The Homosexual Dilemma

But at the end of the day, setting their propensity for contracting deadly viruses... Homosexuality is a direct threat to children.

And that is why we cannot allow threats to children become culturally normalized.

Hateful bigoted idiocy.
No one with a mind that is occupied productively gives a shit about gay folk getting married.

That is SO true.

Just as no one with a mind that is occupied productively, give a shit about people who can't accept Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Gay marriage ...

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

gay marriage

Marriage... is the joining of one man and one woman.
I have been married 38 years to my wife. Only an ignorant mother hen would oppose gay folk that love each other marrying. Some folk have to be busy bodies and have bad heterosexual marriages so they have to find some one to look down on. If your marriage is healthy no other marriage be it heterosexual or gay has any influence on it. Sorry to hear things are not going well for you. Good luck.
No one with a mind that is occupied productively gives a shit about gay folk getting married.

That is SO true.

Just as no one with a mind that is occupied productively, give a shit about people who can't accept Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Gay marriage ...

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

gay marriage

Marriage... is the joining of one man and one woman.
I have been married 38 years to my wife. Only an ignorant mother hen would oppose gay folk that love each other marrying. Some folk have to be busy bodies and have bad heterosexual marriages so they have to find some one to look down on. If your marriage is healthy no other marriage be it heterosexual or gay has any influence on it. Sorry to hear things are not going well for you. Good luck.

That's always been my thought. If the quality of your marriage is based on your ability to deny that right to others, then clearly your marriage is already in trouble.
Where R My Keys simple asserts opinion as proof and then makes an appeal to emotion as well as an appeal to disease (HV) ignoring that the majority of victims are female who have heterosexual relations.

He has every right to what he thinks, but he is not effective in the slightest in arguing against marriage equality,

Once again you clowns demonstrate your propensity for slanting facts to suit your needs - the predominant mode trough which females contract HIV can be traced to sex with bisexual faggots.


And why do women contract the HIV?

Sharing needles with homosexual men, and/or anal intercourse with bi-sexual; which is to say homosexual men, er uh... 'males', as it were and of course... being lucky enough to be a downstream recipient of blood from a homosexual donor.

As noted earlier, absent a homosexual being in the mix somewhere... there is no HIV.

No, that would be having sex with heterosexual men. With the overwhelming majority of all HIV cases being heterosexuals.

There has never been a documented case of a heterosexual man having ever contracted HIV, except where the Heterosexual male shared a needle with a homosexual or was given blood tainted by a homosexual.

Now African males (males actually living in Africa, not the faux variation living elsewhere, who've never set foot upon the continent...) are the most likely to have the HIV.

And how did they contract it? Having anal sex with other African Males, OR... having sex with woman, who had sex with an African male, who had had anal sex with another african male. Ya see scamp... in Africa, so dumbass started a rumor that if you are a male who fornicates with another male, you can STILL REMAIN 'a man' as long as you're the pitcher and not the catcher.

That dumbass was of course dead wrong... and we can rest assured he's long since dead, having likely contracted the HIV shortly after he came up with the colossal misnomer. Which should have been a serious clue that he was wrong, but sadly, African Males aren't actually noted for their 'long game' thinkin', which in a wicked twist of irony, is also a problematic trait among homosexuals everywhere; which AGAIN: is a serious clue. But let's test it... and see if it sticks?

It is pretty accepted as fact that HIV is a descendant of a Simian Immunodeficiency Virus. Basically - it originated in Monkeys . While tracing its origins it was discovered that HIV is genetically descended from SIV [Simian immune deficiency] - HIVs origins can be traced through several species of apes - the big question was how the virus traveled from apes into the human population.

Two possibilities

1.} Some African Queer was/were shagging Monkeys - not unheard of since middle eastern queers do it with sheep and western queers do it with anything that will move and has a hole.

2.} Some Africans ate uncooked - or poorly cooked monkey meat - the most likely possibility.

