The Hottest Day in History Just Occurred

Were you under the impression that this would support poster Cougarbear's contention in #398?
I made no mistake. Are you saying the graph is incorrect?
This whole point is trivial to meaningless. The temperature curve you presented was NOT historical data (as you claimed). It was, as I stated, a proxy-based reconstruction. If you want to refute the claim that the temperature the other day was the hottest in the historical record, you need to reference the historical record, not proxy-based reconstructions.
Well, there's a new one. Do you have some evidence that has taken place because I'm pretty sure we could produce hard evidence that that is NOT the case.
If you have evidence they have not changed locations, post it.
Silly wabbit OP.

The earth has been much much much hotter in the past. We are very fortunate to live in an interglacial period of an ice age in which mammalian life can thrive.

Screen Shot 2023-07-13 at 12.25.05 PM.png
If you have evidence they have not changed locations, post it.
Oh lots of them have changed locations. But that wasn't the key part of your claim and you know it. And you have NO evidence to support your actual claim.
This whole point is trivial to meaningless. The temperature curve you presented was NOT historical data (as you claimed). It was, as I stated, a proxy-based reconstruction. If you want to refute the claim that the temperature the other day was the hottest in the historical record, you need to reference the historical record, not proxy-based reconstructions.
Is my graph accurate? Has the earth been warming and cooling for thousands of years?
Is my graph accurate? Has the earth been warming and cooling for thousands of years?
It's as accurate as data that old can be. That's not my fucking point. When the weatherman tells you they've got a new rainfall record for this day in Austin, does he mean back to the fucking Cretaceous? No. On the subject of temperature, the "historical record" goes back to about 1850 for the US and Europe.


The hottest day in history just occurred. The global average temperature was 17.18C, the hottest in the historical record.


Does this mean global warming is very real, and the rational people have been spot-on correct for the past 40 years? Yes.

Does this mean the denier cultists have been laughably wrong for the past decade? Yes.

If you want to put forth a "DERP! DERP! ALL THE DATA IS FAKED! DEEEEERRRRRRP!" conspiracy as a way to run from the hard data, you have to back it up, with something more than a link to a kook conspiracy website. Explain it in your own words, then link to primary data sources. If you won't, that's an admission you're making it all up.

If you'd like to claim the warming is all-natural, provide evidence for that. Don't just claim it. Back it up.

Needless to say, trolls will be instantly reported. Mods, please don't reward trolls by moving a thread to the Rubber Room after trolls overwhelm it, as the trolls always attempt to do.

Your stupidity has reached legendary status because your own link only goes back to 1979 thus impossible that it for all history.


Secondly this is based climate models that was based on a glitch that temporarily elevated ocean temperature well above the range of the region thus garbage.

The NOAA and NCEP doesn't support the claim either LINK

“NOAA, whose figures are considered the gold standard in climate data, said in a statement Thursday that it cannot validate the unofficial numbers. It noted that the reanalyzer uses model output data, which it called “not suitable” as substitutes for actual temperatures and climate records.”

Last there was no calamity on the day in question didn't even feel it or notice as I enjoyed the multiple fireworks shows while I sat on the grass at the GESA stadium comfortably in 75-85 F weather the world went on the next day as if nothing big deal happened while I enjoyed the next morning cool weather thinking about the new 11X80 Binoculars and the Solar Telescope I recently got.

People really need to stop the dumb climate crisis lies and get on with life.

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