The Homosexual Dilemma

Again... we shouldn't lose sight of the fact that sexual deviancy is a threat to children and THAT is why we can never normalize sexual abnormality.
What is it that is a threat to children? Explain.

Progressives have lowered age of consent to 13 and 14 in most Eurotrash and South American nations.

Of course, if I elaborate on this any further by providing an entire plethora of historical examples of the slippery fecal-faggot fornicating fellatio fiends moving onto little boys and girls, I'll get banned again for accusing LBGT supporters of being pedophiles.
Progressives have raised the age of consent in this the same time expanding the civil rights of LBGT citizens. (I know you will ignore that fact)

What progressives raised the age of consent in this country? Please be specific.
No one with a mind that is occupied productively gives a shit about gay folk getting married.

That is SO true.

Just as no one with a mind that is occupied productively, give a shit about people who can't accept Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Gay marriage ...

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

gay marriage

Marriage... is the joining of one man and one woman.
I have been married 38 years to my wife. Only an ignorant mother hen would oppose gay folk that love each other marrying. Some folk have to be busy bodies and have bad heterosexual marriages so they have to find some one to look down on. If your marriage is healthy no other marriage be it heterosexual or gay has any influence on it. Sorry to hear things are not going well for you. Good luck.

Oh, the "how does it affect you?" idiocy for the millionth time. Does it ever occur to you dipsticks that people might be concerned about more than themselves, that they want a strong, healthy society too?
After scanning through the rather hysterical and bizarre rantings by homophobes about the age of consent- and their fascination with pedophiilia and feces and anuses- I can only come to the obvious conclusion.

Homophobes only raise these issues because they realize that Americans now want to treat homosexuals equally and fairly- and that pisses them off.

So they try to invoke 'protect the kids'- and try to whip up hysteria to equate homosexuals with pedophiles.

No matter how much such equations endangers children.

What's a homophobe?

Look it up.
No one with a mind that is occupied productively gives a shit about gay folk getting married.

That is SO true.

Just as no one with a mind that is occupied productively, give a shit about people who can't accept Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Gay marriage ...

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

gay marriage

Marriage... is the joining of one man and one woman.
I have been married 38 years to my wife. Only an ignorant mother hen would oppose gay folk that love each other marrying. Some folk have to be busy bodies and have bad heterosexual marriages so they have to find some one to look down on. If your marriage is healthy no other marriage be it heterosexual or gay has any influence on it. Sorry to hear things are not going well for you. Good luck.

Oh, the "how does it affect you?" idiocy for the millionth time. Does it ever occur to you dipsticks that people might be concerned about more than themselves, that they want a strong, healthy society too?

Does it ever occur to you that gay marriage will actually strengthen society, rather than weaken it?

As remember, gays and lesbians are part of society. Recognition of marriage does nothing to straights, while benefiting gays and their families. So its all benefit. Further, it encourages monogomy. Which is another benefit. There's also the financial benefits of all those extra weddings.

From a societal perspective, gay marriage is pure creamery butter. With essentially zero cost. Making opposition to it all the more bizarre. It doesn't effect you, costs you nothing and benefits society. What's not to love?
Mr. Mendacious admits defeat and runs away.

Marriage Equality will happen before fall nationwide.

The USA has had marriage equality for years. A union of two men or two women is not a marriage any more than a union of 6 men and 8 women is a marriage, or a union of a man and his horse is a marriage.

A marriage is one man and one woman----------always has been, always will be.

Except it isn't legally...and never has been religiously. I attended a lesbian wedding at a Southern Baptist Church in 1986...long before any legal recognition.

20 years from now, Catholic Churches will be marrying gays, you watch.
Actually the Catholic Church has demonstrated it can remain true to its teachings impervious to the tide of popular trends. This isn't the first battle we've had with a depraved culture engrossed in homosexuality.

Uh huh...that's why meat in Friday's are still a sin and un baptized babies are still in purgatory, right?
You don't know the difference between doctrine, which is unchangable and disciplines which are. That was a statement, not a question.
My guess is that you adopted your daughter because you fucked up. Is that right?

Totally incorrect. She was lovingly planned by my wife and I. She had her...I adopted her. One of the best things in our lives.

Where's her father? Whether you got sperm at a sperm bank or have a father that you keep out of the picture, one way or another you perverted the natural order to have your arrangement and delusion. It was entirely a self centered act.

