The Home Of the Brave? Now That's Funny

Mighty tough words by a Trotsky like yourself...

So how many of those Muslim Refugees will you allow to live with you?

Why have you and the other Trotskies not flown the medical staff over to save that child or at least offer to pay for that child to be flown to another country to get medical treatment?

Better yet where is Jordan, Israel, or Saudi Arabia in helping that child?

Funny how you want to piss on the American Conservative while Trotskies like yourself do very little to help those children you claim you want to save!

Saudi Arabia is busy kicking 39,000 Pakistanis out of their country because of a fear of terrorism....

Saudi Arabia deporting 39,000 Pakistanis is a new low even for Nawaz Sharif

While some quarters have attributed violation of rules of residence and work as reasons for the Pakistani nationals' deportation, several reports suggest that many of them are connected with terror activities orchestrated by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
Conservatives are so very much afraid of Islamic terrorists they are convinced we must be constantly vigilant, so vigilant they would deny lifesaving surgery to infants from some Muslim countries. Right-wingers believe the Iranians are so shifty, they are using their recently reactivated centrifuges to produce their dreaded nuclear baby bombs...

The righties' panties are in knots.

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Hey, dip shit......try paying will post with more intelligence when you do....moron...And this is Trump's government granting the waver moron.......

Iranian baby girl in need of heart surgery gets waiver to enter US after travel ban

A four-month-old Iranian girl in need of an emergency heart surgery has received an emergency waiver for Donald Trump’s 90-day travel ban on Iranian citizens, New York governor Andrew Cuomo announced late Friday.

“This evening we were pleased to learn that the federal government has now granted Fatemeh Reshad and her family boarding documents to come to the United States,” Cuomo said in a statement Friday night. He said that a team of pediatric cardiac doctors at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York had agreed to help the family pro bono, and that a law firm was funding the travel.

Notice...she gets the waver, from Trump's government....and still the left wing asshole bitches....

“Bizarrely, the federal ban would prevent this child from receiving medical care and literally endanger her life,” Cuomo said. “It is repugnant to all we believe as Americans and as members of the human family.”

Notice that our medical care system is where this couple wanted to bring their baby....not Britain...which is far closer, not FRance, Sweden, or even Canada.....they wanted the baby brought to the U.S.....

Earlier on Friday, an attorney for the family, Amber Murray, said that the infant’s diagnosis of a twisted artery, requiring quick surgery, had convinced her parents to seek treatment in the US.

“In Iran there’s a 20-30% chance of success with surgery,” Murray said. “And here there’s a 97% chance of success.”

Murray said that she and another lawyer were filing paperwork Friday to apply for an exception to the ban and a visa. They were also in talks with doctors around the US to plan for surgery for Fatemah, because one of the conditions of humanitarian parole, a special visa status, is to have medical treatment scheduled and funded in advance. The attorneys, working pro bono, have planned a fundraising campaign for the family.
The odds are not with Americans as a whole. We bring in large numbers of Muslims and THERE WILL BE Americans killed because of it.

That is a certainty.

It is not bravery to do that. It is vile callousness.

The rest of the world is fucked up. Far more than even US, and we are very fucked up.

YOU are very fucked up. The rest of the world is taking in refugees. Not terrorists - refugees. People fleeing for their lives.

That you would deny thousands of helpless people a chance at a better life, shows what a frightened coward you are. The terrorists have reduced you to a snivelling frightened child. You've lost yourself utterly.

Many lives were lost to create this wonderful place we call the USA. We had to fight enemies abroad and enemies at home. We created a somewhat safe country through a lot of blood and lives.

It's up to the people of these countries to do the same, or they'll be running forever and knocking at our door and Europe forever.

It kind of reminds me of our neighborhood where we are loaded with stray cats. You can't help but to feel sorry for the hungry animals, but on the other hand, you can't take them all in either. You don't have the time, the resources, and you don't want them destroying everything you worked for.

Refugees are people, not stray cats. The richest nation on earth can take in a whole lot more refugees than any other nation, instead of the least number.

Your selfishness and indifference to the suffering of other is noted.

People suffer all over the world, should we invite the rest of the world into our country?

You may have not heard, but this country is 20 trillion dollars in debt and growing. It's the pathway to destruction for our grandchildren. It's money we will likely never be able to repay. Yet you want to bring in illegals and refugees by the tens of millions and take care of them????

Sorry, I'm all for charity, but not at the risk of losing everything we've worked for. If we were a debt-free country with no problems of our own, I'd agree with you. But that's simply not the case.
The odds are not with Americans as a whole. We bring in large numbers of Muslims and THERE WILL BE Americans killed because of it.

That is a certainty.

It is not bravery to do that. It is vile callousness.

The rest of the world is fucked up. Far more than even US, and we are very fucked up.

