The Hottest Day in History Just Occurred

You are an utter thick hunt. You are are a climate freak because of your poor grasp on life, you will suck the penis's of climate scientists, but as soon as you know that they determined from stalactites and stalagmites that the climate in the Roman and Eqytian period was warmer, you have the sheer THICKNESS to thumb down that fact

You are an utter thick cretin where your dad should have shot his load outside of your mother's vagina. Or did you crawl out of the abortion bucket? You are one utter thick fuck.
You are an utter thick hunt. You are are a climate freak because of your poor grasp on life, you will suck the penis's of climate scientists, but as soon as you know that they determined from stalactites and stalagmites that the climate in the Roman and Eqytian period was warmer, you have the sheer THICKNESS to thumb down that fact
You have to understand my IQ is 50 Points Higher than yours, and even if was down at yours, I could find the facts to Destroy your LinkLESS ass empty claim.
Why is it you do not use links to back you claims?
It's so easy these days
It's not just stupidity, it's willful ignorance and Pure Assholeness.

The "Egyptian period," actually the temp from the end of the ice age peaked about 7000 years ago, and had been Cooling until about 1900.
Then, SURPRISE it shot up to, and now slightly over that period in a mere 100 years.
That Unnatural Anomaly is UNPRECEDENTED.
(barring some astronomical catastrophe.)
(Your "Roman period" is another STUPID claim)

This chart from Macott 2003, which was up until yr 2000. (so add another .5c)
We have now (20 years later) SPIKED THROUGH the old post Glacial high in a 100 yr heartbeat.


IOW my/Scientists claim is true.
Your stupidity (and hostility) show EVERY POST, EVERY DAY

You are an utter thick cretin where
your dad should have shot his load outside of your mother's vagina. Or did you crawl out of the abortion bucket? You are one utter thick fuck.
Unnecessary Filthy POS you are.
But obviously it goes for YOU not me.

You Lose again BRIT SPIT. (along with a dozen more USMB 12 IQ regulars)
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Do YOU understand the Stefan-Boltzmann law?

Put a white car and a black car in the July sun for 4 hours. Go place your hands on the roofs of each one. Which hand got burned?

Do YOU understand the Stefan-Boltzmann law?

Put a white car and a black car in the July sun for 4 hours. Go place your hands on the roofs of each one. Which hand got burned?

Which car has more CO2?
You have to understand my IQ is 50 Points Higher than yours, and even if was down at yours, I could find the facts to Destroy your LinkLESS ass empty claim.
Why is it you do not use links to back you claims?
It's so easy these days
It's not just stupidity, it's willful ignorance and Pure Assholeness.

The "Egyptian period," actually the temp from the end of the ice age peaked about 7000 years ago, and had been Cooling until about 1900.
Then, SURPRISE it shot up to, and now slightly over that period in a mere 100 years.
That Unnatural Anomaly is UNPRECEDENTED.
(barring some astronomical catastrophe.)
(Your "Roman period" is another STUPID claim)

This chart from Macott 2003, which was up until yr 2000. (so add another .5c)
We have now (20 years later) SPIKED THROUGH the old post Glacial high in a 100 yr heartbeat.


IOW my/Scientists claim is true.
Your stupidity (and hostility) show EVERY POST, EVERY DAY

Unnecessary Filthy POS you are.
But obviously it goes for YOU not me.

You Lose again BRIT SPIT. (along with a dozen more USMB 12 IQ regulars)
You are the forum environmental clown and you're only on that band wagon because you have a shit life at home.

You copy and paste all the climate shite of the day, but when someone posts something from scientists that goes against your copy and paste crap, you resort to "thumbs down", "fake news" etc..

Your IQ is on par with my kitchen worktop, thick.

Here, lets pick one to match your number of brain cells, you bleat on on how the sky is falling with co2 at 420ppm+. So why do food producers pump co2 concentrations into greenhouses at 1,100ppm+?? Explain that Einstein without getting your knickers in a twist and having a spastic moment.
You are the forum environmental clown and you're only on that band wagon because you have a shit life at home.