Given that the virus can travel from ape to man by eating un or under cooked monkey meat -- it's quite possible and probable that the primitive jungle folk are still doing this -which may explain its high rate of occurrence in African Males.
It is pretty accepted as fact that HIV is a descendant of a Simian Immunodeficiency Virus. Basically - it originated in Monkeys . While tracing its origins it was discovered that HIV is genetically descended from SIV [Simian immune deficiency] - HIVs origins can be traced through several species of apes - the big question was how the virus traveled from apes into the human population.

Two possibilities

1.} Some African Queer was/were shagging Monkeys - not unheard of since middle eastern queers do it with sheep and western queers do it with anything that will move and has a hole.

2.} Some Africans ate uncooked - or poorly cooked monkey meat - the most likely possibility.

Given that the virus can travel from ape to man by eating un or under cooked monkey meat -- it's quite possible and probable that the primitive jungle folk are still doing this -which may explain its high rate of occurrence in African Males.

The Bushmeat scenario is by far the most plausible, as it happens the most often. Bush meat is a gamey staple of sorts, the African equivalent of rabbit or quail. Its literally on the menu in many restaurants. And the most plausible scenario isn't that they ate uncooked bushmeat. Its that they cut themselves while butchering it. Also not uncommon.
Says who?

Says reality, which is a good, close personal friend of sound reason... so, well... you know, they're the same one's that note that Sexual Abnormality is a clear and present threat to Children and THAT is why, is why humanity has always forbidden it.

You're not citing 'reality'. You're citing yourself.
I'm citing sound reason. Now YOU may feel that 'normal people' exchange dirty needles with other people, or to enter the rectum of multiple parties, or allow multiple parties to enter their rectum... but, in truth, they don't.

And since THAT is how HIV is contracted... it's not something to which normal people are subjected, EXCEPT where, they either have sex with someone who had sex with a homosexual or they are subject to blood which was tainted by the above noted deviants.

You can cry that you feel VERY STRONGLY that such is not true... but in reality (as cited above) normal people have NO CHANCE of contracting the HIV.

YOU may feel that 'normal people' exchange dirty needles with other people, or to enter the rectum of multiple parties, or allow multiple parties to enter their rectum... but, in truth, they don't.

Whats normal to one man is perverted and sickening to another. A sane man wouldn't think about sticking a needle into himself - especially one that was just stuck in someone else's arm - but a junkie would. A sane man wouldn't think of of sticking his penis in another mans ass or vice versa - in fact it is highly repulsive just to think about it -but a faggot would , and lick it off when hes done.

That is basically where he Homosexual Dilemma arises - the mentally ill are seeking to run the asylum that we call society, and have this type of activity treated as "normal" - and worse they seek to force it upon the younger generation with or without parental approval - they believe they have this "right" to "educate" children in the correct manner of thinking.

We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together. Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us....

Internet History Sourcebooks Project
It is pretty accepted as fact that HIV is a descendant of a Simian Immunodeficiency Virus. Basically - it originated in Monkeys . While tracing its origins it was discovered that HIV is genetically descended from SIV [Simian immune deficiency] - HIVs origins can be traced through several species of apes - the big question was how the virus traveled from apes into the human population.

Two possibilities

1.} Some African Queer was/were shagging Monkeys - not unheard of since middle eastern queers do it with sheep and western queers do it with anything that will move and has a hole.

2.} Some Africans ate uncooked - or poorly cooked monkey meat - the most likely possibility.

Given that the virus can travel from ape to man by eating un or under cooked monkey meat -- it's quite possible and probable that the primitive jungle folk are still doing this -which may explain its high rate of occurrence in African Males.

The Bushmeat scenario is by far the most plausible, as it happens the most often. Bush meat is a gamey staple of sorts, the African equivalent of rabbit or quail. Its literally on the menu in many restaurants. And the most plausible scenario isn't that they ate uncooked bushmeat. Its that they cut themselves while butchering it. Also not uncommon.