Really? So the millions of heterosexuals that use IVF and AI are "selfish" and "delusional" as well? Our children have two parents, which studies have shown provides the best outcomes for children, two parents.

Why did you have children? I'm going to bet you dollars to donuts that you did it for all the same reasons that gays have children. Do you want to take our children away from us?
I married a woman, therefore setting into play a union that can bring children into the world. You deliberately set up a union that can't under any condition produce children naturally. The law should prohibited people like you from having children, deliberately depriving them of a father or a mother.

:lol: Good luck with that, Fascist.
I dream big and remember how often people are wrong about what's possible.
Totally incorrect. She was lovingly planned by my wife and I. She had her...I adopted her. One of the best things in our lives.

Where's her father? Whether you got sperm at a sperm bank or have a father that you keep out of the picture, one way or another you perverted the natural order to have your arrangement and delusion. It was entirely a self centered act.

Really? So the millions of heterosexuals that use IVF and AI are "selfish" and "delusional" as well? Our children have two parents, which studies have shown provides the best outcomes for children, two parents.

Why did you have children? I'm going to bet you dollars to donuts that you did it for all the same reasons that gays have children. Do you want to take our children away from us?
I married a woman, therefore setting into play a union that can bring children into the world. You deliberately set up a union that can't under any condition produce children naturally. The law should prohibited people like you from having children, deliberately depriving them of a father or a mother.

:lol: Good luck with that, Fascist.
I dream big and remember how often people are wrong about what's possible.

Oh, its not that your plan is unrealistic and fundamentally incompatible with our nation's beliefs and freedoms.

Its that you want to. That given the power, you'd enact laws just like that.......literally prohibiting people you don't like from having children. As I said, gays and lesbians have far more to worry from you and your ilk regarding the loss of rights, then you ever have from them. As given the power, you'd do some pretty monstrous things to them.

And given the power, they'd simply go about their lives around you.

And the astonishing part? The part that leaves rational people with their jaw dropped? You consider yourself the victim here.
No one with a mind that is occupied productively gives a shit about gay folk getting married.

That is SO true.

Just as no one with a mind that is occupied productively, give a shit about people who can't accept Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Gay marriage ...

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

gay marriage

Marriage... is the joining of one man and one woman.
I have been married 38 years to my wife. Only an ignorant mother hen would oppose gay folk that love each other marrying. Some folk have to be busy bodies and have bad heterosexual marriages so they have to find some one to look down on. If your marriage is healthy no other marriage be it heterosexual or gay has any influence on it. Sorry to hear things are not going well for you. Good luck.

Oh, the "how does it affect you?" idiocy for the millionth time. Does it ever occur to you dipsticks that people might be concerned about more than themselves, that they want a strong, healthy society too?

Well, then it's a good thing that my civil marriage to my life partner of 20 years only makes our society stronger and healthier then.
No one with a mind that is occupied productively gives a shit about gay folk getting married.

That is SO true.

Just as no one with a mind that is occupied productively, give a shit about people who can't accept Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Gay marriage ...

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

gay marriage

Marriage... is the joining of one man and one woman.
I have been married 38 years to my wife. Only an ignorant mother hen would oppose gay folk that love each other marrying. Some folk have to be busy bodies and have bad heterosexual marriages so they have to find some one to look down on. If your marriage is healthy no other marriage be it heterosexual or gay has any influence on it. Sorry to hear things are not going well for you. Good luck.

Oh, the "how does it affect you?" idiocy for the millionth time. Does it ever occur to you dipsticks that people might be concerned about more than themselves, that they want a strong, healthy society too?

Well, then it's a good thing that my civil marriage to my life partner of 20 years only makes our society stronger and healthier then.

Anytime two freaks do something abnormal thinking that what you have will ever come close to my real marriage with a woman, it weakens society.
No one with a mind that is occupied productively gives a shit about gay folk getting married.

That is SO true.

Just as no one with a mind that is occupied productively, give a shit about people who can't accept Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Gay marriage ...

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

gay marriage

Marriage... is the joining of one man and one woman.
I have been married 38 years to my wife. Only an ignorant mother hen would oppose gay folk that love each other marrying. Some folk have to be busy bodies and have bad heterosexual marriages so they have to find some one to look down on. If your marriage is healthy no other marriage be it heterosexual or gay has any influence on it. Sorry to hear things are not going well for you. Good luck.

