The Home Of the Brave? Now That's Funny

Conservatives are so very much afraid of Islamic terrorists they are convinced we must be constantly vigilant, so vigilant they would deny lifesaving surgery to infants from some Muslim countries.

Denying life saving surgery to Muslim babies? Have a link to what you're talking about?

Don't you see, conservatives are just trying to help these fellas. Why we have one of the worst healthcare systems in the world. I know this to be true because liberals have been telling us that for the last 20 years, and we all know liberals never lie.

So those babies are in much better hands with superior socialist healthcare systems which (as you libs have told us) is every other country but the US.
Conservatives are so very much afraid of Islamic terrorists they are convinced we must be constantly vigilant, so vigilant they would deny lifesaving surgery to infants from some Muslim countries. Right-wingers believe the Iranians so are shifty, they are using their recently reactivated centrifuges to produce their dreaded nuclear baby bombs...

The righties' panties are in knots.

View attachment 111867


Amen! NaziCons are a bunch of chickenshits with a Timothy McVeigh mentality.
The righties that are most afraid are the ones claiming to be patriots. Those keyboard warriors talk tough, knowing someone else will do the fighting and dying. The Iraq and Afghan wars proved this.This enables these chickenshit conservatives to vote for Republican politicians who never do anything to help average citizens, but only serve the interest of the greedy rich pricks that profit from the needless wars.

The conservatives' collective stupidity is something people of reason can only laugh about because the right-wingers refuse to learn. Those ignorant asses believe they know more than anyone else about everything and the Republican leaders laugh at them whenever an election rolls around.

The idiot conservatives still haven't figured out that Trump made monkeys out of them. Also, they are so short-sighted that when Obamacare is finally repealed, most of them who have pre-existing conditions will be paying for their own meds, hospital charges, and doctor bills.

It is always a pleasure to have the last laugh on the stupid righties, and it happens so often. Unfortunately, they are so clueless they will believe they won when they lose their health insurance coverage.

Their stupidity is tragic and their determination to cling to their ignorance is so strong, all people of reason have left is to laugh at them, shake their heads, and walk away.


So who's laughing now loser? You lost the White House, the Senate, the Congress, the Governorships, and you say you're laughing?

You don't even know what stupidity is. Let me give you an example of stupidity:

We have 40 million Americans without health insurance, mostly because they can't afford it. So the new plan is to make a law that you have to get insurance you can't afford, and when you don't, we're going to take badly needed money away from you. There, problem solved!

See, now that there is pure stupidity.
It's pretty strange that left wingers seem to think America can't be brave and vigilant at the same time. Hypocrite lefties want America to be responsible for life saving surgery for infants from countries that support terrorism but they demonstrate and break store windows and commit arson to ensure their "right" to murder unborn American babies at every stage of pregnancy.

Fear is the rational response to random death.

Not being afraid of random death is the act of a fool.

Not being afraid of random death, because you assume that the odds are that it won't be you, is the act of a vile piece of shit, not worthy of being washed into the sewer with the normal run of the mill disgusting shit.

Trying to make sense of Leftism is a fools errand. It is can go insane trying to comprehend it. Best to just call it what it is.
Conservatives are so very much afraid of Islamic terrorists they are convinced we must be constantly vigilant, so vigilant they would deny lifesaving surgery to infants from some Muslim countries. Right-wingers believe the Iranians are so shifty, they are using their recently reactivated centrifuges to produce their dreaded nuclear baby bombs...

The righties' panties are in knots.

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According to the left mental midgets the US healthcare sucks, so maybe we did the infant a favor.

More BS from the left wing, the party of BS and fake news.
The left wing can't understand being brave and smart they apparently want sniffling and stupid.
The left wing can't understand being brave and smart they apparently want sniffling and stupid.

Conservatives play chess,, liberals play checkers.

Conservatives think several moves ahead of time and examine the possibilities. Liberals wait until something is in front of them before they do anything.
Conservatives are so very much afraid of Islamic terrorists they are convinced we must be constantly vigilant, so vigilant they would deny lifesaving surgery to infants from some Muslim countries. Right-wingers believe the Iranians are so shifty, they are using their recently reactivated centrifuges to produce their dreaded nuclear baby bombs...

The righties' panties are in knots.

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Following your 'conclusions', we should have allowed lots of Nazis into the nation during WWII. Or, lots of Soviets in during the Cold War.

How can you be so easily duped by the elite left?

What will it take for you to change your mind? If a radical Islamist murdered your entire family for the Prophet Allah, would that change your mind?

It's logical to fear "random death". No it's not. I worked across the street from a building that was the target of a planned terrorist attack. 18 people were arrested in the conspiracy to blow it up. I'm still not scared of terrorists. I'm also not afraid of lightning strikes, or something falling out of the sky and killing me. It could happen, but the odds are most definitely with me.

Yes, everyone applying for entry should be screened. But those who have been screened, and they are, so stop being hysterically little ninnies.

