The Home Of the Brave? Now That's Funny

The rest of the world think you're behaving like frightened children. There are more guns than people in your country and yet you're terrified. Cowering under your beds, frightened of letting women and children in.
Once again, you do not have the authority to speak for mankind. The fact you think you do identifies you as insane.

What rational people do is plan for the worse and hope for the best. We don't need to put ourselves in danger to fix the world's problems. On one hand lefties don't like us being involved in all the countries then on the other hand they do.

Are any kids here in need of medical care? Why not help them first?

You don't want to help poor American kids. They're nothing but parasites to you Republicans. ...

Empty, partisan bullshit.

Paul Ryan cancelled free lunches for poor kids, the same week they defunded CHIP.
The problem is who pays for all of this fucking socialist shit? Fucking Progressives want to force people they disagree with to pay for shit they don't want nothing to do with and will never use.

You mean like the military?
I thought we lost that title when they shut down Boston because of a Lite-Bright

They didn't shut down the city.
They shut down part of the city.
A cartoon's guerilla marketing campaign virtually shut down part of Boston yesterday, prompting the closing of a highway, part of the Charles River and the deployment of bomb squads.
Mooninites Shut Down Boston

Part of a road was closed for a short time. Oh no.
The rest of the world think you're behaving like frightened children. There are more guns than people in your country and yet you're terrified. Cowering under your beds, frightened of letting women and children in.
Once again, you do not have the authority to speak for mankind. The fact you think you do identifies you as insane.

What rational people do is plan for the worse and hope for the best. We don't need to put ourselves in danger to fix the world's problems. On one hand lefties don't like us being involved in all the countries then on the other hand they do.

Are any kids here in need of medical care? Why not help them first?

You don't want to help poor American kids. They're nothing but parasites to you Republicans. You're cancelling the CHIP program.

YOu don't want to help poor American kids either.

What interest do you have in helping poor American kids? What do you personally do help poor American kids? SPECIFICALLY.
Conservatives are so very much afraid of Islamic terrorists they are convinced we must be constantly vigilant, so vigilant they would deny lifesaving surgery to infants from some Muslim countries. Right-wingers believe the Iranians are so shifty, they are using their recently reactivated centrifuges to produce their dreaded nuclear baby bombs...

The righties' panties are in knots.

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Conservatives are so very much afraid of Islamic terrorists they are convinced we must be constantly vigilant, so vigilant they would deny lifesaving surgery to infants from some Muslim countries. Right-wingers believe the Iranians so are shifty, they are using their recently reactivated centrifuges to produce their dreaded nuclear baby bombs...

The righties' panties are in knots.

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Amen! NaziCons are a bunch of chickenshits with a Timothy McVeigh mentality.

Do Liberal whack-jobs ever get tired of making themselves look like ignorant dumbasses?
When Americans break the law and are incarcerated, they are separated from their children. That's awfully cruel, isn't it?


As mentioned earlier, families move across the country or even out of the country every day. They don't leave their kids behind, the kids go with them.

Yes, but then the Democrats lose many potential votes.
I thought we lost that title when they shut down Boston because of a Lite-Bright

They didn't shut down the city.
They shut down part of the city.
A cartoon's guerilla marketing campaign virtually shut down part of Boston yesterday, prompting the closing of a highway, part of the Charles River and the deployment of bomb squads.
Mooninites Shut Down Boston

Part of a road was closed for a short time. Oh no.
Ask yourself why was the road closed? The cops were afraid of Lite-Brite!
That is not the sign of a brave department.
Do Liberal whack-jobs ever get tired of making themselves look like ignorant dumbasses?

When someone knocks at your door, you like the rest of us open it a little to see what the person wants. You may leave the chain on or place your foot behind it to make it hard for the person to enter. You may talk to them through the closed and locked door or an intercom system.

Every single person does this totally instinctive act. Restricting access to your home until you determine the identity and purpose of your visitor. If it is a friend or someone who has valid business you open the door wide. You welcome them into your home after vetting them. If it is a stranger who has no business in your home or is looking for someone who does not reside there the door stays closed. You don't welcome them in.