Wow - for once we actually agree on something - miracles never cease . But just for the record - many primitive tribesmen - not just Africans - are known to eat raw meat - even the enlightened Jews have a dish made from raw chop meat.
Whats normal to one man is perverted and sickening to another. A sane man wouldn't think about sticking a needle into himself - especially one that was just stuck in someone else's arm - but a junkie would. A sane man wouldn't think of of sticking his penis in another mans ass or vice versa - in fact it is highly repulsive just to think about it -but a faggot would , and lick it off when hes done.

That is basically where he Homosexual Dilemma arises - the mentally ill are seeking to run the asylum that we call society, and have this type of activity treated as "normal" - and worse they seek to force it upon the younger generation with or without parental approval - they believe they have this "right" to "educate" children in the correct manner of thinking.

You're going to need to get a lot more specific with that argument, as it rather vague. You seem to be lumping intravenous drug use with homosexuality, as if one is intrinsic to the other. And I don't see that as likely. Especially given how spectacularly wrong you've been on virtually every other claim you've made regarding gays, children, etc.

As for 'forcing it upon a younger generation', what exactly are you referring to?

We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together. Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us....

Internet History Sourcebooks Project
And who is 'Michael Swift'?
It is pretty accepted as fact that HIV is a descendant of a Simian Immunodeficiency Virus. Basically - it originated in Monkeys . While tracing its origins it was discovered that HIV is genetically descended from SIV [Simian immune deficiency] - HIVs origins can be traced through several species of apes - the big question was how the virus traveled from apes into the human population.

Two possibilities

1.} Some African Queer was/were shagging Monkeys - not unheard of since middle eastern queers do it with sheep and western queers do it with anything that will move and has a hole.

2.} Some Africans ate uncooked - or poorly cooked monkey meat - the most likely possibility.

Given that the virus can travel from ape to man by eating un or under cooked monkey meat -- it's quite possible and probable that the primitive jungle folk are still doing this -which may explain its high rate of occurrence in African Males.

The Bushmeat scenario is by far the most plausible, as it happens the most often. Bush meat is a gamey staple of sorts, the African equivalent of rabbit or quail. Its literally on the menu in many restaurants. And the most plausible scenario isn't that they ate uncooked bushmeat. Its that they cut themselves while butchering it. Also not uncommon.

Wow - for once we actually agree on something - miracles never cease . But just for the record - many primitive tribesmen - not just Africans - are known to eat raw meat - even the enlightened Jews have a dish made from raw chop meat. And Turks have a delicacy of raw monkey brains ....[See Faces of Death] Bizarre Foods - Eating a Real Monkey Brain Video
Whats normal to one man is perverted and sickening to another. A sane man wouldn't think about sticking a needle into himself - especially one that was just stuck in someone else's arm - but a junkie would. A sane man wouldn't think of of sticking his penis in another mans ass or vice versa - in fact it is highly repulsive just to think about it -but a faggot would , and lick it off when hes done.

That is basically where he Homosexual Dilemma arises - the mentally ill are seeking to run the asylum that we call society, and have this type of activity treated as "normal" - and worse they seek to force it upon the younger generation with or without parental approval - they believe they have this "right" to "educate" children in the correct manner of thinking.

You're going to need to get a lot more specific with that argument, as it rather vague. You seem to be lumping intravenous drug use with homosexuality, as if one is intrinsic to the other. And I don't see that as likely. Especially given how spectacularly wrong you've been on virtually every other claim you've made regarding gays, children, etc.

As for 'forcing it upon a younger generation', what exactly are you referring to?

We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together. Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us....

Internet History Sourcebooks Project
And who is 'Michael Swift'?

You're going to need to get a lot more specific with that argument, as it rather vague. You seem to be lumping intravenous drug use with homosexuality, as if one is intrinsic to the other.

They are related via several venues - one - they are both Mental illness -two- they are both unhealthy - three - for the sake of this discussion , they are related in that they are both modes of HIV transmission

. And I don't see that as likely. Especially given how spectacularly wrong you've been on virtually every other claim you've made regarding gays, children, etc.