The rest of the world think you're behaving like frightened children. There are more guns than people in your country and yet you're terrified. Cowering under your beds, frightened of letting women and children in.
Conservatives are so very much afraid of Islamic terrorists they are convinced we must be constantly vigilant, so vigilant they would deny lifesaving surgery to infants from some Muslim countries. Right-wingers believe the Iranians are so shifty, they are using their recently reactivated centrifuges to produce their dreaded nuclear baby bombs...

The righties' panties are in knots.

View attachment 111867

Following your 'conclusions', we should have allowed lots of Nazis into the nation during WWII. Or, lots of Soviets in during the Cold War.

How can you be so easily duped by the elite left?

What will it take for you to change your mind? If a radical Islamist murdered your entire family for the Prophet Allah, would that change your mind?

It's logical to fear "random death". No it's not. I worked across the street from a building that was the target of a planned terrorist attack. 18 people were arrested in the conspiracy to blow it up. I'm still not scared of terrorists. I'm also not afraid of lightning strikes, or something falling out of the sky and killing me. It could happen, but the odds are most definitely with me.

Yes, everyone applying for entry should be screened. But those who have been screened, and they are, so stop being hysterically little ninnies.

The rest of the world think you're behaving like frightened children. There are more guns than people in your country and yet you're terrified. Cowering under your beds, frightened of letting women and children in.

The odds are not with Americans as a whole. We bring in large numbers of Muslims and THERE WILL BE Americans killed because of it.

That is a certainty.

It is not bravery to do that. It is vile callousness.

The rest of the world is fucked up. Far more than even US, and we are very fucked up.
Fear is the rational response to random death.

Not being afraid of random death is the act of a fool.

Not being afraid of random death, because you assume that the odds are that it won't be you, is the act of a vile piece of shit, not worthy of being washed into the sewer with the normal run of the mill disgusting shit.

You are such a pussy.

Exposing my fellow citizens to needless and certain danger is not bravery, it is foolhardiness.

Calling me a name does not challenge that point at all.

All it does is show that you have no real argument to support your position.

This is not the first evidence condemning you. You have demonstrated many times on many topics that you are an abject coward.
Conservatives are so very much afraid of Islamic terrorists they are convinced we must be constantly vigilant, so vigilant they would deny lifesaving surgery to infants from some Muslim countries. Right-wingers believe the Iranians are so shifty, they are using their recently reactivated centrifuges to produce their dreaded nuclear baby bombs...

The righties' panties are in knots.

View attachment 111867

Following your 'conclusions', we should have allowed lots of Nazis into the nation during WWII. Or, lots of Soviets in during the Cold War.

How can you be so easily duped by the elite left?

What will it take for you to change your mind? If a radical Islamist murdered your entire family for the Prophet Allah, would that change your mind?

It's logical to fear "random death". No it's not. I worked across the street from a building that was the target of a planned terrorist attack. 18 people were arrested in the conspiracy to blow it up. I'm still not scared of terrorists. I'm also not afraid of lightning strikes, or something falling out of the sky and killing me. It could happen, but the odds are most definitely with me.

Yes, everyone applying for entry should be screened. But those who have been screened, and they are, so stop being hysterically little ninnies.

The rest of the world think you're behaving like frightened children. There are more guns than people in your country and yet you're terrified. Cowering under your beds, frightened of letting women and children in.

Nobody is cowering under their bed. Taking precautions is not cowering, taking precautions is staying ahead of the game.
Fear is the rational response to random death.

Not being afraid of random death is the act of a fool.

Not being afraid of random death, because you assume that the odds are that it won't be you, is the act of a vile piece of shit, not worthy of being washed into the sewer with the normal run of the mill disgusting shit.

You are such a pussy.

Exposing my fellow citizens to needless and certain danger is not bravery, it is foolhardiness.

Calling me a name does not challenge that point at all.

All it does is show that you have no real argument to support your position.

This is not the first evidence condemning you. You have demonstrated many times on many topics that you are an abject coward.

Nope, you have demonstrated that when you can't support your position with valid arguments, you resort to name calling.

My personal bravery is not the issue. I realize that odds make me unlikely to be personally targeted.

My concern is for the other, random people, who will certainly be killed, maimed and injured.
Fear is the rational response to random death.

Not being afraid of random death is the act of a fool.

Not being afraid of random death, because you assume that the odds are that it won't be you, is the act of a vile piece of shit, not worthy of being washed into the sewer with the normal run of the mill disgusting shit.

You are such a pussy.

Exposing my fellow citizens to needless and certain danger is not bravery, it is foolhardiness.

Calling me a name does not challenge that point at all.

All it does is show that you have no real argument to support your position.

This is not the first evidence condemning you. You have demonstrated many times on many topics that you are an abject coward.

Nope, you have demonstrated that when you can't support your position with valid arguments, you resort to name calling.


