all of eternity.
Out of the recognized 260 religions, the Abrahamic religions are the worst of the lot, with Islam surpassing the other two in its outright hatred of "non-believers."
When it comes to spewing hate, look no further than the Abrahamic religions. In their teachings, their deity is definitely a prick. He interestingly has all the failing qualities of humans, jealousy, insecurity, anger and violence, yet...."he loves you."
For, if you refuse to believe he exists, he will simply throw your soul into a lake of fire....for all of eternity.
Out of the recognized 260 religions, the Abrahamic religions are the worst of the lot, with Islam surpassing the other two in its outright hatred of "non-believers."
Personally I'd think any religion that achieves a theocracy becomes the worst of the lot. Once your religion has political power, any non-believer is a threat to that political power. Hindus are oppressing non-Hindus in India. Some of the worst Muslim countries are those where the Imams hold political power, ISIS, Iran, Saudi Arabia.
The forces of Satan destroyed our societies through weakening of Christian Church within.The Fundament of our Great Christian Civilization stays without its foundation: The Holy Bible.
It is difficult to imagine, but condemned by God sinners demand from us to follow their schizophrenic ideas, otherwise we will became 'Nazis', 'Bigots' and 'Hatemongers'
Why is the recitation and following the Word of God hate and thought crime now?
What we have received from so-called 'progressives' now?
24/7 murders of Christians, LGBT propaganda to toddlers, annihilation of Moral, believe, Values, and now death by Gates' 'vaccine'
It's something wrong in our societies after 1968.
To change something we shall recognize the authority of the Holy Bible and completely change our political system.
Proverbs 6:
16 There are six things the Lord hates,
seven that are detestable to him:
17 haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
18 a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,
19 a false witness who pours out lies
and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

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