The Home Of the Brave? Now That's Funny

Conservatives are so very much afraid of Islamic terrorists they are convinced we must be constantly vigilant, so vigilant they would deny lifesaving surgery to infants from some Muslim countries. Right-wingers believe the Iranians are so shifty, they are using their recently reactivated centrifuges to produce their dreaded nuclear baby bombs...

The righties' panties are in knots.

View attachment 111867

Why do we have to bring those muslim kids here? Is it our job to not only transport them and their families here but to pay for their surgery and the families welfare? And if we do that when does this hospitality end? Do they go back home or do we have to keep them here? Why should any of us be responsible for Iranian kids? Obie shipped them pallets of cash and a pathway to nukes. Is it too far out of line to think maybe we shouldn't take on all of their medical issues as well? If you're not worried about islamic terrorists you're a fucking retard. Or at minimum someone with enough protection they will never be settled near you and it's not your problem. It's someone else's problem. You know, the people that hate them when they are there unlike you not having to deal with them from afar.

The one thing I always notice about liberals. They are very giving. Of other peoples time, money and welfare. They don't give any of their own but they are quick to call you out if you don't give yours.
I tend to think the average liberal, like the OP, merely does what he is told by the elite left. They do not appear capable of thinking for themselves.
Conservatives are so very much afraid of Islamic terrorists they are convinced we must be constantly vigilant, so vigilant they would deny lifesaving surgery to infants from some Muslim countries. Right-wingers believe the Iranians are so shifty, they are using their recently reactivated centrifuges to produce their dreaded nuclear baby bombs...

The righties' panties are in knots.

View attachment 111867

Following your 'conclusions', we should have allowed lots of Nazis into the nation during WWII. Or, lots of Soviets in during the Cold War.

How can you be so easily duped by the elite left?

What will it take for you to change your mind? If a radical Islamist murdered your entire family for the Prophet Allah, would that change your mind?

It's logical to fear "random death". No it's not. I worked across the street from a building that was the target of a planned terrorist attack. 18 people were arrested in the conspiracy to blow it up. I'm still not scared of terrorists. I'm also not afraid of lightning strikes, or something falling out of the sky and killing me. It could happen, but the odds are most definitely with me.

Yes, everyone applying for entry should be screened. But those who have been screened, and they are, so stop being hysterically little ninnies.

The rest of the world think you're behaving like frightened children. There are more guns than people in your country and yet you're terrified. Cowering under your beds, frightened of letting women and children in.
You and your 'fisting buddy' Justin are starting to see hundreds of latino illegals sneaking into Canada.
I hope that number gets to be hundreds of thousands!
Justin said he was happy to take any illegal President Trump doesn't want in the US.
You and Justin can figure out how to stop every inner city in Canada from becoming what every inner city in Europe has become.
Just leave your wife and little girls and boys at home when you go to downtown Vancouver unless you want to deal with the sexual trauma they will experience at the hands of the 'young muslim men'.
Fear is the rational response to random death.

Not being afraid of random death is the act of a fool.

Not being afraid of random death, because you assume that the odds are that it won't be you, is the act of a vile piece of shit, not worthy of being washed into the sewer with the normal run of the mill disgusting shit.

What the hell? Are you kidding me? What good is the fear? It is "random death". If you fear a random act I don't see how you muster the courage to climb out of the bed in the morning.

Do you wear seat belts?
Fear is the rational response to random death.

Not being afraid of random death is the act of a fool.

Not being afraid of random death, because you assume that the odds are that it won't be you, is the act of a vile piece of shit, not worthy of being washed into the sewer with the normal run of the mill disgusting shit.

You are such a pussy.

Exposing my fellow citizens to needless and certain danger is not bravery, it is foolhardiness.

Calling me a name does not challenge that point at all.

All it does is show that you have no real argument to support your position.

This is not the first evidence condemning you. You have demonstrated many times on many topics that you are an abject coward.

Nope, you have demonstrated that when you can't support your position with valid arguments, you resort to name calling.


You have admitted your fear of hard work, competition, immigration, Muslims, etc. The conclusion is inescapable.
Fear is the rational response to random death.

Not being afraid of random death is the act of a fool.

Not being afraid of random death, because you assume that the odds are that it won't be you, is the act of a vile piece of shit, not worthy of being washed into the sewer with the normal run of the mill disgusting shit.

What the hell? Are you kidding me? What good is the fear? It is "random death". If you fear a random act I don't see how you muster the courage to climb out of the bed in the morning.

Do you wear seat belts?

Car accidents are a little more random than terrorist acts at the moment. Do you drive?
You are such a pussy.

Exposing my fellow citizens to needless and certain danger is not bravery, it is foolhardiness.

Calling me a name does not challenge that point at all.

All it does is show that you have no real argument to support your position.

This is not the first evidence condemning you. You have demonstrated many times on many topics that you are an abject coward.

Nope, you have demonstrated that when you can't support your position with valid arguments, you resort to name calling.


You have admitted your fear of hard work, competition, immigration, Muslims, etc. The conclusion is inescapable.

In each of those cases, I supported my position,....

