The Hottest Day in History Just Occurred

I'm not, it's you freaks that believe we're all doomed with 420ppm co2.
I don't think we're doomed. I think my children and their children and their children are going to suffer in ways they should not have had to and that you and people like you will have been responsible for it.
I don't think we're doomed. I think my children and their children and their children are going to suffer in ways they should not have had to and that you and people like you will have been responsible for it.

If we stop using all carbon-based fuels today, it'll be 0.2 degrees cooler in 100 years.
And our economy will be destroyed. I say we should go for it. For the kids.
I don't think we're doomed. I think my children and their children and their children are going to suffer in ways they should not have had to and that you and people like you will have been responsible for it.
Yes, the retards thinks humans are doomed. If you have kids, please pass on my condolences that they have your genes. They will not suffer, their kids will not suffer.

And you think everyone but you were responsible? Thanks for confirming that you're a retard.
Yes, the retards thinks humans are doomed.
Who do you mean by "retards"?
If you have kids, please pass on my condolences that they have your genes. They will not suffer, their kids will not suffer.
I'm sorry but I have not found your arguments the least bit convincing.
And you think everyone but you were responsible? Thanks for confirming that you're a retard.
When I said "you and people like you" I was talking about a very small group. Global warming deniers are a tiny minority. A large majority of the Earth's population accept the science and are concerned about the future.
Who do you mean by "retards"?

I'm sorry but I have not found your arguments the least bit convincing.

When I said "you and people like you" I was talking about a very small group. Global warming deniers are a tiny minority. A large majority of the Earth's population accept the science and are concerned about the future.

Manmade global warming has NOTHING to do with science, it's an effective propaganda campaign
Who do you mean by "retards"?

I'm sorry but I have not found your arguments the least bit convincing.

When I said "you and people like you" I was talking about a very small group. Global warming deniers are a tiny minority. A large majority of the Earth's population accept the science and are concerned about the future.
I don't deny the climate is warming, I'm just not stupid enough to put my eggs in one basket and say it's just co2.

If you accept science, then you accept dinosaurs flourished in co2 levels of 2,400ppm+. So if they flourished, why do climate freaks freak out at current levels?
I have repeatedly posted links to the actual data you lying fool
no you haven't, you can repeat that line for as long as you live, it isn't true. There is no data set on the links you posted for that day in history and Frank confirmed that. In here!!!!
So what do you make of the work of thousands of climate scientists over the last several decades?
name them, yet again my request. Still no names. at least 31,000 say otherwise. Oregon Petition.
I don't deny the climate is warming, I'm just not stupid enough to put my eggs in one basket and say it's just co2.
Neither I nor the world's scientists have EVER said "It's just CO2". But that CO2 is the largest factor, the primary cause.
If you accept science, then you accept dinosaurs flourished in co2 levels of 2,400ppm+. So if they flourished, why do climate freaks freak out at current levels?
The Earth had a CO2 level of 2,400 ppm (and higher) for a geological instant of time, 500 million years ago. And, I'm sorry to say, that was 270 million years before the dinosaurs appeared. The dinosaurs lived from 230 million years BP to 66 million years BP (a span 820 times the length of time modern humans have existed). During that period, CO2 ranged from 2,000 down to 300 ppm.

However, you miss a crucial point. It is not the absolute temperature or the Earth nor the absolute CO2 level in Earth's atmosphere. It is the rate of change.
Neither I nor the world's scientists have EVER said "It's just CO2". But that CO2 is the largest factor, the primary cause.

The Earth had a CO2 level of 2,400 ppm (and higher) for a geological instant of time, 500 million years ago. And, I'm sorry to say, that was 270 million years before the dinosaurs appeared. The dinosaurs lived from 230 million years BP to 66 million years BP (a span 820 times the length of time modern humans have existed). During that period, CO2 ranged from 2,000 down to 300 ppm.

However, you miss a crucial point. It is not the absolute temperature or the Earth nor the absolute CO2 level in Earth's atmosphere. It is the rate of change.
And the dinosaurs flourished in co2 of 2,400ppm+ co2. That meant the climate was 4c on average warmer. If you haven't been keeping up with current news, apparently we're on the brink of human disaster getting to 420ppm co2 and they want to limit temp by +1.5c. They alleged the answer is to buy an EV and pay more tax. Yet in greenhouses, food producers are pumping in co2 to <>1,100ppm to increase growth and yield.

So what is it, are we currently getting doomed or we're miles off historical figures?

And as you pointed out, geological time, millions of years. Yet the climate freaks have come to a conclusion from 150 years of data that we're doomed, unless the West change their co2 ways whilst we ignore the Middle East and Asia.

And all that is screamed is, "Denier", "Anti science", "whaaaaaaaa".
Crick so other than co2, what has caused an increase in global temp?
Methane, nitrous oxide, chlorofluorocarbons, carbon soot, non-methane volatile organic compounds and increased albedo due to ice loss and deforestation

Also, what has the stratosphere temp been doing compared to the troposphere temp?
As the greenhouse effect theory predicts, the stratosphere has been cooling while the troposphere has been warming. See
And the dinosaurs flourished in co2 of 2,400ppm+ co2. That meant the climate was 4c on average warmer. If you haven't been keeping up with current news, apparently we're on the brink of human disaster getting to 420ppm co2 and they want to limit temp by +1.5c. They alleged the answer is to buy an EV and pay more tax. Yet in greenhouses, food producers are pumping in co2 to <>1,100ppm to increase growth and yield.

So what is it, are we currently getting doomed or we're miles off historical figures?

And as you pointed out, geological time, millions of years. Yet the climate freaks have come to a conclusion from 150 years of data that we're doomed, unless the West change their co2 ways whilst we ignore the Middle East and Asia.

And all that is screamed is, "Denier", "Anti science", "whaaaaaaaa".
Did you not read my post? The dinosaurs experienced a maximum of 2,000 ppm and spent most of their existence with levels well below 1,000 ppm. And, again, as I pointed out, again, the problem is not the absolute CO2 level or the absolute temperature, IT'S THE RATE OF CHANGE. Tell me you understand what I'm saying.

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