The Hottest Day in History Just Occurred

"History" there is being used as "what's recorded by humans". And in that sense, it is the hottest day.
So. Like how long. What was the first date in this “history?” Was it like 50 or so years ago? Was it in the 1850’s
who gets their climate data from facebook?
it's the same kind of data as the IPCC gets. I bet you didn't know that. hahaahahahahahahahahaha. I bet you think the IPCC conducts studies. hahahahhahahahahahaahahaha
It's as accurate as data that old can be. That's not my fucking point. When the weatherman tells you they've got a new rainfall record for this day in Austin, does he mean back to the fucking Cretaceous? No. On the subject of temperature, the "historical record" goes back to about 1850 for the US and Europe.

didn't Mann combine thermometer data with Proxy data?
it's the same kind of data as the IPCC gets. I bet you didn't know that. hahaahahahahahahahahaha. I bet you think the IPCC conducts studies. hahahahhahahahahahaahahaha
I gave you all links to the raw data all the world's climate scientists are operating with. None of the links involved Facebook, hahahahhahahahahahaahahaha, you ignorant, trolling, twit
I gave you all links to the raw data all the world's climate scientists are operating with. None of the links involved Facebook, hahahahhahahahahahaahahaha, you ignorant, trolling, twit
I pulled open a couple of those links and there's nothing there. There are no results, there's nothing there. I even gave you a name off the list and the person wasn't even a scientist. Spare me your tantrum for me pointing to your inability to produce records that back your claim.
I pulled open a couple of those links and there's nothing there. There are no results, there's nothing there. I even gave you a name off the list and the person wasn't even a scientist. Spare me your tantrum for me pointing to your inability to produce records that back your claim.
Lying troll.
Nope! You won’t debate who’s reputable. Only lying experts who support the communist Democrats.
I will debate who is or is not reputable but if you won't identify your sources, everyone here is free to assume - particularly since I suspect no one else has ever heard of such a thing - that its crap you just made up.
Your stupidity

Given the current heatwave, you bad denier propaganda looks even dumber than usual.

Now I know that one heatwave isn't proof of global warming, but much of the population doesn't know that. That's why you need to be intelligent about when to push your propaganda. Do it when much of the nation is baking under record heat is really stupid. It makes people think your cult is stupid and crazy. Just lay low until the next cold snap.
I asked you a question.
And boy howdy is it a stupid one.

You're claiming that since climate changed naturally in the past, humans can't change climate.

That's literally every bit as stupid as saying since forest fires were natural in the past, humans can't cause forest fires.

That makes you come across as kind of an imbecile.

According to science, CO2 LEADS temperature by 600 years in the other cycles.

No, it doesn't.

CO2 leads temps, but then temp lead CO2. CO2 is a forcing and a feedback. That's basic science, and you fail at it. That's because you only look at bad denier propaganda.
Given the current heatwave, you bad denier propaganda looks even dumber than usual.

Now I know that one heatwave isn't proof of global warming, but much of the population doesn't know that. That's why you need to be intelligent about when to push your propaganda. Do it when much of the nation is baking under record heat is really stupid. It makes people think your cult is stupid and crazy. Just lay low until the next cold snap.
I attempted to pull the data for the day July 3, 2023 and there's nothing..l Why?

I'm going to take a wild guess and say it's because no collection results matched "NOAA Climate Data Record'.

What data are you looking for?

If you'd like to know how to retrieve global station data and process it into an average, this page gives instructions.

You sure about that?
Well, yeah.

What is it about the phrase "historical record" that confoozes you so? No one else has trouble with it, so why are you the special one?
Well, yeah.

What is it about the phrase "historical record" that confoozes you so? No one else has trouble with it, so why are you the special one?
It's all historical record. For instance, I just showed you the historical record of the oxygen isotope curve and the historical record for atmospheric CO2.

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