Supported with what comes down to "Me scared!" Pathetic.
You are such a pussy.

Exposing my fellow citizens to needless and certain danger is not bravery, it is foolhardiness.

Calling me a name does not challenge that point at all.

All it does is show that you have no real argument to support your position.

This is not the first evidence condemning you. You have demonstrated many times on many topics that you are an abject coward.

Nope, you have demonstrated that when you can't support your position with valid arguments, you resort to name calling.


You have admitted your fear of hard work, competition, immigration, Muslims, etc. The conclusion is inescapable.
Fear is the rational response to random death.

Not being afraid of random death is the act of a fool.

Not being afraid of random death, because you assume that the odds are that it won't be you, is the act of a vile piece of shit, not worthy of being washed into the sewer with the normal run of the mill disgusting shit.

What the hell? Are you kidding me? What good is the fear? It is "random death". If you fear a random act I don't see how you muster the courage to climb out of the bed in the morning.

Do you wear seat belts?

Car accidents are a little more random than terrorist acts at the moment. Do you drive?

My point is obvious.

Car accidents are a low probability event but we still take precautions to protect ourselves.

Your making that out to be cowardice is simply you being dishonest because you are unable to support your position honestly based on it's merits.
Exposing my fellow citizens to needless and certain danger is not bravery, it is foolhardiness.

Calling me a name does not challenge that point at all.

All it does is show that you have no real argument to support your position.

This is not the first evidence condemning you. You have demonstrated many times on many topics that you are an abject coward.

Nope, you have demonstrated that when you can't support your position with valid arguments, you resort to name calling.


You have admitted your fear of hard work, competition, immigration, Muslims, etc. The conclusion is inescapable.

In each of those cases, I supported my position,....

Supported with what comes down to "Me scared!" Pathetic.

I am afraid of stuff like this happening to people.


IMO, any good person would be afraid of that.

We KNOW that that will happen again.

THe question is what can we do to reduce the number of times it happens.
Exposing my fellow citizens to needless and certain danger is not bravery, it is foolhardiness.

Calling me a name does not challenge that point at all.

All it does is show that you have no real argument to support your position.

This is not the first evidence condemning you. You have demonstrated many times on many topics that you are an abject coward.

Nope, you have demonstrated that when you can't support your position with valid arguments, you resort to name calling.


You have admitted your fear of hard work, competition, immigration, Muslims, etc. The conclusion is inescapable.

In each of those cases, I supported my position,....

Supported with what comes down to "Me scared!" Pathetic.

I will always remember it. Shortly after 9/11 I was working deep in the mountains, right at the North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee line. In a beautiful home on the top of a mountain I asked the owner, retired Air Force, if he was worried about terrorists. He bent over in laughter, I thought I was going to have to call 9/11 and wait for the chopper. When he finally got himself together, with tears in his eyes, he told me I was damn near the only person fool enough to come up that dirt road, besides, what would a terrorist want to do with his simple ass.
This is not the first evidence condemning you. You have demonstrated many times on many topics that you are an abject coward.

Nope, you have demonstrated that when you can't support your position with valid arguments, you resort to name calling.


You have admitted your fear of hard work, competition, immigration, Muslims, etc. The conclusion is inescapable.

In each of those cases, I supported my position,....

Supported with what comes down to "Me scared!" Pathetic.

I will always remember it. Shortly after 9/11 I was working deep in the mountains, right at the North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee line. In a beautiful home on the top of a mountain I asked the owner, retired Air Force, if he was worried about terrorists. He bent over in laughter, I thought I was going to have to call 9/11 and wait for the chopper. When he finally got himself together, with tears in his eyes, he told me I was damn near the only person fool enough to come up that dirt road, besides, what would a terrorist want to do with his simple ass.

Do you think that he didn't care what happened to his fellow Americans, like this one?

This is not the first evidence condemning you. You have demonstrated many times on many topics that you are an abject coward.

Nope, you have demonstrated that when you can't support your position with valid arguments, you resort to name calling.


You have admitted your fear of hard work, competition, immigration, Muslims, etc. The conclusion is inescapable.

In each of those cases, I supported my position,....

Supported with what comes down to "Me scared!" Pathetic.

I am afraid of stuff like this happening to people.


IMO, any good person would be afraid of that.

We KNOW that that will happen again.

THe question is what can we do to reduce the number of times it happens.
I wonder what Unkotare would be posting if one of her family members ended up like the ones in the photo?
The rest of the world think you're behaving like frightened children. There are more guns than people in your country and yet you're terrified. Cowering under your beds, frightened of letting women and children in.
Once again, you do not have the authority to speak for mankind. The fact you think you do identifies you as insane.

What rational people do is plan for the worse and hope for the best. We don't need to put ourselves in danger to fix the world's problems. On one hand lefties don't like us being involved in all the countries then on the other hand they do.

Are any kids here in need of medical care? Why not help them first?
Nope, you have demonstrated that when you can't support your position with valid arguments, you resort to name calling.


You have admitted your fear of hard work, competition, immigration, Muslims, etc. The conclusion is inescapable.