You copy and paste all the climate shite of the day, but when someone posts something from scientists that goes against your copy and paste crap, you resort to "thumbs down", "fake news" etc..

Your IQ is on par with my kitchen worktop, thick.

Here, lets pick one to match your number of brain cells, you bleat on on how the sky is falling with co2 at 420ppm+. So why do food producers pump co2 concentrations into greenhouses at 1,100ppm+?? Explain that Einstein without getting your knickers in a twist and having a spastic moment.
So to be clear, my last post above was Correct and YOU were 100% WRONG (as ever) about it being "Hotter in the Egyptian and Roman Periods." No comeback/rebuttal at all.
Thus, scores of correct Newspaper headlines citing NOAA.

You just made it up because you are a STUPID and DISHONEST asshole incapable and/or too stupid to check.
Thus ALL your asinine opinions/posts.

As to your new claims.. so what.
Flooding a greenhouse with CO2 may be good for your illegal home crop, but that does NOT mean it's good for human breathing (ANYONE TRYING THAT?), NOR the atmosphere overall.... Nor the Greenhouse Gas Warming Problem, Nor Sea Level Rise.

Another IDIOTIC post.

And to be clear. You LOST on your last claim and had NO comeback, just a new try/boner with new insult.

You are too stupid and dishonest to debate.
Like BackAgain, jc456, ToasterParrot, and a dozen more, you're just her to curse out the "libtards," but you know NOTHING about the topic.
You are BRIT SPIT.

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So to be clear, my last post above was Correct and YOU were 100% WRONG (as ever) about it being "Hotter in the Egyptian and Roman Periods." No comeback/rebuttal at all.
Thus, scores of correct Newspaper headlines citing NOAA.

You just made it up because you are a STUPID and DISHONEST asshole incapable and/or too stupid to check.
Thus ALL your asinine opinions/posts.

As to your new claims.. so what.
Flooding a greenhouse with CO2 may be good for your illegal home crop, but that does NOT mean it's good for human breathing (ANYONE TRYING THAT?), NOR the atmosphere overall.... Nor the Greenhouse Gas Warming Problem, Nor Sea Level Rise.

Another IDIOTIC post.

And to be clear. You LOST on your last claim and had NO comeback, just a new try/boner with new insult.

You are too stupid and dishonest to debate.
Like BackAgain, jc456, ToasterParrot, and a dozen more, you're just her to curse out the "libtards," but you know NOTHING about the topic.
You are BRIT SPIT.

See, you're full of crap. All you can do is copy paste, you don't understand the climate subject. Go crawl back into the abortion bucket from whence you came.
See, you're full of crap. All you can do is copy paste, you don't understand the climate subject. Go crawl back into the abortion bucket from whence you came.
You understand this subject? Is that why you think it would be okay to have the entire planet under the conditions in a tomato hothouse?
You understand this subject? Is that why you think it would be okay to have the entire planet under the conditions in a tomato hothouse?
there is absolutely no evidence of that at all! I've already posted that there is no data for the graphs you all keep posting. Even Frank confirmed that.
there is absolutely no evidence of that at all! I've already posted that there is no data for the graphs you all keep posting. Even Frank confirmed that.
I have repeatedly posted links to the actual data you lying fool
Bump. We're still seeing the hottest days ever. Deniers, your pwecious feelings are having no effect on reality. The world still thinks you're a pack of delusional cult pissheads.

I know what will help you. Cry harder! Your tears are so powerful, they can literally reshape reality. I won't have to ask you to give it try, because you're already trying.
Bump. We're still seeing the hottest days ever. Deniers, your pwecious feelings are having no effect on reality. The world still thinks you're a pack of delusional cult pissheads.

I know what will help you. Cry harder! Your tears are so powerful, they can literally reshape reality. I won't have to ask you to give it try, because you're already trying.
LOL ohh my god it is 68 we are all doomed

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