Oh, the "how does it affect you?" idiocy for the millionth time. Does it ever occur to you dipsticks that people might be concerned about more than themselves, that they want a strong, healthy society too?

Well, then it's a good thing that my civil marriage to my life partner of 20 years only makes our society stronger and healthier then.

Anytime two freaks do something abnormal thinking that what you have will ever come close to my real marriage with a woman, it weakens society.

If that were actually true and not your bigoted, homophobic, anti gay'd actually be winning cases in court because then you'd be able to demonstrate a societal harm in allowing my civil marriage.

But alas for the bigots, there is no societal harm in allowing gays to marry their consenting adult life partners. Too bad for you, great for the rest of the country. :lol:
...there is no societal harm in allowing gays to marry their consenting adult life partners. Too bad for you, great for the rest of the country. :lol:

I'd think that is the ultimate test.

While we do allow things that are considered harmful (smoking, drinking, whatever), if gay marriage cannot clearly be shown to do harm to a society then there isn't a compelling argument against it. Outside of adherence to a religious book, and that ain't good enough.

the libs in this thread keep talking about no need to procreate; not surprising since they defend millions of babies being slaughtered.
I think you hit on an excellent strategy. Blame the gays for abortion.

it went over your head- libs are trying to justify no procreation. Get it? If no procreation is the norm, gay sex is the new norm; get it? (because gays CANNOT procreate)
They are related via several venues - one - they are both Mental illness -two- they are both unhealthy - three - for the sake of this discussion , they are related in that they are both modes of HIV transmission

Homosexuality isn't a mental illness. So says the APA for about a generation and change. They've found no particular psychopathology associated with homosexuality. Gays and lesbians aren't different than straights in psychological functioning. They simply have a different sexual preference.

And as is your way, you ignore anything that contradicts you. But really, who cares? The APA vs. you on what constitutes a mental illness has the same winner every time. And its not you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about. Where as the APA has collective millennium of relevant experience in psychological assessment and have extensively tested the issue. And in a generation, the evidence reaffirming their 1973 conclusion has only grown.

And you have failed to establish any particular relevance between intravenous drug use and homosexuality. Rendering your post on the matter irrelevant.

Only wrong in the fantasy world in which you wallow - in the REAL World of hard cruel facts - I've never been wrong in any discussion with you . Sorry Pal Tinkerbell is not going to swoop out of the sky and sprinkle your castle with fairy dust - the only thing a real tinkerbell might do for you is give you a Golden shower.

In the real world, almost all abusers of children are heterosexual men. A child is more than 100 times more likely to be abused by a heterosexual man having a relationship with their mother or female relative than by a homosexual. But as is your way, you ignore anything that contradicts you. And irrationally focus on the homosexual, ignoring the heterosexual men comprise the overwhelming majority of sexual predators of children.

Worse, you've laughably tried to convince us that a man who self identifies as homosexual, who is sexually attracted to women, that is having a heterosexual relationship with a actually a gay man.

Which is absurd. And as elegant a demonstration of how little sense your argument makes. You're quite simply clueless. And allowing your bigotry and personal animus toward gays to overwhelm your reason.

No thank you.

Michael Swift was the pseudonym used by a Gay activist writer for the Boston Community Gay News - the article cited was satirical in nature and written back in the 80s - given the advances the perverts movement has made over the past 2 decades what he satirized no longer seems so far away.

Odd, you didn't present it as satire.

Glad I asked.

Homosexuality isn't a mental illness. So says the APA for about a generation and change. They've found no particular psychopathology associated with homosexuality. Gays and lesbians aren't different than straights in psychological functioning. They simply have a different sexual preference.

Psychology initially studied homosexuality as an abnormal phenomenon. Until the 1970s, psychology/psychiatry viewed homosexuality as a pathology and a mental illness.

That classification began to be scrutinized by some researchers, they claimed that science failed to produce any empirical evidence or scientific basis for regarding homosexuality as a disorder or abnormality- based on their revised definitions of what was normal and abnormal and what constituted a mental disorder. It was also challenged by politically charged gay activist groups.

As a result of very limited research, and highly controversial and tainted research at the time, minor opposition to the the classification of homosexuality as a mental disorder arose. Some such as Dr. Nicholas Cummings one of the primary movers in having Homosexuality declassified as a mental Illness and author of the proposal to remove it from the DSM made the following admission ...