Only wrong in the fantasy world in which you wallow - in the REAL World of hard cruel facts - I've never been wrong in any discussion with you . Sorry Pal Tinkerbell is not going to swoop out of the sky and sprinkle your castle with fairy dust - the only thing a real tinkerbell might do for you is give you a Golden shower.

As for 'forcing it upon a younger generation', what exactly are you referring to?

PULLLL- EEeeezz - I could fill up the next 15 pages of this forum with incidents and examples --- why don't you start with this quote from an article found in a mainstream Gay publication.

"....Can We Please Just Start Admitting That We Do Actually Want To Indoctrinate Kids? - Why would we push anti-bullying programs or social studies classes that teach kids about the historical contributions of famous queers unless we wanted to deliberately educate children to accept queer sexuality as normal? ... We want educators to teach future generations of children to accept queer sexuality. In fact, our very future depends on it. Recruiting children? You bet we are ... I for one certainly want tons of school children to learn that it is OK to be gay.... And I would very much like for many of these young boys to grow up and start f**ing men..."

Can We Please Just Start Admitting That We Do Actually Want To Indoctrinate Kids Queerty

Go onto a few of what you consider "homophobic" sites such as MassResistance, MassResistance or [ Don't even ask why the fuck they used such a ridiculous name - cause I dunno !] -

Parents, as well as the general public are generally unaware of the fact that there is a well organized mob, well oiled machine like activist groups vigorously seeking to indoctrinate and promote homosexuality to societies youngest members. Activists are well aware that if they can capture the hearts and manipulate the minds of our children at the earliest possible age they will have, for all intensive purposes, perverted society to suit their devious agenda.
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Whats normal to one man is perverted and sickening to another. A sane man wouldn't think about sticking a needle into himself - especially one that was just stuck in someone else's arm - but a junkie would. A sane man wouldn't think of of sticking his penis in another mans ass or vice versa - in fact it is highly repulsive just to think about it -but a faggot would , and lick it off when hes done.

That is basically where he Homosexual Dilemma arises - the mentally ill are seeking to run the asylum that we call society, and have this type of activity treated as "normal" - and worse they seek to force it upon the younger generation with or without parental approval - they believe they have this "right" to "educate" children in the correct manner of thinking.

You're going to need to get a lot more specific with that argument, as it rather vague. You seem to be lumping intravenous drug use with homosexuality, as if one is intrinsic to the other. And I don't see that as likely. Especially given how spectacularly wrong you've been on virtually every other claim you've made regarding gays, children, etc.

As for 'forcing it upon a younger generation', what exactly are you referring to?

We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together. Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us....

Internet History Sourcebooks Project
And who is 'Michael Swift'?

Michael Swift was the pseudonym used by a Gay activist writer for the Boston Community Gay News - the article cited was satirical in nature and written back in the 80s - given the advances the perverts movement has made over the past 2 decades what he satirized no longer seems so far away.
They are related via several venues - one - they are both Mental illness -two- they are both unhealthy - three - for the sake of this discussion , they are related in that they are both modes of HIV transmission

Homosexuality isn't a mental illness. So says the APA for about a generation and change. They've found no particular psychopathology associated with homosexuality. Gays and lesbians aren't different than straights in psychological functioning. They simply have a different sexual preference.

And as is your way, you ignore anything that contradicts you. But really, who cares? The APA vs. you on what constitutes a mental illness has the same winner every time. And its not you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about. Where as the APA has collective millennium of relevant experience in psychological assessment and have extensively tested the issue. And in a generation, the evidence reaffirming their 1973 conclusion has only grown.

And you have failed to establish any particular relevance between intravenous drug use and homosexuality. Rendering your post on the matter irrelevant.

Only wrong in the fantasy world in which you wallow - in the REAL World of hard cruel facts - I've never been wrong in any discussion with you . Sorry Pal Tinkerbell is not going to swoop out of the sky and sprinkle your castle with fairy dust - the only thing a real tinkerbell might do for you is give you a Golden shower.