You have admitted your fear of hard work, competition, immigration, Muslims, etc. The conclusion is inescapable.
Conservatives are so very much afraid of Islamic terrorists they are convinced we must be constantly vigilant, so vigilant they would deny lifesaving surgery to infants from some Muslim countries. Right-wingers believe the Iranians are so shifty, they are using their recently reactivated centrifuges to produce their dreaded nuclear baby bombs...

The righties' panties are in knots.

View attachment 111867

Following your 'conclusions', we should have allowed lots of Nazis into the nation during WWII. Or, lots of Soviets in during the Cold War.

How can you be so easily duped by the elite left?

What will it take for you to change your mind? If a radical Islamist murdered your entire family for the Prophet Allah, would that change your mind?

It's logical to fear "random death". No it's not. I worked across the street from a building that was the target of a planned terrorist attack. 18 people were arrested in the conspiracy to blow it up. I'm still not scared of terrorists. I'm also not afraid of lightning strikes, or something falling out of the sky and killing me. It could happen, but the odds are most definitely with me.

Yes, everyone applying for entry should be screened. But those who have been screened, and they are, so stop being hysterically little ninnies.

The rest of the world think you're behaving like frightened children. There are more guns than people in your country and yet you're terrified. Cowering under your beds, frightened of letting women and children in.

The odds are not with Americans as a whole. We bring in large numbers of Muslims and THERE WILL BE Americans killed because of it.

That is a certainty.

It is not bravery to do that. It is vile callousness.

The rest of the world is fucked up. Far more than even US, and we are very fucked up.
The left wants to bring in large numbers of Muslim killers in the belief that those killed will only be conservatives. They firmly believe that the alliance between the left and the panoply of terrorist groups will save them.
Conservatives are so very much afraid of Islamic terrorists they are convinced we must be constantly vigilant, so vigilant they would deny lifesaving surgery to infants from some Muslim countries. Right-wingers believe the Iranians are so shifty, they are using their recently reactivated centrifuges to produce their dreaded nuclear baby bombs...

The righties' panties are in knots.

View attachment 111867

You hate gays?
Conservatives are so very much afraid of Islamic terrorists they are convinced we must be constantly vigilant, so vigilant they would deny lifesaving surgery to infants from some Muslim countries. Right-wingers believe the Iranians are so shifty, they are using their recently reactivated centrifuges to produce their dreaded nuclear baby bombs...

The righties' panties are in knots.

View attachment 111867

Does the infant sandmonkey have 'Obamacare'? How much is the deductible?
When my neighbor's grand child, whose parents have worked for years and contributed taxes only to watch their tax money pissed against Obama's new personal WALL, can get the medical care she is entitled to I'll maybe worry about someone else's kid 5000 miles away.
Shove your support for radical islam up your ass!
Permanent ignore!
Fear is the rational response to random death.

Not being afraid of random death is the act of a fool.

Not being afraid of random death, because you assume that the odds are that it won't be you, is the act of a vile piece of shit, not worthy of being washed into the sewer with the normal run of the mill disgusting shit.

You are such a pussy.

Exposing my fellow citizens to needless and certain danger is not bravery, it is foolhardiness.

Calling me a name does not challenge that point at all.

All it does is show that you have no real argument to support your position.

This is not the first evidence condemning you. You have demonstrated many times on many topics that you are an abject coward.

Nope, you have demonstrated that when you can't support your position with valid arguments, you resort to name calling.


You have admitted your fear of hard work, competition, immigration, Muslims, etc. The conclusion is inescapable.

In each of those cases, I supported my position, and you were unable to refute my logic so you resorted to name calling.

You seem to think that is a valid point, calling someone a name.

What you need to do, is ADMIT that importing large numbers of muslims will have some negative effects, such as a certain number of dead Americans.

Now, you need to present what benefits you see from this policy that outweighs that cost.
Fear is the rational response to random death.

Not being afraid of random death is the act of a fool.

Not being afraid of random death, because you assume that the odds are that it won't be you, is the act of a vile piece of shit, not worthy of being washed into the sewer with the normal run of the mill disgusting shit.

What the hell? Are you kidding me? What good is the fear? It is "random death". If you fear a random act I don't see how you muster the courage to climb out of the bed in the morning.
Conservatives are so very much afraid of Islamic terrorists they are convinced we must be constantly vigilant, so vigilant they would deny lifesaving surgery to infants from some Muslim countries. Right-wingers believe the Iranians are so shifty, they are using their recently reactivated centrifuges to produce their dreaded nuclear baby bombs...

The righties' panties are in knots.

View attachment 111867

Following your 'conclusions', we should have allowed lots of Nazis into the nation during WWII. Or, lots of Soviets in during the Cold War.

How can you be so easily duped by the elite left?

What will it take for you to change your mind? If a radical Islamist murdered your entire family for the Prophet Allah, would that change your mind?

Yep. I wouldn't be long for this earth, but I wouldn't go quietly and I wouldn't go alone.

So, I figure if someone's entire family gets wiped out with a drone strike they going to feel the same way.

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