"....I made the resolution that being gay was not a mental illness, that it was character logical,.... I also said with that, that the APA, if it passes this resolution, will also vote to continue research that demonstrates whatever the research demonstrates. Unbiased, open research. "

Dr Cummings, is a true scientist and a firm believer in Scientific Objectivity, which is a basis of all science, or at least its supposed to be. Objectivity is a basic philosophical concept, related to reality and truth. Objectivity means the state or quality of being true even outside of a subject's individual biases. Scientific Objectivity is a value that informs how scientific studies are conducted and how scientific truths are arrived at. It is the idea that scientists, in attempting to uncover truths about the natural world, must aspire to eliminate personal biases, emotional involvement, etc . Today, it is nowhere to be found in the APA Scientific Objectivity has been swept under the carpet and completely forgotten. Since at least the Mid 90s leftist Ideology rules at the APA. Cummings has stated that its members are cherry picking results to fit their Agenda. As per Cummings the gay rights movement sort of captured the APA.

The American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder after years of political pressure from gay activists and under the limited weight of tainted and poorly implemented studies. The American Psychiatrics association board of trustees passed this decision followed by a statement which listed among the reasons for their decision as changing social norms and growing gay rights activism . So basically, a scientific institution was coerced into changing a scientific opinion or classification due to political pressure and false evidence.

The APA vs. you

Dr. Rogers Wright- Co Author of Destructive trends in Mental Health - Destructive Trends in Mental Health The Well Intentioned Path to Harm 9780415950862 Rogers H. Wright Nicholas A. Cummings Books

Dr. Nicholas Cumming [Mentioned above - the man who wrote the motion to have Homosexuality declassified as a mental illness back in the 70s]

Dr. Jeffrey Satinover stated that mental-health organizations had allowed themselves to be manipulated and commandeered by the gay agenda which has deliberately distorted research findings to serve their own goals. He called this distortion of the science, "appalling beyond imagination." Dr. Satinover has also taught constitutional law at Princeton.

Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons - stated that the American Psychiatric Association (APA) has continuously ignored evidence that homosexuality is a manifestation of a psychiatric disorder. In their recent call for the legalization of homosexual marriage, "the APA has revealed a political bias that is of no service to homosexuals,"

There are dozens of vocal opponents who oppose the APA - and thousands more who lack the courage to speak out- it is an unwritten law that "Thous shalt not oppose LGBT" under penalty of Academic death

In the real world, almost all abusers of children are heterosexual men. A child is more than 100 times more likely to be abused by a heterosexual man having a relationship with their mother or female relative than by a homosexual.

You pulled that 100X figure out of your ass - you are not as ignorant , nor as lacking in intelligence as your posts would seem to indicate - it appears to me you are just plain lazy - get your numbers straight.... speaking of pulling things out of your ass .......... uh ... nah ... I'm not gonna go there rt now ...

Anyway - leave your son in the care of a faggot and the odds are approximately 300X more likely that he'll get schooled on travelling the Hershey highway than if you were to leave him in the care of a sane person.

Gay Men comprise about 2 - 3 % of the population - yet are responsible for about 35% of Child Molestation cases
They are related via several venues - one - they are both Mental illness -two- they are both unhealthy - three - for the sake of this discussion , they are related in that they are both modes of HIV transmission

Homosexuality isn't a mental illness. So says the APA for about a generation and change. They've found no particular psychopathology associated with homosexuality. Gays and lesbians aren't different than straights in psychological functioning. They simply have a different sexual preference.

And as is your way, you ignore anything that contradicts you. But really, who cares? The APA vs. you on what constitutes a mental illness has the same winner every time. And its not you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about. Where as the APA has collective millennium of relevant experience in psychological assessment and have extensively tested the issue. And in a generation, the evidence reaffirming their 1973 conclusion has only grown.

And you have failed to establish any particular relevance between intravenous drug use and homosexuality. Rendering your post on the matter irrelevant.

Only wrong in the fantasy world in which you wallow - in the REAL World of hard cruel facts - I've never been wrong in any discussion with you . Sorry Pal Tinkerbell is not going to swoop out of the sky and sprinkle your castle with fairy dust - the only thing a real tinkerbell might do for you is give you a Golden shower.