In each of those cases, I supported my position,....

Supported with what comes down to "Me scared!" Pathetic.

I am afraid of stuff like this happening to people.


IMO, any good person would be afraid of that.

We KNOW that that will happen again.

THe question is what can we do to reduce the number of times it happens.
I wonder what Unkotare would be posting if one of her family members ended up like the ones in the photo?

My concern is not personal. I understand that I am UNLIKELY to personally be a target of a terrorist attack.

That they dishonestly pretend otherwise, is just them being dicks.
Conservatives are so very much afraid of Islamic terrorists they are convinced we must be constantly vigilant, so vigilant they would deny lifesaving surgery to infants from some Muslim countries. Right-wingers believe the Iranians are so shifty, they are using their recently reactivated centrifuges to produce their dreaded nuclear baby bombs...

The righties' panties are in knots.

View attachment 111867


/--- The parents had options for other countries to take their daughter in for surgery. They turned them down holding out for Washington state. What does that tell you?
Conservatives are so very much afraid of Islamic terrorists they are convinced we must be constantly vigilant, so vigilant they would deny lifesaving surgery to infants from some Muslim countries. Right-wingers believe the Iranians are so shifty, they are using their recently reactivated centrifuges to produce their dreaded nuclear baby bombs...

The righties' panties are in knots.

View attachment 111867

Why do we have to bring those muslim kids here? Is it our job to not only transport them and their families here but to pay for their surgery and the families welfare? And if we do that when does this hospitality end? Do they go back home or do we have to keep them here? Why should any of us be responsible for Iranian kids? Obie shipped them pallets of cash and a pathway to nukes. Is it too far out of line to think maybe we shouldn't take on all of their medical issues as well? If you're not worried about islamic terrorists you're a fucking retard. Or at minimum someone with enough protection they will never be settled near you and it's not your problem. It's someone else's problem. You know, the people that hate them when they are there unlike you not having to deal with them from afar.

The one thing I always notice about liberals. They are very giving. Of other peoples time, money and welfare. They don't give any of their own but they are quick to call you out if you don't give yours.
Mike, your post asking why we should help Muslim kids reminds me of the parable of the 'Good Samaritan'. I can think of sound logical reasons for why all those Priests and Levites passed by. They all reasoned pretty much like you do, I suppose. And it even makes sense. But if you will notice, the story doesn't record the why they passed by. It only records that they did.
If I remember correctly the parable wasn't about making someone else take care of them. If people want the benefit from God for doing a good deed they need to do it themselves. I'm fine with anyone wanting to take their time, money, resources and whatever else over there to help those people. Have at it. I'll spend my time here taking care of our own.
This is not the first evidence condemning you. You have demonstrated many times on many topics that you are an abject coward.

Nope, you have demonstrated that when you can't support your position with valid arguments, you resort to name calling.


You have admitted your fear of hard work, competition, immigration, Muslims, etc. The conclusion is inescapable.

In each of those cases, I supported my position,....

Supported with what comes down to "Me scared!" Pathetic.

I am afraid of stuff like this .....

Yes, you're afraid. You're a coward.
Conservatives are so very much afraid of Islamic terrorists they are convinced we must be constantly vigilant, so vigilant they would deny lifesaving surgery to infants from some Muslim countries. Right-wingers believe the Iranians are so shifty, they are using their recently reactivated centrifuges to produce their dreaded nuclear baby bombs...

The righties' panties are in knots.

View attachment 111867


/--- The parents had options for other countries to take their daughter in for surgery. They turned them down holding out for Washington state. What does that tell you?
My property taxes just went up?
When Americans break the law and are incarcerated, they are separated from their children. That's awfully cruel, isn't it?

The rest of the world think you're behaving like frightened children. There are more guns than people in your country and yet you're terrified. Cowering under your beds, frightened of letting women and children in.
Once again, you do not have the authority to speak for mankind. The fact you think you do identifies you as insane.

What rational people do is plan for the worse and hope for the best. We don't need to put ourselves in danger to fix the world's problems. On one hand lefties don't like us being involved in all the countries then on the other hand they do.

Are any kids here in need of medical care? Why not help them first?

You don't want to help poor American kids. They're nothing but parasites to you Republicans. You're cancelling the CHIP program.
When Americans break the law and are incarcerated, they are separated from their children. That's awfully cruel, isn't it?


As mentioned earlier, families move across the country or even out of the country every day. They don't leave their kids behind, the kids go with them.
The rest of the world think you're behaving like frightened children. There are more guns than people in your country and yet you're terrified. Cowering under your beds, frightened of letting women and children in.
Once again, you do not have the authority to speak for mankind. The fact you think you do identifies you as insane.

What rational people do is plan for the worse and hope for the best. We don't need to put ourselves in danger to fix the world's problems. On one hand lefties don't like us being involved in all the countries then on the other hand they do.

Are any kids here in need of medical care? Why not help them first?

You don't want to help poor American kids. They're nothing but parasites to you Republicans. You're cancelling the CHIP program.

The Republicans created the CHIP program. Unless you have a link to your claim, nobody proposed getting rid of it.

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