YOU are very fucked up. The rest of the world is taking in refugees. Not terrorists - refugees. People fleeing for their lives.

That you would deny thousands of helpless people a chance at a better life, shows what a frightened coward you are. The terrorists have reduced you to a snivelling frightened child. You've lost yourself utterly.

Many lives were lost to create this wonderful place we call the USA. We had to fight enemies abroad and enemies at home. We created a somewhat safe country through a lot of blood and lives.

It's up to the people of these countries to do the same, or they'll be running forever and knocking at our door and Europe forever.

It kind of reminds me of our neighborhood where we are loaded with stray cats. You can't help but to feel sorry for the hungry animals, but on the other hand, you can't take them all in either. You don't have the time, the resources, and you don't want them destroying everything you worked for.

Refugees are people, not stray cats. The richest nation on earth can take in a whole lot more refugees than any other nation, instead of the least number.

Your selfishness and indifference to the suffering of other is noted.

And Saudi Arabia ain't poor moron....and they just kicked out 39,000 pakistanis......and haven't exactly extended the hand of welcome to the refugees...and they are right there in the region...moron....they share the religion and culture of the refugees...or close to it.....far closer than we screw off......your America Hate is ridiculous and stupid... live in perpetual stupidity.
If that's what you call living in a civilised nation. I can understand how it would be foreign to you to not be afraid of your fellow citizens.
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The odds are not with Americans as a whole. We bring in large numbers of Muslims and THERE WILL BE Americans killed because of it.

That is a certainty.

It is not bravery to do that. It is vile callousness.

The rest of the world is fucked up. Far more than even US, and we are very fucked up.

YOU are very fucked up. The rest of the world is taking in refugees. Not terrorists - refugees. People fleeing for their lives.

That you would deny thousands of helpless people a chance at a better life, shows what a frightened coward you are. The terrorists have reduced you to a snivelling frightened child. You've lost yourself utterly.

Nothing in your post addressed my point.

You did make a lot of emotionally charged statements and you insulted me several times.

THus, your post is invalid, and you lose.

My point stands.

Also, Fuck you.

You are a whiny little bitch, coward.

Nothing in your post addressed my point.

You did make a lot of emotionally charged statements and you insulted me several times.

THus, your post is invalid, and you lose.

My point stands.

Also, Fuck you.
The odds are not with Americans as a whole. We bring in large numbers of Muslims and THERE WILL BE Americans killed because of it.

That is a certainty.

It is not bravery to do that. It is vile callousness.

The rest of the world is fucked up. Far more than even US, and we are very fucked up.

YOU are very fucked up. The rest of the world is taking in refugees. Not terrorists - refugees. People fleeing for their lives.

That you would deny thousands of helpless people a chance at a better life, shows what a frightened coward you are. The terrorists have reduced you to a snivelling frightened child. You've lost yourself utterly.

Many lives were lost to create this wonderful place we call the USA. We had to fight enemies abroad and enemies at home. We created a somewhat safe country through a lot of blood and lives.

It's up to the people of these countries to do the same, or they'll be running forever and knocking at our door and Europe forever.

It kind of reminds me of our neighborhood where we are loaded with stray cats. You can't help but to feel sorry for the hungry animals, but on the other hand, you can't take them all in either. You don't have the time, the resources, and you don't want them destroying everything you worked for.

Refugees are people, not stray cats. The richest nation on earth can take in a whole lot more refugees than any other nation, instead of the least number.

Your selfishness and indifference to the suffering of other is noted.

America's generosity and ability to assimilate immigrants is a finite resource.

If YOU LEFTIES cared a shit about refugees, you should not have exhausted America's willingness and ability for immigrants so that the rich could have cheap maids and dems could have cheap votes.
The odds are not with Americans as a whole. We bring in large numbers of Muslims and THERE WILL BE Americans killed because of it.

That is a certainty.

It is not bravery to do that. It is vile callousness.

The rest of the world is fucked up. Far more than even US, and we are very fucked up.

YOU are very fucked up. The rest of the world is taking in refugees. Not terrorists - refugees. People fleeing for their lives.

That you would deny thousands of helpless people a chance at a better life, shows what a frightened coward you are. The terrorists have reduced you to a snivelling frightened child. You've lost yourself utterly.

Nothing in your post addressed my point.

You did make a lot of emotionally charged statements and you insulted me several times.

THus, your post is invalid, and you lose.

My point stands.

Also, Fuck you.

You are a whiny little bitch, coward.

Nothing in your post addressed my point.

You did make a lot of emotionally charged statements and you insulted me several times.

THus, your post is invalid, and you lose.

My point stands.

Also, Fuck you.

Now you've been reduced to mere spamming.
The odds are not with Americans as a whole. We bring in large numbers of Muslims and THERE WILL BE Americans killed because of it.

That is a certainty.

It is not bravery to do that. It is vile callousness.