In the real world, almost all abusers of children are heterosexual men. A child is more than 100 times more likely to be abused by a heterosexual man having a relationship with their mother or female relative than by a homosexual. But as is your way, you ignore anything that contradicts you. And irrationally focus on the homosexual, ignoring the heterosexual men comprise the overwhelming majority of sexual predators of children.

Worse, you've laughably tried to convince us that a man who self identifies as homosexual, who is sexually attracted to women, that is having a heterosexual relationship with a actually a gay man.

Which is absurd. And as elegant a demonstration of how little sense your argument makes. You're quite simply clueless. And allowing your bigotry and personal animus toward gays to overwhelm your reason.

No thank you.

Michael Swift was the pseudonym used by a Gay activist writer for the Boston Community Gay News - the article cited was satirical in nature and written back in the 80s - given the advances the perverts movement has made over the past 2 decades what he satirized no longer seems so far away.

Odd, you didn't present it as satire.

Glad I asked.
Why do gays NEED to adopt children, again? this itself seems like a phony argument that becomes a self fulfilling rationalization, along the lines of: Gays need rights because they have children so we need to protect that, because they LOVE their children and their spouses....That is the most irrational cyclical argument floating out in internet land. Gays can't HAVE children, there for, they don't need parental rights, which is all marriage comes down to. Period, it is that simple.

Gays DO have children...I've had five. Why are our families less deserving of the rights, benefits and privileges of civil marriage?

Also, can you please name for us the state or locality that requires procreation in order to apply for a civil marriage license? Can you cite one instance of a civil marriage license being revoked due to the couple's inability or refusal to procreate?
Yet another strawman. Nobody's claiming that procreation is a requirement for marriage. What we are saying is that when you deliberately construct a union that can't produce children, you shouldn't have the right to abuse children by sucking them into your deviant apparatus utilizing artificial means.

Stop the lies.

Folks argue all the time on the Board that reproduction is a requirement. Pop23 lives and dies by that stupdiity.

People who can't have children get married and adopt, hetero and homo.

Parents, homo and hetero, abuse children.

The issue is bad parenting, not sexual orientation.

Your conclusions do not hold up.

Actually it hasn't happened once. It's just your Left wing delusion misinterpreting what people are saying. So when we say that the purpose of marriage is the creation of a family, you read that children have to be a requirement for any marriage, purposely bypassing the general concept and reading into it a rigid rule that was never implied. You, being an immoral Leftist, not only lie to everyone, but you lie to yourself too.
Actually it hasn't happened once. It's just your Left wing delusion misinterpreting what people are saying. So when we say that the purpose of marriage is the creation of a family, you read that children have to be a requirement for any marriage, purposely bypassing the general concept and reading into it a rigid rule that was never implied. You, being an immoral Leftist, not only lie to everyone, but you lie to yourself too.

Then by your own admission, the standard that you'd have us to exclude gays from marriage doesn't exist and applies to no one.

Rendering it a rather irrational basis to exclude anyone from marriage, don't you think?
What we are saying is that when you deliberately construct a union that can't produce children, you shouldn't have the right to abuse children by sucking them into your deviant apparatus utilizing artificial means.
It's like I keep saying.

Behind the mask of every anti-gay marriage bigot is a Westboro Baptist. You just have to keep them talking long enough for the mask to slip.

Say it out loud. The truth will set you free.
After scanning through the rather hysterical and bizarre rantings by homophobes about the age of consent- and their fascination with pedophiilia and feces and anuses- I can only come to the obvious conclusion.

Homophobes only raise these issues because they realize that Americans now want to treat homosexuals equally and fairly- and that pisses them off.

So they try to invoke 'protect the kids'- and try to whip up hysteria to equate homosexuals with pedophiles.

No matter how much such equations endangers children.

What's a homophobe?

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