Everyone does this to their home. Am I a racist for doing it? I don't believe so. I believe these precautions are normal and moral. They are moral because they seek to restrict entry to your home and family until you know the person and purpose of the visit.

Read the actual text of the immigration order.

Trump's Executive Order On Immigration, Annotated

Even with the "ban" in place the order allowed for exceptions to be granted at the discretion of the DHS and State Department. Your child needing surgery would be an exception.

Every Father wants to talk to the boy taking his daughter out on a date. Every Mother wants to meet the girl their son is dating. I honestly believe that this is normal and even right. The boy showing up to swim with the daughter gets less of a grilling than the one who shows up to take the daughter out. The extreme vetting that is used is what we do to protect our families.

Why is it wrong to do the same thing with our collective House?
The rest of the world think you're behaving like frightened children. There are more guns than people in your country and yet you're terrified. Cowering under your beds, frightened of letting women and children in.
Once again, you do not have the authority to speak for mankind. The fact you think you do identifies you as insane.

What rational people do is plan for the worse and hope for the best. We don't need to put ourselves in danger to fix the world's problems. On one hand lefties don't like us being involved in all the countries then on the other hand they do.

Are any kids here in need of medical care? Why not help them first?

You don't want to help poor American kids. They're nothing but parasites to you Republicans. You're cancelling the CHIP program.

The Republicans created the CHIP program. Unless you have a link to your claim, nobody proposed getting rid of it.

In one night, the GOP voted to take away these 6 essential health benefits

Here is what it said in your link:

Last night while you were sleeping, the Senate debated and ultimately passed a budget resolution that provides a pathway for Republicans to strip health care coverage away from 30 million Americans without having a single Democratic vote.

As the Senate debated the resolution that provides a blueprint to repeal the Affordable Care Act, both Republicans and Democrats had the opportunity to offer a flurry of rapid-fire amendments in a process known as “vote-a-rama.” While these votes are non-binding, the exercise provides an opportunity for senators to show where their colleagues stand on a number of key issues. And the results are not pretty.

I short, what I get out of this is that it was a mock vote and doesn't mean anything except for taking the next step towards repealing Commie Care.
What the hell? Are you kidding me? What good is the fear? It is "random death". If you fear a random act I don't see how you muster the courage to climb out of the bed in the morning.
Correll is not much into that 'meaning of words and phrases' thing.
When someone knocks at your door, you like the rest of us open it a little to see what the person wants. You may leave the chain on or place your foot behind it to make it hard for the person to enter. You may talk to them through the closed and locked door or an intercom system.
What a frightened country you must live in.
I thought we lost that title when they shut down Boston because of a Lite-Bright

They didn't shut down the city.
They shut down part of the city.
A cartoon's guerilla marketing campaign virtually shut down part of Boston yesterday, prompting the closing of a highway, part of the Charles River and the deployment of bomb squads.
Mooninites Shut Down Boston

Part of a road was closed for a short time. Oh no.
Ask yourself why was the road closed? The cops were afraid of Lite-Brite!
That is not the sign of a brave department.

Are you always this stupid?
When someone knocks at your door, you like the rest of us open it a little to see what the person wants. You may leave the chain on or place your foot behind it to make it hard for the person to enter. You may talk to them through the closed and locked door or an intercom system.
What a frightened country you must live in.

Someone knocking on your door finds it open wide in welcome?
When someone knocks at your door, you like the rest of us open it a little to see what the person wants. You may leave the chain on or place your foot behind it to make it hard for the person to enter. You may talk to them through the closed and locked door or an intercom system.
What a frightened country you must live in.
When someone knocks at your door, you like the rest of us open it a little to see what the person wants. You may leave the chain on or place your foot behind it to make it hard for the person to enter. You may talk to them through the closed and locked door or an intercom system.
What a frightened country you must live in.

Someone knocking on your door finds it open wide in welcome?

The door isn't open, but it's not locked when I'm home and awake. In the summer, my back door is open, so the cat can come in and out. The house is only locked when I'm not home, or I'm sleeping.
Being vigilant is an act of cowardice? In my experience cowards want to avoid being vigilant. They would much rather pretend there are no problems than do the heavy lifting to defend ourselves.

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