The rest of the world is fucked up. Far more than even US, and we are very fucked up.

YOU are very fucked up. The rest of the world is taking in refugees. Not terrorists - refugees. People fleeing for their lives.

That you would deny thousands of helpless people a chance at a better life, shows what a frightened coward you are. The terrorists have reduced you to a snivelling frightened child. You've lost yourself utterly.

Nothing in your post addressed my point.

You did make a lot of emotionally charged statements and you insulted me several times.

THus, your post is invalid, and you lose.

My point stands.

Also, Fuck you.

You are a whiny little bitch, coward.

Nothing in your post addressed my point.

You did make a lot of emotionally charged statements and you insulted me several times.

THus, your post is invalid, and you lose.

My point stands.

Also, Fuck you.

Now you've been reduced to mere spamming.

Oh? DId you say something new?

I'm sorry, I must of missed it, I thought you were just repeating the same shit you said before.

Select out for me, because I missed it, that new point you made that I failed to respond to.

Otherwise, if all you are doing it repeating your same shit over and over again, my response doesn't change.

WHat part of that is confusing to you?
Conservatives are so very much afraid of Islamic terrorists they are convinced we must be constantly vigilant, so vigilant they would deny lifesaving surgery to infants from some Muslim countries. Right-wingers believe the Iranians so are shifty, they are using their recently reactivated centrifuges to produce their dreaded nuclear baby bombs...

The righties' panties are in knots.

View attachment 111867


Amen! NaziCons are a bunch of chickenshits with a Timothy McVeigh mentality.
`sounds to me like the right has compassion.
according to the left we have the worst health care in the world, universe most likely.
How cruel would it be to allow an infant to come to this country and suffer our 15th century medical care when by turning them down we could force them to the better care afforded them anywhere else in the world.
Liberals are once again showing their lack of concern for human life. live in perpetual stupidity.
If that's what you call living in a civilised nation. I can understand how it would be foreign to you to not be afraid of your fellow citizens.
Should the US Gov have imported lots of Japanese, German, and Italian immigrants during WWII?

Should the US Gov have imported lots of Soviets during the Cold War?

Do you deny that importing lots of Muslims from nations known for terrorism, without any credible method of vetting, will result in the deaths of innocent Americans?

Did you fail to learn ANYTHING from 9/11, Fort Hood, Boston, San Bernandino, Dallas, and the numerous terror attacks which have occurred elsewhere in the world, by Muslim terrorists?

Are you blind or just dumb?
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Conservatives are so very much afraid of Islamic terrorists they are convinced we must be constantly vigilant, so vigilant they would deny lifesaving surgery to infants from some Muslim countries. Right-wingers believe the Iranians are so shifty, they are using their recently reactivated centrifuges to produce their dreaded nuclear baby bombs...

The righties' panties are in knots...

Whereas Liberal immigration policy consists of pulling down Uncle Sam's pants in front of waves of The Unwashed and telling him to grab his ankles...

Fortunately, sanity is returning to US immigration policy, and there isn't shit you're going to be able to do about it in the long run...

"Elections have consequences." - Barack Hussein Obama, January 23, 2009, to Republican House Whip Erik Cantor
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Conservatives are so very much afraid of Islamic terrorists they are convinced we must be constantly vigilant, so vigilant they would deny lifesaving surgery to infants from some Muslim countries. Right-wingers believe the Iranians are so shifty, they are using their recently reactivated centrifuges to produce their dreaded nuclear baby bombs...

The righties' panties are in knots.

Whereas Liberal immigration policy consists of pulling down Uncle Sam's pants in front of waves of The Unwashed and telling him to grab his ankles...

Fortunately, sanity is returning to US immigration policy, and there isn't shit you're going to be able to do about it in the long run...

I can't wait until we start getting numbers back on the impact of these polices. Especially the deportation of criminal aliens. THere is not way that can't have a big and positive effect.
Conservatives are so very much afraid of Islamic terrorists they are convinced we must be constantly vigilant, so vigilant they would deny lifesaving surgery to infants from some Muslim countries. Right-wingers believe the Iranians are so shifty, they are using their recently reactivated centrifuges to produce their dreaded nuclear baby bombs...

The righties' panties are in knots.

Whereas Liberal immigration policy consists of pulling down Uncle Sam's pants in front of waves of The Unwashed and telling him to grab his ankles...

Fortunately, sanity is returning to US immigration policy, and there isn't shit you're going to be able to do about it in the long run...

I can't wait until we start getting numbers back on the impact of these polices. Especially the deportation of criminal aliens. THere is not way that can't have a big and positive effect.
...and conversely when Muslim fanatics murder innocent Americans in the name of their Prophet, we can count on the media covering up the fact that Obama, DNC, and the elite Left are responsible. Some of us can clearly see the truth and others are easily duped by the media and their bosses the DNC and elite left.

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