In the real world, almost all abusers of children are heterosexual men. A child is more than 100 times more likely to be abused by a heterosexual man having a relationship with their mother or female relative than by a homosexual. But as is your way, you ignore anything that contradicts you. And irrationally focus on the homosexual, ignoring the heterosexual men comprise the overwhelming majority of sexual predators of children.

Worse, you've laughably tried to convince us that a man who self identifies as homosexual, who is sexually attracted to women, that is having a heterosexual relationship with a actually a gay man.

Which is absurd. And as elegant a demonstration of how little sense your argument makes. You're quite simply clueless. And allowing your bigotry and personal animus toward gays to overwhelm your reason.

No thank you.

Michael Swift was the pseudonym used by a Gay activist writer for the Boston Community Gay News - the article cited was satirical in nature and written back in the 80s - given the advances the perverts movement has made over the past 2 decades what he satirized no longer seems so far away.

Odd, you didn't present it as satire.

Glad I asked.

Odd, you didn't present it as satire.

I provided you the link - like the old saying - you can lead a Jack Ass to water but you can't make it think.

Glad I asked.

You didn't ask-you only asked who the author was because you were too lazy to look it up yourself
After scanning through the rather hysterical and bizarre rantings by homophobes about the age of consent- and their fascination with pedophiilia and feces and anuses- I can only come to the obvious conclusion.

Homophobes only raise these issues because they realize that Americans now want to treat homosexuals equally and fairly- and that pisses them off.

So they try to invoke 'protect the kids'- and try to whip up hysteria to equate homosexuals with pedophiles.

No matter how much such equations endangers children.

What's a homophobe?
A member of an enlightened oppressed intellectual minority
Why do gays NEED to adopt children, again? this itself seems like a phony argument that becomes a self fulfilling rationalization, along the lines of: Gays need rights because they have children so we need to protect that, because they LOVE their children and their spouses....That is the most irrational cyclical argument floating out in internet land. Gays can't HAVE children, there for, they don't need parental rights, which is all marriage comes down to. Period, it is that simple.

Gays DO have children...I've had five. Why are our families less deserving of the rights, benefits and privileges of civil marriage?

Also, can you please name for us the state or locality that requires procreation in order to apply for a civil marriage license? Can you cite one instance of a civil marriage license being revoked due to the couple's inability or refusal to procreate?
Yet another strawman. Nobody's claiming that procreation is a requirement for marriage. What we are saying is that when you deliberately construct a union that can't produce children, you shouldn't have the right to abuse children by sucking them into your deviant apparatus utilizing artificial means.

Stop the lies.

Folks argue all the time on the Board that reproduction is a requirement. Pop23 lives and dies by that stupdiity.

People who can't have children get married and adopt, hetero and homo.

Parents, homo and hetero, abuse children.

The issue is bad parenting, not sexual orientation.

Your conclusions do not hold up.

Actually it hasn't happened once. It's just your Left wing delusion misinterpreting what people are saying. So when we say that the purpose of marriage is the creation of a family, you read that children have to be a requirement for any marriage, purposely bypassing the general concept and reading into it a rigid rule that was never implied. You, being an immoral Leftist, not only lie to everyone, but you lie to yourself too.

Now marriage is about family, not necessarily children?

Slide step and changing the goal line.

But it does not matter.

You don't define what is family. You are no more an authority that Keys.

End of that nonsense.
If that were actually true and not your bigoted, homophobic, anti gay'd actually be winning cases in court.


Those cases aren't being 'heard' in court... they're being sent to courts, where the jurist is a subjective advocate for the Normalization of Sexual Abnormality. There's no 'win' there.

IF those cases had been 'heard' and the 'ruling' had followed sound reason... then the elections which followed such would not have resulted in the political advocates of those 'rulings' being kicked to the curb.

As it stands now, since the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality took power in 08, your political power structure has lost >1300 public offices, across entire spectrum: local, state and federal.

But alas for the bigots...

Bigotry: intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

Huh.. now isn't that YOU, showing intolerance toward those who hold opinions that are different from YOURS?

In truth, Sexual Abnormality threatens children, by diluting the soundly reasoned constructs which are designed to protect children, from people who reason perversely.... who reject sound sexual propriety; through which sound families are formed, where children are raised through the complimenting natures of the respective genders; a function that sexual abnormality wholly rejects.

It turns out that the mere tolerance of sexual deviancy threatens the safety and well being of children and in THAT... you see the reason that the Ideological Left is being rejected, at every level of government, throughout the United States.
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